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I need to make a tough decision: Ok I made it

Flowing Brook

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Would the breeder agree (in writing) to allow you to have Willow live out her life, and then replace her after she passes? The condition arose during the warrantee period so she can't really fight that, you just want to delay the replacement pup. I know 6mo is a big deal when you are planning to breed for income, but your heart has been so tortured with this whole process that you deserve to give yourself that breathing room if you can.



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Would the breeder agree (in writing) to allow you to have Willow live out her life, and then replace her after she passes? The condition arose during the warrantee period so she can't really fight that, you just want to delay the replacement pup. I know 6mo is a big deal when you are planning to breed for income, but your heart has been so tortured with this whole process that you deserve to give yourself that breathing room if you can.




No she changed it from a 2 yr guarantee to a 1 ye She gave me 2 wks to decide. Then its all over. By keeping willow I am forfeiting my right to a replacement pup. Unfortunately I lost the guarantee and have nothing in writing.

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I would not put the dog down. I would consider that plans have changed and find another breeder to purchase a breeding dog from and keep this as a pet.


You have a compassionate heart and putting down a dog based upon future pain could cause a lot of guilt and remorse. I remember how upset you were last year, this could turn into upsetting grief as well.

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Even though you'll have to put her down eventually it sounds like you're not quite ready for that step just yet. No advice, just :grouphug:  because I know how hard it is to have to put down your pet when you know in your head that it's the right decision but your heart doesn't agree.

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The health guarantee was verbal?  You don't have anything in writing?


It was written on the ad but unfortunately It was deleted when she sold all the pups. I did confirm it with her over the phone. I sent her a email pretending I was someone else inquiring about another pup. Asking as well about a health guarantee. Some how it got erased. I have learned a hard lesson about not getting stuff in writing and trusting people. All I have is a receipt and Willows  health certificate.

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 Its possible we can keep her happy longer than six months my vet can't give me a set time frame just that dogs in her condition and so young won't live long. What to do?


Our extremely active (biking, hunting, skiiing, walking with us companion) 2.5 YO GSD/Choc Lab mix, our perfect boy, started having trouble with one leg in July.  It kept swelling.  An aspiration revealed it was all blood.  Thinking it was just a simple hematoma, the vet did surgery to resolve the issue.  When he opened our guy up, he said the blood was oozing from everywhere, but there were not tears in tendons or ligaments to cause the hematoma.  A new diagnosis was autoimmune disease.


Brody was placed on 5 different drugs and had a drain in for 3 weeks.  Nothing happened. The swelling ballooned out of control, and he suffered 3 massive bleed-outs in our house covering walls, doors and floors.  The poor guy was so distressed.  Added to that, he lost completely all the muscle tone in his shoulder due to the forced inactivity and disease.  He just had fur on bone.  We decided to amputate the leg, hoping that would relieve his extreme pain and solve the issue.


Long story short, a biopsy was done on a small round bluish cyst the vet discovered once Brody was shaved and prepped for surgery.  His leg was amputated and he recovered nicely.  About two weeks after the surgery, we got the call from the vet that the biopsy results were in.  Turns out that our dear, beloved dog actually had subcutaneous hemangiosarcoma.  A very fancy term for blood cancer.  It was spreading throughout his body and he probably had it since birth.  He had anywhere from 2 weeks to a year to live.  We could decide to euthanize him immediately or let him be a now happy dog (no more pain from his leg) and just let him be until he died (through an internal hemorrhage at some point).


Although we grieved terribly at the news, we decided to let him out and be with us doing his normal activity and just be....He was once again a very happy dog now that forced inactivity was abolished.


Our ordeal lasted from July through December.  We received the final diagnosis in mid-November. Brody died at home, peacefully, with all of us by his side, talking and patting him through it.  He never whined or cried.  Each time one of us would take a break to get a drink or go to the bathroom and then returned, he would roll his eyes towards us and thump his tail.  (At that point, he couldn't walk or move his head or body, but somehow, that guy found a way to wag his tail each time one of us returned to him.)  Even when the vet finally arrived to our house to help with his final journey, he wagged his tail when she walked in.  At the end, she cried with us.  She loved him and kept telling us what a fantastic dog he was.  He died on 12/9/14.


We were all so heartbroken, I just kept saying that we only had him for such a short time, but that he had touched ours and so many other lives so profoundly (everyone in the neighborhood knew Brody.) One thing she told us that has stuck with me is this:  she said that she believed that Brody wasn't sent to us for him to help us, but he was sent so we could be there for him during the last part of his life, to help him through his ordeal and send him on his way.  We were a gift to him; not him a gift to us. 


You see, she knew that we were Brody's third and last home.  He had been re-homed twice before us as a puppy.  When we got him at 7 months, he was a mess; totally undisciplined, totally skittish, and fearful.  Our vet was amazed at the dog he became.


So, do I think you can make your dog happy during her final days, no matter how long?  Absolutely.  If you consider her a pet; a member of your family, then a replacement can wait.  Let her bask in your attention without competition and just be.  That's my advice.


We are still reeling from our loss.  I see Brody everywhere and in everything I do.  He walked with me, let my DD cover his body completely in grass clippings or the snow with just his head exposed, he chased her in a game she dubbed "hit and run".  He went hunting with DH, even licking DH's shotgun whenever DH brought it out.  He was a sibling to our cat, even sleeping side-by-side with her on the floor in front of the woodstove.  In short, he was a family member, and we miss him terribly, yet I'm so thankful for the wonderful time we had him for those last 5 weeks.


We'll get another dog at some point, but it will take time.  We're not in a rush.  Please, don't you be in a rush either.  Don't let the breeder force you to be in a rush.  Compassion is the thing that matters most at this point.


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I would never euthanize a dog under those circumstances.


Willow is your dog. Money shouldn't have anything to do with this decision. You owe it to her to provide her the best and longest possible life you can reasonably give her.


Honestly, I think the breeder is banking on your heart winning out over the monetary value of a new puppy. If the money is a serious concern for you, I think you should insist on receiving a new puppy at no charge (or at a huge discount) as payment for the fact that you were sold a dog with a physical problem, will never be able to breed her, and have had to spend unexpected money to help maintain her health.

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No. A reputable breeder would have given you a full health guarantee in writing before you took the dog home. Do not get another pup from her for the purposes of breeding, even if it is free. Honestly, I wouldn't even take one as a pet unless you are willing to go through this again. Something is really wrong with her breeding line and her only reply is to pull the gurantee from her website and push you to euthanize your dog??? No. Just no.

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Guest submarines

Ive been thinking about it but why do you say this?



Because this shouldn't be a tough decision. :grouphug: I'm so sorry for the loss of your dog last year, I remember your grief and I grieved with you. You are already grieving Willow, it's only natural. It is all stressful and emotionally draining, and you need clarity and a clean slate before you get a new puppy.

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This morning Willow was laying on the floor and I could tell she wasn't feeling good. Tonight she is running around like a wild hyena. I am watching her enjoy life and having her come over every so often to nuzzle me. I've made up my mind. She's staying with me until she's ready to go. 


I am going to the vet tomorrow and going to get all of Willow's records and sending them to the breeder. I am going to tell her that her and council can't just change our agreement.  Then I am going to let it go.  It will then be on her conscious. Then I will spoil Wild Willie until the very end. Thankfully I have a wonderful mother that is supporting and actually encouraging this decision. Should the lady furnish a replacement pup. I am going to give it to my mom. Thanks everyone for the advice.

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Is this woman a member in good standing of her breed clubs, state and national?

If she is, contact them. If she's not, you have even more reason to avoid her!


If she does follow through on her promise of another dog, do you really want to use this irresponsible breeder's line to breed more dogs? I wouldn't trust anything about her and wouldn't want to pass on her dishonesty to future generations. The whole thing seems so sketchy!


I hope Willow's time is happy. :grouphug:

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This morning Willow was laying on the floor and I could tell she wasn't feeling good. Tonight she is running around like a wild hyena. I am watching her enjoy life and having her come over every so often to nuzzle me. I've made up my mind. She's staying with me until she's ready to go.


I am going to the vet tomorrow and going to get all of Willow's records and sending them to the breeder. I am going to tell her that her and council can't just change our agreement. Then I am going to let it go. It will then be on her conscious. Then I will spoil Wild Willie until the very end. Thankfully I have a wonderful mother that is supporting and actually encouraging this decision. Should the lady furnish a replacement pup. I am going to give it to my mom. Thanks everyone for the advice.

:hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray:


I'm so happy you made your decision and I truly think you are doing the right thing!

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:hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray:


I'm so happy you made your decision and I truly think you are doing the right thing!


I'm second guessing myself. I took Willow to the vet today. She has refused to walk all day. She looks miserable. I am not worrying about the money or the breeder. I am just wondering if it is indeed her time to go. The vet told me he thinks I should give it a little more time but that he is concerned at how she wafers back and forth. He said if she was a older dog he'd tell me to euthanize her but he hates to do it since she's so young.  He's calling me on Sunday to see how she's doing.

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I'm second guessing myself. I took Willow to the vet today. She has refused to walk all day. She looks miserable. I am not worrying about the money or the breeder. I am just wondering if it is indeed her time to go. The vet told me he thinks I should give it a little more time but that he is concerned at how she wafers back and forth. He said if she was a older dog he'd tell me to euthanize her but he hates to do it since she's so young.  He's calling me on Sunday to see how she's doing.


:grouphug: I'm sorry. 

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