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His mom received a text late last night that said he was ok but they still have no idea where he is and how to trace it. TBH, they don't even know for sure it's him on the text or that his friends are telling the truth that he ran away. 


He does not look old for his age. He's smallish. 


The police should know how to trace things. 


And it's a "policemen are your friends" booyah.  And a hugs to Paige and her friends booyah as well. 

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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The police should know how to trace things. 


And it's a "policemen are your friends" booyah.  And a hugs to Paige and her friends booyah as well. 


They said the police cannot trace it. They need cooperation from the phone co which so far they aren't getting. The police don't seem to be doing much since they've written him off as a runaway.  :thumbdown: They won't even share with local media or on their websites. I don't know why they assume he's definitely a runaway and why they think it's ok if it is if he's only barely 13. 

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AMJ--just have Salvation Army come pick up the outgrown clothing and other clutter. It will be empty then and poof--quiet room for you.


You're welcome.


No, seriously, my room is stacked full of boxes of stuff that need to move out. It's been overwhelming to find an hour to go do a drop off for the refugee center.



The problem is getting the outgrown clothing sorted, boxed or bagged, and then sent in the appropriate directions.  And then there's the other clutter -- all of which needs sorting and sending on.  When we do get stuff sorted for donating it gets put in one location downstairs so it makes it to our local charitable thrift shop.  That's the easy part -- it's getting the stuff sorted that takes a while.


I'll get there.  I just need more blocks of time than I have had recently.  With luck I will get some soon.

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His mom received a text late last night that said he was ok but they still have no idea where he is and how to trace it. TBH, they don't even know for sure it's him on the text or that his friends are telling the truth that he ran away. 


He does not look old for his age. He's smallish. 



Have they gotten the police involved by now?


ETA I see they have.

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They said the police cannot trace it. They need cooperation from the phone co which so far they aren't getting. The police don't seem to be doing much since they've written him off as a runaway.  :thumbdown: They won't even share with local media or on their websites. I don't know why they assume he's definitely a runaway and why they think it's ok if it is if he's only barely 13. 



Have the parents thought about going to the media directly themselves?

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They said the police cannot trace it. They need cooperation from the phone co which so far they aren't getting. The police don't seem to be doing much since they've written him off as a runaway.  :thumbdown: They won't even share with local media or on their websites. I don't know why they assume he's definitely a runaway and why they think it's ok if it is if he's only barely 13. 


This is so absolutely ridiculous and infuriating.  How can it still be this way when we live in the age of Amber Alerts and other proactive alerts and policies?

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They said the police cannot trace it. They need cooperation from the phone co which so far they aren't getting. The police don't seem to be doing much since they've written him off as a runaway.  :thumbdown: They won't even share with local media or on their websites. I don't know why they assume he's definitely a runaway and why they think it's ok if it is if he's only barely 13. 



That's crazy. Especially in light of the other classmate.

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Back to the laundry marathon. 3 of yesterday's loads were ds' loads. 3 were dh's. and I still have more to do of dh's. I haven't even gotten to girls stuff but ironically the girls in this family have much less. Clothing. And the boys can go 2 weeks without washing clothes.


All loads include things like towels.

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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We're about to go to a vision therapist and have Riv's eyes tested. Her visual acuity is 20/20, but we're going to try to get visual memory and .....something else...tested. Since she's so young and can't read yet, they can't do all their tests. But, I'm hoping we can at least get a hint at what is wrong. 

Also, we haven't been on the Feingold diet yet, but she's had no food dye - or not that I've noticed. We've been good about checking, but I know things sneak in. Anyway, I've honest to goodness noticed a change in her conversation skills. Just in the last week, her conversation has changed from very young, immature vocabulary and she has really started expressing things a lot more logically - like last night - she kept playing my hair and I finally told her that she needed to stop or she'd be in trouble. So, she started playing with her hair. I asked her to stop again (mainly because she was just goofing off and getting hyper and not listening).
She looked at me and said, "But, I don't understand. All you said was that I would get in trouble if I played with your hair. You never said I would get in trouble if I played with mine." Before last week, she would have just said "Why? Why? But why?" or she would have just thrown a fit.  
Obviously, this means the sass is going to become a lethal weapon haha, but I'd rather deal with sass than lack of verbal skills like we were moving towards. 

John has even commented on it. It's crazy the change!! 

I mean, it could be anything I guess, but that's been the major change. 

***it's a weird combo we have with her - she just used the words "banish" and "poopy" in the same sentence. lol 

Edited by Southern Ivy
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Uh, why did you slackers not inform me that I have to create an English 9 class for the fall for dd14?


(Seriously, though. Where IS my brain? I have become so accustomed to dd18 getting her English from the tutorial that I forgot that they don't offer anything for 9th graders. I have grammar/vocabulary covered. I'll just need literature and composition - she reads and writes prolifically, I just need to be able to give her practical assignments and correct them.)

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We're about to go to a vision therapist and have Riv's eyes tested. Her visual acuity is 20/20, but we're going to try to get visual memory and .....something else...tested. Since she's so young and can't read yet, they can't do all their tests. But, I'm hoping we can at least get a hint at what is wrong. 


Also, we haven't been on the Feingold diet yet, but she's had no food dye - or not that I've noticed. We've been good about checking, but I know things sneak in. Anyway, I've honest to goodness noticed a change in her conversation skills. Just in the last week, her conversation has changed from very young, immature vocabulary and she has really started expressing things a lot more logically - like last night - she kept playing my hair and I finally told her that she needed to stop or she'd be in trouble. So, she started playing with her hair. I asked her to stop again (mainly because she was just goofing off and getting hyper and not listening).

She looked at me and said, "But, I don't understand. All you said was that I would get in trouble if I played with your hair. You never said I would get in trouble if I played with mine." Before last week, she would have just said "Why? Why? But why?" or she would have just thrown a fit.  

Obviously, this means the sass is going to become a lethal weapon haha, but I'd rather deal with sass than lack of verbal skills like we were moving towards. 


John has even commented on it. It's crazy the change!! 


I mean, it could be anything I guess, but that's been the major change. 


This is so wonderful! I am so happy!

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I wonder if the police might do more about making the phone company cooperate if the parents reported the phone as stolen, especially if the phone is worth more than whatever the cut-off (in TX iirc $500) is for being more than petty theft or w/e (which, if my teen took off with my property without my permission, I would consider that as theft, and he obviously didn't have permission to take the phone to who-knows-where instead of school). I'd want to talk to a lawyer first though. 

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If you have an IPhone you can use "find my friends "


But doesn't that only work if you have location services turned on?  Most kid these days who have phones are well-versed in their functions, and would know to turn it off - and how to do so - if they do not wish to be found.

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I wonder if the police might do more about making the phone company cooperate if the parents reported the phone as stolen, especially if the phone is worth more than whatever the cut-off (in TX iirc $500) is for being more than petty theft or w/e (which, if my teen took off with my property without my permission, I would consider that as theft, and he obviously didn't have permission to take the phone to who-knows-where instead of school). I'd want to talk to a lawyer first though. 



To be clear, I'm only throwing this out there because the police don't seem to be doing their job. I wouldn't report the phone stolen if my 13yo ran away with it or w/e and the police were actually looking for him, and I wouldn't really think of that as "theft"... just that in my mind I could justify calling it theft. But I'd really want to talk to a lawyer first, because I'd need to weigh the risk of non-trivial time in juvie with the risk of w/e might have happened to the kid.

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But doesn't that only work if you have location services turned on? Most kid these days who have phones are well-versed in their functions, and would know to turn it off - and how to do so - if they do not wish to be found.

Probably. My kid wants me to track her and tracks me if I am out so I don't know really how they work.

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So no scam?


Nope. They changed franchises (part of our scare), and her invisalign user name changed, so everything got backlogged in terms of ordering.  I'm still unhappy with what happened, and the lack of communication regarding the delay (poor guy has been trying to get his braces going since February), but I don't think we're being scammed.

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He has been found safely!  :party: Thank goodness. No other details yet but his parents are either with him or headed to him now. 


He had disabled the location settings on his phone and changed his passwords online. 

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I'm so glad they found him! That's great.


I am literally so distract-able that I forgot I had to pee for about 20 minutes. I washed a load of laundry, scheduled a trip to see my mom, and made a snack before I realized that I still hadn't gone to the restroom.


Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

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No, seriously, my room is stacked full of boxes of stuff that need to move out. It's been overwhelming to find an hour to go do a drop off for the refugee center.


Why is this? I have a couple bags and a box of books I need to drop off and I just can't manage to get it done. I hate things like that.

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