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8 years old! Time to get new tennies. Get a dark pair and a light pair and your wardrobe is covered, lol.




You are so right.  I have trouble moving on from my old Nikes and also, I am cheap. :laugh:

What exactly does plantar fasciitis feel like?


Like someone is stabbing a knife in the middle of your heel at every step.  One foot only, for me.

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So, here's a random question - 

Does your church allow beverages in the sanctuary? 
If so, do you take your drink into the sanctuary or does that bother you? 

My sister and I were talking about this last night. The conversation came up during my sister's Bible study group. Some of the older women were aghast that the younger women wouldn't have a problem with coffee in the sanctuary. So my sister asked "Well, what's wrong with that?" She said, "Apparently, the deacon's daughter isn't the one who should ask that. You should have seen the look Mom gave me!" lol 

I started thinking about my church - which is a megachurch. We have a couple of locations and the older location, while it has a coffee shop it it, does not allow beverages in the sanctuary. My location is newer and has younger families. We do allow beverages in the sanctuary. 

I am just curious what most of you all do. As I said, rather random, but if not in ITT, then where? Right? :)

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I get that feeling often. Like Saturday, when I cleaned all day while barefoot. 

If you wear supportive tennis shoes, it should be fine.  I am a barefoot gal while at home, and I am always at home.  Also, when I wore some very flat, hard shoes half the day to do errands recently,  my foot hurt so bad I could hardly walk and had to take ibuprofen.  The next day, I started in on my wearing tennis shoes all the time.  

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One cannot simply post the short version of this, Miss Jean!  :toetap05:


It was a dream. I was not taking notes!  And the details are fuzzy now.  I know that Rusty bunny was missing and I had to find him.  "They" (I can't remember now who "they" were) tried to pass off another bunny as Rusty but I know my grandbunny enough to know it was an imposter.  Then Rusty made a flying leap to my arms because he was not going to be left behind.  Then somehow. . . misty memories here. . . I had a quest and I was trying to figure it out and as I was walking by a lake these snapping turtles bubbled up to talk to me.  The Big Snapping Turtle was explaining that I had to do the quest in order and the Orcas were just starting to explain some more when I was woken up.  Poof!  Now you are more confused than ever as am I. 

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It was a dream. I was not taking notes!  And the details are fuzzy now.  I know that Rusty bunny was missing and I had to find him.  "They" (I can't remember now who "they" were) tried to pass off another bunny as Rusty but I know my grandbunny enough to know it was an imposter.  Then Rusty made a flying leap to my arms because he was not going to be left behind.  Then somehow. . . misty memories here. . . I had a quest and I was trying to figure it out and as I was walking by a lake these snapping turtles bubbled up to talk to me.  The Big Snapping Turtle was explaining that I had to do the quest in order and the Orcas were just starting to explain some more when I was woken up.  Poof!  Now you are more confused than ever as am I. 


:laugh:  Confused, perhaps, but delighted as well!  I almost never remember my dreams now that I am old, but I just love how odd they can be.  Now I want the Big Snapping Turtle to come to me in my sleep and explain my quest!

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No beverages in our sanctuary.  I sometimes see a nursing mother or someone with a medical condition or a young toddler with a discrete water bottle, but that's it.  We do have a perpetual crushed goldfish and cheerio problem though.  I wish people would clean up after their children. It has become more of an issue as more people have food allergy issues. 



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Beverages are not permitted in our sanctuary, but people still do it.  Especially coffee.


Several months ago, one of the college girls knocked over her (large) water cup that was sitting on the floor in front of her.  Our sanctuary has a sloped floor, like a theater, so the water just ran.  There was a flurry of people moving out of the way, someone grabbed some paper towels, and the college girl was mortified.

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Personification.   :D


Dh and I were watching the movie Birdman (dark, odd comedy, btw), and a character quoted the Macbeth "sound and fury" speech.  I joined in and quoted with him, as dh stared at me and asked what it was from.  I was all "Shakespeare, dude!".  He said, "That's why I like you."  He is the same with history, btw.  Together, we are all of the humanities.  


Dark and odd is right. That was pizza/movie date night several months ago, and the weirdest we've had in a long time.  I think I need to take over the library dvd queue.  


Now, this past Friday was No Escape.  Not a great title, but probably the best Owen Wilson I've seen (he's never been a favorite of mine… too many kids' animated flicks, maybe?…but this was not his usual style role and yet he pulled it off beautifully, I thought.)  Had excellent acting (Lake Bell, esp.) and was well-written and extremely believable. But it was an edge of the seat sort of thriller, and children were at stake in the plot, and since motherhood, I hate hate hate when children are at stake in the plot.  So I still don't know if I loved it or hated it.  But I didn't fall asleep and that says quite a lot about a movie.   :D   Definitely can recommend it if you are looking for an adrenaline rush movie with nice-good-normal-people-who-occasionally-curse in it.  (Well, apart from the bad guys.)  And it is violent, because of the premise (Cambodian uprisings), but not in an unnecessarily graphic way. 


Speaking of dark and odd… I smell something.  Ds1 is making his presence known.  :leaving:

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:laugh:  Confused, perhaps, but delighted as well!  I almost never remember my dreams now that I am old, but I just love how odd they can be.  Now I want the Big Snapping Turtle to come to me in my sleep and explain my quest!


I only remember my dreams when I've been snatched away from them in the middle.  So not being able to remember them is a goal of mine as it would mean that I was able to wake up at a more opportune time in my sleep cycle. 

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We ran out of the food that has met His Highness, the Royal Neko's approval.  So I had to feed him Inferior Food.  He has yowled his protest vociferously and has now gone on a food strike.  Last time I feed him this Inferior Food he pushed it over to Rocky to eat.  I told him about all the cats in Africa but all he does is to suggest that I send it to them. 

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It was a dream. I was not taking notes!  And the details are fuzzy now.  I know that Rusty bunny was missing and I had to find him.  "They" (I can't remember now who "they" were) tried to pass off another bunny as Rusty but I know my grandbunny enough to know it was an imposter.  Then Rusty made a flying leap to my arms because he was not going to be left behind.  Then somehow. . . misty memories here. . . I had a quest and I was trying to figure it out and as I was walking by a lake these snapping turtles bubbled up to talk to me.  The Big Snapping Turtle was explaining that I had to do the quest in order and the Orcas were just starting to explain some more when I was woken up.  Poof!  Now you are more confused than ever as am I. 


I am disturbed by the fact that you had Orcas in a lake.  Oddly, the talking turtle does not bother me.

Edited by ikslo
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Have she started speech? How's it going? 


Actually, this was another of my daughters who wrote this.  She pronounces /r/ just fine; she just didn't write it that way this time.  I thought it was kind of funny.


Dd5 (the littlest one) is still doing speech therapy.  She loves it!!  

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One of my sons has very vivid dreams. He likes to regale me with these stories in the morning before I've sorted out whether I'm awake or dead. This morning he told me that he'd been cleaning out the attic of a lady who died and was mummified. Apparently she took exception to her crypt being cleaned, pursued him (and brother) from the crypt, up the stairs, caught them at the top and spanked them soundly.

I spent most of the morning without power. Somebody evidently told the power company that customers would like to know every detail of the process to restore the power. I'm all for being informed, but I really didn't need to know that the outage was caused by an animal getting into the equipment causing a short.

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I have no idea if my church allows beverages. I don't think anyone has ever tried. We're an elderly white Presbyterian church with a smattering of young families in a smallish predominantly Hispanic town.


I read "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" and then found out that I have no fertility to take charge of. But I ended up with five kids, so it's all good.


I would love for a snapping turtle to explain my quest. I need a quest.


Need to start school. We started out good... Got Greek and Bible done and then I noticed a red flashing light outside, and saw that it was an ambulance in front of our neighbor's house. She's an elderly widow, but she's still very active. I spoke, a few words to her as they were loading her up. Her son told me it looks like she has pneumonia. He's a nurse, I think. Then, when that excitement was over, fil came to pick up DS for his volunteer gig, told me mil isn't coming today, so in a fit of uncharacteristic spontaneity, I decided to get my allergy shots this morning instead of trying to fit it into the chaos that is Monday afternoon.


But now... I need to crack the whip and get things done!

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In the category of "things that sound like a good idea at the time". Are you perhaps an impulsive extrovert? :leaving:


ETA: An impulsive extrovert booya(h)! BAM!



I am never inclined to bring my kids on field trips for any reason, but feel it is part of a good educational experience, so I suck it up, buttercup, and take them on occassional easy/free ones. The Whole Foods tour was actually quite interesting. The employees were enthusiastic and engaging, and we got snacks - oranges, shrimp, cheeses, fresh bread, cookies, and the pizza guy actually had the kids yell out their favorite toppings and made us a pizza. Also the soap lady gave us free samples of soaps. So all-in-all a good tour plus a free lunch.


Our church requests no beverages or food in the sanctuary, though I don't think it is posted anywhere. It is an historic building, so I think they are extra careful. Come to think of it, they offer popcorn when we have family movie nights in the summer.

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Apparently, I've done something to tick off one of the teachers on my team. I'm getting the cold shoulder and refusal to speak to me in a group setting. 
I'm at the point I don't even care, though. I'm not going to even address it. If she wants to act like my 3 year old and be a snob, then so be it; but I'm done with this junior high behavior from all of them. 


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We are at the library.  It is storytime morning.  I don't expect silence from babies and toddlers but crabby old me remembers the days when we tried to keep our kids from screaming and running wild in the library. 



This is why I don't go. My child IS that child and it stresses me out. I DO try to keep her contained, but she gets excited and talks and roams. She's not being bad really;but it is annoying for everyone else, I'm sure. 

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Apparently, I've done something to tick off one of the teachers on my team. I'm getting the cold shoulder and refusal to speak to me in a group setting. 

I'm at the point I don't even care, though. I'm not going to even address it. If she wants to act like my 3 year old and be a snob, then so be it; but I'm done with this junior high behavior from all of them. 






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Personification.   :D


Dh and I were watching the movie Birdman (dark, odd comedy, btw), and a character quoted the Macbeth "sound and fury" speech.  I joined in and quoted with him, as dh stared at me and asked what it was from.  I was all "Shakespeare, dude!".  He said, "That's why I like you."  He is the same with history, btw.  Together, we are all of the humanities.  


Personification!  I knew I would kick myself as soon as you said it. 


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I am trying to pretend that I am a professional tutor hired to teach my daughter.  I actually did that for a living for some time so it isn't hard for me to imagine.  What is harder is pretending that my daughter is a not my daughter!  I'm hoping this will help me to be more patient with her. 


Hire someone to do repairs somewhere inside your house - you'll turn into the nicest teacher ever.  :D   (Not that I've ever experienced anything like that.)


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I just remembered what I was going to tell you all today!


DS :crying: for 10 minutes last night when I told him to take a shower.  Because shower=bedtime, which means the weekend was over and he has to do school.  :nopity:  As soon as I got him to stop crying :glare:, he asked if he could take a bath instead so that I could read him some history.  :confused1:



I don't see how some of you deal with more than one of these creatures.




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I dislike watching baseball on television. Watching a baseball game in person is fun!

I loved when my boys were in Little League. Didn't last long. The game was much too slow for DS. He's more of a soccer and basketball type. He lasted 2 seasons. DS2 played for one season. He got so nervous when he was up to bat.... one game he went to the bathroom at least 10 times. And one game he actually wet his pants. I kind of wanted to let him quit mid-season since it was so hard on him, but we have a strict policy that unless there's abuse or something really wrong going on, you have to finish the season. So, he finished that season and never played again.
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I don't see how some of you deal with more than one of these creatures.


Neither do I and I have two of them. I'm hoping to figure it out before they grow up, but hopes are not high. :glare:

Today has been "the invasion of the chatter monkeys." I think my ears are going to fall off. :laugh:

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I hate playing baseball. I can't hit a ball to save my life. The only time I ever got a hit was when I closed my eyes and swung the bat wildly to protect myself. I don't play sports. I run, because I can run by myself. All attempts to get me involved in organized sport have met with failure. But I do like watching a baseball game in person. It's slow paced enough to allow me to daydream and get some good people-watching in. :laugh:

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I just remembered what I was going to tell you all today!


DS :crying: for 10 minutes last night when I told him to take a shower.  Because shower=bedtime, which means the weekend was over and he has to do school.  :nopity:  As soon as I got him to stop crying :glare:, he asked if he could take a bath instead so that I could read him some history.  :confused1:



I don't see how some of you deal with more than one of these creatures.


Thank you.  Thank you for understanding.

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Poor ikslo's ds.  We had a similar incident last night.


We are back from the pediatric dentist. Dd has 8 new cavities in the last six months. She had 7 cavities at her previous visit.  Guess we are going to go do a silent reflux evaluation with ped gastro.  Her little sister has similar issues and was on prevacid, so it's not entirely unexpected, but I am bummed for dd.



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We are back from the pediatric dentist. Dd has 8 new cavities in the last six months. She had 7 cavities at her previous visit.  Guess we are going to go do a silent reflux evaluation with ped gastro.  Her little sister has similar issues and was on prevacid, so it's not entirely unexpected, but I am bummed for dd.



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Poor ikslo's ds.  We had a similar incident last night.


We are back from the pediatric dentist. Dd has 8 new cavities in the last six months. She had 7 cavities at her previous visit.  Guess we are going to go do a silent reflux evaluation with ped gastro.  Her little sister has similar issues and was on prevacid, so it's not entirely unexpected, but I am bummed for dd.


:grouphug:  for you and :grouphug: for her!


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I am trying to pretend that I am a professional tutor hired to teach my daughter.  I actually did that for a living for some time so it isn't hard for me to imagine.  What is harder is pretending that my daughter is a not my daughter!  I'm hoping this will help me to be more patient with her. 


I'll trade you.  I'll teach yours to write if you will teach mine math.  

Hire someone to do repairs somewhere inside your house - you'll turn into the nicest teacher ever.  :D   (Not that I've ever experienced anything like that.)


Yes!  the repair dude was here today, and he got to see me as Teacher of the Year and then Parent of the Year.


I just remembered what I was going to tell you all today!


DS :crying: for 10 minutes last night when I told him to take a shower.  Because shower=bedtime, which means the weekend was over and he has to do school.  :nopity:  As soon as I got him to stop crying :glare:, he asked if he could take a bath instead so that I could read him some history.  :confused1:



I don't see how some of you deal with more than one of these creatures.

Not very gracefully, I promise you that.


Poor ikslo's ds.  We had a similar incident last night.


We are back from the pediatric dentist. Dd has 8 new cavities in the last six months. She had 7 cavities at her previous visit.  Guess we are going to go do a silent reflux evaluation with ped gastro.  Her little sister has similar issues and was on prevacid, so it's not entirely unexpected, but I am bummed for dd.



ETA:  A multiquote booya(h)!

Edited by texasmama
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Saturday morning was my usual early start & then I was running around here & there & then my parents came over to pick up their dog & we visited and I was SO SO tired so I just kept having coffee after coffee.

When they left at 1230 I was still exhausted, but now headachy and actually shaky from the caffeine.

I went to lie down with the ipad thinking I'd check in here... and fell asleep for 2 hours. OK then. So tired that I slept right through coffee jitters. 

Sunday dh dragged me out to a car dealership & I actually test drove a car. Our sales guy was nice. He used to be on the Canadian Olympic fencing team & still competes. His wife is a fencer too. Olympic fencers have day jobs it turns out...

Didn't buy the car though;  but might if he calls back with a bigger discount. Just can't decide if I should go new or try to find one a couple years old & save some $$$. 


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