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12 minutes ago, Renai said:

And, how did you find him out, Slash?

I reverse image searched his profile picture which lead me his Facebook. Here he said was a high ranking government official who owned his own home and had a wife and daughter who he homeschooled, on Facebook he was unemployed and lived in his dad's house with his girlfriend and her kids that went to a private school that his dad paid for.

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Dd13 has a campout tonight with her scout patrol and it's going to get down to 26 degrees.  Uff da.  I believe they will be in a barn so maybe that will help.  She has cold weather gear and about 26 layers of clothes, so she should be fine.  We have to leave in about 15 minutes.

Oh, it was so exciting at Publix this morning - I found a 27 AND a 28 pound turkey!  I majorly annoyed my shoulder getting them into the shopping cart.  Both of them are now in my deep freeze.  (I really really really like turkey leftovers! :laugh:)

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2 minutes ago, Paradox5 said:

You will be laughing at me come March and thanking your lucky stars you don't live in Houston... trust me.

We got to San Antonio on February 28th. It's not very humid here and I'm thriving. Not the wind that tried to kill us though. But mostly I love the weather here.

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15 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

I highly doubt it. We'll still be covered in snow. The first time I saw what comes AFTER the snow (mud), I cried. For some crazy reason, I expected there to be grass. It was almost as shocking as the first time I crossed the Golden Gate Bridge and realized there's no pavement... It's a see-through grate!

Right?! Those picture books always show grass peeping through the melted snow! We have lots of mud too. Sigh.

I can imagine myself having a panic attack trying to cross that bridge. "Try," I say. Is there a way around?


11 minutes ago, myblessings4 said:

Ds and I went to Dollar tree, tractor supply, and the AFSA.  Got the rest of the produce and snacks we needed, plus some ornaments for kids pictures tomorrow.  We were comety out of straws, so got those and freezer containers.  

Then we picked up supper so we wouldn't have to go out.  Yummy Mexican  food from one of the taquerias.  

I have out our bedding back on the bed and have the next two laundry loads processing, plus I made tea and cleaned out the microwave.

I'm not hungry yet, so I'm either going to read a book or watch a Christmas movie.

Next time I come by (maybe next summer?) you can invite me to one of those taquerias. I don't know if I really want to move to my parent's place if I have to make all my own good Mexican food...

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Oh, turkey sounds so good...

We are just having leftovers tonight, whatever we can scrounge. I don't cook on Saturdays after work. I didn't plan to write today, but I'll probably squeeze in 1K or so and then do some reading. My sister bought me a book of short stories called Tabloid Dreams by Robert Olen Butler that I'm dying to dig into. 

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Let's see: I did a Walmart grocery pick up this morning. I think this will help cut our budget a bit. I'm keeping count, and will report back later. 

Dh's company had been cleaning out an estate, and he brought a lot of stuff from that house he thought I'd like. A LOT. In our 659 sq ft apartment. The apartment I'm trying to clean out. Anyway, I finally got through the stuff, picked out some stuff I liked (most of it was Christmas stuff), put aside things on a shelf and in plastic drawers I think I can sell, and took the rest of it to the Salvation Army thrift stores. There were a lot of thick gloves and mittens, and the SA will give those away to people who need them. 

From there, we went to the mercado to buy some atole and Gymnast's individual-sized chocolate coconut milk to take to school for lunch. We were supposed to stop by the herberia, but I forgot. Dh is coming down with something, so I need to figure out what herbs/teas I have so I can make a concoction.

I'm tired.

Tonight, I only teach two ESL classes: 5:30 and 8:10. What a bother. I also have a book challenge/launch meeting at 6:00.

I need to prepare for the online mom's conference coming up in January, too. Record the presentation, and turn that in along with some other swag bag stuff.

And I have recordings to do for the self-paced course I'm creating in Adelante Academy. I have a couple of beta students in there, which I did on purpose to push me to get it done...it's a spinoff of the book "28 Days to Family Language Learning." Anyone else want to beta test? Drop me message.

I just got approved to exhibit at the state homeschool conference again, so hopefully I'll get a spot to do a workshop as well again. They said they got good positive feedback on my workshop last time. 

Now, I'm just tired. Maybe I'll take a 20 minute nap. Maybe not...

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21 minutes ago, ThatBookwormMom said:

There were things I was going to answer, but I forgot what they were, I didn't quote them, and I'm far too lazy to scroll back up and find them. So I'll go with I love you all and I think you're fabulous.

Servant, 1K means one thousand words.

I did the grocery shopping, the grocery putting away, the dirty dish washing, the people feeding, and I cooked 12 lbs of hamburger/Italian sausage mix and 3 lbs of plain hamburger to stash in the freezer, alongside the ten lbs of chicken I have in there already. None of the ground meat is seasoned, and none of it has veggies in it, so I'll be chopping and packaging vegetables and the rest of the meat I bought tomorrow. Along with finally getting to those gross bathrooms. I think what I'm going to do there is clean the toilets myself (because that's the only place I use harsh chemicals in my bathrooms), then outsource the rest of the tasks to various kids and just call it good enough.

Current names being debated: Tevye, Malachi, Emmanuel, Isaac, and another one I can't remember right now because my brain is turning itself off. Middle name will be Duane or Laurence, because of family significance.

Imma go watch Elf with my kids now. I love Christmas movie season! We kicked it off Veteran's Day with White Christmas. Seemed appropriate. 😊

This is an awesome idea.

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I just budgeted out all of our money to upcoming bills. Afterward we had no money left and I saw all of the bills coming forgetting that I had already budgeted for them and freaked out. Don't worried everyone! Crisis averted!

11 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

That kind of technology is incredible and all sorts of scary at the same time. See? Told you Slachie was the techie guru! Just "Ask Slachie!" Now it's DEFINITELY a thing. 

Yes, technology is evil. The way we can get information on each other is insane.

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12 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

Whoa! I tried it. It worked. That's scary. I think I'm gonna erase that app now. Just feels like an invasion of privacy to me. Did you know you're all over Google? I had no idea you do all that. I feel lazy by comparison. I need a nap just reading about how busy you are. 😂

If you only type in "Renai," all you get is an anime character.

If you type in "Tam Renai," however, it's a little different...

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22 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

Whoa! I tried it. It worked. That's scary. I think I'm gonna erase that app now. Just feels like an invasion of privacy to me. Did you know you're all over Google? I had no idea you do all that. I feel lazy by comparison. I need a nap just reading about how busy you are. 😂

Whatever you find about me is probably what I SHOULD be doing, not what's actually getting done...

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Just now, Servant4Christ said:

Huh? I didn't type in anything. Just searched your profile pic. I'm supposed to type words, too? I don't even wanna know how much more info pops up that way.

I told you I'm tired. I forgot we were talking about image searches, lol!

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I know if someone googles my full name, they will get 5 people in my general area close to my own age, and none of them are me.  

Dh and ds share a name and when we went and joined the gym, they already had someone in their computer with the same name.   Dh did say that he had to deny being about 12 other Mr. xxx x xxxx when he got our mortgage.  

I've never tried an image search.  There are one or two images of me on here so if someone wanted to search, they may be able to find one to search on.  Might come up with my Facebook page.  Although I've also linked my business website and that will definitely get you my full name.

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Anyone get Disney+?  Everyone is talking about it like it's the most amazing thing ever.  I'm not sure I get it.  I like the Marvel movies.  We like the Disney movies.  But I still don't see why this was such a big deal everyone had to take off work and school and from life to sit and watch it. 

I also hate how you go to the website and they give very little information about what's included.  Not even with the hulu/ESPN package.  What is included??

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Never posted to the Ignore Thread before. But where, I asked meself, shall I post this question? It's too trivial for its own thread. I know...

So I have a badge, patch, you know the thing one sews and/or irons onto jackets. Wee Girl wants it, reasonably enough, on her cello case, which is carbon fiber. What's the best way to affix it? Which adhesive am I looking for? Tell me. 

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21 minutes ago, Where's Toto? said:

Anyone get Disney+?  Everyone is talking about it like it's the most amazing thing ever.  I'm not sure I get it.  I like the Marvel movies.  We like the Disney movies.  But I still don't see why this was such a big deal everyone had to take off work and school and from life to sit and watch it. 

I also hate how you go to the website and they give very little information about what's included.  Not even with the hulu/ESPN package.  What is included??

We're thinking about it. We don't own movies. We'll do prime or Netflix when it's free and we currently get one free redbox a week but that will go away soon.

I believe everything owned by Disney. Every single thing without fail. I make no guarantees. It's what they were claiming a few months ago.

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Just now, Violet Crown said:

Never posted to the Ignore Thread before. But where, I asked meself, shall I post this question? It's too trivial for its own thread. I know...

So I have a badge, patch, you know the thing one sews and/or irons onto jackets. Wee Girl wants it, reasonably enough, on her cello case, which is carbon fiber. What's the best way to affix it? Which adhesive am I looking for? Tell me. 

Duct tape.

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2 hours ago, Servant4Christ said:

Please help me here. What exactly does 1K mean? I know it's a size reference because I used to see it every time I downloaded a book to read. But how much does it reference? X amount of words? Y number of paragraphs? Z number of pages?

Well, for me it stands for 1,000 words. Sorry. Writer jargon.

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15 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

3M Super 77 Spray adhesive. You can find it at Walmart or a craft store like JoAnn Fabric or Michael's. If you spray it on the back of the patch and apply while wet, it's supposed to adhere permanently to most stuff, but if you let the spray dry (it'll still be sticky) it can be removed and readjusted like a sticker.

Perfect. It's Priming my way at this moment.

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2 minutes ago, Servant4Christ said:

I remember walking to and from school each day and envying the kids who had this type of case. Mine was wood and HEAVY.

Wood! I'd've switched her to violin. No I got a sweet deal on a pre-owned Bobelock, made in the Phillippines, much nicer than the Bam cases which are plastic for the same price new. There was a significant scratch but Wee Girl added her own promptly.

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1 hour ago, Where's Toto? said:

Anyone get Disney+?  Everyone is talking about it like it's the most amazing thing ever.  I'm not sure I get it.  I like the Marvel movies.  We like the Disney movies.  But I still don't see why this was such a big deal everyone had to take off work and school and from life to sit and watch it. 

I also hate how you go to the website and they give very little information about what's included.  Not even with the hulu/ESPN package.  What is included??

Nope, don't have it. But, Disney was paying people $1000 to watch 30 movies in 30 days on their channel (had to apply for the job and review), so maybe so many rave reviews are coming from them.


1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

So if a family was going to be in Albuquerque in the early afternoon on Sunday, May 17, where would be a good place for that family (and possibly others) to hang out for an hour?

With us at Chinese school?


36 minutes ago, myblessings4 said:

We made a fire in the firepit this evening and kids made s'mores.

Dh turned half of our old charcoal grill into a firepit and he and Gymnast gathered wood from the river and started a fire. It was nice. They threw a couple of gigantic marshmallows in the fire and watched them convert into lava pillows, like the ones you see underwater. It was cool.

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1 hour ago, Violet Crown said:

Never posted to the Ignore Thread before. But where, I asked meself, shall I post this question? It's too trivial for its own thread. I know...

So I have a badge, patch, you know the thing one sews and/or irons onto jackets. Wee Girl wants it, reasonably enough, on her cello case, which is carbon fiber. What's the best way to affix it? Which adhesive am I looking for? Tell me. 


1 hour ago, Slache said:

Are we serious about super glue? Because I feel that could work. Or hot glue?

I was going to suggest hot glue gun.  I guess if the spray doesn't work, that could be the second string attempt.


1 hour ago, myblessings4 said:

It's been like that everywhere around here the last two weekends.  I keep asking cashiers what is going on.  They're assuming holidays.  I do forget sometimes to avoid shopping on military payday weekends, but this has been even worse than that.

It seems early for holiday shopping and I don't think it's been like this in years past.  We're nowhere near a military base, although now that you mention it, yesterday was the 15th and a lot of places around here pay twice a month on the 15th and last day.  Could be that and I've just been lucky enough to not hit it in the past?   Or at least not hit it on a Saturday.  Which is possible, I tend to avoid stores on the weekend if I can at all help it.

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1 hour ago, Servant4Christ said:

Everyone's buying stuff for Thanksgiving?

No they aren’t. Because there’s nothing for Thanksgiving there. Except turkeys. Seriously.... i’m Glad I got my autumn napkins and pie plates and such a while ago. Not one bit of Thanksgiving decor or merchandise to be had. 

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What I do get is this..... aren’t people sick of Christmas decorations by the time Christmas finally gets here if they put it up November 1? I’m tired of my Christmas decor by Christmas and I usually wait till the day after Thanksgiving. And by then I am also sick of Christmas music. But not peppermint mocha creamer. I bought some today at the Afsa. Sugar free. Yay!! My life is complete.

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32 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

What time is Chinese school over?

3 if we don't stay for extracurricular; 4 if we stay.


23 minutes ago, Paradox5 said:

And you didn’t invite us??

That would have been cool to video and share.

We wait until 1 Dec and take it down the day after. 

I considered recording it, but my phone was dying... we plan to do it again tomorrow. I was cozy in a very warm poncho and gloves, and my small old dog cuddled on my lap under the poncho with me.

We put up decorations the Saturday after Thanksgiving. They stay up until at least Three Kings Day, but lately Gymnast likes them up for her birthday which is 2 days after that. We have small windows, so we really don't get tired of the lights because otherwise, our apartment is dark. We've kept up the tree through February before, because we were all too lazy to take it down!

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