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I don't want to keep y'all on pins & needles any longer. ;-D

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Why wouldn't I go in for a McCain/Palin duo? Well, as I said, I disagree with most of McCain's platform. I would've needed someone with a more moderate stance in order to even consider McCain. As it is, there are issues on which I disagree with Palin even more than I do McCain. I'm also strongly opposed to her decision to run for this office, given the fact that she has young children. Danestress voiced some thoughts here with which I agree:



:iagree: Much better said than I. I don't have a bumper sticker, but do have a "Republicans for Obama" button on my purse.

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Why wouldn't I go in for a McCain/Palin duo? Well, as I said, I disagree with most of McCain's platform. I would've needed someone with a more moderate stance in order to even consider McCain. As it is, there are issues on which I disagree with Palin even more than I do McCain. I'm also strongly opposed to her decision to run for this office, given the fact that she has young children. Danestress voiced some thoughts here with which I agree:


Thanks, Colleen. You know I always appreciate hearing what you have to say - even if I disagree with some of it. :D I will read Danestress' post. I do feel strange about that aspect of her situation. I freely admit that. I could not ever support Obama though so I don't feel I have much choice in the matter. I hope you have a lovely and safe trip!!

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Umm, I don't think it's who she is voting for that is getting the low star rating. For me, it's making this announcement it's *own thread* with a subject line that makes it look like something everyone would want to read. I'm just not interested in who Colleen (or anyone else) is voting for and it was off-putting to open this thread and see what the big announcement was.


:iagree: I just gave you some rep, and I don't even DO rep.

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I am going to be voting for Obama, and I would never dream of making judgments about Colleen for starting her thread - even if I had opened it and it had said she was voting for McCain. Colleen is a thoughtful and helpful poster with good ideas and a sense of humor. IMHO she, and anyone else for that matter, has the right to start any thread they wish as long as it does not break the TOS.


I also think it is fair for posters to rate the thread as they see fit. To me things like stars and green squares are secondary to content. Some of my favorite threads on here might have no stars, heck I dunno. I really don't pay attention much to that.



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But how is Colleen's thread any different that when someone says it's their b'day or their kids, or talking about decisions on health, family, and education choices. A bunch of the threads here are posted by individuals saying, "look at what I think." Why is this one anymore offensive then those?



hm. I don't think it's anymore offensive than anything else, and I certainly don't mind her starting her own thread to announce it, but I think there has been plenty of consensus in the past that it is simply common courtesy to label your posts w/ a fair amount of specificity so that people can move on quickly to other threads or bypass stuff they aren't interested in.


The way she labeled her post, you couldn't even tell by hovering what it was going to be about.


Now I am actually interested in knowing her voting choice :), but that could have been handled in the title.

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Hmmm, I dunno, I didn't find this to be a surprise. I am not a logical person, nor am I very intelligent, confrontational, or able to debate a point; but I already could've told ja how you were going to vote. No surprises here. : D Maybe I inherited my dad's 6th sense.

But thanks for the announcement and have a wonderful time on your trip.

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I can see where you get that. I certainly felt that was the case in the last election, only in the opposite direction. It seemed to me that the main focus was on making sure Bush was not re-elected, than on actual support for the Dem candidate.


I so totally agree. But it's only a "bad/sad" thing when the Republicans do it.

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I just recently was able to come to a final decision, myself. I had been wavering, considering voting 3rd party. It's nice to have that burden of indecision gone, isn't it?



just so that I could vote more on principles than trying to elect one or keep one from being elected. The Sarah Palin choice for VP has catulpulted me over to the McCain camp BIG TIME! I'm one of the "disgruntled" consertive base that has been unhappy with politics as usual from BOTH party establishments. I'm excited about the prospect of having someone who has braved the elite and the established of the political system and has triumphed, even if only for a short time. That shows character, courage, conviction, and determination---all qualities that I admire and that I think will make an excellent VP candidate (and possible future President).

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I so totally agree. But it's only a "bad/sad" thing when the Republicans do it.


No, no, I think you may have misunderstood. For me, the badness or sadness is only that there isn't a strong candidate to inspire and stand behind. It wasn't bad or sad because one party or another *did* it, it was lamentable because we *wanted* candidates we could believe in and back enthusiastically, warts and all, and we did not have them.


The lack of inspiration in some elections is the sad part for me.

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Umm, I don't think it's who she is voting for that is getting the low star rating. For me, it's making this announcement it's *own thread* with a subject line that makes it look like something everyone would want to read. I'm just not interested in who Colleen (or anyone else) is voting for and it was off-putting to open this thread and see what the big announcement was.


Just so you don't fell like you're dangling all by your lonesome on this, I had a similar reaction.

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My "liberal" car (actually no Obama sticker on that one, but some peace stickers, etc) got vandalized recently when I was at a matinee movie with my boys. Luckily the "I hate liberals" stickers came off with not too much trouble... and we got to have a discussion about vandalism. And conservatism. Simultaneously.

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No, no, I think you may have misunderstood. For me, the badness or sadness is only that there isn't a strong candidate to inspire and stand behind. It wasn't bad or sad because one party or another *did* it, it was lamentable because we *wanted* candidates we could believe in and back enthusiastically, warts and all, and we did not have them.


The lack of inspiration in some elections is the sad part for me.


I agree. I'm tired of holding my nose when I go in to vote. It's been awhile since I haven't felt the necessity to do that.

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Has anyone here besides me noticed that people are spending more time posting complaints about the misleading thread title than it would have taken them to scan original post? Life is interesting. 30 seconds, 31, 32 ...


I have to come to Oak Knoll Mom's defense here. On page 2 of this thread Pam said that according to the rating on this thread, some folks think Colleen's choice is terrible.


On page 3, Oak Knoll Mom responded to Pam with her opinion that the low rating was not due to that, but due to the way Colleen worded the title to her post and found it misleading. Others agreed with Oak Knoll Mom and said so. Out of 9 pages there are only a few that posted their agreement with Oak Knoll.


I think they are entitled to their opinion just as Colleen is to hers.

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LOL! Colleen! Was that a joke? Never for one minute would I have ever considered that you would vote for someone other than a Democrat.


But thanks for drawing that out! It was a fun read!




Yeah, I have to say the same, Colleen. It would take quite the unique Republican to win your support, I think, and even McCain isn't *that* much of a maverick! ;)


I'm just teasing you, really. I'm glad you made a decision that fits your values and beliefs. It's a good feeling!



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Has anyone here besides me noticed that people are spending more time posting complaints about the misleading thread title than it would have taken them to scan original post? Life is interesting. 30 seconds, 31, 32 ...


aside from what ticklbee clarified:


there ARE still some people on dial up. to click into and out of a post takes a wee bit longer [not to mention adding another minute or two to post a reply], which is why there have been requests in the past to try to be specific about a subject title. I'm not complaining [since i have high speed- HA!], just pointing it out for people who don't HAVE that 30 seconds to post One. More. Thing, lol.


and think about it --30 seconds to check out a post.

Have you SEEN how many threads there are just in ONE day??? By being specific you can save other people a solid 5-10 minutes and let them find the posts that they might want to REALLY invest time in.

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