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Panera used to have a portabella mushroom and caramelized onion sandwich. The mushrooms were marinated in something delicious, the onions were perfectly sweet, it was oozing with mozzarella. Perfect for a girl who loved breads and wanted a sandwich, but didn't want meat. Oh my 'lanta, it was so good. I haven't eaten anything there in years, though, and they discontinued the sandwich. That broke my heart. lol


Pioneer Girls? I didn't realize they still did that. I used to love Wednesday nights at church because we had Pioneer Girls. I am pretty sure I had the book memorized. 


There was a book?  I don't remember a book.  But we had the blue sashes and the song.  I can still sing the song.  And camp.  Camp Cherith in Alfred, ME.  Every.darn.summer.  I don't think the (second) Director liked me much.  :leaving:   The first one was super nice grandmother-type.  The second.  Hmmmmmm.  Even years later when my mom was visiting her (and I had to tag along), I got the distinct feeling that she did not like me.  Made me wonder what my mother told her about me!  LOL 




Edited for typo.

Edited by ikslo
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There was a book?  I don't remember a book.  But we had the blue sashes and the song.  I can still sing the song.  And camp.  Camp Cherith in Alfred, ME.  Every.darn.summer.  I don't think the (second) Director like me much.  :leaving:   The first one was super nice grandmother-type.  The second.  Hmmmmmm.  Even years later when my mom was visiting her (and I had to tag along), I got the distinct feeling that she did not like me.  Made me wonder what my mother told her about me!  LOL 

Yep. It was a handbook. Had the verses, instructions for getting badges, etc. I was fixated on the camping and survival badges. :)

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Yep. It was a handbook. Had the verses, instructions for getting badges, etc. I was fixated on the camping and survival badges. :)


Makes sense that there was a handbook.  It's just not stored as part of my memories.  I may have to dig deeper.  There's probably a picture on the internet somewhere that can trigger a memory, right?


ETA:  Found it!!!  Stepping Stones.  How did I not remember that? 

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I'm all done with the blood letting. I felt kind of silly standing out there so early but by the time the doors opened there were 30 people in the line up! I was glad to have the coveted #1 ticket. 

My parents are returning from their trip late tonight & so my little visitor is going to go home tomorrow. I'm planning to give her a bath  & full groom today (actually I wish I could just shave her down but my mom would freak at me).

Wanna see the little muffin? She's cute but actually not very cuddly and if you don't stay on top of her coat daily, she's a walking mat. My mom kind of inherited her from a friend who had a stroke.... 

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I'm all done with the blood letting. I felt kind of silly standing out there so early but by the time the doors opened there were 30 people in the line up! I was glad to have the coveted #1 ticket. 


My parents are returning from their trip late tonight & so my little visitor is going to go home tomorrow. I'm planning to give her a bath  & full groom today (actually I wish I could just shave her down but my mom would freak at me).


Wanna see the little muffin? She's cute but actually not very cuddly and if you don't stay on top of her coat daily, she's a walking mat. My mom kind of inherited her from a friend who had a stroke.... 


Is she a Cavalier spaniel?

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Yes she is! King Charles Cavalier Spaniel is their absurdly silly long name. 


(eta. you get a virtual warm & fuzzy sweater to warm you up as prize for correctly id'ing her breed :) ) 


She's cute! My parents and two of my sisters have Cavaliers, most of whom are very cuddly.  I'm generally not a fan of little dogs (sorry, little dog peeps) but these little guys are irresistibly sweet.   

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There was a book?  I don't remember a book.  But we had the blue sashes and the song.  I can still sing the song.  And camp.  Camp Cherith in Alfred, ME.  Every.darn.summer.  I don't think the (second) Director liked me much.  :leaving:   The first one was super nice grandmother-type.  The second.  Hmmmmmm.  Even years later when my mom was visiting her (and I had to tag along), I got the distinct feeling that she did not like me.  Made me wonder what my mother told her about me!  LOL 




Edited for typo.



Camp Cherith in Corinth, NY!    Google tells me it is no longer a PG camp, though.  


And sashes, and books, and badges, and flags, and songs, and even marching in the town parade. My mother was the program director.   :svengo:


I think most churches opt for AWANA or Gems or other similar programs now.  The PG/CSB programs at my current church began decades ago and are still going strong... many girls from outside our church (i.e., unchurched) attend.   

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Camp Cherith in Corinth, NY!    Google tells me it is no longer a PG camp, though.  


And sashes, and books, and badges, and flags, and songs, and even marching in the town parade. My mother was the program director.   :svengo:


I think most churches opt for AWANA or Gems or other similar programs now.  The PG/CSB programs at my current church began decades ago and are still going strong... many girls from outside our church (i.e., unchurched) attend.   

We did them back in the 80s, early 90s. It fizzled out and probably in the last 5 years, they switched to AWANA. 

I didn't know there was a camp for them, though! I'm pretty sure we didn't do it "right", though. haha 



ETA: I have never heard of Gems. Also, what is CSB?


Edited by Southern Ivy
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We did them back in the 80s, early 90s. It fizzled out and probably in the last 5 years, they switched to AWANA. 

I didn't know there was a camp for them, though! I'm pretty sure we didn't do it "right", though. haha 



ETA: I have never heard of Gems. Also, what is CSB?


A few churches nearby are doing Gems (it does have a book and badges) but I don't know much else about it.   


CSB is Christian Service Brigade... the boy's version of PG.  I think it used to be called Boys' Brigade? 


Camp was fun, though I was shy so I don't think I loved it as much as my sisters did.  I remember horsemanship and swimming and campfire singing/devotionals and basket weaving and stepping in a bees nest while on a hike.  (The nurse was super sweet taking care of me.)  It was rustic. The only electricity was in the washroom building and the kitchen.  

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KrissiK's advice for the day: if you have a little voice inside you that tells you to do something...... Do it! I am so mad. Didn't see the doctor. We had changed our phone # and I forgot to tell the dermatologist and I was wondering yesterday why I didn't get my reminder call and then I thought," oh yeah, I forgot to tell them our new phone#, maybe I should call them." But I didn't because something else came up. So, I get there this morning, after a 45 minute drive..."oh, Dr. Storey isn't in today. Didn't you get a reschedule letter?" No, I didn't. My address didn't change, so I should have gotten the letter, but I should have called when I thought of it. So, now I have to wait 2 weeks. She's a cancer doctor, so she's hard to get in to see. I think I'm going to call this afternoon and get on the cancellation list.

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Is she a Cavalier spaniel?



Yes she is! King Charles Cavalier Spaniel is their absurdly silly long name. 


(eta. you get a virtual warm & fuzzy sweater to warm you up as prize for correctly id'ing her breed :) ) 



We have Springers.  I have a soft spot for spaniels. 


Our dog Casey was a tan Cocker Spaniel.  Best dog ever.  Totally miss him.  DH used to have it cut really short at least once a year. 


Looked like this guy!  but older.


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I loved Pioneer Girls. Loved it! When I was little I had a sky blue Jumper with a red sash all my little badges on it. I was so proud of it. Now they have Awanas, which I don't really like. My second son goes to CSB (Christian Service Brigade aka Boys brigade) with our neighbor's family and loves it. It sounds wonderful! They have some strong, solid men running it. They do calisthenics to a Bible verses. When they memorized the Armor of a God passage, they each got a wooden sword for doing it. It's very boyish and masculine and I think it's a good thing.

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A few churches nearby are doing Gems (it does have a book and badges) but I don't know much else about it.   


CSB is Christian Service Brigade... the boy's version of PG.  I think it used to be called Boys' Brigade? 


Camp was fun, though I was shy so I don't think I loved it as much as my sisters did.  I remember horsemanship and swimming and campfire singing/devotionals and basket weaving and stepping in a bees nest while on a hike.  (The nurse was super sweet taking care of me.)  It was rustic. The only electricity was in the washroom building and the kitchen.  

I thought that the boy version was Trailblazers or Pathfinders? 

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Dd & I have spent over an hour mixing up meds for Keith the rat (& Bryoni the rat. She is recovering from a uti) 

One of the antibiotics is a powder & once reconstituted it only lasts for 2 weeks. Since we're using such tiny doses, the vet advised us to split the powder up into 4 batches & reconstitute as needed. So yeah, we've been cutting white powder with a library card. 

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That reminds me that DS and I learned this week that George Washington died because his doctors (he had 4) treated his cold/flu with bloodletting.  Drained a bit too much.



When your doctors accidentally killed you.


Yes she is! King Charles Cavalier Spaniel is their absurdly silly long name. 


(eta. you get a virtual warm & fuzzy sweater to warm you up as prize for correctly id'ing her breed :) ) 

My friend has a KCCS.  I think they have the sweetest little faces.  


Anyone do Campfire? Anyone? Anyone?

Yes.  :)

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Tex, hope you had a good nap! Naps are always better when shared with a cat!


Jean, the picture is cryptic. Am I missing something?


My word for the afternoon: coffee!


Rusty has discovered the (unfinished) dollhouse.


Edited to say, if it wasn't a dollhouse then he would be Godzilla Bunny! 

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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I was a Pioneer Club leader for awhile (and it is Pioneer Clubs, not Pioneer Girls, even if only girls are in it. FYI.) . Younger dd was a member at another church, and went to Camp Cherith in Santa Cruz, CA. :-) I thought it was a pretty good program.


I love me some Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. However, we probably will never own one because of their health issues, which are apparently pretty common. :-(

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I love me some Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. However, we probably will never own one because of their health issues, which are apparently pretty common. :-(

Yup. I'm pretty sure Lilly has syringomyelia My mom is in denial about all her symptoms.  There's also a congenital heart defect that runs rampant in many lines. Some breeders are doing meticulous testing & I gather there are some European lines which have lower prevalence so you can find a healthy one but you really have to work at it...

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Yup. I'm pretty sure Lilly has syringomyelia My mom is in denial about all her symptoms.  There's also a congenital heart defect that runs rampant in many lines. Some breeders are doing meticulous testing & I gather there are some European lines which have lower prevalence so you can find a healthy one but you really have to work at it...


Missed you!



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Kind of a rough day, today. I'm hurting all over from the weather change that's coming in. And I'm sad. So I've taken some medications and am going to put on my best fluffy socks before I go to bed and see if that soothes me. It's just tough being me some days. :sad:


ETA: Thank goodness it's only tough some of the time. Most of the time it isn't that bad of a deal being me.

Edited by Critterfixer
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I have seen it all.  Bill has crashed our thread. :hat:


I just edited a friend's paper for her first graduate school class.  It was every bit as rough as any of my 9th graders' papers.   :huh:  She kind of dropped a hint about me writing it for her, which I let fly right by...for so many reasons.  I will help folks edit, but I will not create.

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Kind of a rough day, today. I'm hurting all over from the weather change that's coming in. And I'm sad. So I've taken some medications and am going to put on my best fluffy socks before I go to bed and see if that soothes me. It's just tough being me some days. :sad:


ETA: Thank goodness it's only tough some of the time. Most of the time it isn't that bad of a deal being me.

:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


ETA:  It's a huggy booya(h)!

Edited by texasmama
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I think I may go visit my foster mom in the morning around 11ish before we go to the big city. My foster dad is being cremated, and the memorial service will be at a later date. I would like to take a card with some money in it. Is that appropriate? How much? I was thinking $25 or so. Or is that all kinds of bad manners?

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Kind of a rough day, today. I'm hurting all over from the weather change that's coming in. And I'm sad. So I've taken some medications and am going to put on my best fluffy socks before I go to bed and see if that soothes me. It's just tough being me some days. :sad:


ETA: Thank goodness it's only tough some of the time. Most of the time it isn't that bad of a deal being me.


:grouphug: , Critter. 

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