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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


I am a fan of white lights, no blinking or other seizure inducing accoutrements. Classic and understated. I like all of our decos to be this way. As a matter of fact, the people that just moved in across the street put up one of those horrific, plasticy-looking blow up Santas, and it is giving me hives. Why oh why do people do this? It just reads tacky to me.


Eta: I just read this through and want to clarify that I do not have a problem with colored lights for others, etc. and if anyone here actually does the big blow up dolls, I am sorry. I still love you, but I cannot abide by those things. :leaving:


On-the-grass ornaments are popular here with people unable to climb ladders and unwilling to foot the bill to hire someone, but still want to show Christmas spirit.  The inflatables are popular with folk who don't have enough storage space for the wire angels, reindeer, and polar bears.  We have a polar bear DD11 fell in love with a long time ago (very small, and looks even more like a fluffy dog since I augmented his yellowing and thinning white tinsel "fur" this year) and an inflatable Snoopy on his dog house because duh, it's Snoopy!

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I think she's just old. I suspected she paid in our room two weeks ago, but never found evidence. She's vomited a couple of times over the past couple of weeks under dd16's bed. Today, it seems every time she walks in my room, she squats to pee.


I just had a thought: dh bought a litter a couple of weeks ago and I noticed it has a strong aroma to it. I wonder if she's avoiding the box because of that. Hmm... I'm trying to contact dh to make sure he buys a litter with no smell (fragrance).



Oh, SOME litter!  I thought you meant he bought a litter of kittens and she was showing her disapproval!

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This is not the chat board. Tomatoes do not fly here. That is why everyone on the spectrum from conservative Christian to atheist coexist peacefully here and respect one another's opinions. This is our happy place. :D


Hear hear!  Well said!

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Lol. I think that is what they are out there saying right now. One keeps coming up to the patio window and looking in ominously. They are way too twitchy for me:-)


We have mocking birds that have tried this.  They have learned that there's a crazy lady inside who will come out and yell at them in mockingbirdese and reassert her claim to her own doorsteps.


Go yell at the squirrels in squirrel.  They'll back off.

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What is human geography?


Basically political geography and cultural geography taught together, without bothering with the physical geography that can help make sense of the other two.


I think my bias is showing....

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There are plenty of people who are very fit on vegetarian & vegan diets. There are also people who are downright fat.  Complex carb loading is an absurdly easy way to gain weight. 


But a young woman who is also coming from an athletic background should proceed carefully. I'd look at it as an opportunity to get some bio & nutrition reading done & get her involved in meal prep? 


My kids pretty much never had to eat what I made but by around 10-12, they were also expected to make stuff themselves or at least help significantly if they wanted something different than what dh & I were making, kwim? 


An easy & fast solution for the cook in the home would be to use some of the faux meats in your regular recipes. 


oopp sorry - meant to add this link too http://www.nomeatathlete.com/vegetarian-diet-athletes/


Thanks so much for that link!


Both she and I cook. Of course, I'm better at meal planning. She did ask me today to help her come up with a meal plan. That really is no big deal, as I basically can just add meat on the side for those who want it. She's not really interested in replacing with faux meats, as much as wanting to be healthy as a vegetarian.


I've always had veggie protein options in the house, it's a matter of her eating. {deleted personal info} I understood her concern of not wanting to gain weight after quitting dance cold turkey, but she wasn't doing it right. And now, this. kwim? I see it as, "if it's not one thing, it's another."

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She says, because it will be healthier for her. Then points out all these people on the internet who are vegetarians. In other words, she doesn't even know.


My best friend isn't quite a vegetarian but does have a lot of dietary restrictions.  She really likes Isa Does It and Mayim Bialik's vegan cookbook -- she says they have really great and filling recipes, most of which she really can eat.  She has a seasonal outside job and really needs to eat plenty during the season, and she feels well-fed cooking from these books.  Perhaps one or the other of these as a Christmas present for your DD if she persists in this?

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Am I being teased for talking about myself in the 1st person? I'm very tired and not following the ITT very well.


No, you said you'd name the girl "I" and we are discussing that original and one-of-a-kind appellation.  Your baby girl will go around referring to herself in the third person all of the time (I did this, I would think otherwise, etc.).  We are all for it, obviously!

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I am an unsympathetic character and sometimes I need sympathy. I don't understand why it sounds entitled to want to buy a house or eventually retire if you have worked your whole life. I don't understand what I am missing when I want to send my children to our local state U, why that is so "entitled". I am tired of seeking advice on the Internet and in real life and having people repeat the same advice over and over, advice that is not working for like 90% of the population, and then they expect me to be like, "ah yes I see, obviously my problem is that I have a fancy bought-used 2008 Japanese commuter car, clearly my addiction to fancy gadgets has done me in financially".


I swear to god all I wanted was to work my whole life and buy a house and drive a crappy car and help my kids through college. I don't know why this is too much to ask.

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Monday, Monday (da da, da da-da da)


The wind blew over the Christmas tree last night, even though we tied it to the two porch chairs.


We are kinda sorta on break now, except that we still have science to catch up on, literature, and music stuff to do.


I also need to order flowers for MIL's birthday. It occurred to me this morning that MIL has had 2 hip surgeries in the past year and she is still alive. This is significant because she put off having the surgeries for YEARS after an Indian shaman told her sister that she would die from the anesthesia.


And get a hotel for the trip back from NY. And floss. And ride my bike.


I am sure I need to do more Christmas shopping but I first have to figure out what I have already, ala Lynn's Closet Plan.

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I am an unsympathetic character and sometimes I need sympathy. I don't understand why it sounds entitled to want to buy a house or eventually retire if you have worked your whole life. I don't understand what I am missing when I want to send my children to our local state U, why that is so "entitled". I am tired of seeking advice on the Internet and in real life and having people repeat the same advice over and over, advice that is not working for like 90% of the population, and then they expect me to be like, "ah yes I see, obviously my problem is that I have a fancy bought-used 2008 Japanese commuter car, clearly my addiction to fancy gadgets has done me in financially".


I swear to god all I wanted was to work my whole life and buy a house and drive a crappy car and help my kids through college. I don't know why this is too much to ask.

Entitlement is when someone doesn't want to work, but thinks they deserve a house anyway. You're describing the American dream. :)

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Do you all have a "map in your head" of where your fellow ITTer are located? When I think of Ellie and Tex, they are in Texas, of course, on a flat map with different colors for the states. Texas is pink. Sometimes Ellie sneaks over to Hawaii. Lynn is Northeast of me, but for some reason my brain puts Slache down in Louisianna. I know it's wrong, and I have to move her back West. Renai is often in Washington with Jean and sometimes in

Canada (?!?) but I know that is also wrong and have to slide her South. Is there anyone here in Canada? I don't know where that comes from.


Clearly I am suffering from fever-induced delirium. Carry on.

Edited by Susan in TN
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Good Morning!


We survived a really busy weekend.  The Christmas programs went well and Bride and Groom are happily married.


Two more programs this week, but the rehearsals have already happened and one of the programs is during a regularly-scheduled church service.


So, not so bad.



Mark, Great costume!!  Jedi Junie would have been thrilled to have been there!


Oh, and I could have used your stilts for our choir production this weekend.  The original seating plan put me behind a 6-foot tall tenor.  Um, I'm short.  Choir director moved a half-dozen people around and Voila!  I could see!


Not sure how much homeschool we'll do this week.  The dc want to be done.  ;)

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Do you all have a "map in your head" of where your fellow ITTer are located? When I think of Ellie and Tex, they are in Texas, of course, on a flat map with different colors for the states. Texas is pink. Sometimes Ellie sneaks over to Hawaii. Lynn is Northeast of me, but for some reason my brain puts Slache down in Louisianna. I know it's wrong, and I have to move her back West. Renai is often in Washington with Jean and sometimes in

Canada (?!?) but I know that is also wrong and have to slide her South. Is there anyone here in Canada? I don't know where that comes from.


Clearly I am suffering from fever-induced delirium. Carry on.


Do you have a fever again?  Go to bed! 


Map!  Yes!  Just last night.  And I often have Ellie in California (because she used to be there), and I have to move her over.  Ducklings is northeast/New England?  maybe?  Dawn is north west of me by a little bit?  JoJosMom is in a frozen tundra of some kind but I don't know if it's east or west, US or Canada.  For as long as she's been doing frozen poop aerobics, I'm suspecting it's not US. 


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Do you all have a "map in your head" of where your fellow ITTer are located? When I think of Ellie and Tex, they are in Texas, of course, on a flat map with different colors for the states. Texas is pink. Sometimes Ellie sneaks over to Hawaii. Lynn is Northeast of me, but for some reason my brain puts Slache down in Louisianna. I know it's wrong, and I have to move her back West. Renai is often in Washington with Jean and sometimes in

Canada (?!?) but I know that is also wrong and have to slide her South. Is there anyone here in Canada? I don't know where that comes from.


Clearly I am suffering from fever-induced delirium. Carry on.

Wow, that's pretty good! The only person I imagine where she lives is Tex. because that's in her name. I think everyone's name ought to have a reference to where they live. That would be helpful. I would change my name to KrisCal!
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On-the-grass ornaments are popular here with people unable to climb ladders and unwilling to foot the bill to hire someone, but still want to show Christmas spirit. The inflatables are popular with folk who don't have enough storage space for the wire angels, reindeer, and polar bears. We have a polar bear DD11 fell in love with a long time ago (very small, and looks even more like a fluffy dog since I augmented his yellowing and thinning white tinsel "fur" this year) and an inflatable Snoopy on his dog house because duh, it's Snoopy!

Ah, it's the storage space. Got it:-)


And now I have the Charlie Brown song in my head. Thanks, lady :lol:

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I am an unsympathetic character and sometimes I need sympathy. I don't understand why it sounds entitled to want to buy a house or eventually retire if you have worked your whole life. I don't understand what I am missing when I want to send my children to our local state U, why that is so "entitled". I am tired of seeking advice on the Internet and in real life and having people repeat the same advice over and over, advice that is not working for like 90% of the population, and then they expect me to be like, "ah yes I see, obviously my problem is that I have a fancy bought-used 2008 Japanese commuter car, clearly my addiction to fancy gadgets has done me in financially".


I swear to god all I wanted was to work my whole life and buy a house and drive a crappy car and help my kids through college. I don't know why this is too much to ask.


Owning a home = more return for your money than renting, and another level of financial security.  Sound financial move and something worth striving for.


Wanting to retire after working all of your life = mental soundness and more time to devote to family, if you so wish.  My ILs are both retired and they are busier now than they were when they were employed full-time.  Their busy-ness is their choice, however, and they are pursuing what is most important to them.  It's important that there be some worthwhile reward to look forward to (such as retirement), or people lose heart and die while still working.  Striving for retirement is a goal sound in mind and logic.


Wanting to send your kids to a local state U = very sound financial decision and recognition of quality in the state U your taxes have helped support.  Getting in-state tuition knocks a HUGE chunk off of the cost of the kids' college educations.  State Us are intended for the state's residents first and foremost, which is why they not only charge higher tuition for out-of-state students, they also limit the number they will accept and don't usually accept those until after they've processed applications from in-state students.  If that makes you and your kids, as residents of the state, "entitled", then darn right and that's the way it should be!


As for your car, it's old enough not to be considered a "late model" anymore, so I don't understand why anyone would think you paid a lot of money for it.  Those who can afford to buy new quite often trade out the car for a newer one after 3-5 years, before warranties run out.  There's still a lot of life left in those vehicles, and it can be had for a decidedly lower cost.  Very sound financial move!


Now I need a nose-thumbing icon, because clearly those nitwits deserve it.

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And Good Monday Morning!


The beginning of break for some, perhaps winding down for others.....


We're signed up to go on a field trip tomorrow.  What was I thinking?  Worse than a trip to the dentist, but at least I don't have to do both.  Speaking of dentist.... where's Dawn?  And how are you? 


And my timer went off and it's time to get ready to take DD11 to the doctor (checking on her range of motion after PT -- her arm stiffened during the weeks in the cast).  I thought we were going to the dentist and was amused by the timing of reading your post, but the dentist appointment is on Thursday, so I'm a little ahead of myself there.


Must dash.  Back later.

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I am an unsympathetic character and sometimes I need sympathy. I don't understand why it sounds entitled to want to buy a house or eventually retire if you have worked your whole life. I don't understand what I am missing when I want to send my children to our local state U, why that is so "entitled". I am tired of seeking advice on the Internet and in real life and having people repeat the same advice over and over, advice that is not working for like 90% of the population, and then they expect me to be like, "ah yes I see, obviously my problem is that I have a fancy bought-used 2008 Japanese commuter car, clearly my addiction to fancy gadgets has done me in financially".


I swear to god all I wanted was to work my whole life and buy a house and drive a crappy car and help my kids through college. I don't know why this is too much to ask.

Just hugs.


And not entitled. Stop listening to the morons. :D

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Do you all have a "map in your head" of where your fellow ITTer are located? When I think of Ellie and Tex, they are in Texas, of course, on a flat map with different colors for the states. Texas is pink. Sometimes Ellie sneaks over to Hawaii. Lynn is Northeast of me, but for some reason my brain puts Slache down in Louisianna. I know it's wrong, and I have to move her back West. Renai is often in Washington with Jean and sometimes in

Canada (?!?) but I know that is also wrong and have to slide her South. Is there anyone here in Canada? I don't know where that comes from.


Clearly I am suffering from fever-induced delirium. Carry on.

I am in the place where people love their cheese and the land is frozen tundra that isn't frozen this year, lol. I think someone else is up here with me, but I can't remember who.

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Morning all.


Last week before break. I am giving the kids their week plans and telling them that whenever they are done for the week, they are done. So if they finish the work by Wed, they get Thurs and Fri off. That should motivate them.


Then, I need to get busy and get all of my Christms stuff done this week, so I can have at least a few days of break myself before la familia descends. I really have to get better about guarding part of the holiday breaks for my sanity. Really.


Woke up with a migraine, so I am off to self-medicate. Hopefully, I won't be posting quite so much today. Y'all are probably sick of me after yesterday, lol.

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But this is WHY we have so many gift bags to reuse -- we pick them up because we can stuff things in them and wala, the "wrapping" is done!  It's my go-to method anymore.


AMJ, dear, this is at least twice that you've been at the top of the page and haven't BOOYA'd.


tsk, tsk, tsk :thumbdown:

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I am an unsympathetic character and sometimes I need sympathy. I don't understand why it sounds entitled to want to buy a house or eventually retire if you have worked your whole life. I don't understand what I am missing when I want to send my children to our local state U, why that is so "entitled". I am tired of seeking advice on the Internet and in real life and having people repeat the same advice over and over, advice that is not working for like 90% of the population, and then they expect me to be like, "ah yes I see, obviously my problem is that I have a fancy bought-used 2008 Japanese commuter car, clearly my addiction to fancy gadgets has done me in financially".


I swear to god all I wanted was to work my whole life and buy a house and drive a crappy car and help my kids through college. I don't know why this is too much to ask.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


The people who tell you those things are idiots.

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So, this is week two of telecommuting with the blessing of the boss.


Nobody will return my emails, though, and people avoid my calls. I've been told that I can work on my current project from home "until further notice" (paraphrased) and just to assume I don't need to come in unless I'm specifically requested at a meeting. So, OK, but I still need managerial input on various questions regarding that project and other ad hoc stuff that comes up. Not a single email has been responded to in over a week and when I finally called my Director I got "I'm on my way to a super important meeting with regulators, can't talk."


So... umm... what the heck? I've been on good terms with all of these people right along, but now it's like they're afraid talking to me will open them to liability, or something, or they're resentful? I honestly have no clue. Normally because I'm a cynical sort of guy (you might have noticed) I can come up with lots of explanations for stuff like this, but I'm dumbfounded. Radio silence.

I know the org is against telecommuting as a rule, although it does happen here and there. I don't get giving their blessing for it and then just excommunicating me, though. Are they trying to drive me to quit so that they don't have to deal with the paperwork of trying to fire a sick person? Ugh.

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Morning all.


Last week before break. I am giving the kids their week plans and telling them that whenever they are done for the week, they are done. So if they finish the work by Wed, they get Thurs and Fri off. That should motivate them.


Then, I need to get busy and get all of my Christms stuff done this week, so I can have at least a few days of break myself before la familia descends. I really have to get better about guarding part of the holiday breaks for my sanity. Really.


Woke up with a migraine, so I am off to self-medicate. Hopefully, I won't be posting quite so much today. Y'all are probably sick of me after yesterday, lol.




Hope you can kick that migraine to the curb!  :grouphug:


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Me! I'm in Vancouver. 


My knowledge of US geography is - I'm embarrassed to admit -  kind of limited to the perimeter. So you guys are either West Coast, East coast, Florida, Texas or "somewhere in the great big middle" 




Don't feel bad.  My understanding of Canadian geography is basically -- Vancouver = West Coast, Toronto = Somewhere North of New York.


I've heard of Prince Edward Island and Niagara Falls.

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Countdown is on: dd's last exam is today.

By extension, today is ds's last day of school & then I'm dismissing him till Jan 4. I predict he'll finish Just Cause 3 & put in some serious time on Fallout 4 over the holidays. 

Tomorrow night we're going to Mythbusters live show, yay! 

I suppose I should think about buying some presents now & sort out where we're going for the various family dinners. There's some tension about how to do things this year.... 

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