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Also I am ticked off at dd. She's in day camp this week. She's supposed to check in with me when they get back from field trips. She didn't check in. I texted her multiple times. No response. I had to call the Y to find out if they had power (in case that was why she couldn't contact me). They did. Then I had to leave a message with the front desk to have her get in touch with me. Her excuse was that her earbuds were in and she couldn't hear the notifications of my texts.



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Also I am ticked off at dd. She's in day camp this week. She's supposed to check in with me when they get back from field trips. She didn't check in. I texted her multiple times. No response. I had to call the Y to find out if they had power (in case that was why she couldn't contact me). They did. Then I had to leave a message with the front desk to have her get in touch with me. Her excuse was that her earbuds were in and she couldn't hear the notifications of my texts.



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Parenting is hard.

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All caught up. Had my staff xmas party last night, was good. Going crazy at work. Only 3 more work days left before having 2 weeks off. I still.can't decide if i like my dyed hair. I got a big awesome stack of donations for my daycare today and go pick up more stuff around town tomorrow. My program is going to rock in the new year and accreditation will love it. And my dog hating mom is allowing us to bring both dogs to her house for this weekend because it was that or we weren't coming because while my 3 yr old dog is fine for a weekend (he thinks he is a cat), the 9 week puppy is not. So she invites the dogs along for xmas.

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Power company says that it might still be a couple more hours until we have power. I guess we're eating out.



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Two hours in urgent care for a script of cream and pills (antibiotics).





Maybe this will make you feel better - when I was a teen I gave a dollar to a Salvation Army Christmas pot. Went inside to shop and realized I had actual donated my hard earned $100.00 bill, and all I had in my wallet now was a stinkin' crisp $1.00 bill.


Bah humbug.



Hugs for all of this!   :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Ok, I am back. I had a wonderful breakfast with BFF. Did a little shopping and then.... ok, I just need to let this go because there's nothing I can do about it now, but I am just so mad at myself. So, the voters in California voted that places like Target can't give us bags anymore. We have to buy them. I do have a stash that I take to AFSA, but I leave them in my car and I took DH's car today. So, instead of buying more bags, I just put my stuff back in the cart. Well, I have been having trouble lately thinking. And being at Target got me all ruffled and being in the Big City got me ruffled and trying to finish up Christmas shopping got me ruffled... so I'm in this insane huge parking lot very ruffled and I left two items in my cart. I didn't have much, so I put most in the child seat part of the cart, which I emptied. I don't know why I didn't check the rest, I was in a hurry, there were a lot of cars.... and when I got home I realized I didn't have those two things. They weren't terribly expensive, added up to about $25, but I am over budget as it is.... I got home and realized this and just about cried.


We've been plastic-bagless for 3-4 years now. Paper bags are 10 cents each if you need one. I have left more than one item in a cart when I I've forgotten my bags.  :grouphug:

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((Hugs)). My dad would have been 95 on dd's birthday last week.



Ok be forewarned. I am going to whine. I've lived without electricity before but when you do that you are set up for it. I can't do anything without electricity!



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:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Also I am ticked off at dd. She's in day camp this week. She's supposed to check in with me when they get back from field trips. She didn't check in. I texted her multiple times. No response. I had to call the Y to find out if they had power (in case that was why she couldn't contact me). They did. Then I had to leave a message with the front desk to have her get in touch with me. Her excuse was that her earbuds were in and she couldn't hear the notifications of my texts.



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Ugh. I really really really dislike it when Dancer does this.  :grouphug:

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Time for bed now.  DD12 has an orthodontist appointment in the morning, and Grandma might take them out for manicures afterwards.  I'm looking forward to the opportunity to wrap presents and maybe get some more laundry run.  Or vacuuming done.  Though I have to come up with a plan for supper.  I guess I'll thaw something and have DH grill it.


Good night, all northern hemispherers!  Have a good day, Isabel and anyone else south of the equator!


Hugs for everyone.   :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I woke up miffed and upset this morning because I thought I'd missed a chapter's worth of scenes in my index. I was all set to ransack the document today looking for them. Then I looked at my work and realized I've still got about six chapters to do before I'm finished. And yes, that chapter I thought I didn't do is in the last six. 

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I'm up. I need coffee.


DH has a crisis at work. Someone entered something wrong when building a spreadsheet and all the plans that they've been planning for months are all wrong. And this job starts in January and he has to figure out how to fix it. So he's probably going to miss Christmas. I honestly don't mind if he misses the big get together as long as he's home for Christmas morning. He said he could probably go in at lunch so at least there's that.

I have to venture out into the public today to pick up the last of the party supplies. But first, coffee.


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An electrician and a manicurist this very week. We're doing pretty good!



And another libations specialist (Mario).  What can I say?  Everyone wants to work for us!



Hooray!  It's a we-are-the-best-place-to-work B-O-O-Y-A-(H)!!!!

Edited by AMJ
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Good morning!


Daddy's takin' us to the zoo today

Zoo today

Zoo today

Daddy's takin' us to the zoo today

We can stay all afternoon.


We're goin' to the zoo zoo zoo

How about you you you

You can come too too too

We're goin' to the zoo zoo zoo!





:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:

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I'm up. I need coffee.


DH has a crisis at work. Someone entered something wrong when building a spreadsheet and all the plans that they've been planning for months are all wrong. And this job starts in January and he has to figure out how to fix it. So he's probably going to miss Christmas. I honestly don't mind if he misses the big get together as long as he's home for Christmas morning. He said he could probably go in at lunch so at least there's that.

I have to venture out into the public today to pick up the last of the party supplies. But first, coffee.


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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  For both of you.  That's stinky!  But I admire his dedication.

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I am up, showered, doing all the health things (except exercise) I should be doing first thing in the morning, and I have gotten one kid through the shower (the other is currently in) and put away MY clean laundry (DD12's is still awaiting putting away).  I also moved laundry in the machines, took out the recycling, and put away the harder-to-reach clean dishes (DD15's job to put away clean dishes, so the rest are left for her).


I have confirmed the time of the orthodontist appointment.  I have confirmed plans for today and tomorrow with MIL.


Time to finish eating breakfast and write up a grocery list.


Everyone have a good day!  I'll check back when I can.

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Good morning! I am overwhelmed. There is too much stuff to do and think about. My brother in-law has decided to move out of the rental trailer right in the middle of the polar vortex. He needed to move, but he should've this fall. Now I have to worry about water lines freezing, etc.


I still have Christmas stuff to do. I'm not very Christmassy this year. I will be glad when it is over.


I hope everyone is feeling better. :grouphug: to all.

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Well, I have coffee-ed and devotioned. The kids are still asleep. I love quiet mornings, so I'm not too upset that I woke up early. I even had my favorite Latin Christmas Carol (Jesu Redentor Omnius) playing in my head when I woke up. (If anyone wants a lovely Latin Christmas CD, check out CAP's "Veni Emanuel". It's on sale now and it is so beautiful) I'm taking the kids to the thrift shop this morning to do their Christmas shopping. We did that last year and it worked out well.


Lana - I'm so sorry about the mess DH has to clean up. Hope he gets through it quickly!


Brandy - you can do it gal! Keep your eyes on the goal (two weeks off)


Dawn - sorry about feeling overwhelmed. I'm feeling overwhelmed myself and tend to really not like this time of year. Hope you can find something to do about those water lines....


AMJ - you have been quite ambitions. 10,000,000 points for you!


Susan - the zoo sounds wonderful. I love going to our local zoo.


Good morning Shade and Junie!

Edited by KrissiK
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