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Can they hire someone? You're already overworked.

They did, and I'm sure it will be better next year, but the dude they fired evidently left a mess.  No one expects me to do anything but recreate my own giving statement.  I told dh that we will do the best we can and then ask the church to sign off on it because our records, however lacking, are better than theirs at this point.

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So, I live in the distribution range of the Aedes aegypti mosquito--you know the one of Chikungunya/Yellow Fever/Zika fame.  Vector borne disease was one of my few concerns I had about living here, and voila, Zika.  Those little buggers are outside every time I am, and they hang out by the door and try to get inside.


A. aegypti is in the process of becoming resistant to DEET; it's well-documented in the literature. There is a recent study showing similar repellency with lemon eucalyptus.  It's sold out of Amazon, Drugstore.com, Homedepot.com. It's not carried by walmart.com and so I'm stuck going from store to store looking for it. Supposedly it's carried in a store about 30 min from me.  Guess where I'm headed tonight.

:ohmy:  Is this a danger to non-pregnant people.  I apologize for the ignorant question.  I do not watch the news at all so most of the time I live in blissful ignorance.

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It dipped into the 50's so I quick, threw on my snow boots.  Thank goodness I had them! :hat:


I pushed on them hard, and I suspect that they are pretty copperhead proof.  I still want to go to the Army Navy store and get some gaiters.  If only so I can say that I went to the Army Navy store to get some gaiters.



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So, I live in the distribution range of the Aedes aegypti mosquito--you know the one of Chikungunya/Yellow Fever/Zika fame.  Vector borne disease was one of my few concerns I had about living here, and voila, Zika.  Those little buggers are outside every time I am, and they hang out by the door and try to get inside.


A. aegypti is in the process of becoming resistant to DEET; it's well-documented in the literature. There is a recent study showing similar repellency with lemon eucalyptus.  It's sold out of Amazon, Drugstore.com, Homedepot.com. It's not carried by walmart.com and so I'm stuck going from store to store looking for it. Supposedly it's carried in a store about 30 min from me.  Guess where I'm headed tonight.






Ya know, I read that thread. I did not know that ridding the world of mosquitos was even a thing. Like, perhaps a worldwide discussion. At first I thought the poster was being facetious.

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Sis boom bah

Cook your chicken

Or it's raw!


A B C D E F G!

Jean can make it

Better than me!


Her stir-fry is good

As it can be!



A stir-fry haiku


Jean makes stir-fry now

Vegetables hiss in the pan

Wish I could have some.


Wow. I wish I was this good. What curriculum did you use?  :lol:

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Welcome back! You are back, right?


well, seems like my tendency to pop in for a quick visit and then be gone for a few months still exists...


And I love your siggy.  Don't leave us again!  We like lazy people.  :thumbup1:

Haha!  Thanks :)  I'm still around... about every 3rd month or so  :leaving:

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If you were to ask me what vector I would like to see consigned to the list of extinct species, it would be the mosquito. I don't like ticks much either, but for sheer evil, the mosquito comes straight from the pit. I don't know if I'm correct, but I would say that the mosquito is probably the world's best vector and responsible for most of the world's worst vector borne diseases.

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If you were to ask me what vector I would like to see consigned to the list of extinct species, it would be the mosquito. I don't like ticks much either, but for sheer evil, the mosquito comes straight from the pit. I don't know if I'm correct, but I would say that the mosquito is probably the world's best vector and responsible for most of the world's worst vector borne diseases.

But will it kill me, and should I worry.  It takes a lot to get my attention these days so I need someone to bullet point this thing. :lol:

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If you were to ask me what vector I would like to see consigned to the list of extinct species, it would be the mosquito. I don't like ticks much either, but for sheer evil, the mosquito comes straight from the pit. I don't know if I'm correct, but I would say that the mosquito is probably the world's best vector and responsible for most of the world's worst vector borne diseases.

But will it kill me, and should I worry.  It takes a lot to get my attention these days so I need someone to bullet point this thing. :lol:

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I decided suddenly today that I need to buy curricula for next year.  So I bought both of the boys' Spanish texts and workbooks for a total of $32. Yes, folks ,a total price for two books and two workbooks.  Also, I bought ds's Algebra 2 book for $18.


So I think I am beating my estimate of homeschooling costs so far.

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Slash, here's a thread for you to respond to. I await your comments. In fact, I looked for them, then came here to tell you it's there waiting for you http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/586353-bullet-journals/. It's about bullet journals. Penguin posted a link, and after looking at it, it kinda looks like a similar way I used to run my life when I was younger (like through my older teens-early 30's). I could go back through my notebooks and know exactly what was going on in my life on any given day. I didn't do all the symbols though. I've sorta gone back to it, but not really. I like using composition notebooks. I'll probably implement better eventually.

Edited by Renai
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CDC bullet points just for you. :)

Thank you.   :)


I don't think it sounds like something that negatively impacts most healthy non-pregnant people in a permanent way, not that I want a weird illness for two weeks.  And there are always some people who get really sick.  And bad effects that occur that no one really knows about until a long time has passed.  So there's that.  


Our winter sucked this year, causing the bugs to proliferate at an alarming rate.  Usually we can freeze them out for a bit.  I saw a mosquito not too long ago outside.  That is not supposed to happen.

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Sometimes mosquito borne infections can be harder the second time around, too. Dengue, deeply unpleasant to start with, can kill you if you get it again. 

It's a common misconception that mosquitoes (and even ticks) disappear for the winter. I've seen pictures of nice, healthy, lively mosquitoes in a house, in winter, in New York City. Humans provide plenty of perfect opportunities for bugs to live, breed and thrive in nice warm places well protected from the elements. Deer ticks are still out here. They are active at any temperature above 40F and have been known to crawl up dead stalks of plants through snow on nice days to catch a host walking by. 

Thus, my veterinary advice for the day: Flea and Tick and Heartworm year round, folks! And prevent standing water in warm places.


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Slash, here's a thread for you to respond to. I await your comments. In fact, I looked for them, then came here to tell you it's there waiting for you http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/586353-bullet-journals/. It's about bullet journals. Penguin posted a link, and after looking at it, it kinda looks like a similar way I used to run my life when I was younger (like through my older teens-early 30's). I could go back through my notebooks and know exactly what was going on in my life on any given day. I didn't do all the symbols though. I've sorta gone back to it, but not really. I like using composition notebooks. I'll probably implement better eventually.

I bullet journal. I need to turn my computer on. Gimme a few.
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Sometimes mosquito borne infections can be harder the second time around, too. Dengue, deeply unpleasant to start with, can kill you if you get it again. 

It's a common misconception that mosquitoes (and even ticks) disappear for the winter. I've seen pictures of nice, healthy, lively mosquitoes in a house, in winter, in New York City. Humans provide plenty of perfect opportunities for bugs to live, breed and thrive in nice warm places well protected from the elements. Deer ticks are still out here. They are active at any temperature above 40F and have been known to crawl up dead stalks of plants through snow on nice days to catch a host walking by. 

Thus, my veterinary advice for the day: Flea and Tick and Heartworm year round, folks! And prevent standing water in warm places.

I've just never seen mosquitoes in winter before this winter.


The local vet advised what you do regarding year round heartworm and flea and tick treatments.  That's what we do.  The dog hates them, and she is onto me.   :lol:  Like most pyrs, she is not food motivated, so I have to open her mouth and put the pb-covered heartworm pill in the back of her mouth.  She dutifully swallows it and looks at me sadly.  Left ot her own devices,, she knows it's a pill and walks away or spits it, but if I put it far back in her mouth, she will swallow it.  And she is freaked out by the flea and tick med.  She's a little bit of a coward.  I have to catch her, hold her collar and squirt it on.  If I wear a glove, it's all over with. :lol:

Edited by texasmama
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I hate taking new meds.  I have two new prescriptions: nortriptylin and isometheptene mucate.


I haven't taken either of them yet.  I never take new meds before bed; I only start one at a time; I make sure that dh is available to take care of the kids just in case; and I make sure that there's nothing special on the calendar that a trip to the ER would ruin.





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I hate taking new meds.  I have two new prescriptions: nortriptylin and isometheptene mucate.


I haven't taken either of them yet.  I never take new meds before bed; I only start one at a time; I make sure that dh is available to take care of the kids just in case; and I make sure that there's nothing special on the calendar that a trip to the ER would ruin.



:grouphug: I'm really sorry.

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:grouphug: I'm really sorry.



I'm actually glad to have them after what I went through last month.  I just hate the unknown of potential side effects.  And I'm overly cautious.


I won't even eat a new food if dh isn't home.  How fun would that be if whatever I ate had gluten in it and I had to go to the ER.  With 6 kids.  In the ambulance. :lol:  Now that I have teenagers, I could leave the kids at home, but a few years ago it was truly a consideration.

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:ohmy:  Is this a danger to non-pregnant people.  I apologize for the ignorant question.  I do not watch the news at all so most of the time I live in blissful ignorance.


Yes. :( 


There are a number of reports of people coming out of this with at least semi-permanent neurological deficits. Guillain-Barre syndrome, hearing loss, etc.  The media focus has just been on the microencephaly and pregnant women.  Here are some articles from the last couple of weeks on the other aspects of Zika.






Also, the particular "good" spray is Cutter's lemon eucalyptus spray. I found several bottles at a Walmart within a reasonable driving distance, but it has been sold out elsewhere. I guess other people have been reading on effective repellants as well. The key is that one must reapply at least every 4 hours.

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Yes. :(


There are a number of reports of people coming out of this with at least semi-permanent neurological deficits. Guillain-Barre syndrome, hearing loss, etc.  The media focus has just been on the microencephaly and pregnant women.  Here are some articles from the last couple of weeks on the other aspects of Zika.





Also, the particular "good" spray is Cutter's lemon eucalyptus spray. I found several bottles at a Walmart within a reasonable driving distance, but it has been sold out elsewhere. I guess other people have been reading on effective repellants as well. The key is that one must reapply at least every 4 hours.

Oh dear....I have some lemon eucalyptus stuff because we don't use DEET.  I hate mosquitoes.  They do no good.

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I posted in the bullet journal thread while looking at my old bullet journal and MAN I got a lot of stuff done last year. Seriously. I was depressed because I was injured, didn't lose as much weight as I wanted, and didn't pay as much debt off, but I kicked some booty! I read the entire Bible. Like, the whole thing. Every word. There are a lot of words in that book! And the whole KonMari thing. BOOYA! I accomplished a lot with the intention of making our lives easier and it worked. This January was so much better than last January. I should get some sort of trophy or something. Or maybe just lose the other 20 pounds. I think I'd rather have that.

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tex--was it in stock? Because the lemon eucalyptus stuff was out of stock at 4:00 p.m. on amazon for me.  I went through about 6 different websites with no luck.  Maybe amazon likes you better. **Sniff**

Yes, this is what I ordered. Do you have Prime?




ETA:  IT's an amazon Prime booya(h)!

Edited by texasmama
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I posted in the bullet journal thread while looking at my old bullet journal and MAN I got a lot of stuff done last year. Seriously. I was depressed because I was injured, didn't lose as much weight as I wanted, and didn't pay as much debt off, but I kicked some booty! I read the entire Bible. Like, the whole thing. Every word. There are a lot of words in that book! And the whole KonMari thing. BOOYA! I accomplished a lot with the intention of making our lives easier and it worked. This January was so much better than last January. I should get some sort of trophy or something. Or maybe just lose the other 20 pounds. I think I'd rather have that.


Give yourself several months.  I predict a sudden weight loss.



The FA Oracle

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Sis boom bah

Cook your chicken

Or it's raw!


A B C D E F G!

Jean can make it

Better than me!


Her stir-fry is good

As it can be!



A stir-fry haiku


Jean makes stir-fry now

Vegetables hiss in the pan

Wish I could have some.




I love you, Susan.  I love you, Jean.  I love you, ITT peeps everywhere.  




(I just sent a bunch of I love you texts too, and am beginning to wonder if maybe I'm hormonal? Which in no way negates the puffy-hearts;  it just explains why I may have to spend a page and a half hugging each of you individually.  Followed by a group hug.)  

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I'm really glad that I'm not the only one who steals Ellie's booyas.  It took me days to get over it.  (i might have had some other issues, as well.)

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