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We had been discussing earlier about how God isn't fair, and when she heard that what she has only affects 0.03% of the population, she said, "See? What's fair?"


She is on year 2 of this condition, so either at the tail end or somewhere in the middle of its lifespan.


Here's a couple of pictures taken at the end of December:



God doesn't treat us equally, he treats us right and he is just in all things even when we can't understand. If he had always treated you kindly you wouldn't have her. I'm sorry she hurts.
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Wow. That AIP may be a tough sell to my budding vegetarian. But, I guess it depends on how strongly she feels about trying to improve her condition vs sticking with this new diet.


It's mostly veggies, with some protein. I'm sure there are vegetarians who do it.


Some people have felt relief within days. It's worth trying.


If you can't get her to go all the way, at least try eliminating grains--all grains, not just gluten--and dairy. Those are the two most common offenders.

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We had been discussing earlier about how God isn't fair, and when she heard that what she has only affects 0.03% of the population, she said, "See? What's fair?"


She is on year 2 of this condition, so either at the tail end or somewhere in the middle of its lifespan.


Here's a couple of pictures taken at the end of December:



It is a very odd feeling to be different in this sort of thing. I hope she makes a full recovery with no lasting problems or scarring. She is beautiful, no matter. :)

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Little dd was born with atypical bilateral clubfoot. Clubfoot affects 1in 1,000 births. The ratio of boys to girls is 2:1. She was probably affected by amniotic band syndrome. Her toes, feet, legs, and hips will never be normal. She has some surgeries ahead of her. We will put them off until we can no longer find shoes which fit or until her toes and feet consistently cause her pain. Among those with the rare birth defect of clubfoot, hers is rare and unusual. Only three of her ten toes move up. The others only move down.


When she was little I used to look at the Duggars with their hundreds of kids and think,"Not a clubfoot among them!"


I don't know if I've told the ITT about this before. Her birth defect has been close to a non issue for the past several years with a few exceptions during growth spurts.


Anyway, it is a very odd feeling to be an outlier in this sort of thing. I hope she makes a full recovery with no lasting problems or scarring. She is beautiful, no matter. :)




I'm so glad it's a non-issue right now.  


How's Ryan Gosling doing?  

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We had been discussing earlier about how God isn't fair, and when she heard that what she has only affects 0.03% of the population, she said, "See? What's fair?"


She is on year 2 of this condition, so either at the tail end or somewhere in the middle of its lifespan.


Here's a couple of pictures taken at the end of December:




God is fair; the world is broken. 


I am so sorry that Dancer is hurting.  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


My go-to in dealing with pain (and, believe me, I've been there) is C.S. Lewis.  My two favorites are A Grief Observed and The Problem of Pain.  Maybe not directly on point, but they deal with the bigger issue she's feeling, I think.  I don't know if she's up for it, but maybe you could read them and drop some ideas?  Just an idea.

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Ryan is a good lad. It's weird because he is the first real candidate for the Son-in-law position we've had. I don't have it in me to blow sunshine up anyone's skirt at this stage in life so he is getting the unvarnished view of us. Lol


He's looking for a family, not just a wife. I suspect it works better when that's the case but I'm too new at this stuff to say for sure.

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Morphea: UVA1 light treatments are now used fairly regularly as the gold-standard treatment. Methotrexate and Plaquenil are also used.  We had rebound issues with sustained corticosteroid use. 


Fry bread; yum! I love indian tacos!


I've never heard of UVA light treatment.  I refused to take Methotrexate because I wanted to have more children.  Plaquenil didn't help me.


Little dd was born with atypical bilateral clubfoot. Clubfoot affects 1in 1,000 births. The ratio of boys to girls is 2:1. She was probably affected by amniotic band syndrome. Her toes, feet, legs, and hips will never be normal. She has some surgeries ahead of her. We will put them off until we can no longer find shoes which fit or until her toes and feet consistently cause her pain. Among those with the rare birth defect of clubfoot, hers is rare and unusual. Only three of her ten toes move up. The others only move down.


When she was little I used to look at the Duggars with their hundreds of kids and think,"Not a clubfoot among them!"


I don't know if I've told the ITT about this before. Her birth defect has been close to a non issue for the past several years with a few exceptions during growth spurts.


Anyway, it is a very odd feeling to be an outlier in this sort of thing. I hope she makes a full recovery with no lasting problems or scarring. She is beautiful, no matter. :)



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Little dd was born with atypical bilateral clubfoot. Clubfoot affects 1in 1,000 births. The ratio of boys to girls is 2:1. She was probably affected by amniotic band syndrome. Her toes, feet, legs, and hips will never be normal. She has some surgeries ahead of her. We will put them off until we can no longer find shoes which fit or until her toes and feet consistently cause her pain. Among those with the rare birth defect of clubfoot, hers is rare and unusual. Only three of her ten toes move up. The others only move down.


When she was little I used to look at the Duggars with their hundreds of kids and think,"Not a clubfoot among them!"


I don't know if I've told the ITT about this before. Her birth defect has been close to a non issue for the past several years with a few exceptions during growth spurts.


Anyway, it is a very odd feeling to be an outlier in this sort of thing. I hope she makes a full recovery with no lasting problems or scarring. She is beautiful, no matter. :)


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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For anyone teaching highschool literature or who likes to look ahead to possible future curricula (you know who you are :D ), have you looked at Illuminating Literature:  When Worlds Collide by Sharon Watson?  (link:  http://writingwithsharonwatson.com/illuminating-literature-when-worlds-collide/) She is also the author of Jump In and Power in Your Hands.  I tried Jump In with oldest 3 or 4 years ago and hated it, but maybe this has potential. 



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Good morning!!!


Overcast and cool here (we still have not had a real winter yet, so "cool" is all we have). Today another friend and I are going to Salado. Salado is only about 40 miles from here, but this friend hasn't been there in 25 years. o_0 so we're going to do lunch and goof off.


On the down side, I have slight vertigo, courtesy of Hashimoto's. Hoping it clears up before 11 a.m., which is when my friend is supposed to arrive at my house. :-(

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For anyone teaching highschool literature or who likes to look ahead to possible future curricula (you know who you are :D ), have you looked at Illuminating Literature:  When Worlds Collide by Sharon Watson?  (link:  http://writingwithsharonwatson.com/illuminating-literature-when-worlds-collide/) She is also the author of Jump In and Power in Your Hands.  I tried Jump In with oldest 3 or 4 years ago and hated it, but maybe this has potential. 

I have not looked at this, but I will.  My homeschool mentor and her dd were considering it for 11th grade, but her dd dismissed it.  (I don't know why.)  My mentor is fabulous, and she would talk to you about what she knows (don't even know if she has used it). 

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So glad you slept, Dawn.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  Ellie.


Dh and the boys have run off to work at the church food bank outreach.  (It's really cool.  Cars drive around the building, and people put things in their trunks as they pass.  It is a huge amount of food.)



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I have not looked at this, but I will.  My homeschool mentor and her dd were considering it for 11th grade, but her dd dismissed it.  (I don't know why.)  My mentor is fabulous, and she would talk to you about what she knows (don't even know if she has used it). She is Silver Moon on this forum.  When I have a curriculum question, she is my "go to".  If you pm her, tell her texasmama sent ya.   :hat:


Yes, I always pay attention to Silver Moon's posts!  Their academics, etc. are very impressive from what I read of it here and on her blog! 



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So glad you slept, Dawn.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  Ellie.


Dh and the boys have run off to work at the church food bank outreach.  (It's really cool.  Cars drive around the building, and people put things in their trunks as they pass.  It is a huge amount of food.)


Little dd was up past 11 due to boyfriend/room sharing arrangements so I am letting girlfiend sleep.  College girl just woke up and stumbled out.  I think The Boyfriend/Ryan Gosling is still asleep.  College girl is waking him up.  


I am sitting here with a large dog in  my face.   :laugh:


Hope you have a great day of family bonding!  :001_smile:


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Day 6 of Very Sick Dog.  I'm still getting up with him every couple of hours all night.  Still at the vet daily (on the upside, she's very nice and I'm glad that I'm doing my part to send her two kids to college.)


This is me: :zombie:


(Thank you, Lynn, for the link.  Because what I really need right now is to impulse buy more curriculum in my battered, sleep-deprived state.  :wacko: )

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Yes, I always pay attention to Silver Moon's posts! Their academics, etc. are very impressive from what I read of it here and on her blog!

I've known her for ten years on another site. I knew her before I homeschooled. Often, I will just ask her to tell me what to do and then do it. Nice.
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Tex, thanks for sharing about your daughter!


And Renai, hugs for your daughter!


My sil would love to be part of this allergy/auto-immune conversation. Her family could be the poster children for that. Three out of her 4 children have major food allergies and her youngest daughter has diagnosed juvenile arthritis, second youngest daughter has mild symtoms of it. She's done a lot of research on this whole thing. One thing she is giving her youngest that really seems to be helping is Tumeric. It's some fancy schmancy liquid formulary, not just the stuff you get off the shelf at Walmart. But she said it's really been helping dd's inflammation.

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Day 6 of Very Sick Dog.  I'm still getting up with him every couple of hours all night.  Still at the vet daily (on the upside, she's very nice and I'm glad that I'm doing my part to send her two kids to college.)


This is me: :zombie:


(Thank you, Lynn, for the link.  Because what I really need right now is to impulse buy more curriculum in my battered, sleep-deprived state.  :wacko: )


(((JJM)))  (((Buddy)))


And you're welcome!  Just doin' my job.  :gnorsi:


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I only have a hot second here posting on my phone, but Ryan Gosling is a know it all. He says things that insult people without realizing it. I'm trying to look past it as a young newbie move, but it is grating in me. Details later.


Oh dear.  Lacking in humility.  A red flag that should not be glossed over too quickly. 

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They are out walking the dog so I can dish.


So far, "Does the dog stay outside in the summer? How is she even still alive?" (long-haired) So I explain to him that her coat insulates her and these are livestock guardian dogs who are outside in all weather. We provide water and a lot of shade. Shaving her would be a bad move and actually causes heatstroke in dogs.


Little dd is going to play Minecraft and I ask her to eat brekkie before doing so. He says, "Or maybe play a real game" as an aside.


Hmmmmmmm (in my mother voice). That is all I can say about that.

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I'm sorry about Buddy.


I insult people without knowing it. I'm not a bad person, just an idiot. Keep in mind that he might just be an idiot.


Mooies birfday is next month. I think I might make us some matching adult jewelry. She's always wearing mine so people always but her plastic jewelry and she doesn't like it.

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By the way, my idiocy spans beyond insulting people without realizing it. I also tend to hit on people, most recently the bagger at the grocery store. I did this right in front of my husband who was laughing at the fact that I was coming onto a woman without realizing, or noticing that she was into it. So, I have to give Ryan the benefit of the doubt.

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So the lady I help's family called me asking for money. She is on a fixed income and barely has enough as it is, but her check was cut to $30 this month due to her stay in rehab. So I told them she didn't have it, and they accused me of lying. I told them I had the bank statements to prove it, and that I do NOT like being accused of lying. These people are very poor money managers which is the reason the judge did not appoint them as her guardian. So aggravating, some people. I am lending her money this month until things get straightened out which involved two 1 hour phone calls to social security. So frustrating, but when I think what would happen to her if she had someone else take over guardianship, it could be bad. Ugh. So frustrating, again! Can you tell I am frustrated and aggravated? :D

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Ryan is not a bad sort, but he is critical, speaks without thinking, and needs to be right (i.e. know it all).  


That said, no one is perfect.  He is still fairly young.  He may be nervous and spouting off due to that.  I let the Minecraft thing fly right by.  



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So the lady I help's family called me asking for money. She is on a fixed income and barely has enough as it is, but her check was cut to $30 this month due to her stay in rehab. So I told them she didn't have it, and they accused me of lying. I told them I had the bank statements to prove it, and that I do NOT like being accused of lying. These people are very poor money managers which is the reason the judge did not appoint them as her guardian. So aggravating, some people. I am lending her money this month until things get straightened out which involved two 1 hour phone calls to social security. So frustrating, but when I think what would happen to her if she had someone else take over guardianship, it could be bad. Ugh. So frustrating, again! Can you tell I am frustrated and aggravated? :D

I'm really sorry about this.  Not only are you trying to help, but now they are rude and accusatory.


ETA:  Well, lookie there!  It's a rude and accusatory booya)h)!

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I am cleaning my room. This may take a while, with the probability of death. Hopefully, I don't die. I'll check back in 30 to let you know I survived Phase 1.


If you survive, you will earn the title of Ninja Goddess of Cleaning.  Then you can come here; I've got a whole house for you to conquer, O Ninja Goddess.

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