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Know any "famous" people?

Miss Peregrine

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I share a name with a high-up executive of a world-renowned publication, and because I got ourname@wellknownemailclient first, I receive email for her all the time. I know what committees she's on, where her child went to winter break camp, where she'll be volunteering tomorrow night. She knows I know, too, because I tracked down a correct email address for her and told her, and she responded. That was four years ago, but I still get some emails. I've considered getting a new account, but it's mine, darn it. I can't just set up a filter, because there's no unifying information. I usually can't tell whether one is for her or for me until I read it, unless the location is in the subject line. Thankfully, I don't get many anymore.

DH shares a name with a big director, and they have this problem with email. DH often receives scripts, movie info, etc. And lots of info on house and garden renovations. He generally forwards the emails along, but sometimes just deletes. We laugh at it, mostly. :)

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My mom's husband is Jon Doe.  We tell him never leave the house without his id!


Actually, he might be one of the few of us that could leave house without ID, and actually be correctly identified! Does he get a lot of "No, what is your name, really?" comments. Or "And I'm Daffy Duck!" comments. 


The only close name is I know a woman by the name of "Kendall Barbee" (like Ken and Barbie). 

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These are funny!  But I can't think of anyone I know who has a famous name.  I remember when Osh Kosh B'Gosh had famous name ads.  (They found real children with famous names for their ads.)  I also remember when a President Obama look alike was found in Indonesia:





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My cousin is Mark Harman. (Yes, we spell it differently, but it sounds the same when spoken.) And my brother is Tom Harman.


Many of you may not know that Mark Harmon (the actor) was quarterback at UCLA back in the day. His father, Tom Harmon, was a famous football player as well. In fact, Mark tells a story about having to find out from the other kids in the neighborhood that his father had won the Heisman Trophy. 

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In my line of work, I deal with a lot of people with unusual names. I've met several Michael Jacksons, John Q. Citizen, Robin Hood, Crystal Ball, Ann Frank, Marilyn Munro, Henry Tooter, Jeff Bridges, etc. There are others with more colorful but less appropriate names. Harold Nutt is one of the milder ones. He goes by Harry.

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An attorney who worked with opposing counsel on a real estate transaction was named "Christopher Robin."  Sometimes during conference calls when he was introduced, we had to hit the mute button to cover up our snickers.


Oh, that reminds me - there is a real estate agent where I grew up named Tom Riddle. An older guy, so named well before Harry Potter existed.

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I went to college with a Richard Burton.

When I lived in Los Angeles, many, many, many years ago I was working at a health lab facility and one of our clients was named Joan Crawford (not the movie star) .  Anyway, one day we got a letter from the movie star Joan Crawford informing us that she had received a bill from us for our client Joan. Apparently the post office had taken it upon themselves to re-direct our clients mail to movie star Joan.  I still have the letter which I stole from work.


and as an aside, also when I lived in LA, I had a friend that did the best Cary Grant impression. He would call resturants and give his real name for a reservation.  They would just assume that it was Cary using a made up name and when we would get there, they would have the best table reserved for us.


also my best friend out in LA looked just like Michael Keaton.  THis was around when the movie Night Shift came out.  My friend Jim would always get approached by people wanting his autograph.  He gave up trying to say he was not Michael Keaton and finally just started giving out Michael's autograph and thanking people for enjoying his movies.

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