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Day 14 of higher step goal being met.  I have lost one pound a week.  My next milestone is 21 days.  I have had two flares in that time but zero out-and-out illness.  That helps to allow me to be consistent. 


I'm also doing the bone broth thing.  Subtract 4 days from the step goal count and you will see how long I've been doing that.  So far I have seen zero benefits from taking the bone broth.  My hopes were that the collagen would heal my joint/muscle/everything pain but no dice.  And that it would heal my intestines.  No sign of that either.  But I will keep doing it for now just to give it a decent chance to work. 

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Still going. :glare: It's not as bad as it was, though. I appropriated Nana's old inhaler and I'm having it for breakfast every morning. That and I'm taking Clear Lung religiously. I'm trying reallyreally hard not to get pneumonia (it tends to be a challenge for me.) I considered dying, but that. darn. rule.


Thank you for asking. :001_smile:

Unbelieveable! (((JJM)))


I bought some Clear Lung on your recommendation and dh took it one morning last week. He said he coughed for nearly 3 hours straight, but figured that's how it gets the job done.

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Dd19 is all packed up to go back to school. Lots of driving tomorrow.


We have been entertained this afternoon watching Wall-E, The Robotic Vacuum work his magic. He's been running for almost 2 1/2 hours including a couple pauses to empty the dust bin. He's fairly quiet - about the sound level of our air purifier on low. I would run it at night if it weren't for the bumping into things. Maybe I could surround him with sponges.

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Unbelieveable! (((JJM)))


I bought some Clear Lung on your recommendation and dh took it one morning last week. He said he coughed for nearly 3 hours straight, but figured that's how it gets the job done.


The coughing is normal. The value is that it gets out the gunk deep in the lungs. My gunk has now also (happily) changed color. Yay. :mellow:

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I made coconut lentil soup over rice for dinner. The kids ate it and I heard no complaints so that was a huge success. Many years ago, everything I made was met with tears because of food aversions so I quit cooking new things. It's nice to try new things again! I am trying to move us to mostly vegetarian- flexitarian?- but DDb has committed to veganism for 2 weeks so the next few weeks should be fun. 

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How do y'all handle the Thanksgiving/Christmas thing? It's a ton of time with Matt home which does not bode well for school.




If hubby is home, we're off.  It just doesn't work well when he's home, lol.  


Me: "Hubs...even though you're not working today, and this is our home...I need you to remember that this is actually the kids' school house, too.  So they need QUIET and no distractions!  You cannot build.  You cannot ask them to fetch you stuff.  You cannot sing, play the piano, tap, put on the TV, etc.  Ok?  OK!  Let's do this!"


*10:30AM*  Hubby is BUILDING shelves.  And other things that involve power tools.  Hubby has said power tools and shelves spread out all over our kitchen table (where I teach group lessons).  Hubby is asking eldest DS, "Boy, can you fetch me such and such tool?"  


The day is shot.  


We take off all of Thanksgiving week, and depending on when Christmas falls, usually the week before Christmas through mid-January.  This year, we schooled right up until the Thursday before Christmas, with plans on returning to school after three weeks off.  But we ended up taking a full month, lol.  

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I have been lurking today, but I don't really have anything to say.

I cleaned. I planned school. Captain Mal is drama and the dogs are annoying me. Weapon X is once again on a screen ban, so effectively the rest of us are too.


I miss my husband.




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I used to keep a book pinned under my leg at school, and sit just so. It looked like I was looking at the work on my desk, but I was reading. I slipped up and read when I was supposed to be listening (man, that teacher was boring!) and got busted. That trick lasted all of 4th grade and most of 5th, though.

I remember one time in 4th grade, we were having silent reading time. I was very into my book. After a while I looked up and the entire class had moved on and done 2 whole subjects without me noticing.


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I remember one time in 4th grade, we were having silent reading time. I was very into my book. After a while I looked up and the entire class had moved on and done 2 whole subjects without me noticing.


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One day in Jr. High this poor guy fell sound asleep in class and the teacher had the class quietly tiptoe out and shut the door with the lights off to let him finish his nap. So adorable. He was a very sound sleeper.

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I used to keep a book pinned under my leg at school, and sit just so. It looked like I was looking at the work on my desk, but I was reading. I slipped up and read when I was supposed to be listening (man, that teacher was boring!) and got busted. That trick lasted all of 4th grade and most of 5th, though.


i had a similar trick. I don't remember ever getting caught. 

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I did some reading on bone broth to help heal my diastasis recti, and iirc it can take as long as 30-45 days to show any difference. I'm inspired by your tenacity with these goals!


I saw bone broth for the first time yesterday at the store. Maybe I just never paid attention to it. How much do you supposed to drink every day? And is it just drinking it, or making a soup with it, or what?

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I remember one time in 4th grade, we were having silent reading time. I was very into my book. After a while I looked up and the entire class had moved on and done 2 whole subjects without me noticing.


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Good morning, lovelies! It's Monday morning, and it's going to be a good day! I'm wasting time with coffee, then I'm going to exercise. School is planned and prepped for this week, library books are ordered and will be collected tomorrow, and my shiny new schedule is ready to try out.

Edpo! Reported! Avert your eyes!

Did I tell you what I settled on for planning? I created tables in Word (because learning to use Excel is still on my list of Things To Do), starting with Together subjects, then one for each kid's subjects. Rows are subjects, columns are days, but not every subject is done every day, so I crossed off the applicable boxes. Then I filled in what I would like to cover and did all printing and photocopying needed. I even pulled out the necessary lined paper. I hole punched everything (because I need to keep better records) and put it with the notebook and calendar I've been using to write down what we actually do each day. Now I have a plan, down to what picture books I intend to read with the little boys and what games I'd like to play. If we deviate, fine, but I'm not winging it so much and can mindlessly follow the plan if I need to.

Now, to get the meal plan in such good shape...

See you later, gators!

I like Google sheets far more than excel.


I love plan to eat. I've sold so many memberships I got an affiliate link but I don't trust people with affiliate links so I don't give it out. :laugh:


I double all of my meals so I only cook every other day.

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Good morning. Caffeine. 

Had a crazy idea for a story and scribbled it down in my file of writing ideas that need to stew until they are ready for use or get thrown out. I checked for rejections and didn't have any waiting for me this morning. Lots to do today.

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Good morning!


I slept very, very little. Between dogs wanting to go out and post-menopausal use of caffeine...


What is plan to eat?


Udemy has a free excel course.



It's where I keep my recipes. It costs $40 a year but I get it on Black Friday so it's $20 a year.


I have over 250 recipes stored which I drag onto a calendar and it spits me out a shopping list. I have meals organized by course as well as tags so if I'm looking for an easy meal, freezer meal, a Whole 30 compliant meal Etc. it's super easy to search. I had a very difficult time dishing out $20 for this the first time around but it has been a serious game changer around here. There are more aspects I don't use including the pantry and freezer trackers.


More to say on the topic later. Here's my affiliate link.





Edited by Slache
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Blood test at Vet A is $169

Same test at Vet B is $50


Comparison shopping for the win! I love our vet (A) but I love having money too. I'm a little shocked at the price difference. 


Oh- and coffee, good morning, I should exercise, and I cannot eat all the things. I give up. I will eat many/most of the recommended things. 

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Good morning, lovelies! It's Monday morning, and it's going to be a good day! I'm wasting time with coffee, then I'm going to exercise. School is planned and prepped for this week, library books are ordered and will be collected tomorrow, and my shiny new schedule is ready to try out.


Edpo! Reported! Avert your eyes!


Did I tell you what I settled on for planning? I created tables in Word (because learning to use Excel is still on my list of Things To Do), starting with Together subjects, then one for each kid's subjects. Rows are subjects, columns are days, but not every subject is done every day, so I crossed off the applicable boxes. Then I filled in what I would like to cover and did all printing and photocopying needed. I even pulled out the necessary lined paper. I hole punched everything (because I need to keep better records) and put it with the notebook and calendar I've been using to write down what we actually do each day. Now I have a plan, down to what picture books I intend to read with the little boys and what games I'd like to play. If we deviate, fine, but I'm not winging it so much and can mindlessly follow the plan if I need to.


Now, to get the meal plan in such good shape...


See you later, gators!

Great idea!! (That’s actually what I do, too!!) (ITT Minds and all that!!)
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Paige, I found out the same thing with our vet as well.


So, I had a chest xray on Thursday, and they said it showed my lungs are clear. My lungs, which have been bothering me for weeks on end now, requiring several daily doses of Albuterol, and getting me the Prednisone prescription (which hasn't done anything). Well, I started drinking a hot toddy with apple cider vinegar and honey last night (another cup this morning), and my clear lungs moved something pretty dramatically after coughing a while.


I'm not too sure what my clear lungs moved, because they're clear. Hopefully, things get better. I'm going to continue with my hot toddies today, and maybe do a steam treatment with tea tree oil and eucalyptus.

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