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Another day, another headache.   :(


Various kids are sprawled out in my room perusing the Beast Academy books that came in the mail yesterday.   :)   :)


And yesterday they were complaining that they wanted Christmas break!   :lol:


A FAFSA on headaches.

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At what point did weight gain become so horrid that a doctor would prefer a patient live with the most severe symptoms of an illness then put them back on medicine that prevented all symptoms but caused weight gain when weight does not make the illness worse or cause other problems!? :cursing: :banghead:


:grouphug:  :grouphug:


Somebody needs to go elephant ninja on that doctor.  Where are my nunchucks?

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Now, I get to take Dancer to urgent care. She's having some type of allergic reaction to the cat laying on her yesterday. The appearance of the rings (light, dark, then red) reminds me of the morphea on her leg. But, this is covered with pus, which means some type of infection is going on.

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My leuchtturm got here 4 days ago. I can't play with it yet because it's supposed to be from Santa and has to stay hidden until Christmas. It's hard to not start setting it up.


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Can you secretly set it up, then wrap, and viola! Fancy already-set-up leuchtturm from Santa! :D

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At what point did weight gain become so horrid that a doctor would prefer a patient live with the most severe symptoms of an illness then put them back on medicine that prevented all symptoms but caused weight gain when weight does not make the illness worse or cause other problems!? :cursing: :banghead:

It might not have occurred to the doctor. Seriously. During one pregnancy, a doctor prescribed me metfomin for GD after having ONE moderately high glucose reading. I suggested to my OB that it might be worth going another couple weeks to see if there were any more high readings before going on a prescription and he was like, "oh, yeah, that might be a better idea." Major eye roll. Sometimes doctors can't or won't think past their symptom-->medication charts.

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Now, I get to take Dancer to urgent care. She's having some type of allergic reaction to the cat laying on her yesterday. The appearance of the rings (light, dark, then red) reminds me of the morphea on her leg. But, this is covered with pus, which means some type of infection is going on.

Oh no, Renai! Hope she is treated quickly! :( (((Dancer & Renai)))

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It might not have occurred to the doctor. Seriously. During one pregnancy, a doctor prescribed me metfomin for GD after having ONE moderately high glucose reading. I suggested to my OB that it might be worth going another couple weeks to see if there were any more high readings before going on a prescription and he was like, "oh, yeah, that might be a better idea." Major eye roll. Sometimes doctors can't or won't think past their symptom-->medication charts.

I wish this was it. He started to put dd back on the old med but changed his mind stating "we should really just stay with what we are using as she can learn to deal with <symptoms> with out the serious side effect of weight gain". In the three months she was on it she gained 10 pounds but is still at a good weight. Her pediatrician was thrilled with the weight gain. I need to find a new specialist.
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I wish this was it. He started to put dd back on the old med but changed his mind stating "we should really just stay with what we are using as she can learn to deal with <symptoms> with out the serious side effect of weight gain". In the three months she was on it she gained 10 pounds but is still at a good weight. Her pediatrician was thrilled with the weight gain. I need to find a new specialist.

I think duct tape and bazookas are in order. Grrrr.

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I created my scene index for over 300 pages of my monster. There are more. :svengo: Time to start cutting I think! But can't start cutting until you know how big the tree is. Then you get to figure out if you want to use the pole-saw or the chainsaw. (Chainsaw--far more impressive!)

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Good Morning!


We woke to a thin layer of sleet on the back deck. It's white, so dd10 is ecstatic. We went to the early service and are now back. Dh is going to the store because we are dangerously low on toilet paper. IP potatoes for lunch.


I am still trying to deal with 2-4am coughing fits, despite the cough suppressent and coughdrops. It gets better if I sit up in bed.


A friend at church gave us a big bucket of hot chocolate mix and marshmallows, so that will be yummy to drink for the Advent wreath lighting tonight.


More coffee!!



:grouphug:  :grouphug:   I hope your cough is getting better!

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WHile playing ketchup I got an email from the dance school I go to.  I have been kicked out of my classes for missing too many practices (5 out of 11),  Given that the last several have had the instructor spending 1/2 the time venting, and telling everyone to intentionally damage the floor and studio because she is mad, frankly I don't care.  I was enjoying it, but if they can not understand that adults have other things going on in their lives that at times take precedence over dance classes they are insane (things like work meetings, being out of town for appointments, furnace breaking and kids needing me to fix it not take off to dance class etc), everytime they were notified I would be away and why, sometimes a week or more in advance.  They kicked dd17 out of her classes too (although they knew at time of registration she was very busy and had signed a contract with her main studio meaning her attention had to be to those classes first and they agreed to it).  I am demanding they still give her the costume we purchased, it was a separate cost over and above what we paid for in lesson fees, and it is hers.  We go tomorrow to pick up the fundraiser stuff we got, and I told them I expect my other cheques returned to me and her costume. 


The dance school is failing as it is, I have heard the board talking about it several times, how they don't have enough dancers this year to necessarily keep it afloat next year.  And they are kicking 2 more out.  This is supposed to be the purely rec level studio.  Silliness.  Oh well, I already have a busy schedule, so that is 2 fewer evening activities.  And I have a new fitness class starting in Jan (just the 4 weeks in Jan for now), that I am looking forward to.  Going to miss learning tap though, I liked that one.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:


Sounds like you might be best off clear of that place.  And yes, the costume, already paid for, is your daughter's and they have no right to keep it.

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I'm home. We churched. Had a very nice service. We lunched (leftover soup, yummy) and now I am snuggled up on the couch with kauphy and the Raiders on the television. Go Derek Carr! (He's awesome!)



Go, Indy!  Outrun that boulder!  Leap that chasm!  Ignore the snakes!  You can do it!

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I have zero interest in football.



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When I was in college in Colorado people used to ask me if I was a Vikings fan (since I hailed from MN) or a Broncos fan (obviously trying to stir up trouble).  I told them I would be interested in watching football when the Vikings played the Broncos at the Superbowl, because one of those two teams would HAVE to win it then!


:D   At the time the Superbowl was a sore point for both teams.  They had both made it that far a few times (though not in the same year) and lost.   :D

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