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Well, I is back! Actually had a good trip. They're coming out to measure on Monday, so this project is moving along. Went to Winco and Costco. Ran into a friend at Costco and visited with her a bit. She and her husband are leaving our church. I knew this, but we had another talk about it. I'm trying to decide if she is poison or a wake up call, KWIM?


Just finished lunch. Costco taquitoes with my outstanding and excellent pico de gallo.


In an hour or so, I gotta take dd to the dentist. But the good news is that the library is right across the street from the dentist, so we can combine dentist with one and the library for the rest of them.

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Five loads of laundry are folded and ready to be put away.


Today sure feels like a Monday!




I labeled my laundry baskets for sorting purposes, and did four loads today. Didn't manage to get them on hangers/folded or put away yet though.

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I have decaprinated. I hope the writer's group appreciates me not bringing my goat with me. :tongue_smilie:


ETA: Booyah! (I ran off without my Booyah! That's worse than not having pants!)

Edited by Critterfixer
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JJM, I can assure you that going the opposite cultural direction (from CT to NC, with PA in between) is also a bit of a shock. :) There, you show people respect by never wasting their time; here, by engaging with them warmly even though you don't expect to form a genuine relationship.


We are ready for DS's triathlon prep class early. IDK whether he's supposed to bring anything; DH signed him up and didn't think to ask, and the person in charge of it didn't return my call. Sneakers and a water bottle it is. But not for a half hour or so.

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We are having stir fry tonight - some will have chicken in it, some will not.


So, Gymnast's camp was yesterday. I took her to the park across the street instead and finished my menu. We went to the store, got back and had lunch. She then laid now. I was able to get most of the food put away, the last wall painted (except the corner I can't reach), the furniture put in place, and most other stuff put away. I even watched an episode of The Man in the High Castle on prime.


I'm waiting on a call from dh to let me know if they're working until 5 or 6. Meanwhile, I can get the dishes washed, the rest of the food put away, and dinner started.


Oh, and the district called me to let me know my position was officially eliminated due to lack of enrollment and they offered me a part-time position at the same school as secretary from 7:30-12. I'd consider it, but what would I do with Gymnast?

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Oh, and the district called me to let me know my position was officially eliminated due to lack of enrollment and they offered me a part-time position at the same school as secretary from 7:30-12. I'd consider it, but what would I do with Gymnast?


I'd take that as a sign that there is something else you were meant to do.

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Note to self:  I am caught up to the top of page 1154.



Sharing with my peeps:  I just spent an hour during DD12's Aikido class trying to organize my thoughts.  The result:  a list of all of the lists I need to write out tomorrow to start to organize my thoughts.


Since tomorrow has no appointments other than dinner at ILs' house, AND since nephews are over there visiting all this week, my plan tomorrow is to do a dump and run in the morning -- drop my DDs off to play with their cousins all day while I run away back home and take time to warp my head around all of the stuff I think I'm starting to lose track of.


:001_wub:   DD12 and I got home from Aikido to discover DH cooking supper.  It will be ready in about 10 minutes.  :001_wub:

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:lol:  and  :grouphug:.

But for what it is worth, you can tell her that there are a lot of stupid things to get through in life. She ought to know it by now, but a lot of stupid is tolerable with enough gravy poured on it. The trick is finding out what sauce makes the stupid palatable. Sometimes it's ketchup--blood and sweat and tears until you conquer it and move on. Sometimes it's barbecue sauce--enough sweet and tang to give the subject some flavor. Sometimes it's mustard until you can't taste the stupid thing.

But you have to deal with it. Now is the time to find out what sauce she likes. 


Even nutritious cockroaches can be made into something that doesn't taste like cockroach? What would cockroach taste like, I wonder? I've always called scorpions dry-land lobster from the way the cats seem to treat them as a delicacy.


Another prize-winning quote from our literary genius!  Is someone adding this to the archive?

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Classical Academic Press. But it's kid's French. I'm planning on Breaking the Barrier French 1, 2 and 3 for High School. Hopefully with a tutor to teach it!


Thank you for the references.  I'll check them out.  *adds "make list of French resources for high school" to the list of lists to make tomorrow*

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I think ours is due by the 15th. Now I'm no so sure. :willy_nilly:


The personification lesson went as I feared. However, my best writer (and both of my boys write well) came to me in a huff because he had identified about ten examples of personification that were not in the answer key.

He was correct. 

I don't know whether to be grouchy about a lax answer key or proud of the boy.

Both boys picked up a peculiar turn of phrase that the answer key had noted with a question mark. We determined that the picture was created by the writer's choice of verbs and not by any specific "trope." So if the program was supposed to inspire me to figure poetry out so that I can teach it by myself, it's doing a good job of that!


Be proud.  Then be smug as you send their examples off to the publishers of the answer key.


Good job all around!

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Club moss of some kind. You can tell him that when it grows wild you can take the spore forming parts, and if you dust them and strike a match, you can make an explosion. 


:ohmy:   :w00t:   :smash:   (what, no fireworks icon?  We need exploding icons!)

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It really was almost a writer's group tonight. There were not many there. But I read and another writer brought some good poetry. It's kind of nice to hear poetry and not have to do analysis stuff to it. 

Writers sure are a funny lot, though. It kind of drives me nuts when all of us get to talking at the same time, and yet I understand perfectly all the conversations going on at once. It's about the weirdest thing ever. Nobody else seems to mind either. Topics tonight ranged from Norse mythology to whether or not it is a good idea to keep pet alligators in the house to the one hundredth anniversary of the railway depot in town to what to feed a baby mockingbird. And there were only five of us. 

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I think I hear thunder. I need it to storm all my frustrations out.


We are going to a baseball game tomorrow (minor league) because 2 dc are in a choir that is singing the National Anthem. My youngest has never been to a baseball game or any stadium sport in her entire life. That is sad.


How long does a baseball game last? Do they play if it rains?

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We are going to a baseball game tomorrow (minor league) because 2 dc are in a choir that is singing the National Anthem. My youngest has never been to a baseball game or any stadium sport in her entire life. That is sad.

Neither have my boys. We keep planning to take them but haven't gotten around to it yet.

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Neither have my boys. We keep planning to take them but haven't gotten around to it yet.


I haven't been to one either, not even games in high school.  We lived too far away.


But I sure listened to a lot of baseball when visiting Grandpa in South Dakota in the summer.  Whenever it neared 110 degrees Mom made us stay inside.  Nothing to do but lay on the floor in front of a fan and listen to whatever game Grandpa put on.

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Time for bed.  Gotta let myself down from the emotional roller coaster, too.  We are just two episodes away from the end of Your Lie In April, an anime show about some middle school students, two of whom are musical prodigies.  Lots of heady stuff about life and loss and such, though.  Really tears at one's heart-strings, especially episode 20, which we just finished.  I am quite sad now.

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I am ex.haust.ed.    It is now 7 pm and I just now got in the door after my ladies luncheon.  It was a nice time.  I worked very hard to be couth and to fit in with polite society.  There is one lady there that I just cannot seem to like and she cornered me and I gave her my phone number.  :scared: I feel guilty saying that because she's also very nice but she's a gusher and she tells me that my teens are "precious".  :ack2: I think this is a sign that I'm not so nice.


Another sign that I'm not so nice is that I had a run in with a neighbor this morning on the way to the luncheon.  I was driving out of my driveway and noticed her standing on her driveway watching one of her dogs poop (yet again) on my yard.  I stopped the car and called out the open window, "Will you please keep your dog off of my yard?"  She said "yes" and stood there doing nothing.  So I thought that maybe she couldn't hear me because of the distance so I said again, "Will you please keep your dog off of my yard?"  And she said "yes" and again did nothing.  So I said, "Now."  And she said "yes".  And I said "I'm not going to move until you get your dog."  And she rolled her eyes at me and got her dog.  Now I"m mad because I want to be neighborly and I feel like I've been forced into being the "itchy" neighbor even though I haven't done anything wrong and she was in the wrong.  Not once did she apologize or say that she would clean up after him, either. 

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I think I hear thunder. I need it to storm all my frustrations out.


We are going to a baseball game tomorrow (minor league) because 2 dc are in a choir that is singing the National Anthem. My youngest has never been to a baseball game or any stadium sport in her entire life. That is sad.


How long does a baseball game last? Do they play if it rains?


A typical baseball game is about 3 hours.  If it rains, they usually put the game on hold -- sometimes for hours! -- and then continue playing.  (If it is a light rain, they *might* play through.) There is no clock in baseball.  They just play until someone wins.


Have fun!!  And how awesome that your kids are singing!!

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It really was almost a writer's group tonight. There were not many there. But I read and another writer brought some good poetry. It's kind of nice to hear poetry and not have to do analysis stuff to it.

Writers sure are a funny lot, though. It kind of drives me nuts when all of us get to talking at the same time, and yet I understand perfectly all the conversations going on at once. It's about the weirdest thing ever. Nobody else seems to mind either. Topics tonight ranged from Norse mythology to whether or not it is a good idea to keep pet alligators in the house to the one hundredth anniversary of the railway depot in town to what to feed a baby mockingbird. And there were only five of us.

It seems you are liking the group, then?

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I haven't been to one either, not even games in high school. We lived too far away.


But I sure listened to a lot of baseball when visiting Grandpa in South Dakota in the summer. Whenever it neared 110 degrees Mom made us stay inside. Nothing to do but lay on the floor in front of a fan and listen to whatever game Grandpa put on.

Listening to baseball on the radio and the smell of fresh cut grass are two very poignant summer time childhood memories. On Saturday afternoons my dad would cut the lawn and wash the car, all the while listening to baseball on the radio. And I'd be right out there with him, playing in the water or whatever. Gotta love life in the 1970's. It seemed to be a simpler time. Edited by KrissiK
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Oh, I remember what I wanted to say. It was from yesterday, about jicama.


My jicama-eating dh has never heard of roasting it. He opens and eats as is. I don't like it because I think it is flavorless. Maybe I'll like it better roasted?

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I am ex.haust.ed.    It is now 7 pm and I just now got in the door after my ladies luncheon.  It was a nice time.  I worked very hard to be couth and to fit in with polite society.  There is one lady there that I just cannot seem to like and she cornered me and I gave her my phone number.  :scared: I feel guilty saying that because she's also very nice but she's a gusher and she tells me that my teens are "precious".  :ack2: I think this is a sign that I'm not so nice.


Another sign that I'm not so nice is that I had a run in with a neighbor this morning on the way to the luncheon.  I was driving out of my driveway and noticed her standing on her driveway watching one of her dogs poop (yet again) on my yard.  I stopped the car and called out the open window, "Will you please keep your dog off of my yard?"  She said "yes" and stood there doing nothing.  So I thought that maybe she couldn't hear me because of the distance so I said again, "Will you please keep your dog off of my yard?"  And she said "yes" and again did nothing.  So I said, "Now."  And she said "yes".  And I said "I'm not going to move until you get your dog."  And she rolled her eyes at me and got her dog.  Now I"m mad because I want to be neighborly and I feel like I've been forced into being the "itchy" neighbor even though I haven't done anything wrong and she was in the wrong.  Not once did she apologize or say that she would clean up after him, either. 


Sure you're neighborly. She's the non-neighborly one. With a neighbor like that, the next time (which there probably will be) you can be even more specific and say, "Can you please keep your dog and his poop off of my yard? I'm not going to move until you get your dog and his poop."  :lol:

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Good Wednesday Morning!


Happy Birthday Ikslo!   :party:  :party:  :party:





(((Jean)))  Hope you're getting some good sleep now.  The conversation with the neighbor would bother me too for all the same reasons!   :grouphug:   And the person at the luncheon - trust your gut; no one needs gushy, lol.  ENB will be there next time neighbor brings her dog over.   :driving:


Hope everyone has a great day!  

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