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Okay, this was just wrong.  I was on another page that had some ads scrolling on the side, and one with some happy canoers carrying their canoe through the woods caught my eye.  The caption?  It was about pre-planning your own funeral.


Really.  So, someone has a Viking bent?  "Yeah, I want my wife and kids to carry me in a boat down to the water, set it afire, and send me off!"

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I'm not correcting your booyas anymore. You guys don't even use it correctly. Just sit there and be wrong in your wrongness.


The H -- it's everywhere!!!!  hehhehhehhehhehhehhehhehheh....

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It's because canoe trips don't end well.

You'll die in the rapids. The bear will eat you while you portage. The mass murderer will stalk you in your camp.


Is that why the wife and kids were grinning from ear to ear as they went?

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I'm not correcting your booyas anymore. You guys don't even use it correctly. Just sit there and be wrong in your wrongness.


Well, I just confirmed I do indeed know what booyah is and how to use it.  Urban Dictionary just confirmed it for me.  So it must be true.

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This does not compute. WHY???


Either I had too much wine or  I like to torture myself.  It's just a sprint triathlon though-no Ironman or anything. 


My 9 mile bike turned into a 5 mile bike and 4 miles of walking the bike down the road. Got a flat tire half way. Race is Saturday. Just hope to complete it. 





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I could go for Alaska!  Especially when the northern lights are at their peak, like in mid-March.  Which part of Alaska?


I'm in the part with Starbucks. Just north of Anchorage. I've heard the whole state is snake and scorpion free though. Better yet- NO TICKS! We have plenty of spiders and mosquitoes though. 

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My off-the-cuff, some not-so-nice,  answers to thread titles
How do you use consumable workbooks? We write in them.
Have you ever encountered a really creative homeschool? Yes, mine. Take notes. Except, when I'm not.
Can you help me make 1st grade fun? If you can’t figure out first grade…
Why do so many homeschoolers not show up? Because they’re pansies. I’ve given up setting up activities.
How did you end up homeschooling? We fell into it. Kind of how one trips into a muddy puddle, face first.
What are you excited about 2015-16? I’m not. Well, except for the fact that I’ll hopefully be alive.
Where to begin with Minecraft? At the beginning? (is there a beginning?)
What is covered in a geography course? Geography.
Where to start? At the beginning.



Love it! 


Everytime I see the "How did you end up homeschooling?" title I think smart aleck  thoughts.  Oh, and the "Have you ever encountered a really creative homeschool?" also.  It's begging for..... something.  (Something like, "No, I meet stressed-out, over-extended Moms all the time who are more worried about "enough" than creativity.") 


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I always think people who can trasnlate normal activities into educationalese are creative...

Kids made lunch? Home EC

Played in the woods? Science

Jumped on the trampoline? PE

Figured out how to build an awesome fort in the living room? Engineering

Read Little House? History


I'm black and white, and those things 'don't count' in my mind. I think it's creative when people can keep track of those things outside of a designated 'school time'.

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I confess, I'm putting my own personal baggage into the word "creativity," but asking for evidence of some certain amount of creativity immediately has me assuming it will mean lots of contrived busywork.  (I know, no one said "evidence of" and no one said "certain amount.")  And, honestly, I haven't read the thread because it didn't interest me. 

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I always think people who can trasnlate normal activities into educationalese are creative...

Kids made lunch? Home EC

Played in the woods? Science

Jumped on the trampoline? PE

Figured out how to build an awesome fort in the living room? Engineering

Read Little House? History


I'm black and white, and those things 'don't count' in my mind. I think it's creative when people can keep track of those things outside of a designated 'school time'.


I worked state prek. It was a play-based program. You learn quickly how to slap labels on stuff to please the admins of a school that doesn't actually agree with play-based, and move on with your life. Trust me, that stuff counts. For a lot.

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I'm moving to Kentucky.


The scorpion pest control dude put his foot through my ceiling while in the attic.  


Oh, no! 


(I'm picturing an attic full of horror-movie sized-scorpions and a pest control dude scrambling away out of fear...)


Nan woke up joking and asking for sweet tea.


Well, it's a good day for sweet tea.

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I'm moving to Kentucky.


The scorpion pest control dude put his foot through my ceiling while in the attic. Nan woke up joking and asking for sweet tea.


Currently at the orthodontist with ds14.




It never rains, but it pours.


:grouphug: , Tex.

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I'm moving to Kentucky.That't not Alaska. Bummer.


The scorpion pest control dude put his foot through my ceiling while in the attic. :ohmy: The evil scorpions are still wrecking havoc.


Nan woke up joking and asking for sweet tea.  :thumbup: 


Currently at the orthodontist with ds14. I'm not looking forward to those days. I was told my  daughter will need braces. There's not enough room in her mouth and everything is either coming in crooked, or doesn't have enough room to descend.


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Ds14 will have $10,000 of our money sunk into his mouth by the end of it all.  No orthodontic insurance, either.  I hope he appreciates it.  He will have an expensive oral surgery procedure this summer.  I think of it as one of the costs of homeschooling because otherwise I could be working and get some type of insurance coverage.  This summer, my kids' teeth will  be over $3,000.  None of it is really optional.  I think I will make us all vegetarians, meaning we will graze on the grass and tree bark, which we have aplenty.  This will save us buying groceries, and we can funnel that money towards teeth.  We will need strong teeth to grind all of the tree bark and foliage.  I can also boil scorpions and serve them for protein.  They are all poisoned now so we will die a slow death from scorpion poison, but at least we will have good teeth.  :D



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Ds14 will have $10,000 of our money sunk into his mouth by the end of it all.  No orthodontic insurance, either.  I hope he appreciates it.  He will have an expensive oral surgery procedure this summer.  I think of it as one of the costs of homeschooling because otherwise I could be working and get some type of insurance coverage.  This summer, my kids' teeth will  be over $3,000.  None of it is really optional.  I think I will make us all vegetarians, meaning we will graze on the grass and tree bark, which we have aplenty.  This will save us buying groceries, and we can funnel that money towards teeth.  We will need strong teeth to grind all of the tree bark and foliage.  I can also boil scorpions and serve them for protein.  They are all poisoned now so we will die a slow death from scorpion poison, but at least we will have good teeth.   :D




This sounds like if you give a mouse a muffin....


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I'm moving to Kentucky.


The scorpion pest control dude put his foot through my ceiling while in the attic. Nan woke up joking and asking for sweet tea.


Currently at the orthodontist with ds14.


Yay for moving to Kentucky!


Boo for foot through the ceiling.  So, do they bring in their people to fix your attic? 


Nan is one cool customer - trapped in a house of scorpions, strange people sticking their feet through the ceiling, and she requests sweet tea - the answer to many of life's crises. 


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Yay for moving to Kentucky!


Boo for foot through the ceiling.  So, do they bring in their people to fix your attic? 


Nan is one cool customer - trapped in a house of scorpions, strange people sticking their feet through the ceiling, and she requests sweet tea - the answer to many of life's crises. 


Kentucky sounds really exotic.  I don't know why.  Probably because horses.


It's not so much the attic that suffers.  It's the ceiling above our dining room table which is currently held together by copious amounts of painter's tape, provided by us.  The dude will pay for it to be fixed.  He made clear it was on his own personal dime.  Sorry, dude, not my problem.  I didn't hire ceiling wreckers - I called for pest control.


The blessing of Alzheimer's is that you recall nothing negative and accept most stuff except diaper changes.  ;)  I have to talk her into those, and then I thank her for letting me help her.  Nan was a trip this morning, and she drank us out of sweet tea.  lol

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I hear you on tooth woes. Dd12 goes to the dentist today - she has weird baby tooth issues, and starting very soon will need serious orthodontic work. Dd16 also has some issues that will involve orthdonics but we don't know the extent yet. Ds19 should have his wisdom teeth out this summer and needs sinus surgery.


I'm going back to bed.

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Ds needs braces.  We talked it over and he's comfortable with his mouth the way it is and so we are leaving it.  It would probably have been better to not leave it but. . . .  all our money goes to other doctors - mostly for me.  I'm a doctor hog.  

Doctor hog!!!


All of mine and dh's dental money goes to the kids.

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Yesterday was ridiculous, but I did want to tell you people the very most ridiculous part of it was when I removed the staples in Nan's head.


Yes, you read that right.


The nurse did not have her staple remover, so I pulled mine out.  (You don't have one?  But I thought everyone did.)  The nurse got a couple of them out but said she could not see.  So I crawled into bed with Nan with my leg hanging over the bed rail for balance, leaned over her, let the nurse hold the light, and I got out the remaining five staples.  It was a BA move.

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Yesterday was ridiculous, but I did want to tell you people the very most ridiculous part of it was when I removed the staples in Nan's head.


Yes, you read that right.


The nurse did not have her staple remover, so I pulled mine out.  (You don't have one?  But I thought everyone did.)  The nurse got a couple of them out but said she could not see.  So I crawled into bed with Nan with my leg hanging over the bed rail for balance, leaned over her, let the nurse hold the light, and I got out the remaining five staples.  It was a BA move.




Tell me you were wearing your Keens while you ripped them out.  That would make my day.

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Hey Slashaboo!


The C-Rods ROCK.  Got the classroom set.  Arrived this morning. Can't thank you enough for the suggestion.  All four biggies are using them right now, playing games we found on education unboxed.  So glad I got that many!  And the plastic is great… durable, weighty, almost like wood. 



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Yesterday was ridiculous, but I did want to tell you people the very most ridiculous part of it was when I removed the staples in Nan's head.


Yes, you read that right.


The nurse did not have her staple remover, so I pulled mine out.  (You don't have one?  But I thought everyone did.)  The nurse got a couple of them out but said she could not see.  So I crawled into bed with Nan with my leg hanging over the bed rail for balance, leaned over her, let the nurse hold the light, and I got out the remaining five staples.  It was a BA move.

So tell me, is it only your A that is bad?


I'm glad that Nan let you do that!  

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Tell me you were wearing your Keens while you ripped them out.  That would make my day.

I am sad to say that I was NOT wearing my Keens while removing the staples.  I was wearing flip-flops.  Normally, I wear flip flops to kill copperheads and Keens for killing scorpions (priorities...), but I had not yet determined a protocol for footwear while jumping on the bed with old ladies and removing staples from their heads.


At the end of it, I was thinking, "What did I need this nurse for?"  I provided all the equipment and did the work.  I could have found a kid to hold the light.


I also have a medical stapler and betadine swabs.  So if you happen to visit me and cut yourself, I will carefully evaluate whether or not to superglue or staple you and then go for it.  I will wear Keens if it makes the experience go more smoothly in your eyes.

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So tell me, is it only your A that is bad?


I'm glad that Nan let you do that!  

Pretty much all of me is bad, but my A is particularly bad.


Nan complained when the nurse was messing around, but she minded me less, even as I climbed about on top of her.  She likes me.  :D

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Ds14 will have $10,000 of our money sunk into his mouth by the end of it all.  No orthodontic insurance, either.  I hope he appreciates it.  He will have an expensive oral surgery procedure this summer.  I think of it as one of the costs of homeschooling because otherwise I could be working and get some type of insurance coverage.  This summer, my kids' teeth will  be over $3,000.  None of it is really optional.  I think I will make us all vegetarians, meaning we will graze on the grass and tree bark, which we have aplenty.  This will save us buying groceries, and we can funnel that money towards teeth.  We will need strong teeth to grind all of the tree bark and foliage.  I can also boil scorpions and serve them for protein.  They are all poisoned now so we will die a slow death from scorpion poison, but at least we will have good teeth.   :D



My dd15's braces are only costing me $5K, we lucked out to get no surgery(she was borderline and so we didn't know for sure if she would get it or not when we started treatment) and I take her to the university where students do the treatment and it cost me half what we were quoted elsewhere.  RIght about the time she gets her's off, dd7 will be coming up big enough to get braces.  THank goodness my boys do not need them.

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Hey Slashaboo!


The C-Rods ROCK.  Got the classroom set.  Arrived this morning. Can't thank you enough for the suggestion.  All four biggies are using them right now, playing games we found on education unboxed.  So glad I got that many!  And the plastic is great… durable, weighty, almost like wood. 



Cool! I'll probably get the tub in a year or so. I really didn't know what I was doing ordering them online because all of the local stores had been out for months (clue #986). I hear a lot of stories about Jr. High/HS students pulling them out to work through something, and our play tends to require a lot so the tub seems appropriate. I also like the philosophy of using very little manipulatives so the kids really understand number relationships in context rather than different manipulatives for different concepts and the C-Rods are good for such a variety of different things. I'm hoping to keep it to C-Rods, the AL Abacus, goeboards, and geometric solids.




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When DD was small, her first dentist was also an orthodontist.  He looked at her mouth and her x-rays and said, "She's not going to need braces... Darn it."  :smilielol5: This from a guy who commuted on the weekends to his beach house in his private plane. :nopity:


(Lest you feel envy over my low-dental-cost kid, let me assure you she made up for it other ways.  Between keeping me pregnant and getting us through childbirth and recovery, we went through our entire combined savings and then some.  And we were both old, well-employed, and industrious little savers. The not needing braces thing was kinda like God tossing us a mini milk bone.)

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