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I make a list of curricula that everyone is going to need along with whether we have it or not.  Do you have such a thing?  I usually order piecemeal here and there throughout the year and split up the cost that way.  I also am a big fan of amazon and ebay.


Donna Young had a form I used for years that helped organize curricula like that - a place to put if owned, could be borrowed, purchased, and how much the cost. I need to dig around and see if I still have it.

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We didn't have much girl drama in elementary school because I went to a one-room schoolhouse.  Martha and I shared a grade all the way up to sixth grade.  She was good in math.  I was good in the humanities.  We tutored each other in what we were good at.  (One room schoolhouses mean that you don't always get the teacher.)


I was in an American classroom for 4th grade though.  But the drama there wasn't from girls.  There were two different boy bullies who bullied me mercilessly for being a "Jap".  I beat both of them up and never had trouble with them again. 


When I moved from Alabama to Ohio, I started getting bullied by this girl. I was in 7th. I was too country, talked funny, and acted too white. I had asthma really bad, and the docs changed me to three different meds to take at different times. I was left to figure that mess out myself. I finally decided it was easier to take x-amount at night. I awoke not feeling well, so switched to taking x-amount in the morning before school. So, I get to school high (I had no idea), and wound up telling that girl off. I even told her we could step out in the hallway. She was a whole head taller than me. The teacher stepped in before anything happened, but that girl never said another two words to me the rest of the year.

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My 1st grade teacher tied me to my desk because I was always getting up to talk to friends. I was embarrassed, but my stubbornness prevailed. I just scooted my desk around the room.  :lol: 

My mom was livid, though. I was never tied to a desk again. 


There was a court case here that involved a teacher, student, desk, and duct tape. However, that is not why I am responding.


I was always talking. My mom told me that in kindergarten the teacher finally moved me next to the quietest girl in class because she never talked. I had her talking by the end of the week. v :lol:

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Friends, I have to share this here.  It is a sad state of affairs when you reach the back of the deep freeze and find cheese that has a sell by date of March 2006.  That is 2006, folks.  The cheese is older than all of Duckie's children. :leaving:




Thanks. I needed that laugh.

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My hair is now darkly beautiful again. Well, as nice as hair as flat as mine is likely to get.

I put together my curriculum list for the upcoming year (well, year and a half for foreign languages and math) and the whole thing tallied just a shade over 1300$. Cheaper than private education by a whole lot, but I'm already taking the ax to it. :laugh: That's why I do this in February. Dream big, wise up over the next three months. 

I'm not getting rid of the big chemistry set or the really nice poster of the Periodic Table of Elements. Nope. 

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Hi, everyone!  We are safely home and glad to be here. Jo said to say "thank you" for the prayers and well-wishes. 


We had a super fun trip.  We started off Tuesday afternoon with a reverse dinner (we had "gooeys" [really syrupy ice cream sundaes] at a fancy schmancy lakeside restaurant at 4 in the afternoon and supermarket rotisserie chicken and vegetables later in our room), followed by a prowl around a high-end toy store.  There was a heated indoor pool at our hotel, so Jo got to swim for about 45 minutes before bed.  That made for a really happy kid.  :hurray:


Today was competition day.  I don't know if I said it before, but this was sort of a last-minute deal.  We tried to join the middle school team at the beginning of the year (by law, homeschool students are supposed to have access to public school programs), but the teacher/coach is an anti-homeschool guy and wouldn't let her in.  I could have pushed it with the district, but he would have taken it out on Jo, so NO THANK YOU.  I then tried to find out about joining as a homeschooler and emailed the area coordinator.  We exchanged one set, but then she didn't respond to one, so I figured we were out of luck.  She got back with me about a month ago and apologized; her email had crashed and we fell through the cracks.  I was allowed to sign up late; we got our Competition Packet out of the mailbox when we pulled out of the driveway on Tuesday! :laugh:  


Despite that, my little monkey TOTALLY KICKED BOOTY. :party: :party: :party:

AND, even more impressively, I didn't go up to the middle school teacher coach and say, "Nanny, nanny, boo, boo!  Stick your head in doo doo!" :tongue_smilie:


Have I mentioned that it's been a great homeschool year?  :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub:

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AND, even more impressively, I didn't go up to the middle school teacher coach and say, "Nanny, nanny, boo, boo! Stick your head in doo doo!" :tongue_smilie:


Have I mentioned that it's been a great homeschool year? :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub:

He heard you say it, even when you didn't. He is home today feeling really badly about himself (as he should) and next time he will make a better choice.


Some other homeschooler will benefit from JoJo's awesomeness and your admirable restraint.


That's a homeschool Booyah!

Edited by ikslo
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He heard you say it, even when you didn't. He is home today feeling really badly about himself (as he should) and next time he will make a better choice.


Some other homeschooler will benefit from JoJo's awesomeness and your admirable restraint.


That's a homeschool Booyah!


I :001_wub: you, ikslo!


(Jo was super hurt when they wouldn't let her participate.  Mama Bear is still mighty cranky. :glare: )

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My 1st grade teacher tied me to my desk because I was always getting up to talk to friends. I was embarrassed, but my stubbornness prevailed. I just scooted my desk around the room.  :lol: 

My mom was livid, though. I was never tied to a desk again. 


Apparently, I was some sort of a problem in first grade. Possibly it was because I already knew how to read when I got there, and I was bored, so I would get up and wander around the classroom. At one point, the teacher put my desk next to hers. And then one day I was bopping myself on the cheek, with my mouth open, listening to the sound that made, and when I pulled my hand back to bop myself, I back-handed the teacher.... :ohmy:

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So, Friday is our ho'ike (party) at my hula class to mark the end of the six-week session (they did not know that there were "sessions"). They have been told that they may invite friends to watch our short program (less than 15 minutes), after which we'll dance the dances they already know for the rest of the class time, and eat munchies. I will have to dance with them because they are not ready to do it alone. I sort of thought we'd be further along after five weeks, but I guess not. :-)

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So, Friday is our ho'ike (party) at my hula class to mark the end of the six-week session (they did not know that there were "sessions"). They have been told that they may invite friends to watch our short program (less than 15 minutes), after which we'll dance the dances they already know for the rest of the class time, and eat munchies. I will have to dance with them because they are not ready to do it alone. I sort of thought we'd be further along after five weeks, but I guess not. :-)

That is something to report. :D
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I would SO like to ask someone to step outside right now. Fortunately (for them) they are 1/2 hour away and it's cold outside.


The brilliant co-op director has notified all the co-op teachers that a half hour of their class time next week will be used to give ALL students a placement test for a class that is being offered next fall. An optional class that hasn't been accessed yet for interest. But wait, there's more! Kids don't have to take the test more than once, so if they have already taken the test in another class, or the class teacher has already tested them, then they don't have to take it again! And do exactly what in the mean time? Oh who knows. We don't want to bother our little heads about that!


Can she seriously not come up with a better plan than that? It took me all of 3 seconds to come up with 4 much less intrusive options.

Edited by Susan in TN
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Good Morning friends!  I slept in a little bit.  School starts in an hour.  :ohmy:


I seem to be switching over to the scratchy throat and coughing phase of this thing. 


Oldest goes to regional dive meet this afternoon.  I get to work the scoring table - which goes pretty fast.  (Need focus!)  Thankfully it's in a neighboring county this year.  (Last year we went to scary in the middle of nowhere place.)  We have to be there at 3, but I don't think it starts until 5:00.  (Maybe I should have slept in even later, lol.)  Intense focus from 5 until 8 or 9pm is definitely something to plan ahead for.  :svengo: (Must take cough drops.....)

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Good morning!!!


There is a two hour delay because of cold temperatures.


I took the bags of stuff to my cousin, and the rest of the bags and boxes to Goodwill yesterday. The van was stuffed full. I am so glad to be rid of it all.


Today, we will have school, and I need to sort past paperwork stuff. When I started helping the lady I help, I was given a big box of papers which is mostly trash. So getting rid of more stuff is on the agenda today.


I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

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Today, we will have school, and I need to sort past paperwork stuff. When I started helping the lady I help, I was given a big box of papers which is mostly trash. So getting rid of more stuff is on the agenda today.

When I took over Nan's affairs some years back, she had saved every piece of paper that had crossed her path for 70 years. :huh:


So I understand your task.   :hat:

Edited by texasmama
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The lawn sprinkler guy is supposed to be here today, and my banker is supposed to call me in half an hour. I have doubts that either will be helpful. I really hate the "not having guys" problem that comes with moving. I need an electrician, a plumber, a dentist, an orthodontist, a physical therapist, an occupational therapist, a therapist, an arborist, a roofer, a HVAC guy, and a whole bunch of other people to support all of the work I can't do.


Prairiewindmomma's family...supporting the local economy. 


Also--is it worth it to get that barrier spray done in your attic here in TX? I need someone to do that too, because I am not ready for summer in this house.


Did I mention that when I turn on my sprinklers that the water shoots up three feet in the air? And that the crappy inspector my realtor lined me up with didn't check that. Or apparently a number of other (small) things?!! 

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