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Just finished watching "The Sound of Music" with dd11, who was watching it for the first time.   :001_smile:


That was dd16's favorite movie since she was 2 or 3. "My Favorite Things" was the first (real) song she memorized and sang. :) There's a beautifully illustrated book for that song too, but your dd11 will probably be too old for that, unless she likes that sort of thing.

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I am a huge planner, but I binge plan in the summer for the entire year. Over the break, I need to redo the plan for spring semester for co op English because I cannot bear what has been done to Hamlet. He deserves better than that. Poor Hamlet.

Please note that I broke down and did minor surgery on the pieces of clementine stem in my thumb. It involved a needle and tweezers. I removed three pieces.

Edited by texasmama
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I am a huge planner, but I binge plan in the summer for the entire year. Over the break, I need to redo the plan for spring semester for co op English because I cannot bear what has been done to Hamlet. He deserves better than that. Poor Hamlet.


Please note that I broke down and did minor surgery on the pieces of clementine stem in my thumb. It involved a needle and tweezers. I removed three pieces. My usual surgeon (ds12) was indisposed so I was forced to operate on myself. Little dd loaned me a needle. I am now stem-free.



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So DS had a plantar's wart frozen at the ped tonight, and we got him a flu shot while we were there.


Got home and decided to watch tv instead of school tonight, since we have to drive so far to his ped, I wasn't up to school by the time we got home.


He made some comments about it hurting a few times when he bumped it and then once when I bumped him on the couch, and when I hugged him.


We both kind of thought it was just general irritation of the injection site.


Then he took off his shirt getting ready for bed, and he has this huge muscle on his shoulder!!! It looks like he is really buff on one side. Hard blob. Not red, swishy swollen, it was hard.


Anyway, gave him some Benadryl thinking it might be an egg reaction; he's had the shot before without issue, but this might be the last time. Now I'm up keeping an eye on him until DH gets home to take a shift so I can sleep.

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Yes, he is. We always have to wait about 30 min after the shot before they let us leave. Usually they check his arm, but this time the nurse just popped her head in to ask if he was okay and I said yes. He was acting fine. Usually he strips down to his boxers, when we get home. Today he didn't. So now I have no idea when it started to swell.


Definitely think it was an allergic reaction though because the Benadryl seems to be working. Swelling is down.

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((Ikslo's son)) That is why I don't get a flu shot despite being immuno compromised. The last time I got one (20 years ago) my whole arm swelled up.

Yeah, DS didn't even want to get it. DH insisted. I'm thinking there won't be a next time. Least not one I would support.


At least he is blaming dad and not me!

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Went to our town's Christmas Electrical Farm Equipment Parade tonight. It's a very nice little parade, though much evolved from when it started. About 15 years ago they stopped having a Christmas parade because of lack of interest. So, a bunch of farmers got together and said they'd have none of that and they put Christmas lights on their tractors and spray rigs and had a little parade. Well, it has evolved since then.... not as quaint, but still fun! The high school has an awesome marching band and the kids came home with a pile of mini-candy canes! And the rain held off till we got home, too. So, a good time was had by all!

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Good Friday Morning!


Ikslo, so glad the Benadryl helped your son! 


Quackers, have you ever tried an iced shortbread cookie?  (currently a green and red mitten)  Yummy!  (So, what did you like better, the muffin and the scone?)


LOVE Sound of Music, and the dance scene.


Krissi, love your farmers parade story.  Can't wait to tell it to my Dad.


Renai, way to be a patient car shopper!


Tex, now we can add surgery to your list of professional medical skills - or did we already know that?  (I only remember staple removal). 


Christina, nice to see you.  :seeya:



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Hi, Christina. I'm glad all is well.


:grouphug: Ikslo's ds. Poor guy. I'm glad the benadryl helped.


I love parades especially with tractors and marching bands. :wub:



I think I am going to have to get an emergency appointment at the dentist. I am not in excruciating pain, but I have a tooth that doesn't feel quite right. I think a filling may be loose. I'm afraid if I comes out then I will be in excruciating pain.




Ds20 loves his truck. :wub: He spent more time in it yesterday than anywhere else. But I remember that feeling: a first, new-to-you vehicle that is yours, and being so proud and excited. Oh, to be young again..........not really, but I am proud for him. :wub:

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I got into the dentist @ 10 a.m. Ugh!!! I dread it, but it has to be done.


I wish I was invincible, sort of. At least from age 30 - ?????. Then everything could just fall apart at once. Maybe 80ish. Not really invincible, but just not needing to make any repairs. I can't think of the right word, maybe there isn't a right word.



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Have a co-worker who said this is a common muscle reaction to the Sanofi flu vaccine formula? What do you all think? Am I making too much of it?


I think it is fairly common but I'd ask your pediatrician and not the internet. ;-)


He can be premedicated for flu vaccines in the future if necessary. A relatively mild reaction is still better than the flu itself, which can kill, especially in immunocompromised patients.


That said, allergic reactions can also escalate with re-exposure. I don't know if that applies here. Ask the doc!!!!

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That was yesterday.  The swelling is down, and more of a squishy swelling now, rather than the hard lump.  I do think the Benadryl helped.


The weird thing to me was there was absolutely no redness.  All the pics I can find online for flu shot reactions are red.


Anyway, DH said he was going to email the ped today to get his opinion.  We'll see.  I told him I don't really care what the ped says, I don't think he should get the shot anymore in case next time is worse.  But DH wants his opinion.  I get it.  We do have an awesome ped.  He had cowboy boots on yesterday.  We live in PA.  Not a normal sight in a doctor's office around here.



Funny story.  While he was working on DS's plantar, he asked DS if there was anything happening.  DS didn't understand the question.  So he asked, anything exciting going on in your life?  DS said, oh, that.  No.  Ped said, not making this very interesting (meaning conversation).  DS said, as they were both staring at his foot while ped was working on it, "Well, what could be more interesting right now that what you are doing?  Do you scrape and freeze off plantar warts all day long?"


Ped liked that answer.  No, he doesn't.  :)

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! to Susan's dd!


Ikslo, I had heard of the muscle reaction, too.  But, since you mentioned the egg allergy, I think that an allergic reaction is the most likely cause.  Glad that he's doing some better.


But he hadn't had reactions previously, so hmmm.  My co-worker, who used to work at Wyeth, said that he never heard of many reactions with Wyeth, and later on GSK, formulas, but that with the Sanofi formula he hears about reactions all the time - he's not sure what the difference is, though.  So I was thinking of asking the Ped who the manufacturer was.


I also worked at Wyeth for a time, and I know how the flu shot comes to market each year, so full disclosure: I'm not anti-vacc but I am sort-of-kind-of anti flu due to the quick turn around "get it out there" mentality that sort of is demanded by the nature of the situation.


And I'm not bad-mouthing Sanofi here, just postulating that perhaps their formula isn't a good fit for my kid - whether it is the egg allergy or another ingredient, frankly doesn't matter to me.  What matters is that he doesn't have a massive life-threatening reaction.

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As you can see I edited upon further reflection. Imaginary makes me seem crazy, which would not bolster my argument that asking you all was a good idea. LOL

Whew - my eye's aren't quite failing me yet!


Yay! BooYay!


Falalalala La la booya!


Deck the halls with booya, hooyah!


This the season to be Booyah!

Falalalala! All alfalfa!

Edited by Susan in TN
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Ya'll haven't helped me come up with a gift labeling theme yet. Last year, I used My Little Pony and they were fighting over who was Rainbow Dash. I'm thinking Winnie the Pooh. Dh's stuff would be labeled Eeyore.  :lol:  Gymnast could be Roo. I don't know who dd16 would be yet. 

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