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How do you write a love letter?


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I was wondering what to include in a good love letter to one's partner/ spouse. This is for fun. 


It also might be nice to write to the kids for Valentines Day. 


Have you ever done these sorts of writing projects? I know at least some of you have. Please share what you have done so I might get an idea of how to begin. 


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Can't say I've done one of those in a very long time. Sounds like a great idea for Valentine's Day, however.

I would say it would be important to include the things that attracted you to your loved one in the first place, all the things that you have since found to be wonderful, and go from there.


And I agree with Rosie. No scratchy pens.

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We are just simply not the sappy type.  If DH tried to write me a love letter I am quite sure I would die of shock, and probably cringe reading it because I simply don't like sap.


However, he will change my oil and wash my car and even make me dinner.  

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Well, I once had all the right components in place --


1. I was just-turned-20

2. I was an Anne fan so I knew a lot about love letters

3. The love of my life was a good writer and likely to write back, even every other day

4. (stamps were cheaper then)

5. It was a very long distance, new relationship so we enjoyed steamy phone calls and sappy letters

6. (because most people didn't have internet at home, then, or phones with texting capability)

7. and we each had interesting lives to chat about along with the mushy stuff, so the letters were interesting


Nowadays, even though the only things in our fire safe are our will, insurance policy, baby pics of the kids, marriage and birth certificates, social security cards, and our big stack of love letters, we don't write to each other anymore.


Unless notes on the fridge, such as, "Please get milk and eggs, call the insurance guy back, I'm working late, love you" count. I think they do.


This does not answer your question. LOL I guess I was just thinking that to write good love letters one has to be both entirely smitten and possessing of free time to daydream about the person...easier at 20 than 40....

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In don't particularly like sappy so poems and such are out. However, in the past dh and I have written letters to one another simply reminiscing about an important/memorable part of our relationship and how that particular moment helped shape the strong relationship we have now. They haven't all been good memories but good has come from them.

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We are just simply not the sappy type.  If DH tried to write me a love letter I am quite sure I would die of shock, and probably cringe reading it because I simply don't like sap.


However, he will change my oil and wash my car and even make me dinner.  


I'm not the sappy type either but if a fella wrote promises of that in a love letter, then actually remembered to show up and do it, I'd stand there and grin like an idiot. 

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I love you. Can you pick up some milk on the way home?





But in all seriousness, I list the specific things that I love about DH. The care he shows our children. The care he shows for me. The things we enjoy doing together (beyond the obvious). I prefer a long note to the Hallmark cards.

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Perfume! You absolutely must spray pretty note paper with perfume....before you write. Wait for it to dry, then write all your dreams for the future together, and tell in great detail how much you love him or her. A poem might be nice, but not essential. A little memento of a previous time together....for instance a tiny stone that he picked up and pointed out the beauty of, and you kept....Or a little acorn from a tree that you both reached for at the same time, and his hand closed over yours, and you kept it. (We kept our parents guessing with our lumpy envelopes!) Such fun! We still have some of our love letters, but some were a little...aahhh...more personal... so we decided that we'd rather people not come across them anytime, and we threw them out!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I actually wrote a perfect love letter to my 7-year-old son, yesterday. I left it on his bed beside his winter clothes, and sent him up to get dressed after he had breakfast. It read: "Dress warmly because we are going SLEDDING today. Love, Mom." And we went sledding for 2 hours while Dad and little bro snuggled at home.  :thumbup:

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DH and I exchange love notes - in the shower.   :001_tt1:   


No, really.  We have this AquaNotes pad that sticks on the wall - it's water proof paper, along with a pen.  We trade little love notes all the time.  Short ones, but hey, we have a lot less time now than we used to have.



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Dh has been working out of state for a few weeks. He has been gone for 10'days straight. We text love notes to each other. Risqué pics.....he says all sorts of romantic, sexy, tear jerking things to me. And me to him.


I do not recommend being separated for work like this. I hate it. :(

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I met DH in 1990 while in the military. This was before email and cell phones when calling cards were expensive and we were poor. Letters were cheap. We exchanged several letters a week for over two years while stationed apart. I've kept them all, but definitely plan to pull a Martha Washington and burn them late in life before the fall into anyone else's hands.


I won't tell you what to say, but you can perfume the paper or use a red pen. Just never use a red pen if your significant other needs to read the letter at night with a red flashlight :-/

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Years ago, I filled a heart shaped box with notecards (I think around 100) that each had something I loved or appreciated about my husband or a special memory. He still keeps it in his closet. :)

That is so sweet.








the time before last when DH was in Canada, I wrote a love letter every day that he was away and posted them to him.. He brought them all home and as soon as he had finished unpacking his bag he burnt them all.   :svengo:  :crying:

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