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I had the inexplicable urge to embroider last night so I went to the craft store and bought supplies. I'm halfway done with a wall hanging for the girls' closet. (It says "Brave" with flowers.)  I guess it beats taking up drinking as a form of stress management.


apparently I have a stitching and drinking booyah..... Awesome!

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2 hours ago, Junie said:

I love the Lord of the Rings movies.

Now, the Hobbit movies are atrocious.

I have only seen the 1st LoTR movie.  None of the Hobbits.  Dh despises the LoTR movies, and I think I fell asleep during the one I saw.  :blink:

2 hours ago, Junie said:

Also, I am allergic to kittehs.  ?

We have kitteh and puppeh allergies here.  That's why we have rabbits, birds, and rats.  :biggrin:

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Did you all know about the "cutting brownies with a plastic knife" trick?  It works!  I managed to not mangle the brownies today!  The trick is: cut the brownies with a plastic knife.  :biggrin:

(Of course, when one mangles brownies while cutting, one is obligated to eat the chunks that are trying to escape.  And also eat the mangled pieces that are too small to be considered a whole piece.  So there's the down side.)

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4 hours ago, ThatBookwormMom said:

It feels secure

That is a really good thing. (This is an understatement.) I am really happy you have that.

4 hours ago, Ellie said:

But LOTR....::weeps::

Agreed. Except that I enjoyed the first one very much. The other two: No.

2 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

I will be sad when she grows up and becomes boring.

Maybe when she grows up she will still feed her stuffy. That would not be boring!  ?

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2 hours ago, ThatBookwormMom said:

My book club is on facebook. ?

The only way I can enjoy LoTR or Harry Potter movies is to pretend they're completely separate entities than the books. HP movies were decent in terms of content being faithful, but I was annoyed by some of what was included/excluded, so separation is where I go.

I have tried to watch LOTR with that mindset, but it's no good. I.just.can't.

I can watch the first three HP movies; after that, I just keep shouting "IT DIDN'T HAPPEN LIKE THAT!!!" so it's not much fun, lol. OTOH, I enjoyed "Fantastic Beasts" because it isn't based on a book. :-)

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Mr. Ellie and I went to Walt Disney World last December for the first time. We have been to Disneyland elebenty million times; this was our first to WDW. We enjoyed it, but we like Disneyland better.

Epcot was good, but we don't need to go back.  Hollywood Studies...meh. Animal Kingdom...AWESOME! Magic Kingdom...it was good, but not Disneyland. :-)

Note: If you are going to WDW for the first time, and someone tells you that "Expedition Everest" is just like the Matterhorn at Disneyland, walk away. You don't need that kind of stuff in your life. It's a good ride, but nothing like the Matterhorn. And there's no Matterhorn in the Magic Kingdom. :-o Also, there's no Indiana Jones ride. There is a ride in the Animal Kingdom called "Dinosaur," which is totally Indiana Jones with a different back story. Avatar Flight of Passage: totally worth the price of admission.

No one warned us that you have to take a ferry (or the Monorail) to get to the Magic Kingdom. :-o

We did NOT like the fireworks show. Also, it was Christmas, and there wasn't Christmas music and stuff after the fireworks show, and it didn't snow. ::weeps::

We'll go back in a few years for the 50th anniversary. :-) Our hearts still belong to the park where the magic started. ❤️

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1 minute ago, ThatBookwormMom said:

This is why I make my kids read/listen to the books before they're allowed to watch the movies. We've only made it to 3, because they're too young for more than that yet, but I drew a hard line on this requirement. So when I shout, they understand WHY!

I haven't seen Fantastic Beasts yet! I'll see if my library has that, too.

I didn't read the books for many, many years, because I believed, at first, all that stuff about its being witchcraft and satanic and whatnot. Over time, people I admired and trusted read HP and saw nothing evil in it, and eventually I decided that as a mature, grown-up person I could read the books and decide for myself. Turns out that there is not, in fact, any satanic witchcraft stuff in it. :-) So I read the whole series through three times; then I'd read the book and watch the movie; read the book and watch the movie; and so on. I liked all of the movies at first, but now...no. Too many things wrong (and missing). They don't hurt me the way the LOTR movies do, but I still can't watch them.

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Am revising. My fingers are broken out in blisters again. I blame the heat and the stress of working so hard to get everything ready to go to the editor, but I will survive. Got another rejection today. However, the agent said she sat on my query for a long time (sent in February) because she couldn't make up her mind about it. So I'm taking that as a positive. I want to be super-duper hard to reject if I can't get a request.

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My youngest kitty was found alone in a drainage ditch outside of a restaurant next to a busy highway while we were on vacation. The vet estimated she was about 4 weeks. ? We caught her, took her to a vet, had them board her for the rest of the trip, bought a crate, and took her home with us! I am a total sucker for the kittehs and puppehs! 

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20 minutes ago, Paige said:

My youngest kitty was found alone in a drainage ditch outside of a restaurant next to a busy highway while we were on vacation. The vet estimated she was about 4 weeks. ? We caught her, took her to a vet, had them board her for the rest of the trip, bought a crate, and took her home with us! I am a total sucker for the kittehs and puppehs! 

Awwww, I love rescue stories.

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46 minutes ago, Ellie said:

Mr. Ellie and I went to Walt Disney World last December for the first time. We have been to Disneyland elebenty million times; this was our first to WDW. We enjoyed it, but we like Disneyland better.

Epcot was good, but we don't need to go back.  Hollywood Studies...meh. Animal Kingdom...AWESOME! Magic Kingdom...it was good, but not Disneyland. ?

Note: If you are going to WDW for the first time, and someone tells you that "Expedition Everest" is just like the Matterhorn at Disneyland, walk away. You don't need that kind of stuff in your life. It's a good ride, but nothing like the Matterhorn. And there's no Matterhorn in the Magic Kingdom. ? Also, there's no Indiana Jones ride. There is a ride in the Animal Kingdom called "Dinosaur," which is totally Indiana Jones with a different back story. Avatar Flight of Passage: totally worth the price of admission.

No one warned us that you have to take a ferry (or the Monorail) to get to the Magic Kingdom. ?

We did NOT like the fireworks show. Also, it was Christmas, and there wasn't Christmas music and stuff after the fireworks show, and it didn't snow. ::weeps::

We'll go back in a few years for the 50th anniversary. ? Our hearts still belong to the park where the magic started. ❤️

We loved California Adventure. The ride Soaring was the coolest thing evah.

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Ummmmm, I don’t think “Grandpa’s” brand Kettle Corn is in the Trim Healthy Mama Plan, is it?? I just ate half a bag. It was sooooo good. 

Hmmm, maybe not that bad. The bag was only 8 oz. to begin with and I shared generously with the kids.

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1 hour ago, Ellie said:

I didn't read the books for many, many years, because I believed, at first, all that stuff about its being witchcraft and satanic and whatnot. Over time, people I admired and trusted read HP and saw nothing evil in it, and eventually I decided that as a mature, grown-up person I could read the books and decide for myself. Turns out that there is not, in fact, any satanic witchcraft stuff in it. :-) So I read the whole series through three times; then I'd read the book and watch the movie; read the book and watch the movie; and so on. I liked all of the movies at first, but now...no. Too many things wrong (and missing). They don't hurt me the way the LOTR movies do, but I still can't watch them.

On Monday, our church is having their monthly community literature discussion on HP1.  (For the second time.)  All the HP books convey beautiful themes of the Gospel - sacrificial love, fall and redemption, death and resurrection, and sanctification of imperfect people.  I love them.  I think the film makers did a pretty good job - visually, especially.  The film scores are amazing.  Now that I'm thinking about it, I don't think I've seen the movies for books 5-7.

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4 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

I had the inexplicable urge to embroider last night so I went to the craft store and bought supplies. I'm halfway done with a wall hanging for the girls' closet. (It says "Brave" with flowers.)  I guess it beats taking up drinking as a form of stress management.


apparently I have a stitching and drinking booyah..... Awesome!

I used to cross-stitch a lot. Very relaxing and fun!

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3 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Hey Maizey Girl!

How are you and the Kernels?


We're here, dog paddling along.

We've been sick, were recovering, got sick again.

I finished a term of my online school.

The kids competed in an Irish dance competition.

Older kids belt tested in martial arts.

Tomorrow is the last day of school for those kids who had school (full or part time).

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6 hours ago, ThatBookwormMom said:

This is why I make my kids read/listen to the books before they're allowed to watch the movies. We've only made it to 3, because they're too young for more than that yet, but I drew a hard line on this requirement. So when I shout, they understand WHY!

I haven't seen Fantastic Beasts yet! I'll see if my library has that, too.

I have that rule as well, which is why none of us have seen LoTR or Harry Potter. I don't like Tolkein's style much and while I do understand that HP improves throughout, I couldn't get through the first book. It must partly be a fantasy thing for me. I'm a sci fi girl myself.

6 hours ago, Ellie said:

Mr. Ellie and I went to Walt Disney World last December for the first time. We have been to Disneyland elebenty million times; this was our first to WDW. We enjoyed it, but we like Disneyland better.

Epcot was good, but we don't need to go back.  Hollywood Studies...meh. Animal Kingdom...AWESOME! Magic Kingdom...it was good, but not Disneyland. ?

Note: If you are going to WDW for the first time, and someone tells you that "Expedition Everest" is just like the Matterhorn at Disneyland, walk away. You don't need that kind of stuff in your life. It's a good ride, but nothing like the Matterhorn. And there's no Matterhorn in the Magic Kingdom. ? Also, there's no Indiana Jones ride. There is a ride in the Animal Kingdom called "Dinosaur," which is totally Indiana Jones with a different back story. Avatar Flight of Passage: totally worth the price of admission.

No one warned us that you have to take a ferry (or the Monorail) to get to the Magic Kingdom. ?

We did NOT like the fireworks show. Also, it was Christmas, and there wasn't Christmas music and stuff after the fireworks show, and it didn't snow. ::weeps::

We'll go back in a few years for the 50th anniversary. ? Our hearts still belong to the park where the magic started. ❤️


This blows my mind. Everyone I've talked to IRL seems to think Florida Disney is the "real Disney". So I always walked away thinking, eh, maybe I'll take the kids someday. But you have spoken my language and now I'm going to not bother. Much rather see the Everglades or something if I must go down where the bugs rise up.

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4 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

I think the film makers did a pretty good job - visually, especially.  The film scores are amazing.  Now that I'm thinking about it, I don't think I've seen the movies for books 5-7.

Oh, you should hang out on some of the HP FB pages. The things that the movies did wrong/left out/added makes us all crazy people. The first movie was magical, you should excuse the phrase. :-) And I can bear the second and third, but after that...

And some of the things should have been easy to do, such as Harry having his mother's eyes. Daniel Radcliffe was allergic to contacts, and so his blue eyes had to stay blue instead of green, as they are in the book. No biggie. But then in the movie where it shows Snape's memories of Lily, there's a close-up of her eyes. Her brown eyes. Brown.

We can spend a whole evening discussing this, lol.

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8 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

I have only seen the 1st LoTR movie.  None of the Hobbits.  Dh despises the LoTR movies, and I think I fell asleep during the one I saw.  :blink:

Mr. Susan in TN is a discerning man. :-) And you didn't miss anything by falling asleep.

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6 minutes ago, Tsuga said:

This blows my mind. Everyone I've talked to IRL seems to think Florida Disney is the "real Disney". So I always walked away thinking, eh, maybe I'll take the kids someday. But you have spoken my language and now I'm going to not bother. Much rather see the Everglades or something if I must go down where the bugs rise up.

(((soul sister)))

I am gobsmacked when people think that.

I think probably wherever people felt the magic first is where their hearts will always be. :-) But Disneyland...it's where the magic started.

Next time we go out that way (and as I said, we'll go for WDW's 50th anniversary, because why not?) we'll do the Magic Kingdom and the Animal Kingdom, but then we'll also do Universal Studios' Harry Potter.

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Good morning!  Slept late.

National Doughnut Day?  That's a new development that may require attention!

Bookie, I would have a hard time choosing between Robin Hood and the next Narnia.  Do your kids have a preference?

My eyes are still blurry and I'm having trouble typing onmy iPad.  I woke up to a dream that I was at dd15's tutorial making "end of year" posters, but every time I left the table to get a marker or anything, my stuff would disappear.  So in the end I had a small piece of artwork that I entitled "Batman and the Cheese of Peace".  :biggrin:


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Good Morning!!!

COFFEE!!~D (although I forgot to make it last night and set the timer, so now I hav to wait for it!!?)


DS1 starts summer school today. He has to do credit recovery because he failed both semesters of Freshman English and I found an on-line charter that looks very interesting. Woohoo!!

This afternoon we drive to the foothills to nephew’s high school graduation.

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6 minutes ago, Critterfixer said:

My back went out this morning. Am trying not to die.

((Critter)) No dying, as per ITT Handbook Rules. Rocco is being dispatched forthwith with a heating pad and MPR (Miracle Pain Relief) made from the secret herbs from the ITT Island.


and this Booya/h is brought to you by the fine folks at ITT Island Pharmaceuticals. Bringing pain relief and guarding Island Secrets for the past 500 years.

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