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That is very cool.  And, since it's a formal kilt, not at all stalkerish.  More cultural appreciation-ish.


Unlike the time in Costco when I saw a construction dude in a utility kilt leaning against an end cap talking on his cell phone.  I actually had to stop myself from taking a picture-I had grabbed my cell phone almost reflexively (That was when we could still post kilt pictures.) The poor guy!  He was a total stranger and I seriously almost took a picture of him for the Hive. :svengo:


(Oh, and let me assure you; the look was very, very manly.  applause.gif)


ETA: Fixed it.  Need.More.Coffee.


This is it exactly, cultural appreciation!  Posted on an education-oriented forum!  My thanks to the thoughtful individual who went to such pains to acquire an example of a proper Scottish kilt with associated accouterments, and to the one who posted it for us to appreciate.  They did us a good service.  



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I'm looking into the Spalding method and will be happy to adopt anything that makes English easier to teach or that attempts to impose some external order on it, but you'll never get me to say that English is not innately, inherently, a messy disaster of a language!!


English is very creative, but it isn't a messy disaster. :-)


Spalding makes things as tidy as they can be. There are very few exceptions in spelling ("eye" is definitely one of them); that there is more than one way to spell a specific sound does not mean that one of them is correct and the others are exceptions. :-)

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It's funny. I know they wanted to capture the darkness of the originals, but I remember really not liking it because it was so dark. And now, everything is made that way. Dark in tone, dark in fiber, dark in color. I wonder if anyone will ever do a study on whether there is a correlation between darkness in movies and tv and depression? :D


I also wonder if they teach anything else at film school, lol. The edgy, raw thing is getting super old. There is enough edge and darkness and rawness in real life.


I think that is something we appreciate as we age though. When we are young, it seems like everything is super high or super low, but even the lows don't capture the heaviness that can come with life. The lows are more exciting when you are young, if that makes any sense. As I get older, I appreciate anything that focuses me on the good because I see all of the bad with so much more clarity.


PSA to the media industry: happiness and light and joy and goodness and courage and clever humor and LIGHT are not pedantic.


Stepping off of the soapbox now. Jeez, I must be feeling super philosophical today. I think I am going to go watch that pony again.


Eta: Apparently, I need to take an iew class. Super seems to be my (very poor) adjective of choice today:-) Pudewa would be peeved.


Likety like like like.  Pudewa can get stuffed.  Sometimes repetition has a purpose and is used to good effect.  So there.

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School is cancelled! Back roads are too dangerous for busses. But, I already knew that. The highest temperature will get today is 25F. It snowed an inch last night, on top of whatever was on the ground. Thus, 1+ inch ice. Duh!


This superintendent takes forever to announce stuff. I knew this last night checking the forecast. But, he must live on a road that actually gets SANDED, thus, does not know these things. Seriously? Half the population lives in the mountains or private roads, and roads here were created by donkey routes, not city planners (no straight line blocks here). Of course a bus can't pass. Sheesh!




Hurray!  They came to their senses!


Hmm....  Donkey cart roads, no straight line blocks.  NOT an apartment in a big city, then.


Do you wanna build a snowman?!?    :D

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I woke up with ideas for camp.  I've pinned them on Pinterest so I won't forget and now I'm going back to bed.  I had to go out in the frigid air twice - once to take ds to work and then again to take him his work keys which he forgot at home.  Since this is the first time in a year of working there that he's forgotten them, I'm not peeved. But I'm cold and I'm going to get reacquainted with my fleece blankets now.  See ya later, gators!


This calls for cocoa!

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Have had no problems with the therapists I have been too, and my psychiatrist did a good job listening to my concerns with medications and adjusted them when needed. I didn't agree with the full diagnosis, but am willing to admit I have days when it fits! 

Anyway, my experience with therapy has been a good one.

I need to line Tex up for the year I retire from my critter-fixing career. I'll have years worth of stuff to unload. :zombiechase:


Just had to use the zombies. I get so little opportunity.


I would love all of your vet med stuff.  I already have a stapler and a staple remover, and I can't wait for someone to slice themselves really good so I can use it. :hurray:

She was a psychologist, but she must have had some sort of cross training. She believed I had a physical problem that resembled a mental problem tied up with attachment issue because of childhood abuse. She hit it on the noggin, she just didn't know what my physical problems were so she treated the symptoms. Everyone wanted to medicate me so the symptoms would go away, but they never did. Most adults thought I was retarded, but she gave me some tests that proved I was brilliant, hence my aptitude for languages. I don't know why she thought what she did, but she made me be able to walk straight, along with many other physical gains, but she also helped me understand how to act normally. I used to hum a lot and often speak in quotes and poetry. I find it comforting, but she taught me to use my own words. She was great. But then my mom got tired of having a retarded daughter so she moved me to another state and told me never to speak of my therapy and stop doing my exercises.


What a great psychologist!  Your mom....well, nothing positive to say there.

<Crying> because Ellie quoted my "might skip the field trip" post and didn't comment on "we're going now" post.  :hat:



No, actually, we're home now, and I'm thankful for two pages of ITT posting to help lull me back to a false sense of security.  For the record, I am never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, signing up for a field trip again.  First of all, the information email came so late last night that I didn't get it until this morning - you know the one that tells you where it is and when it starts (even though I had emailed the host/coordinator mom two days ago asking for this information.) 


Secondly, (no fault of the hostess), parking was difficult.  (But I did learn about a new parking system at one of the downtown garages.  Tokens!  Who knew?  Instead of tickets.  So they don't have to hire people to take your money when you leave - it's all on credit card or at a kiosk.  But I didn't know that, so, yes, that was me hitting the "help" button on the ticket-thingy - former ticket-thingy, now a token-thingy - and talking to the person over the intercom "Do you see a yellow token?"  "A what?  Do what with my credit card?  You time stamp my credit card?  Really?"  "You can go through now, the gate is open."  "But you said to put my card in?"..... Turns out you can take a token OR put your credit card in, but you don't need to do both.  Fun.)  Anyway, later, you pay for your token at a kiosk right before you leave if you want to use cash.  Then your "paid for" token goes in at the exit gate which opens for you.  If you pay on your way out, at the gate you have to use your credit card.  Did I mention how fun it was learning about the new parking system? 


Anyway, I digress.  The email said we were to meet coordinator mom in the lobby for our tickets.  When I got there, I waited and waited and waited.  When she came out of the bathroom she was all like "You all didn't want to go in yet?"  And I was like "Well, your email said to meet you in the lobby for tickets."  And she said "Oh, you know me, did I say that?"  Evidently, there are no tickets, you just go in and sit wherever they told your group to sit. 


Do people really live their lives like this?  With no plan, or at least no plan they intend to act on? 


Did I mention I am never, ever, ever, ever, ever, signing up for another field trip ever, ever, ever, again?


If y'all need me I'll be curled up in the fetal position, sucking my thumb, rocking back and forth, and drooling slightly. 


Worst.story.ever.  She sucks.

Can you get the groomers to shave it there?


I had a roommate once who adopted a very sweet and gentlemanly stray cat that we took to calling Thomas.  This was in Colorado in February, and she took him in to the vet to get checked out.  He was a long-haired cat, and his sides were so matted they were like two plates of armor.  The vet ended up shaving the mats off (had no further luck than us in getting any combed out), so Babs bought a little striped doggy sweater for him to wear when he would go outside.  He hated being cooped up inside, but hated that sweater even more.  He gave us the most expressive dirty looks to register his disapproval.


He was a great cat, and quite the ladies' man, even after certain plumbing was interfered with.  He would serenade the girl cats upstairs, and would flat insist that Babs and I go outside everyday -- escorting us to make sure we went.  We could sit on the grass and he'd frolic around, but if we headed back to go inside he'd block our path and let us know it wasn't long enough.  He made sure we got at least 30 minutes whenever he did this.


They would, but I don't want their hands on her, nor do I want to have to pay for it.  They are expensive, however, everything is done out front (except bathing) so you can see what is being done to the dogs.  I think that is a good deal.  One of the bball parents runs a dog grooming shop so I could probably have her help me, but I'm lazy and that lady is a non stop talker so I cannot abide by it. :lol:

Jif Natural is the closest I think you can get to good peanut butter that you haven't got to stir.

I prefer the stirring-required kind, personally, but I'm outnumbered in my house.


Kroger has a store brand organic pn butter that is no stir. That's what we eat.  For cookies, I buy cheap stuff, though.  Life's too short to spend it stirring pn butter.

It's a fictional band from Lost. :lol:


I love Lost!

My dogs have never been to a groomer. I'm cheap that way...also I don't like how most groomers manhandle dogs. I did have one of my fosters shaved down by a groomer because he was matted to the skin & I was worried I'd cut him with my clippers as I don't have pro quality ones.  There's exactly one groomer I trust in a city of 2.5 million people so I had to drive an hour each way to get it done LOL 


Your in laws would need clippers for the poodle.   It's easy to do them in a little lamb cut yourself. Just put the guide combs on & do it. What's the worse that will happen? the dog will have funny hair for a bit....  The Stuff spray would help keep the coat cleaner as leaves, dirt, twigs would not stick to the fur as much,


My parents have a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - is this the same as your il's dog? My parents' girl is a pita to groom but we do use the Coat King rakes on her to think the coat a lot & tons of silicone spray so all the stuff she sweeps up on her walk falls off more easily. She matts easily behind the ears so they have to be combed out pretty much daily.  

I used to groom the maltese myself.  I got some decent clippers on amazon.com.  I would sometimes groom new Humane Society dogs.  I did okay-ish.  They looked better when I was done.  :)  


I'm cheap, too.  

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I am in the midwest, next to Tex. It is not a big city, but a sprawling county. And I do live in a triplex. I'll take my 659 sq ft because I have lots of yard. I just need to Konmari so I can enjoy my 659 sq ft more.


Funny, I also imagined Tex near Jean because of the convos of picking up each other's kids!


ETA: I had you unlanded as well. I had no idea you were in Tx.


Are you in TX, too?  happy dance


The triplex explains why I kept trying to put you in an apartment.


Hmm, wait, you have to be north of TX, or you have found the coldest part of the state!  


Yeah, I'm in the hot, humid, bug-ridden part of TX, where it might snow every 9 years or so.  Phooey.

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Likety like like like.  Pudewa can get stuffed.  Sometimes repetition has a purpose and is used to good effect.  So there.

A peeved Pudewa is pretty pitiful.


See what I did just then?


Super is a bad adjective and Prof knows it.  I would call it out if my students put it in an essay.  We should strive for specificity, not stupidity.  


See what I did just then?


I don't need anyone to amuse me.  I do it myself.  I can keep it up all day!

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Are you in TX, too?  happy dance


The triplex explains why I kept trying to put you in an apartment.


Hmm, wait, you have to be north of TX, or you have found the coldest part of the state!  


Yeah, I'm in the hot, humid, bug-ridden part of TX, where it might snow every 9 years or so.  Phooey.

Nope, she's not in TX.  She is also not in OLD Mexico.

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Also, I am not peeking in dh's Amazon account. He's ordered almost all my gifts from there and I REALLY want to peek, but I'm not...I'm not...I'm not...I promise. 


I already know one thing he got me. I accidentally saw the bank statement. lol So, I guess I should keep the rest a surprise, huh?


DD14 and I both had the same thing on our wish list (I even said we could share) and DH told me to expect a large package -- DD14's present.  It came today, and suspiciously is in two boxes, each one of which I would think was big enough for the item.  The brand name was on the outside of the boxes, too.  These are now stuffed into the garage and WILL be forgotten about.  Luckily DD11 saw but not DD14, and I told her not to tell DD14 about it.




My spell-check dictionary will be quite the thing if anyone ever examines it.  I get tired of seeing the little red lines under everything, so I keep adding things to the dictionary.

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You guys!


I did all the stuff on my list!!!  I won't know for a bit if the coffee table is fixed, though.  It is missing some bolts, according to ds12.  Went through all the papers, and I even made a file for "Pets Info".


Now onto lunch of some sort.  I choked down a smoothie earlier with too much kale salad in it.  It was like drinking a tree bough. :huh:

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Only a few of you will understand the above reference of paper bags.


I'll admit it - I didn't get it, and thus thought it rather mean. Please explain so that I can find it funny.


ETA:  nm - just saw the posted pic which explains. 

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I've never heard of dipping fruit before. Why would you conceal the flavor of fruit?


No, you should not be the one doing the dishes.

Lordy, woman. You don't conceal the fruit. You accent it with the delightful flavor of cream cheese or sour cream sweetened with copious amounts of powdered sugar and vanilla. Some have brown sugar, some have marshmallow creme, some have pineapple. All have heaven in a bite. 

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You guys!


I did all the stuff on my list!!!  I won't know for a bit if the coffee table is fixed, though.  It is missing some bolts, according to ds12.  Went through all the papers, and I even made a file for "Pets Info".


Now onto lunch of some sort.  I choked down a smoothie earlier with too much kale salad in it.  It was like drinking a tree bough. :huh:

Yes, I'm quoting myself.


This bolded file title bothers me.  I started out just writing Pets on it so when I added info I wished I had only written Pet, but it was too late and sharpie and all.  But it bothers me. :leaving:

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I'll admit it - I didn't get it, and thus thought it rather mean. Please explain so that I can find it funny.

I didn't get it, either, but she posted a picture later, and it made sense.  I pretended like I got it inside my head, though, because I don't want to look stupid, not even to myself. :lol:

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My friend in CO works seasonally at MVNP.  In October they put luminarias along many of the trails around and in the cliff dwellings, and people come from all over to photograph the site.  This past October the even was very windy, so my friend and her coworkers were running like crazy trying to keep all of the luminarias lit and in place.  Sounds like fun!



What wasn't fun was going to a school performance last year at a preK-6th grade school and discovering that they used real flames on real candles in paper bags in the luminarias they placed along the walkway.  This was the walkway along which the classes were to walk to get to the stage for their part of the performance.  In addition to the difficulty the teachers had in keeping their young charges away from the flames the walkway was rather narrow, and a lot of the kids wore rather long and drapey costumes.  I think the administration got an earful from parents and teachers alike after that.

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Please note that during my vacation from school/co-op, I assign myself a list of unpleasant tasks daily.  Don't feel too sorry for me, as it is designed to keep me from sitting on my butt all day.  (#saidbuttagain)


Today's list includes:  Read Ryan's essay (co-op kid), which I have already done.  Also on the list is deal with the stuff piled into the basket by the kitchen (papers that need to be organized for tax purposes).  Thirdly, I will attempt to fix the coffee table, which is old and rickety because children are worse than tornadoes on furniture.  It is always collapsing and letting my homeschool materials fall down.  When I pass it, I frequently have to give it a soccer kick to knock it back in place.  I have informed ds12 that he will be helping me.  If we cannot fix it with my determination and a proper glue, we will have to buy another stinking coffee table.  I do not want to spend money on furniture while the wild animals   children are still in the house falling about everything and destroying it all.  Seriously, one kid pushed another yesterday, who fell into my rickety coffee table and sat down hard on it, not improving the coffee table's stability.


For Hornblower - I brushed at the dog's mats some this morning while she anxiously bit at me and the brush and circled around on the couch, trying to get me to knock it off.  In the middle of this, the floor dude arrived to do some stuff to the house, and she greeted him like he had brought her a huge steak.


I'll bring a huge steak for the dog and help you comb her butt.  Then we will take either crates or ammo cans (whichever are more easily acquired at the moment), knock the legs off your coffee table, and set the top on top of the crates/cans.  If you use enough of them the top won't slide around and it will NEVER tip over.  If you use cans you can even put sand or other heavy stuff inside for more heft.


Don't laugh.  DH (engineer) LOVES ammo cans for quite a lot of storage purposes.  For an early Christmas present he got something that let him empty several of his cans, and now they are an impromptu TV stand in our bedroom, raising the TV up high enough on the table so we can better see it when waking up in the morning.  The morning weather reports do help us drag open unwilling eyes.

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I don't know if I'm going to have any surprises on Christmas, as I bought my own gifts on Black Friday.  Because sale.  (And because I always end up returning half of what dh picks for me. :leaving: )


DH and I have done this a lot, too.  We have an ongoing agreement that we are allowed to shop for our own presents if there's something we want that we really need to be particular about.  

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Dh asks me what I want for Christmas repeatedly, but I never want anything.  I am not into stuff really.  I am also cheap and one year I asked him to buy me some silver hoop earrings because mine broke.  I pictured him going to Kohl's and spending $15.  He went to James Avery and spent $50 on a very thin, flimsy pair with an odd clasp. 


I think I actually want cowboy boots.  (Do not make fun.)  I have some from college when I taught horseback riding as a good Texan should, but after I had babies, my feet grew and they no longer fit.  Oddly, dh was with me when I bought that pair, as well.


DS asked his aunt in TX for a new pair of cowboy boots this year.  (Ergo the size question.) The two pairs from previous years have been shipped off as hand-me-downs to the nieces in TN. 

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Tex, are you going to have attachment issues with your pooch?  Poor puppy.


Ds and I have been watching videos on step wells in India and Roman aqueducts.  Historical water management is actually really interesting.


Indian step well are amazing!  Just saw a show on them recently myself.

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No whining about being old or it being a long time unless you are talking about the ORIGINAL TV show or watching black & white TV because there was no color TV at the time.  Those grimmer late-comer Batman movies don't count!


And neither does watching original Star Wars when it came out in theaters the first time.  Nope, not old!


When I was teaching high school, I wanted to seem older to my students than what I was.  23 teaching 18-year-olds did not really work for me.  So when Grease was re-released in the theater, I was like, "Oh, I saw that in a theater the first time!"  I didn't tell them that I was in pre-school at the time...   :lol:

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OK so I know I've been a poor participant in ITT lately and I'm sorry.  The library Chewie appearance was so awesome!! And then everything else is crazy stressful. AUGH!!!


I'm still not getting responses to any of my emails from my boss, and when I called yesterday she acted like it was an emergency to get off the phone.

Chris (wife) is worried about Izzy's (6 yo daughter's) homeschooling, which is stalled out because we had vacation followed my medical drama followed by holiday followed by medical drama and now.. another holiday. She's not really behind or even close to behind, but there's stress that she's "stalled".
I told Chris she's already WAY past baseline anyway and once the holidays are over I'm going to combine a lot of self motivated learning (because she's super inquisitive) with some traditional rote stuff for math and reading. She's... still worried and keeps talking about just registering her at another school. I told her all the schools are poor compromises over what we could do ourselves with some effort and anyway Izzy was getting beat up and mocked basically every day by everyone else's troglodyte kids. I'm not into it, man.
Then there's the question of how much longer I'm going to have a job. I really, honestly don't care anymore. It's like: pull the bandaid off already. I'm worried about the consequences but I can't take this [censored for the sensitive] anymore with the constant politics of nonsense and the careful avoidance of standing out by accomplishing.... [bleep] anything at all.
I feel like if I can make a [bleep] Chewbacca suit that looks exactly like [bleep] Chewbacca with my [bleep] HANDS, then I should be able to do something creative for a living. And I know it's not as simple as that but [bleep] if I want to drop dead of a brain tumor or whatever the [bleep] is going on with my brain/heart while still working for this corporate nightmare and using like 4% of my [bleep] brain (and getting cut down whack-a-mole style whenever I'm proactive). I'm so [bleep] done.
I just have no plan. I have vague ideas of art I'd like to create and some specific projects in mind, but no clue of how to make them pay the bills. I just don't think that way, and that's why I've been an employee for decades even though it makes me [bleep] crazy.
Apologies if I've missed any bleeps. I'll go back and edit. :-P



Regarding the schooling -- don't stress.  She's 6 years old.  Plenty of time for catching up if it's even needed, and it sounds like it's not.


Regarding my previous comments regarding workplace -- I am better informed now.  They are all twits and have no concept of how good they have it with you there (even remotely).  Do what you need to do, and don't make yourself sick over them.  I hope whatever is going on medically gets better.  I'd like to see you stick around for a while.

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I have a list, but it's all curriculum.  I actually would be thrilled to get those items for Christmas, but it would seem kind of weird for me to open up gifts on Christmas morning and have the dc see all the ways I plan to torture them next semester.   :laugh:


Bwahahahahahaha!  I would do EXACTLY this, except DH doesn't believe in giving "blenders" (things meant for working).  I told him I am quite fine with "blenders", especially if it's something I REALLY want or will make some important task I MUST do a whole lot easier.


The "blender" tag is a hold-over from a family friend.  She insisted that blenders and the like are not presents, because they are there to make you work.  Presents must be fun and enjoyable.  She likes jewelry, expensive jewelry.

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I'll bring a huge steak for the dog and help you comb her butt.  Then we will take either crates or ammo cans (whichever are more easily acquired at the moment), knock the legs off your coffee table, and set the top on top of the crates/cans.  If you use enough of them the top won't slide around and it will NEVER tip over.  If you use cans you can even put sand or other heavy stuff inside for more heft.


Don't laugh.  DH (engineer) LOVES ammo cans for quite a lot of storage purposes.  For an early Christmas present he got something that let him empty several of his cans, and now they are an impromptu TV stand in our bedroom, raising the TV up high enough on the table so we can better see it when waking up in the morning.  The morning weather reports do help us drag open unwilling eyes.

This seems helpful!  Come on up!

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Kids and I have a cold/cough thang. I asked the boss if I could come in later this week because they keep the building at about 40 when there's no service. Kids are in high spirits, but coughing and tired. My throat hurts so I imagine theirs do too. I've given them lots of crackers and grape juice.


Grape juice soothes the throat by the way. I had forgotten. I took a very sick one year old Mary who hadn't slept in 3 days from coughing and was crying from exhaustion to the doctor begging for something. Anything. Just make her better. I thought her grape juice recommendation was crap, but it was the only option. She stopped coughing immediately. We were dumbfounded.

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When I got here, I had nowhere to stay. For a while (about 2 months), I stayed with the rapist's dad. Interestingly, prior to this experience, I volunteered at both a crisis pregnancy center and a domestic violence shelter. (Since graveyard phone answers are hard to get, and I worked graveyard shift and was used to it, on my days off I did the phones.) Thus, I looked up those resources when I found out I was pregnant. I was referred to a homeless shelter. That's where I met dh. He had been in the country about 3 months at the time.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


Because I'm out of likes so I can't like for support, and I have no words.

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OK so I know I've been a poor participant in ITT lately and I'm sorry.  The library Chewie appearance was so awesome!! And then everything else is crazy stressful. AUGH!!!


I'm still not getting responses to any of my emails from my boss, and when I called yesterday she acted like it was an emergency to get off the phone.

Chris (wife) is worried about Izzy's (6 yo daughter's) homeschooling, which is stalled out because we had vacation followed my medical drama followed by holiday followed by medical drama and now.. another holiday. She's not really behind or even close to behind, but there's stress that she's "stalled".
I told Chris she's already WAY past baseline anyway and once the holidays are over I'm going to combine a lot of self motivated learning (because she's super inquisitive) with some traditional rote stuff for math and reading. She's... still worried and keeps talking about just registering her at another school. I told her all the schools are poor compromises over what we could do ourselves with some effort and anyway Izzy was getting beat up and mocked basically every day by everyone else's troglodyte kids. I'm not into it, man.
Then there's the question of how much longer I'm going to have a job. I really, honestly don't care anymore. It's like: pull the bandaid off already. I'm worried about the consequences but I can't take this [censored for the sensitive] anymore with the constant politics of nonsense and the careful avoidance of standing out by accomplishing.... [bleep] anything at all.
I feel like if I can make a [bleep] Chewbacca suit that looks exactly like [bleep] Chewbacca with my [bleep] HANDS, then I should be able to do something creative for a living. And I know it's not as simple as that but [bleep] if I want to drop dead of a brain tumor or whatever the [bleep] is going on with my brain/heart while still working for this corporate nightmare and using like 4% of my [bleep] brain (and getting cut down whack-a-mole style whenever I'm proactive). I'm so [bleep] done.
I just have no plan. I have vague ideas of art I'd like to create and some specific projects in mind, but no clue of how to make them pay the bills. I just don't think that way, and that's why I've been an employee for decades even though it makes me [bleep] crazy.
Apologies if I've missed any bleeps. I'll go back and edit. :-P



I bet you could make a lot of money selling homemade Chewy costumes.  Seriously.

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It was interesting. Our family knows a few career homeless people, and aren't afraid to talk to the new ones. There is also interesting research on different types of poverty, and since mine was situational, I had a better chance of getting out of it since I came from a middle class background. There are just certain...cultural(?) "rules" that come with different socioeconomic statuses, and knowing those rules (or learning them) is what helps a person move up. But, dh does not come from the same background I do, which places us in an interesting spot.


Never mind me, I used to study psychology and have this amazingly annoying habit of analyzing everything.  :leaving:


Analyze on!  It's interesting.

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A peeved Pudewa is pretty pitiful.


See what I did just then?


Super is a bad adjective and Prof knows it. I would call it out if my students put it in an essay. We should strive for specificity, not stupidity.


See what I did just then?


I don't need anyone to amuse me. I do it myself. I can keep it up all day!

Oooh, alliteration :hurray:

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Also, when I say that I have lost some of the Christmas presents, please remind me they are in an Amazon box under my bed. :leaving:

I will. If you will remind me that I hid some in our dressing room.


I have often spent the night before Christmas, looking all through the house, for the gifts that I have hidden, and mad as a louse?!


I will not quit my day job.

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Kids and I have a cold/cough thang. I asked the boss if I could come in later this week because they keep the building at about 40 when there's no service. Kids are in high spirits, but coughing and tired. My throat hurts so I imagine theirs do too. I've given them lots of crackers and grape juice.


Grape juice soothes the throat by the way. I had forgotten. I took a very sick one year old Mary who hadn't slept in 3 days from coughing and was crying from exhaustion to the doctor begging for something. Anything. Just make her better. I thought her grape juice recommendation was crap, but it was the only option. She stopped coughing immediately. We were dumbfounded.

I have never heard of such thing. What kind of grape juice?

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<Crying> because Ellie quoted my "might skip the field trip" post and didn't comment on "we're going now" post.  :hat:



No, actually, we're home now, and I'm thankful for two pages of ITT posting to help lull me back to a false sense of security.  For the record, I am never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, signing up for a field trip again.  First of all, the information email came so late last night that I didn't get it until this morning - you know the one that tells you where it is and when it starts (even though I had emailed the host/coordinator mom two days ago asking for this information.) 


Secondly, (no fault of the hostess), parking was difficult.  (But I did learn about a new parking system at one of the downtown garages.  Tokens!  Who knew?  Instead of tickets.  So they don't have to hire people to take your money when you leave - it's all on credit card or at a kiosk.  But I didn't know that, so, yes, that was me hitting the "help" button on the ticket-thingy - former ticket-thingy, now a token-thingy - and talking to the person over the intercom "Do you see a yellow token?"  "A what?  Do what with my credit card?  You time stamp my credit card?  Really?"  "You can go through now, the gate is open."  "But you said to put my card in?"..... Turns out you can take a token OR put your credit card in, but you don't need to do both.  Fun.)  Anyway, later, you pay for your token at a kiosk right before you leave if you want to use cash.  Then your "paid for" token goes in at the exit gate which opens for you.  If you pay on your way out, at the gate you have to use your credit card.  Did I mention how fun it was learning about the new parking system? 


Anyway, I digress.  The email said we were to meet coordinator mom in the lobby for our tickets.  When I got there, I waited and waited and waited.  When she came out of the bathroom she was all like "You all didn't want to go in yet?"  And I was like "Well, your email said to meet you in the lobby for tickets."  And she said "Oh, you know me, did I say that?"  Evidently, there are no tickets, you just go in and sit wherever they told your group to sit. 


Do people really live their lives like this?  With no plan, or at least no plan they intend to act on? 


Did I mention I am never, ever, ever, ever, ever, signing up for another field trip ever, ever, ever, again?


If y'all need me I'll be curled up in the fetal position, sucking my thumb, rocking back and forth, and drooling slightly. 


Go watch the Dick Van Dyke flash mob video.  That'll cheer you up!

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