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That woman REALLY chaps my hide. (Annual annoying relative vent and JAWM) Let's not be too philosophical, please.


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She didn't even really answer some of the stuff they asked. A few seconds of body language was the answer to did so and so bring the pies?



I loved the non-verbal cues when asked about the regulation casserole...like "What kind of idiot wouldn't know that!"  I didn't even know there was such a thing as a regulation-sized casserole dish.  Makes it sound like you are using them for skeet shooting.

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Watching it was very uncomfortable for me, she seemed defensive and upset about the whole thing.  It looked like she might cry at one point, and ... I just couldn't find it funny.  


I agree--the letter was hilarious, but the video wasn't funny. She had this expression like she was trying to figure out why she was being made fun of. And probably wondering which of her relatives turned her in. Some of the things she took for granted, though, left me confused. I had no idea standard casserole dishes were 12". Nor that they came with covers that allowed for stacking. The cover on my casserole dish wouldn't allow for anything to be stacked on it--it has a knob on top. And it would never occur to me that anyone would want/need to stack the dishes on the counter.


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There is one, upthread. http://www.asimplehomecook.com/homemade-noodles/


My MIL has her own way of doing it, but they look like this picture and, really, how many variations can there be on flour, egg, salt and water? Ours is always served with the gravy. There isn't meat in the pot of noodles, but I can see that being a good way to have them. With mashed potatoes is awesome, assuming we don't go into insulin shock from all the carbs.


The noodles in the photo look just like mine (which look just like my mom's did).  :drool5:   We use only eggs and flour, though - no salt or milk.  But they are fabulous, if I say so myself, and yes, they should be enjoyed with beef & gravy & mashed potatoes, or chicken/turkey & gravy & mashed potatoes, or in turkey soup.


I think it's the texture, the "bite," that really makes it for me - it's nothing like commercial pasta, and it's different than other doughs like pierogi, etc.

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My Multi-quote isn't working right...


I like the Roasted Vegetables. That is a great idea an ought to transport well. And I will actually eat that.


At Thanksgiving, this SIL also got very irritated with my son playing in the family room with his cousin. They were wrestling. Never mind that her own kids used to do that too; it was acceptable then, but not anymore. She said, "When we have Christmas at our house, those BOYS will be in the BASEMENT! I have a thousand square feet of unfinished basement they can roll around in all night, but they are NOT playing around in MY family room!"


Up yours, woman.

seriously I would just stay home then. Bah.


As for a veg. I have recently discovered the joys of taking baked potatoes! Wrap in foil to bake. When done I line a roasting pan with a towel and put them in it, cover with towel and lid. They stay warm a LONG time. Certainly still able to melt butter for at least an hour. I bring all the toppings and just ooen it all when I get there. Easy. I do some sweet potatoes too and pack cinnamon, applesauce, and brown sugar for them.


Just an idea.

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Is it me, or does Marney look a liiiiiiiitle cray cray in that video?

My favorite is when they asked if the "why do I even bother" family actually brought the required items. I mean, is her response a yes, a no, an I-don't-recall?

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:ohmy: What if she googled it and found this thread?


... you might never have to join her for a meal again!

I considered that possibility.


*Ahem* M, if you're reading this thread, well then I guess now you know that: a)

I hate bringing a vegetable; b) it really bugs me when you, or anyone else, behaves as though all the other adults are incompetent and can't be relied upon to bring a decent dish without spelling it out ahead of time; c) my boys are going to wrestle; d) I'm tired of the Birthday Dinners and have no idea why anyone looks to me to remind people whose month it is to host; e) it's not much fun to get together with a bunch of girls who systematically ignore and reject me and my kids.


P.s. Not that any of the above should be surprising

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I considered that possibility.


*Ahem* M, if you're reading this thread, well then I guess now you know that: a)

I hate bringing a vegetable; b) it really bugs me when you, or anyone else, behaves as though all the other adults are incompetent and can't be relied upon to bring a decent dish without spelling it out ahead of time; c) my boys are going to wrestle; d) I'm tired of the Birthday Dinners and have no idea why anyone looks to me to remind people whose month it is to host; e) it's not much fun to get together with a bunch of girls who systematically ignore and reject me and my kids.


P.s. Not that any of the above should be surprising



:hurray:    Brava, Quill!   :hurray:

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  • 3 years later...

I know this is an old thread.  A current thread referencing the Marney letter reminded me of this thread because it was the first time I had heard of that letter.

Anyway, @Quill, how is organizing/hosting going in your family now?  Was your mil still living by herself back then?  Did you figure out if sil really understood the Marney reference?

Edited by school17777
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1 hour ago, school17777 said:

I know this is an old thread.  A current thread referencing the Marney letter reminded me of this thread because it was the first time I had heard of that letter.

Anyway, @Quill, who is organizing/hosting going in your family now?  Was your mil still living by herself back then?  Did you figure out if sil really understood the Marney reference?

Thanks for the chuckle bringing this thread back to life! ?

Yeah MIL still lived at her house then; now she rotates between the six kids’ houses.  In the years since that thread, holidays and any other dinners have only happened by sort of voluntary rotation. IOW, it’s not formally organized into a rotation, but it follows a loose, “well, we haven’t done Christmas or Tgiving in a couple years, so we offer to do Tgiving this year.” This year, the Marney SIL is doing Tgiving. ? She sent out an email with her intentions early in October.

It’s funny; my dd just asked me today about what we’re going to make (because she has made the traditional noodles for the past few years). I suggested she probably had better email Marney and offfer. I am dreading the liklihood that she will “assign” me things I am not up to making this year, because I also don’t want to tell her Im not up to pies (or whatever) because of cancer treatment. But dd told me not to worry about it; if necessary dd will help me. 

I don’t really have any idea if she understood the Marney reference. I still think it would be fun to wear a Marney’s Thanksgiving tshirt. 

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4 minutes ago, Indigo Blue said:

See? I knew it. It's more than just being annoyed at being told what to bring. ?


Oh, it’s waaaaaaayyy more than just being ordered around about pies, yes. We have a long and special history. 

But this is an old thread revived by @school17777. Thankfully, this SIL is mostly off of my cloud now. I barely see her. Although she is hosting TG this year. 

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@Indigo Blue I also want to encourage you in this way: dont be sad about not having a SILyou can be buddies with. It’s not necessarily all it’s cracked up to be. If the friendship turns, it’s just miserable being in the same family with your exbff. 

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On 12/20/2014 at 2:08 PM, Homeschool Mom in AZ said:


I was trying to keep it to myself, but the noddles and the seafood for a skeet shoot threw me too. 


Maybe this is how our guests react to Mexican Food for a Christmas gathering with my family?

Hey, Homeschool Mom! I wonder if you’ve noticed this difference now that you are no longer in AZ. Im betting where you are now, you will see or hear of oysters at holiday meals. (Unless you’re well inland; I’m not sure about that.) 

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I rewatched the video. I think four more years on from my hatred of thanksgiving with family has help with my objectivity - she did seem like she wanted to cry.  and it was choppy, so who knows what they cut.

we don't know if people had volunteered to bring something and her comments were follow-ups as to how she wanted it brought to her house, or she was telling them what to bring and they had no say.  (dh would start with a "who wants to bring..." questions to which people could volunteer, going over various menu items, if people wanted them or not - or something else.

I've had my own wrestling with people to bring serving dishes, proper utensils, their item at the proper temperature ready to go on the table, etc.  I hated thanksgiving.  my blood pressure climbed in september, and didn't come down until thanksgiving weekend was over.

dh was very  . . . firm opinions of how thanksgiving should be.   It was less about controlling, and more thinking if the meal was "perfect", people would have a good time. (chillax please. . . . . )  his family has an unhealthy relationship with food.  but we no longer have holidays with inlaws. so, life is better.

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2 hours ago, Scarlett said:

When I saw the thread title....before I realized how old it was.....I thought hmmm...Quill really does have an annual gripe post about her inlaws...LOL

I know me too!  I was all like... what?!  She’s just had surgery ... surely they’re being nice to her this year!

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8 hours ago, Quill said:

@Indigo Blue I also want to encourage you in this way: dont be sad about not having a SILyou can be buddies with. It’s not necessarily all it’s cracked up to be. If the friendship turns, it’s just miserable being in the same family with your exbff. 

Oh yes! So true. It really makes every family thing miserable when you once were friends. 

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16 hours ago, Ausmumof3 said:

I know me too!  I was all like... what?!  She’s just had surgery ... surely they’re being nice to her this year!

Yeah, well with this SIL, don’t count on mercy just because I have this silly cancer problem. ? 

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