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I should try this.  If I went to Olive Garden every time one of my kids finished a subject, I could go at least once a month.  Super idea!!  (Unfortunately, it would kill the budget and we wouldn't be able to afford the next book.)


 You must have amazing kids if they finish an entire subject every month! 


I only bribe for math for dd.  And for physics for ds. 


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Yummy!  I like to get the salmon with broccoli on the side.  And then I feel like I ate healthy on top of having something yummy. 



Renai talked me through making healthy choices.  I got the . . . . salmon with the broccoli on the side!  I had one bite of a breadstick.  ONE.  Oh, and I had some salad.  And I had three biters of chocolate mousse.  So I wasn't 100% healthy but I think I did pretty darn good. 

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Renai talked me through making healthy choices.  I got the . . . . salmon with the broccoli on the side!  I had one bite of a breadstick.  ONE.  Oh, and I had some salad.  And I had three biters of chocolate mousse.  So I wasn't 100% healthy but I think I did pretty darn good. 

Good girl! And so did you pack up the rest of those bread sticks for me? I love their salad, too!

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I've only been to olive garden once and wasn't impressed. Why would I pay $15 for something I can make at home?


I had a lovely conversation with a woman today who I would have guessed was in her 40s, maybe 50s, and was black, but we were talking about family life and religious stuff and non of that was relevant. Matt was talking to her later and just told me about her tonight. Apparently she's much older than she looks and grew up in a pre-civil rights Florida. She used black bathrooms and sat in the back of the bus. They talked for about an hour, great conversation.

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 You must have amazing kids if they finish an entire subject every month! 


I only bribe for math for dd.  And for physics for ds. 



No, it's not that they're amazing that they finish a subject every month.  There's just so many of them!

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Good Morning!!!


We have snow!!!! I think about 2-3 inches from the looks of the vehicles outside. Probably not as much on the grassy areas. I hope there is enough for the children to play in later.


Now about me. :D I haven't been sleeping well the last three nights. I just kinda lay there in a daze like state which is about half asleep, but I am completely aware of everything going on around me. Now my muscles are all sore especially in my back and neck. I have a bad headache too. Surely this can't last too many more nights.

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Shower is done. I'm all caught up on ITT. Now I'm going to bed. Good night, my friends. :)

You are never caught up on ITT. It doesn't happen. You only think you are caught up. *dun dun duuuuuun*


I've only been to olive garden once and wasn't impressed. Why would I pay $15 for something I can make at home?

We have a restaurant called Zio's. Not sure how franchised and spread out they are, though. 

I like them much better than Olive Garden and they have a fantastic gluten-free menu. It's my favorite. 


... and I just woke up in the process of vomiting. No, I did not sleep walk to the bathroom.


Good morning Lynn.

That's not good. :(  Throwing up and pregnant should never go together. It's horrible. 

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We have a restaurant called Zio's. Not sure how franchised and spread out they are, though. 

I like them much better than Olive Garden and they have a fantastic gluten-free menu. It's my favorite. 




This?  It looks really yummy. :drool5:   But there's not one on the East Coast.  :(

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Good Morning!


Snow flurries here and cold!


Slache - that's horrible.  I wish I could take your nausea away!  (And I hope you made it to the bathroom.  :leaving: )


Jean, sounds like a lovely dinner.  I love the salad too, but I don't even touch the bread sticks.  I'm not an overly healthy eater, but if I'm going to eat bread I like a different kind, I guess.  (A different Italian restaurant here that the kids don't like serves the round, homemade bread that you tear apart and dip in olive oil and spices - now that I can gorge on!)


Critter, I agree about dystopian lit.  I like to maintain my naive and happy view of like.  I avoid unpleasantries, why would I seek them out in my reading, lol?  :hat:   In fact, I'll take the raw green pepper over the dystopian lit. any day (but perferably not every day! :hat: )


Tex, I think the tricky thing about co-teaching would be deciding how to split up the duties.  Would you alternate books, so that you both get the occasional break?  Or would one teach literature while the other was responsible for composition (that might not be so good as one would end up with grading all the papers).  Or......?  You probably have a great plan and don't need this .02 from me, but my fear (if it were me) is that I would have a murky plan of how it would work, not communicate it well resulting in differing expectations, and be frustrated for much of the year.  (See what an optimist I am?   :hat: )







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It's raining here.  I'd much prefer snow.  I'm playing hooky this morning because I was sick two days ago and I figured I'd play the sick card as long as possible.  Because rain. And because the house is clean after yesterday's clean-a-thon, and I'd like to enjoy it before it is no longer clean tonight.    



I read the Giver as a teen and was traumatized.  I'd like to read it again because I don't remember a thing about it, except the trauma.  Pet Cemetery scared the bajeebers outta me, too. (Why did my father even have that on the shelf??)  I hid it in the back of the bathroom closet as I couldn't even be in the same room with it.  



I do, however, like the stout little green bell pepper, but not nearly as much as her red, yellow, and orange counterparts. Because stout.  I also saw Hunger Games, because two friends are extras.  Maybe three... was Queen Ellie in that one too?  



Hugs on the vomiting, Slache.  I puked in the Starbucks parking lot on Friday.  Not fun.  I used my eco-grocery bag, which bothered dh who thought I should have just climbed out of the van and given a show for the long line of drive-throughers.  He could not comprehend why the thought of that horrifies me.   :blink:



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Pet Cemetery scared the bajeebers outta me, too. (Why did my father even have that on the shelf??)  I hid it in the back of the bathroom closet as I couldn't even be in the same room with it.  

I never read the book, but Pet Cemetery was one of the few movies that gave me nightmares.  I still think about that movie and shiver sometimes.

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Good Morning! Happy Sunday. It's raining here. We're discovering that in an El Niño year, 20% chance of rain means... Oh wow, it's raining. In a non-El Niño year (last year) 80% chance of rain means, yeah! go ahead, plan your picnic! it ain't gonna happen!

Edited by KrissiK
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I just realized that my phone alarm reminder for taking my antibiotics never went off.  


And then I realized why: Dh doesn't have his own phone, so he took mine to church.  






Which means it started quacking in the middle of the sermon.   :svengo:  :smilielol5:






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I just realized that my phone alarm reminder for taking my antibiotics never went off.  


And then I realized why: Dh doesn't have his own phone, so he took mine to church.  






Which means it started quacking in the middle of the sermon.   :svengo:  :smilielol5:


HA!  His thievery was punished!


:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Good morning, all!


We are playing hooky here so DD can get caught up with her friend (our neighbor's granddaughter.)  The neighbors are fab, as is the child.  Child's mother, however, drags her children along to follow in the chaos and catastrophe of her life.  :glare:   Poor neighbors.  They have 3 kids, two of whom are well-grounded, high-functioning humans.  And they are doing their best to pass on those skills to the grandchildren of the third child.  God bless them.

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My ITT book club selection this month is "Surprised by Oxford" by Carolyn Weber.


I've never read that, but remember thinking it sounded interesting.


I'm reading Ransom for a Knight with 12yo dd for our 7th grade lit. group.  And, totally non-academic, I just finished the 2nd book of the Thrawn trilogy (follow up books to Return of the Jedi) and will start the 3rd in a few days when I get it from the library. 


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I just realized that my phone alarm reminder for taking my antibiotics never went off.


And then I realized why: Dh doesn't have his own phone, so he took mine to church.






Which means it started quacking in the middle of the sermon. :svengo: :smilielol5:

I went to a funeral around thanksgiving. I turned my phone ringer off right at the start of the service, being polite and all. A few seconds later, I heard someone's phone ringing, playing more of a heavy metal song. I look around smugly, thinking, "at least it is not MY phone... Why isn't someone turning their phone off?! How rude."


Then, I realize with horror that it IS my phone. After turning it off, I must have accidentally touched my iheartradio app open. I think it was Coldplay. I grab my purse and run out of the church, because by the time I realized it was mine, it was *loud*. I run out the back side door and run into the funeral director because he had set up his table there and it was just in the other side of the door. Like I literally ran into him. Mortified by running into the mortician... That is funny.


Anyway, he was very gracious and told me it had also happened to him. I laughed, but I must not have fully appreciated his story because he said, "no, I mean it has happened to me *while I was conducting a funeral*" Poor guy. He sure was nice to make me feel better though.


I may have told this story before. Because ITT.

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I've never read that, but remember thinking it sounded interesting.


I'm reading Ransom for a Knight with 12yo dd for our 7th grade lit. group. And, totally non-academic, I just finished the 2nd book of the Thrawn trilogy (follow up books to Return of the Jedi) and will start the 3rd in a few days when I get it from the library.


Shush - Overachiever!

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My ITT book club selection this month is "Surprised by Oxford" by Carolyn Weber.

That looks really good. I may be in.


I am almost done with Humankind. Interesting content. The guy isn't a very good writer and his inappropriately placed political comments were distracting and unnecessary. And his style of citing study authors in the text was also distracting and unnecessary for a book written to the general public. However, the info itself was useful and I learned from it. I suppose that is what counts.


But now I need to move on to something else, and I think Susan has picked a winner!

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Tex was here.



I apologize for posting and running, but that is what I am doing here.  Off to call the odd father, my friend with in-laws who want me to be their therapist, and to get dinner and boots with dh.  Cowboy boots, for those interested. :hat:

Edited by texasmama
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