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In the past gifts for dh’s family has really stressed me out. I’m a crappy gift giver. We don’t have the budget for nice thoughtful gifts. And I don’t have the stamina or the talent for finding deals. This year I’m having fun with the ornaments though. Hopefully they will like them. Except for BIL who tried to throw out all our homemade presents for everyone the last Christmas we made things. Thinking about him stresses me out so I am going to pretend that he doesn’t exist.



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There are three items I could have sworn I ordered from Amazon that haven't gotten here. I mean I remember doing it. I know I did it. One was a major gift. One was a not very important gift. One was for stocking stuffers. None of them are in my order history. :willy_nilly: If they decide to lock me up in a padded cell, promise me you will rescue me and take me to the island. :001_tt1:

I ordered a gift for DS on behalf of my in-laws (they have a hard time getting around and still have dial-up Internet, so they give us $ and we buy presents for them for the kids) and it still hasn’t come and we’re getting together with that side of the family on Saturday.😫😫😫it has better come tomorrow,
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That's what all the dumb ladies on scary movies thought. As long as you didn't run UPstairs to lock yourself in a room, you're probably fine.

I know, right.? I always wondered why they did that? And why did they open the door to the room where they heard the creepy noises?? Why didn't they just leave, for crying out loud??
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I ordered a gift for DS on behalf of my in-laws (they have a hard time getting around and still have dial-up Internet, so they give us $ and we buy presents for them for the kids) and it still hasn’t come and we’re getting together with that side of the family on Saturday.😫😫😫it has better come tomorrow,

Well, I looked up the tracking # and it arrived in our smallish town this afternoon, so supposedly it will be delivered tomorrow.



Points for quoting myself.

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I know, right.? I always wondered why they did that? And why did they open the door to the room where they heard the creepy noises?? Why didn't they just leave, for crying out loud??

I was housesitting once when the house alarm went off at 3 am. I called the police and when the officer arrived he asked if I had checked all the rooms. I said, “Are you kidding? That’s why I called you!†He looked at the hairbrush that I had grabbed for protection and told me that I was right to have waited.

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Took DS shopping tonight. We walked by a very long line of parents and young children waiting to see Santa. I jokingly asked him if he wanted to see Santa, and he said, “You mean Dennis, the guy getting paid $8/hr to play...â€


“Ssshhhhhhhhhh! What are thinking?!â€



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Dd8, with great pride and detail, showed me her underwear folding technique. :D




I refuse to fold underwear! But I can appreciate your DD's pride and effort.

And in other news:  Dh's now badly-swollen wrist is indeed broken.  Poor guy.  I'm assuming it's some kind of minor fracture or chip, since the PCP last night wasn't certain without x-rays.  He's off getting his cast now.


Sorry to hear about his wrist! I hope it's better soon.


In-laws are coming for Christmas!!!  We missed them on Thanksgiving, so I am happy.  Hopefully we don't get snow which would derail the plans.


Best part is - I already scrubbed the floors, so all I have to do is a quick mop and straighten, and make dessert.  Yippee!!!!


Wow. I was going to post the exact opposite. In-laws are coming. Not too happy. Maybe we'll get snow and they'll leave a little early. I haven't scrubbed the floors in weeks. I found out they had finally decided if they were coming because they texted DD(10)! 

Well, my talk when more or less as badly as I thought it would, but at least I did the right thing. I hope.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  

I don't get stressed about Christmas. I get stressed about 4 days of driving with a van whose transmission is going out and 3 days with 12 people in a 700 sq.ft. cabin on a remote mountain.


That sounds like a nightmare; or a comical new Christmas movie starring Chevy Chase and Beverly D'Angelo. 


Come here. It was 81 today. Although you will have to make it fast. It's supposed to get considerably colder pretty fast.


I want to live where you live. 81 sounds awesome.

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Ok, so you know what stresses me about Christmas? On DH’s side of the family the grand-kids draw names. And I am sure I have all the names my kids drew straight and I bought appropriate gifts from the lists, and yet I worry all the way up that somehow I got it wrong and some kid is going to get two gifts and the other isn’t going to get any because I got mixed up.

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Ok, so you know what stresses me about Christmas? On DH’s side of the family the grand-kids draw names. And I am sure I have all the names my kids drew straight and I bought appropriate gifts from the lists, and yet I worry all the way up that somehow I got it wrong and some kid is going to get two gifts and the other isn’t going to get any because I got mixed up.


Dh is an only child, so my kids are the only grandkids on his side.  And since my niece is due in January, this is the last year that my kids will be the only grandkids on my side.

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I will probably regret spoiling Baby when he's older but he's too cute and squishy and I'm too tired to care. He gets whatever he wants whenever he wants because cuteness.

That’s kind of like my baby.


And this is a Cute Spoiled Baby Booya/h!!

Edited by KrissiK
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My BIL sent several gifts for one DD and none for another. He intended to get for all of them but misread the list. So we bought something for the DD with nothing and we'll tell her it's from her Aunt and Uncle and we won't tell Aunt and Uncle they messed up. DD with multiple gifts will have a lucky year. 

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Good morning.


I am up because all the lights are on in the house and the kids are bouncing off the walls. I dreamed that there were five little Eskimo kids crawling into our bed. They had been hiding. I was patting their soft fur coats and helping them up, but alas, it was only dh. Then I dreamed that the power went out so Grandma set all the kids up in the living room watching movies on iDevices at top volume and I couldn't figure out how to turn off the movies. Then ds13 was praticing cello a block away at 4am, all alone, in the dark, in the rain. That was pretty much all the sleep I got. :glare:


Leaving in an hour. :hurray: Yawn.



Edited by Susan in TN
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This year I have gone back and forth on whether to send out Christmas cards.  I wasn't feeling it so I was going to just not do it.  But then today and yesterday I had time and thought "why not?"  So I bought the cards and will send some out.  I may send out a minimal number or I may keep on going.  Depends on how I feel.  I'm not going to do it if it stresses me. 


I have no problem putting myself out for people.  I would have sent one to my mother no matter what because it brings her joy and not getting one would bring her the opposite of joy.  But it seems like a lot of people don't care too much nowadays so I'm going to do it based on how it makes me feel for the most part. 


I love cards. They become part of the Christmas display. I don't get very many, so even previous cards are in current displays.

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My mommy bracelet broke.  :crying:  My older sister gave it to me at my baby shower.  Her BFF had a jewelry business at the time. It has silver beads with DS's name.  I wore it all the time, then stopped for a while, then DS saw it and wanted me to wear it, so I have been wearing it since then.  Not every day, but often enough.  Thing is, I play with it.  I guess it lasted pretty long considering, since he's 11.   Anyway, it broke inside my sleeve and beads just started dropping out onto my desk as I was typing.  I managed to catch it in time so that the second half was still strung, and I could retain the original order of the beads.  I had to crawl on my hands and knees for half an hour to find two runaway beads.  I have them all, though, and just need to get the bracelet restrung.  Phew.

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Ds10 just told me that one of the teens with us yesterday thought that yesterday there were 3 days til christmas. Obviously there were 4. He said he wanted to ask her, "Don't you even go to school???"


My dh counts like this. He doesn't count the day of, just the days leading up to. I guess, technically, he's right - how many days UNTIL Christmas would probably mean Christmas day doesn't actually count. Gymnast believes me more though, so there's that...  :lol:

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Good morning.


I am up because all the lights are on in the house and the kids are bouncing off the walls. I dreamed that there were five little Eskimo kids crawling into our bed. They had been hiding. I was patting their soft fur coats and helping them up, but alas, it was only dh. Then I dreamed that the power went out so Grandma set all the kids up in the living room watching movies on iDevices at top volume and I couldn't figure out how to turn off the movies. Then ds13 was praticing cello a block away at 4am, all alone, in the dark, in the rain. That was pretty much all the sleep I got. :glare:



Wow. Like, just, wow. I don't know what to say about this...

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I am up. Caffeine. It looks like rain. 

I told the boys come the flood or not, the decorations go up today or they don't go up. Also we will bake bread because that's what we agreed we would like to eat. 

My stomach didn't turn inside out last night. I'm not right, but not queasy. I guess I'll live.

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I may not be great shakes at all punctuation, and I may have an affinity for prepositional phrases, but I do know how to tell an infinitive phrase from a prepositional phrase, thank you very much.







"Grammar check" is laughable at best, in my experience.  Oy vey.

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Good Morning!!!






Safe travels, Susan and Family of Susan.


Yay, Spud!!


Glad you’re feeling a little better, Critter.


Sorry about the bracelet, Ikslo, but i’m Glad you are going to be able to get it fixed. At least it didn’t break at the Afsa or someplace like that.


((Jeannie and EP))



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Travel Morning Haiku of Lament


Who left the lid loose?

Mayo all over the floor.

Mom was not happy.


I got a little snooze in and my grumpies are gone. We are now driving over the Cumberland Plateau. It’s so pretty here! There has been no traffic to speak of, even through the Big City during rush hour, and will make it to Knoxville in record time.


Love to you all

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Dh and I went to the AFSA together for last minute Christmas miracles ( :001_rolleyes:  code for: fixing my amazon snafu ) and stocking stuffers, candy, and food.  We had to sort the horrible mess into stuff that goes to the kitchen and stuff that goes into hiding. 


But at least we had breakfast at Panera before we went.  :drool5:  

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I'm going to spend the next week having Matt sit with us while we do memory work and the daily work so that he can do it if I need him too. It only consists of Japanese, Greek, math and cursive. I'm also going to make Matt teach John to tie his shoes this week.


We're nearly caught up on school! I think?


And I created a tackle list. I'm not sure how to handle it because Matt wants time off and I want housework done. Suggestions?


Need coffee!


The baby is still asleep so the kids are snacking and watching a movie as no one seems to feel well. We'll start our normal day later I guess.

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Good morning.


I am up because all the lights are on in the house and the kids are bouncing off the walls. I dreamed that there were five little Eskimo kids crawling into our bed. They had been hiding. I was patting their soft fur coats and helping them up, but alas, it was only dh. Then I dreamed that the power went out so Grandma set all the kids up in the living room watching movies on iDevices at top volume and I couldn't figure out how to turn off the movies. Then ds13 was praticing cello a block away at 4am, all alone, in the dark, in the rain. That was pretty much all the sleep I got. :glare:


Leaving in an hour. :hurray: Yawn.






Apparently Mr. Susan has a soft fur coat. The things we learn on the ITT.




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