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WTM--Meet In Person!--South Central PA/MD


WTM--Meet In Person!--South Central PA/MD  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. Simple question for a basic count - Are you coming?

    • Yes! Barring contagious sickness or last minute emergency, I'm there!
    • I'd like to, but I'm on the fence. I'll see when the date gets closer.
    • I'm too introverted to actually want to meet folks, but I like you online.
    • No, I'm just here for the discussions.
    • Would love to, but I think you're too far away.
    • Would love to, but that date just doesn't work for me.
    • Other - there always has to be an other, right?

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Based upon this thread:




We ARE able to get together in Littlestown, PA on Thursday, March 12th, 2015 (see details/address in next post)!!!


If you're thinking of coming - please vote.  Feel free to add text too.  I definitely plan on being there the whole time!


Thanks for arranging the location, Garga!

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Location - NOTE - the church is a convenient (and free!) meeting place.  This is NOT a religious event of any sort.


Bethel Assembly of God
1125 Frederick Pike
Littlestown, PA 17340 


Garga's details:  (cut and pasted from the other thread)


Thursday March 12th

12 until 3:00 
Church gym (it's ugly--be prepared! But huge. There are fold out tables and chairs if we want to sit and eat.)
Kid's play area (is not ugly--is very nice, but littles would have to be supervised by parents--we can all sit in there if we like while we watch the littles. Only littles allowed in the ballpit/slides etc. Just like at McD's.)
Kitchen (sinks, fridge, microwave, whatever is needed if we want to bring snacks).

We'd need to tidy up after ourselves. There are things like balls and hula hoops to use in the gym. Those would need to be put away. If we leave crumbs, we'd have to vacuum them up. We'd need to look over the bathrooms and make sure there aren't any messes in there. 

I can be sure cleanup gets done and if someone else can offer to help, too, that would be awesome. 

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Rules:  (I use this loosely as I'm not a "rules" person!!!  These also can be modified as we think of things.)


- Bring whatever you want to eat - either just for you and your family or to share - and NO dissing anyone else for their choices.


- Kids are WELCOME.  It's up to you if you bring them or not.


- We ought to have some form of name tags with screen names and whatever you want to be called on them.  Those of us with old minds - and prone to face blindness - need such accommodations!


Anything else?


No fightin'?  Or at least no blood?  (That could be more difficult to clean up.)

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And as this gets thought about more... it'll be easy to have nametags there, so they'll be there.


Plates/plasticware and cups will be there too - and at least basic snack/finger foods - enough to satisfy snacking for adults and kids, but not so much to overshadow any "good stuff" people want to bring and share.  Make sure to include recipes for home-made options!


Is anyone deathly allergic to anything so we know to avoid it?  



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I intend to come! It is on my calendar and is therefore SOLID. :) I do plan to bring Hershey's Perfect Chocolate Cupcakes just because - cupcakes! They are homemade, but not made with any dietary particulars in mind. We will also bring a lunch of our own. I generally avoid dairy and gluten, but we have no anaphylactic allergies.


I will be brining DS10.


I'm totally excited!

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I'll be there with my gang, barring illness or emergency, although it'll probably be about 12:15-12:30 when we get there. We will bring our lunch too, but we will plan to bring banana bread or something to share too.


Garga, you can count on us to help clean up, and remind me to talk with you about that day too.

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I'll be there with my 2 boys--aged 10 and 12. I'll bring some sort of food but not sure what. I live close enough that I could bring something hot. I don't really know any hot food recipes for a get together like this. Hmm, I'll have to start a thread about what hot thing to bring to a get together with other hivers...


I'll be there unless we're sick. I'm like Quill. If I say that I'm there then I'm THERE.


This will be lots of fun!!

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I'll be there with my 2 boys--aged 10 and 12. I'll bring some sort of food but not sure what. I live close enough that I could bring something hot. I don't really know any hot food recipes for a get together like this. Hmm, I'll have to start a thread about what hot thing to bring to a get together with other hivers...


I'll be there unless we're sick. I'm like Quill. If I say that I'm there then I'm THERE.


This will be lots of fun!!

Oooh, fun, we both have a 10yo boy!

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would love to but I am a tad too far away

Aww, come on. It's only, what - a twelve hour flight? ;)


In my fantasies wherein I win a huge lottery, I think I'm going to Australia to meet my WTM buddies down under.

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I would love to come but I can't do Thursdays.  We live in MD but planning to possible move to Hanover, PA!  Would love some PA homeschoolers perspectives.


My ds used to take piano lessons in Littlestown, PA.


I will keep an eye for future get togethers.


Bummer about Thursdays!


Assuming this is as fun/rewarding as I expect, I could envision getting together quarterly perhaps - and we'll definitely vary the days and/or times.


If you move to Hanover, you'll be very, very close to me.  Most of our non-grocery shopping is done in Hanover.  It's a nice area IMO.   ;)

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I would love to come but I can't do Thursdays. We live in MD but planning to possible move to Hanover, PA! Would love some PA homeschoolers perspectives.


My ds used to take piano lessons in Littlestown, PA.


I will keep an eye for future get togethers.

I'm sorry you won't be able to make it this time, but I hope you'll be able to make it to a future meetup. The Hanover area is a really great place to live and homeschool; if I can offer any help with settling in if you do move up here, feel free to PM me.

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Thanks Ladies!  We were up in Hanover last night because I work part time in Baltimore and I wanted to see how long it took on a Friday (the only day I work full day) traffic was like to Hanover.  Of course, last night wasn't too bad, the cars were moving and I got there in an hour.  Then we went shopping at the Walmart in Hanover and checked out how the neighborhood was like at night.  I wanted to know how much light pollution there was.  Which was basically very little compare to where we live now. 


We actually saw a beautiful sunset on the property that we want to build on!  So, that was a treat.  Also, we saw a skyful of stars!!!  A plus for me!  I am getting excited.


We are waiting for our W-2's to come in to apply for a mortgage.  We also have to sell our house.  I am praying that everything falls into place easily with selling the house and building the house and moving in by September this year.  How's that :)

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Thanks Ladies!  We were up in Hanover last night because I work part time in Baltimore and I wanted to see how long it took on a Friday (the only day I work full day) traffic was like to Hanover.  Of course, last night wasn't too bad, the cars were moving and I got there in an hour.  Then we went shopping at the Walmart in Hanover and checked out how the neighborhood was like at night.  I wanted to know how much light pollution there was.  Which was basically very little compare to where we live now. 


We actually saw a beautiful sunset on the property that we want to build on!  So, that was a treat.  Also, we saw a skyful of stars!!!  A plus for me!  I am getting excited.


We are waiting for our W-2's to come in to apply for a mortgage.  We also have to sell our house.  I am praying that everything falls into place easily with selling the house and building the house and moving in by September this year.  How's that :)


That sounds awesome!


An hour from Baltimore to Hanover sounds quite normal.  Where I live I always budget an hour and a half and I've always been early to either BWI or Johns Hopkins (or nearby) - no exceptions (yet).  It takes me 10 - 20 minutes to get to Hanover pending which end I want to be on.  There are quite a few kids at the school I work at who have parents who commute to various places in MD.  (My school district runs into the outskirts of Hanover.)


It is definitely a quieter slower paced life here - and we LOVE looking at the sunset in the evening and stars at night.


As others have mentioned, feel free to send a pm if you want to ask any "local" questions.

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Bumping this for today, but I don't expect to add a sole "bump" post again until early March.  Is that ok for everyone?  In early March, more might know if it fits into their schedule or not.


And in the meantime, if I pass on to the next world while cave diving (if I get to dive when we're traveling), Quill (or Garga or anyone else) will have to take over this task.  ;)

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Thanks Ladies!  We were up in Hanover last night because I work part time in Baltimore and I wanted to see how long it took on a Friday (the only day I work full day) traffic was like to Hanover.  Of course, last night wasn't too bad, the cars were moving and I got there in an hour.  Then we went shopping at the Walmart in Hanover and checked out how the neighborhood was like at night.  I wanted to know how much light pollution there was.  Which was basically very little compare to where we live now. 


We actually saw a beautiful sunset on the property that we want to build on!  So, that was a treat.  Also, we saw a skyful of stars!!!  A plus for me!  I am getting excited.


We are waiting for our W-2's to come in to apply for a mortgage.  We also have to sell our house.  I am praying that everything falls into place easily with selling the house and building the house and moving in by September this year.  How's that :)


Sounds wonderful!  Count me as one who is beyond ready to move out of the DC/Balt. Metro area.


I'm hoping to come.  I have to tweek my carpool duties for that day, but it should be okay barring other complications.

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Bumping this for today, but I don't expect to add a sole "bump" post again until early March. Is that ok for everyone? In early March, more might know if it fits into their schedule or not.


And in the meantime, if I pass on to the next world while cave diving (if I get to dive when we're traveling), Quill (or Garga or anyone else) will have to take over this task. ;)

Please don't do that, because I will really look like a jerk if I have to come on here and post, "Due to Creekland's flagrant disregard for the laws of nature, she has met an early demise in a spooky cave in the depths of hell. So I will lead the meet up now." ;)


And yes, I think we can let the thread go quiet for an interval.

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Please don't do that, because I will really look like a jerk if I have to come on here and post, "Due to Creekland's flagrant disregard for the laws of nature, she has met an early demise in a spooky cave in the depths of hell. So I will lead the meet up now." ;)



Awe, you won't look like a jerk!


They'll just know it's true that I'm willing to push the boundaries of life.  You might have to double check the method first as there will probably be other boundaries that are put to the test too.   :coolgleamA:   My preference is to report AFTER - not get permission/advice/vote (on what's done) first.

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I am not sure what March will bring but more than likely we will be able to make it. It is going on my calendar at least. I know I've only been scanning and not participating in the conversations, but happy it is being organized. :)


And this has reminded me that I need to get on the ball with getting some other spring events on my calendar and registrations in. So much to do...

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  • 1 month later...

I would absolutely love to do this, but it just doesn't work for me to take more time off teaching, and ds cannot come with me as he has an online class in that time window.  Please keep me in mind for future gatherings!


We'll keep you in mind... but if you're not opposed to a substitute teacher covering the topic of your choice (around the online course), middle son will be home then... (I would have to check with him first, but when he gets together with his other friends it's usually after work hours.)

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Creekland, it's not my opposition to someone else covering the course, it's that he cannot miss the live class. 


And if you're not opposed to middle son being at your house for this... I'm willing to ask him.


Or, as another option, Garga, how's the Wifi in the church?  Strong enough to handle an online class?  This, of course, presumes he does the online class on a laptop - or can do it on one.


No pressure with either though - just options.

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Creekland, it's not my opposition to someone else covering the course, it's that he cannot miss the live class.

Oh look! Everyone else has talked about it, but now I'm seeing for myself that multi-quote is wonky.


The wi-fi should be strong enough. On Sunday I'll head to the gym where we're meeting and stream a youtube video and something on Netflix and see if it works. It should. I'll let you know on Sunday.

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And if you're not opposed to middle son being at your house for this... I'm willing to ask him.


Or, as another option, Garga, how's the Wifi in the church? Strong enough to handle an online class? This, of course, presumes he does the online class on a laptop - or can do it on one.


No pressure with either though - just options.

Multi quote wasn't working, but I wanted this to flag you, too. My dh helps set up the technology at church and says it should work, but we'll test it on Sunday just to be sure. I'll let everyone know then.

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Please don't do that, because I will really look like a jerk if I have to come on here and post, "Due to Creekland's flagrant disregard for the laws of nature, she has met an early demise in a spooky cave in the depths of hell. So I will lead the meet up now." ;)



I re-read this thread today and had totally forgotten this part of it.  Rest assured, Quill, that you don't have to worry about my disregard for the laws of nature.   :lol:


One has to be Cave Certified to dive the caves here (and we aren't) or at least be heading for their cave certification (we aren't).  It also didn't work out health-wise (ears & other) for me to dive at all, so we stuck to snorkeling (not a bad backup at all!).


We did go to the entrance of the caves and look - these didn't look as appealing as other dives would have anyway - so I don't feel like I missed out on that.  (Scuba in general I miss, but there's only so much disregarding of nature one can do - esp when ears are involved!)


We will, however still have to survive the beltway around Baltimore a couple of times - once for us to get back home and another time to pick up middle son, so your services could still be needed.  ;)

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Do you all know how tempted I am to to buy a plane ticket and join in? :) But, alas, I have the cutest little granddaughter in the world and I am saving my traveling $$$ to go see her and to take her and our whole family on a big vacation in September 2016. Otherwise, I would be there. It would be so fun to put faces with names!

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Do you all know how tempted I am to to buy a plane ticket and join in? :) But, alas, I have the cutest little granddaughter in the world and I am saving my traveling $$$ to go see her and to take her and our whole family on a big vacation in September 2016. Otherwise, I would be there. It would be so fun to put faces with names!


Would absolutely love to have you, but I completely understand.  I can offer middle son's tutoring services to help schedules out, but I can't offer his college $$...


I can't even recommend that we all go out and buy a lottery ticket for the cause.

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Have fun!


I am equally jealous and horrified...horrified because I think you guys are so brave! I don't think I could ever work up the nerve to show up to something like this! Dang anxiety.


I'd probably need to be medicated or drunk to not be just crying in the corner...I'd make such a good impression!


Seriously, have a great time, you brave boardies!!!

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Have fun!


I am equally jealous and horrified...horrified because I think you guys are so brave! I don't think I could ever work up the nerve to show up to something like this! Dang anxiety.


I'd probably need to be medicated or drunk to not be just crying in the corner...I'd make such a good impression!


Seriously, have a great time, you brave boardies!!!


We'd accept medicated or drunk... just be careful driving.  ;)  And if crying in the corner, chances are someone would notice and give you a hand up or at least a tissue.


I don't believe we've extended the invitation to any perfect boardies - or bullies - so if you want to chance it, please do!


There's no dress code or expectations - not that I've been made aware of anyway.   :D

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We'd accept medicated or drunk... just be careful driving. ;) And if crying in the corner, chances are someone would notice and give you a hand up or at least a tissue.


I don't believe we've extended the invitation to any perfect boardies - or bullies - so if you want to chance it, please do!


There's no dress code or expectations - not that I've been made aware of anyway. :D

Thanks...I do aspire to one day be able to do stuff like this!


I used to be adventurous...sigh...


Again, have fun!

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