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I can't take this anymore!


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I'm seriously going to go nuts if one more thing is cancelled for weather. I hate the snow, but I'll get out there a drive if it's possible. I left my house to teach a dance class tonight. I couldn't even walk to the car. ICE was EVERYWHERE. It was FINE just an hour earlier. I had a bag of props to use for class tonight. Ten canes and I still can't walk to the car! This winter is slowly sucking the life out of me. I just want to be half naked in the sun and have a cold drink without shivering. My heated mattress pad is officially my most prized possession.

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Yeah, the dogs and I bicker and compete for room on the heated throw in the afternoons. The trees have buds on them, but we are expecting freezing rain tomorrow. Right now it's 63F and raining, so basically the weather is mocking me. :zombie:


It's really nice not to be a pilgrim, though. :)

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I am done with this too! Tonight when it was about time for dd to head to ballet I noticed the was slick. I thought, she could drive there just fine, but in 2.5 hours she won't make it home. I was going to drive her and have dh pick up, but dd decided she wasn't feeling well. 


I keep thinking on Sunday "I just want to get back to my routine." I can't remember my last "normal" week. 

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We need to remember this when we are baking and sweating in the heat with high humidity this summer.

I LOVE the heat. I LOVE summer and light and fresh veggies and pool season and not dressing in layers. I'm getting miserable and crabby. I'm not even looking at good vacation spots. I'm thinking "All four of us can go to Vegas for less than $1000 and just walk around outside." I don't know why I haven't dug the Happy Light out this year. I'm too depressed. Losing three hours of dance classes tonight won't help my mood. I'm just gonna sit on the vouch and eat cookies and get fat. I admit defeat.

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Winter is usually my favorite season.  Well, it was when we didn't have so many places to go all the time, so I didn't have to worry about driving in snow or, worse, freezing rain. 


And closures are so inconsistent. Tonight (freezing rain) every stinkin' school with evening classes was closed except my son's.  My husband graciously took him and is staying near the school (even though on a good night it's only 15 minutes drive away) so if they end early the boy won't be left alone waiting for his ride. 


Above my back door I have a cute sign that says "Welcome Winter."  It goes up the day after Thanksgiving and stay up till the first day of spring.  It might have to come down tomorrow though.  Sick sick sick of it. 

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Yep. I am done with schlepping groceries across the frozen tundra of Alaska, I mean, my yard, replacing the baby's mittens fifty times before we even walk out the door because he pulls them off, and just looking at grey and white. Spring soon, please!


However, it's not been too bad when DH gets to work at home because of bad roads. And last summer, despite a long and cold winter, was quite mild, so hopefully that will happen again this year.

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Yeah, the dogs and I bicker and compete for room on the heated throw in the afternoons. The trees have buds on them, but we are expecting freezing rain tomorrow. Right now it's 63F and raining, so basically the weather is mocking me. :zombie:


It's really nice not to be a pilgrim, though. :)

If it was 63 degrees here, I would be dancing with joy! Outside in the rain. That is part of what kills me- we never get a break. If it would just warm up (above freezing) for a couple of days every couple of weeks, I could deal sooooo much better.

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We JUST had our snow melt off from the last two snows. What's coming tonight? Freezing rain and 4-6" of more snow. GAHH!


At least it did melt. We just have one snowfall on top of another for months and months. It NEVER melts.


I'm sorry. I will stop complaining now. At least I am not a pilgrim.

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I have a tiny little yard and there's a tree in front of it. Even when the snow finally melts on all the other tiny little yards on my street, the branches from the tree in front of my yard shade it so that my yard is always the last one with snow on it. And not just for a day or two, but for a couple of weeks. I'll be the only yard with snow.


All the other yards are a lovely shade of dead brown. Why can't I have a dead brown yard, too?? It's just not fair.

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It is currently snowing here right now... again ... I'm with you there.  I just want the sun to shine and melt all this stupid snow.  Colorado was on record for the snowiest February and it is continuing into March.  BLEH!  :thumbdown:

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Funny Canadian joke about the 7 day forecast.


For those looking forward to winter ending you just have to move to Canada and listen to our weather reports. :)



This was hilarious (esp to those of us who grew up starting across the St Lawrence River into Canada, so shared their winters)!  Thanks for posting it!


I'm about to e-mail it to my mom... ;)


Whenever I get tired of "winter" here I just remember what it was like growing up.  Then I realize winter here is just fine...

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I don't mind the snow, but the ice is awful.  I don't like that it is piled so high on the roads that you have to inch out slowly to see if anyone is coming.  I can't believe how bad some roads still are!


I don't mind the cold, as long as I don't have to go anywhere. 


It was snowing when I went to bed and switched over to rain, it is supposed to get up to 45 degrees today but then we are supposed to get another 6" tonight!

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I LOVE "Plus One" I shared it on Facebook a month ago because I was fed up then. At what point do we start taking fish pills or risk loosing our minds?


And, Good Gravy, there's MORE coming. My son will have missed co-op for an entire month and only once because he was sick'


I am turning into this guy: http://digg.com/video/icelandic-man-has-really-strong-feelings-about-daylight-savings It's timely considering we change our clocks this weekend. There is some strong language, but it captures how I feel about this winter and DST.


"Save your daylight!"

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