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On 1/22/2021 at 12:38 PM, Servant4Christ said:

Renai! How are you? Haven't seen Dancer in a loooong time. How is she and Baby Dancer doing?

They are still alive. 🙂 


12 hours ago, Wheres Toto said:

Light and fluffy is all I read these days, unless its science texts for classes.  

Happy Monday.   I forgot to set up the kids school last night.  No big deal, i can quickly put together something for this morning and do the rest of the week when I get back from teaching my class.  I'm going to clean up my desk at the science center too.  It's a wreck.  Just stuff piled all over the place.  

Yes, "wreck" totally describes my work area.


5 HOURS???? No one is taking this thread seriously.

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No yoga with dd this morning because I didn't remember until around midnight last night that today was Tuesday, and that seemed a little late to send a message to make plans (and wait for a response).   Oh well.  

I'm meeting a realtor this morning at a space down the road from my house.  I need more space at the science center and this space looks great (except its second floor) and is inexpensive for the area.  We shall see if it would actually work.     I was thinking it was too early to look but dh pointed out we'd need time to move in and set up so would probably want to move in May, so for commercial its actually not that early (to do build-outs, etc).   

We're supposed to get rain, sleet and possibly some snow today but pretty minor amounts.  I need to run up to our accountant to drop off paperwork so they can do our taxes after meeting the realtor.   

Then it's work on classes (as usual).   And I still am setting up school one day at a time.   Whoops.

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Good Morning!

Happy Tuesday?  My days are getting mixed up this week.

I keep thinking that I have lots to do, but the reality is that I'm just stressing myself out thinking that I have lots to do, when that's not really the case.

I've got creaky joints this morning (especially my left shoulder).

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Good Morning!!!!



School and work!!!

it wasn’t as cold as predicted, but the cats still stayed in. They were happy.

Jeannie, did you find your. Red resistance band?? Did you look in the shed behind the lawnmower?


yay!! I got a Booya/h!! It’s a Red Resistance Bamd Booya/h!!

Edited by KrissiK
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Good morning!

I have big dreams for today.  We'll see how long this attitude lasts, lol.  Fold and put away laundry - without interruptions I could get it done in a half hour, so in reality it might take 2 hours.  I want to go to AFSA and look for some things, including quick snacks and microwave meals for dd22 to take back to school.  And then also pick up a couple things at The Magical Organic Store (Whole Foods).

Life Together, so far, is not what I expected.  Wow does he ever put his finger on all my painful issues.  But I will keep reading it because it's good and good for me.


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3 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Jeannie, did you find your. Red resistance band?? Did you look in the shed behind the lawnmower?



Susan is the one who lost her red resistance band.  Probably in the soup pot.  I have my red resistance bands and yellow ones and blue ones and purple and one black one.  I also have red (and other color) resistance tubes and loops. 

But ironically despite having acquired all of that I have slacked off from Xenaing lately.  And doubly ironically I have lost a tiny bit of weight since slacking off. 

But I won't slack off forever.  I just need a certain amount of "hard things" bandwidth to do it and lately that's been filled up with other things. 

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2 hours ago, Slache said:

Thank you. I'm slowly getting better. I'm doing things around the house again.

Slachey!  You came! ❤️

2 hours ago, lots of little ducklings said:

A (sheepish) hello to everyone!

I haven't been on the boards in a while, but have missed you all.  Ducklings are all doing well, and are growing so quickly.  I don't get much screen time these days, but do enjoy following each of you as much as possible.  

Love and hugs to all of you! 

Ducks! ❤️

It's just not the same here without y'all!  

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Good Morning!!!


Humph Day!!!

Cat woke me up at 4:00am by walking over my feet. I put her out and surprisingly was able to fall back asleep.

School and work. Work has been insanely busy lately. I am exhaustified.

We’re supposed to be getting a gully washer of a series of storms over the next three days. The ark is built and ready.


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6 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Contractors finished drywall, texturing in the kitchen.  It's ready to paint. 

There is dust EVERYWHERE.  I did spend some time dusting tonight but did I mention that it's everywhere? 

There is dust everywhere here, too, and we're not having any construction done!  Lol.  

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Good Morning!

Happy Wednesday!

I've been in lots of pain for the last few days.  I think my medicine might need to be adjusted when I see my rheumatologist next month. 😞  And the weather isn't helping much, either.

Online weather still thinks I live in Saskatchewan.  I'm so glad I don't have their weather.  Their windchill temperature today is 65 degrees lower than ours.  (And it's not very warm here.)



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Good morning!

My morning has been full of mini panic attacks over stupid things.  Don't know why.  I'm trying to think of something big looming that is making me anxious.  Or it could be the excessive amounts of calcium in my blood which can cause anxiety and all that mess. My brain feels like it's getting electric shock therapy, lol.  
We have normal lessons and a zoom music history class this afternoon.  I should go take the puppy for a long walk before it rains. 


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4 minutes ago, Junie said:

Online weather still thinks I live in Saskatchewan.  I'm so glad I don't have their weather.  Their windchill temperature today is 65 degrees lower than ours.  (And it's not very warm here.)

Huh.  That's cold!  (Maybe the Weather thinks you are in witness protection and is trying to conceal your true location.)

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4 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I have had that done. It didn’t seem to make a difference but it is hard to tell. 

Quoting myself to say that what did seem to help was putting these little vent filters (you can get them at Home Depot) under each of the vent covers. But you probably do want to vacuum out the ducts first. 

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18 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Quoting myself to say that what did seem to help was putting these little vent filters (you can get them at Home Depot) under each of the vent covers. But you probably do want to vacuum out the ducts first. 

I am wondering if it's so dusty in here because we had construction done on the house before we moved in, plus our windows are not what you'd call air-tight (which is how we want it, tbh).  My mom said that the amount of dust in her house decreased dramatically when they got new windows, so that might be a factor.  
I will look for those vent filters!  And check prices on the duct cleaning.

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I made another sheet pan dinner - honey mustard chicken with baby carrots and Brussels sprouts.  It was pretty good.  I think it could have used a bit more sauce on the chicken.  I only needed one pan of it because half of the family was not home for dinner.  Oh well.  Leftovers for lunch tomorrow!

Did I tell you about the first time I made Brussels sprouts?  They were so awful that I told everyone they were not required to eat them and we threw them outside for the squirrels to eat.  The squirrels wouldn't touch them either, lol! 😁

(The Bsprouts turned out fine tonight.  Was I supposed to put sauce on them, too?  The recipe didn't say to, so I just put them on the pan plain.)

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That does sound nice, Jean.

I'm up early and probably will be for the next few days. One of my dogs is having excess drinking and urinating at the moment. Treating for UTI, but I'm suspicious of an underlying endocrine issue. She's about eight, so young, but I have her set up for bloodwork this Saturday. Other than leaving lakes in the house, she's fine. But I don't like dealing with indoor floods, so I'm having to take her out about every three hours around the clock.

Because of that, the only thing I can do is become nocturnal for the next couple of days. I'm scheduled myself sleeping time between 11 and 5 this evening when the boys can take the dogs out, and I can shut the door to the bedroom and sleep. Getting up every three hours at night just isn't allowing me to go back to sleep, and DH can't get back to sleep either. So this seemed to be the only logical solution.

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Good Morning!!!!


Friday Eve!!!

School and Work!!

Day two of the Atmospheric River. We’ll see what it brings us.

Yay for soup-bearing contractors, Jeannie.

Boo for puppies with UTIs, Critter. I hope you can manage to get some sleep.

Boo for the blahs, Toto. I hope you are able to feel better soon.

Yay for staying indoors on a blustery day, Junie. Make that soup. I only like soup if it’s full of stuff. Not too watery.

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11 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I  brought home some dented cans that were donated to our "food bank" but that we aren't allowed to give out.  Hopefully we won't die.

Not a chance!

11 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Half the time my "u" key won't work the first time and I have to go back and hit it again. 


Ugh.  😁

8 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Well, we got some rain, but not the deluge they were predicting. Still have two more days of it, though. Supposedly it’s one of those atmospheric rivers.

That sounds exciting!  I envision hang-glide-kayaking through the countryside.

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