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It is not as easy in other states as in California, but both of my dds did community college instead of high school.

Missouri is pretty lax in it's homeschooling requirements. One of the other forum members lives near me and said that her dd took math at the local community college, so I'm hoping it's fairly easy to get in. DH can easily do math, but the science aspect worries me. I'm glad I have a few years to really figure it out. 


When I was teachng 7th grade science I required an insect collection one year. One kid did not do a good job of totally killing his bugs, and the day they brought in their collections his bugs were wandering slowly around his board with pins stuck in their backs. It was creepy.

I did this once. I had one heck of a beetle that refused to die. The nail polish remover on cotton balls wasn't strong enough to kill him, I guess. 

He ended up doing circles on my board and freaked everyone out. 

I had some amazing Luna moths, though. Hated killing those. :( 


And, Sherlock is available online here at PBS.  For those who


a. missed it;

b. don't have tv;

c. want to watch it again


So, this is probably what I will be doing after I put the dc to bed.



(It's not scary, is it?)

Oh yay! I've been meaning to watch it, but keep forgetting. 

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I don't mind dissecting brains and eyes, or mixing chemicals at my kitchen table, but just the idea of sticking pins in bugs is giving me the heebeejeebees.




I have no idea if that is how you spell heebeejeebees.

Edited by ikslo
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Watched it last night!

I didn't think it was scary, but i readily admit to watching scary stuff regularly, so ymmv.


I think I'll take a chance on it.


I don't always sleep well after watching certain shows, especially if death scenes are involved.


I remember that I had a hard time watching Law and Order (way back when there was only one).  Every time I watched the show I would dream that someone I knew died the same way that the person in the show had.  After a few nightmares like that, I stopped watching the first 10 minutes of the show.  I would go get a snack to share with my sister, and she would give me a very brief synopsis of what had happened.

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Today's big debate:  Would a pegasus/ unicorn hybrid be a pegicorn or a unipeg? 



Depends on whether the female was the Pegasus or the unicorn?  Pegasus is male, no?  So my vote it would be a unipeg. 




*FYI - I'm not sure what I just said.


Ok, ladies. My Little Pony expert here. 

A pegasus unicorn is called an alicorn.

In My Little Pony, those would be Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Twilight Sparkle. Just so ya know. 


I also have a degree in The Octonauts, so if you need any deep sea information...

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I am not providing a highly rigorous education here.  I am providing a public- or private- school comparable education which is heavily weighted towards humanities.  My children's educations will rock the face off of anyone's literature studies.  They already excel in grammar and literature knowledge over most adults.  I will outsource to the best math I can find that is suited to each individual child once they get the Algebra.  They will be given every opportunity I can beg, borrow or steal and will need to be self-motivated learners by the time they reach middle and high school.


Their path to a college degree will be paved with CC courses.  Heavily.  Because cheap, accessible, step-wise, and solid.


So there I am, with my butt hanging out there. :mellow:   I'm sure this is shocking to the young mamas, but I really think it works out okay for my kids.  And my boys are already completely independent learners except for English.  I asked them what they wanted to do with Chemistry, and they want to stay at the current co-op.  They will have three classes in a row (my English class in the middle) from 9:30-12:30 on Fridays and then any other classes online.  It's not a bad life, and they choose it.




(insert Chevy Chase rant, only I'm really not angry)


I've been thinking about this more.  I never wanted rigor for rigor's sake.  But I wanted to surpass a public school education by eliminating unnecessaries, by achieving depth and accuracy through engagement and interest.  But I cannot drive or lead or create an environment of perfect engagement for every subject for every child.  This is one of the reasons I'm willing to make use of CC's Challenge program for the ones who thrive in it.  It's not my perfect high school plan, but I'm not capable of doing my perfect high school plan.  And you know, if your sons were in public, there's no guarantee they would have a competent chemistry teacher there either.  Nor would you have much say in the situation. 


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I've been thinking about this more.  I never wanted rigor for rigor's sake.  But I wanted to surpass a public school education by eliminating unnecessaries, by achieving depth and accuracy through engagement and interest.  But I cannot drive or lead or create an environment of perfect engagement for every subject for every child.  This is one of the reasons I'm willing to make use of CC's Challenge program for the ones who thrive in it.  It's not my perfect high school plan, but I'm not capable of doing my perfect high school plan.  And you know, if your sons were in public, there's no guarantee they would have a competent chemistry teacher there either.  Nor would you have much say in the situation. 




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Agreeing with Lynn. My geometry teacher was a chemistry teacher who didn't understand geometry, my biology teacher hated teaching, many of my language arts classes in middle school were for Spanish speakers because they decided I knew enough Spanish to survive the class but it was really more of an ESL class than anything else, and my algebra 2 teacher was a teachers aid for middle school. Your good enough is twice as good as someone else's half @$$.

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I just had to look up what day Riverlyn was born. I went in on a Tuesday evening to start my induction; someone lost the orders, so they didn't get me started until 2am on Wednesday morning. Then, with the cytotec, it took all day to get to a point that I was dilated. She wasn't born until Thursday at 1:21am. 
It's no wonder I couldn't remember. All the days ran together. ha

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That's a Monday. I'm hoping for a Friday. Mary was a Friday and came early which surprised me because she was scheduled a week before her natural due date. Hmmm. We'll see.


I just looked it up (because #curious)


I have 4 Thursday babies and 2 Friday babies.

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Just got in from shoveling the driveway. That was my exercise for the day. We have a really big driveway that is an odd shape, so it is a pita to shovel. But, wow, it was so beautiful. That soft, fluffy snow that looks like a million diamonds on the ground. No wind so it was peaceful and quiet. It just made me feel awe.


Tex, you provide an excellent education for your kids... I have super powers, so I can tell :D Rigor is lovely, but it is not the be all- end all. You are thoughtful in your choices and good is still good. I don't know when good became a synonym for crappy, lol.


We have some productive people here today. Good job, Ellie! And Slache!

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Mine were born on a Wednesday.

We have no snow here. It's just terribly, terribly cold. The chipmunk on the front porch is balled up very tightly in the old bird's nest in the corner.

My mom said it was -13 at her house yesterday (MN) so I won't complain much. But they have a dry cold, don't ya know...



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Tex, these aren't American Literature but I remembered Roman Roads Media ($$$) which I believe only has Greek Literature so far and Great Christian Classics which covers Augustine’s Confessions, Patrick’s Confessions, Knox’s History of the Reformation in Scotland, Bunyan’s Grace Abounding, and Paton’s missionary Autobiography. There's also For Such A Time As This, but think that's harder than EIL.


Any opinions on The Big Book of Earth & Sky?

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I just looked it up (because #curious)


I have 4 Thursday babies and 2 Friday babies.






I think I had 2 Tuesday's or a Tues and a Thursday. I am going to go look it up:-)




I'm impressed.


A woman stopped me in the mall once and said, "Oh I just had to say hello to your children.  I had 5 under the age of 7 at one time too."  When I commented that it was good to see she survived, she replied, "Well, I don't know.  The '80's are just one big blur."  


Dh and I have trouble even formulating coherent sentences in conversation anymore.   Occasionally (like, most recently about 2 hours ago), we just sort of trail off in confusion and end with "In Jesus' name, Amen" because at least it sort of sounds fitting and pious and brings closure.  We fall asleep and sometimes drool if we make the mistake of sitting down. 






All of which is to say that I have no idea what days my children were born on.  

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I've been thinking about this more. I never wanted rigor for rigor's sake. But I wanted to surpass a public school education by eliminating unnecessaries, by achieving depth and accuracy through engagement and interest. But I cannot drive or lead or create an environment of perfect engagement for every subject for every child. This is one of the reasons I'm willing to make use of CC's Challenge program for the ones who thrive in it. It's not my perfect high school plan, but I'm not capable of doing my perfect high school plan. And you know, if your sons were in public, there's no guarantee they would have a competent chemistry teacher there either. Nor would you have much say in the situation.


So true. I like to look at all of the options and then choose the overall best given all factors. Co-op is it!
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I'm impressed.


A woman stopped me in the mall once and said, "Oh I just had to say hello to your children. I had 5 under the age of 7 at one time too." When I commented that it was good to see she survived, she replied, "Well, I don't know. The '80's are just one big blur."


Dh and I have trouble even formulating coherent sentences in conversation anymore. Occasionally (like, most recently about 2 hours ago), we just sort of trail off in confusion and end with "In Jesus' name, Amen" because at least it sort of sounds fitting and pious and brings closure. We fall asleep and sometimes drool if we make the mistake of sitting down.






All of which is to say that I have no idea what days my children were born on.

Impressed because I Googled DS' birthdate 2 seconds prior to posting? My, you ARE sleep deprived!

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I remembered the days my babies were born on. I didn't know this was unusual.

My short term memory is much better than my long term memory.

I also don't bother remembering things that aren't really important. Sometimes I forget the important stuff, too, though.

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Missouri is pretty lax in its homeschooling requirements. One of the other forum members lives near me and said that her dd took math at the local community college, so I'm hoping it's fairly easy to get in. DH can easily do math, but the science aspect worries me. I'm glad I have a few years to really figure it out. 


In California, students don't have to take ACT/SAT to enroll (there's usually some sort of placement test, but not ACT/SAT), and there are no requirements for high school transcripts or anything (although come might request it for dual-enrolled students; my dc were not dual-enrolled).. They can attend any community college in the state regardless of where they live and they pay resident tuition, which is usually much less than other states. Most of their college-level credits are transferable to the CalState/UC schools, and in most cases they are guaranteed to be admitted, ahead of high school students. It's pretty sweet, actually. :-)

Edited by Ellie
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I remembered the days my babies were born on. I didn't know this was unusual.


I remembered some of them.  I was pretty sure they were all Thursday or Friday, but two of them I couldn't quite remember.


My short term memory is much better than my long term memory.

I also don't bother remembering things that aren't really important. Sometimes I forget the important stuff, too, though.


Both of mine are awful.  And, if my recent conversations with dh are any indication, it's getting worse.  I need to remember to work on it.  ;)

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Both of mine are awful. And, if my recent conversations with dh are any indication, it's getting worse. I need to remember to work on it. ;)

Those super mom pills do amazing things for my memory. I'd describe it for you but I can't remember now that I'm not taking them. I understand if you don't want to take those pills in particular, but there are lots of memory aids out there, I just don't remember what any of them are called.

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Those super mom pills do amazing things for my memory. I'd describe it for you but I can't remember now that I'm not taking them. I understand if you don't want to take those pills in particular, but there are lots of memory aids out there, I just don't remember what any of them are called.


Oh, the irony. :)


I do better if I take fish oil, but a few years ago I was getting frustrated with all of the supplements I was taking to get my body to do what it should be doing on its own.  So I stopped taking all of them.


I recently had to add iron back in.  Maybe fish oil should be next.  And whatever I need to do to get rid of these headaches.


Sigh.  I keep telling myself that someday I will have a perfect body in Heaven.  I have a private joke to myself that there is Scriptural evidence that there is no arthritis in Heaven because it says "every knee will bow".   :D


I think my lack of sleep last night is starting to show...

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A late good morning!  I slept in.


(((Dawn)))  Hope you are sleeping soundly now!


(((Jean)))  Don't feel like a failure!  You're doing amazing things.  Delegate even more if you can.  Praying for relief for you.


It's a first thing Tuesday morning BOOYAH!




Edited by Another Lynn
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Speaking of food.  So, we've had two Mondays back with our CC group.  And both mondays I ate my usual cereal breakfast (though perhaps a tad earlier than normal), and took a decent lunch (cheese, crackers, apple the first week and a turkey and cheese sandwich with lettuce and an apple the 2nd week).  We ate lunch at noon.  (At home, I would probably eat closer to 11:00)  And both Mondays, by 2:00 (after I was home), I thought I would die if I did not eat everything in my kitchen.  What is up with that?  I can't decide if it was the length of time between eating breakfast and lunch or if it was a difference in calories compared to my usual peanut butter lunch. Maybe I should get a protein bar to take next week and eat halfway through the morning. 

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