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For those who fix (some) medical issues at home...


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***NOT a new thread - just updating post hand surgeon's thoughts in Post 69 for anyone curious.***


If you had what you thought was a tiny blood clot in your hand in one of the small veins up next to the skin (poking out some - can feel heartbeat in it) and it was really annoying (for the second day in a row) plus making your hand sort of numb, would you lance it and let it drain or something else?


Just pondering my options here.  It was better getting up this morning so I thought it had fixed itself, but being up and moving has proven otherwise.


I'm at school now, so won't really be able to do anything until my prep at earliest (10am today), but could also wait until I got home and could do a better job with it.


Or maybe I'll get lucky and just threatening to do something with it will get my body going to fix it itself!

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I would probably not try and fix a blood clot on my own.

I would definitely take aspirin (regularly) and probably fish oil until I could see my doctor or go to an emergency care facility.  Does your school have a nurse on site that you could see, at least?


I found out a few years ago that I have a genetic clotting disorder called Prothrombin II mutation.  Thankfully, I've yet to have one, but I'd worry that if I'm having visible ones on the surface, what else is going on.  I'd want to get checked out.


We found out that my eldest not only inherited the Prothrombin/Factor II mutation from me, but also Factor V Leiden from his Dad.  It's good to know those things. :)

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Like a blood blister or an actual blood clot?


Other than taking an aspirin, you can't treat a blood clot with lancing. It's a CLOT of blood.


If I had funds to go to the dr, then I'd do so.


If you don't have the funds, none emergent options will depend on where you live.


It might not even be a clot.

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If something was poking out of a vein and causing my hand to go numb, I would be on the phone to the doctor, STAT. 


Numbness, when there is reason to suspect a blood clot, calls for immediate care. 


This summer, my cousin had several emergency surgeries due to blood clots in her arm. Unfortunately, it did not work and they had to amputate her hand above the wrist. 


Edited to add that this was not from an ongoing problem; she had never had a blood clot before. She was at work one day and in ICU the next. 

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I get blood something or other every so often in my hands.  I suspect they are actually blood filled cysts and not clots, though some are harder than others and go away on their own.  They hurt and they *really* hurt if they burst.  My mom and daughter get them to.  I do nothing for them.


BUT, the symptoms you describe are not something I'd mess with.  Call the doctor or go to Urgent Care or the ER.  As soon as you possibly can.

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Years ago, I had blood clots all over in one hand and wrist from some messed up IV medication for a seizure.  (Still not 100% sure how it happened, but oh well.)  They had me take aspirin, and they eventually went away.  However, I knew for sure what they were.  You need to see a doctor to make sure it really is a clot, and that it's not in a place where it's going to cause permanent damage.  You won't be able to lance it, so don't even try.  You'll just end up hurting yourself.

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Hmm, going anywhere right now is not an option and I'm definitely not positive it's a clot anyway.  It's just a guess based upon what I'm seeing/thinking.


I've had similar things before in my hands, but not in areas that I could easily see or were easily accessible.  Since this one is, it's just tempting to lance it... though again, being in school would make that tricky esp since I ended up doing a 9th grade science class during my prep and don't have any other free time until I'm home this afternoon.  (I'm on lunch now.)


Heat and compression is making it better, so it'll likely be a non-issue before much longer.  The others only lasted a couple of days - probably 3 at most - so it should be ok.  It's just annoying.


Thanks all for thoughts though.  When using real thought, it definitely wouldn't be good to purposely lance a vein.  My brain just wasn't up to snuff this morning!

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I'd want a doctor to look at it & diagnose it, especially if it's a recurring thing. There are several clotting conditions which people should know if they have. There are also some other conditions when can present with acquired thrombophilia so you might have an underlying chronic condition which you're not yet aware of & these are its first symptoms....

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The numbness is something I have ALL the time and is known by orthopedics and physical therapists.  This one is definitely more than usual, but not totally new.


I opted to stand next to our Anatomy teacher during our Christmas pep rally just now.


His thoughts are that it's definitely a blood vessel being impinged upon, but he couldn't identify what was doing it.  It didn't seem like a typical fatty deposit or otherwise to him.


BUT we got talking more and since I do (supposedly) have carpal tunnel (according to an EMG) and reluctantly signed up for surgery in Jan for it, that the CT is likely somehow related and they won't be able to do anything until after the surgery.


When asked if he'd head to Urgent Care or wait it out (my Dr's office closes at noon on Fridays), he admitted he'd wait it out.


So there's that.


My inclination is always to wait something out unless I can fix it myself.  With it lessening, it's even tougher to want to see anyone official about it to be honest.  It's still there.  The anatomy teacher could see and feel it complete with the pulse, but it's definitely far less than yesterday or this morning.  I suspect the body is doing its thing - just a little more slowly than I would like.

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If you had what you thought was a tiny blood clot in your hand in one of the small veins up next to the skin (poking out some - can feel heartbeat in it) and it was really annoying (for the second day in a row) plus making your hand sort of numb, would you lance it and let it drain or something else?


Just pondering my options here.  It was better getting up this morning so I thought it had fixed itself, but being up and moving has proven otherwise.


I'm at school now, so won't really be able to do anything until my prep at earliest (10am today), but could also wait until I got home and could do a better job with it.


Or maybe I'll get lucky and just threatening to do something with it will get my body going to fix it itself!

A hematoma, or blood clot in the hand, sure.  I'd use heat and massage and try to wait it out.  They usually resolve.


A blood clot in a VEIN...no.  Go to the doctor.  You don't want that breaking off!

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Without seeing it, and having a clotting propensity myself, I'd be inclined to go to urgent care for a look-see (besides, it's December and we blew thru the deductible six months ago).  On the other hand, the hand isn't a common location for that sort of clot, AFAIK...


Want to hear what happened a few months ago when dh thought he had some sort of strange, big zit on his elbow and asked me to "fix" it, a request which I obliged by poking at it with a pin?  Septic bursitis requiring antibiotics, eventually followed by a bursectomy (surgery).  He hasn't asked me to "fix" anything lately, LOL.

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A visit to a walk in urgent care facility will take AN HOUR out of your day.  A thrown clot that lands in your brain or heart or lungs will take YEARS out of your life.  






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Thanks all for thoughts though.  When using real thought, it definitely wouldn't be good to purposely lance a vein.  My brain just wasn't up to snuff this morning!


And comments like this make me suspect even something more is up.  Really. 


Gosh, if you were my relative, I'd take you out for coffee AT THE URGENT CARE FACILITY!

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Without seeing it, and having a clotting propensity myself, I'd be inclined to go to urgent care for a look-see.  On the other hand, the hand isn't a common location for that sort of clot, AFAIK...


Want to hear what happened a few months ago when dh thought he had some sort of strange, big zit on his elbow and asked me to "fix" it, a request which I obliged?  Septic bursitis requiring antibiotics, eventually followed by a bursectomy.  He hasn't asked me to "fix" anything lately, LOL.


I actually do a fair bit of the basic vet work with our ponies and some fix-it stuff with myself, so I'm pretty confident I can avoid the bulk of problems... ;)


This one is just different.  I'm pretty sure it's the third incident of its type based upon how it feels, but it's the first one where I've been able to literally see (and feel) the vein affected.


So, I've been on the fence with it since it happened (Wed night).  If it weren't getting better or if I hadn't been at school today I probably would have given in to get it looked at.  But I was at school (I'm not changing that for a "maybe" problem!) and it is getting better now to where it's difficult to see.  It can still be felt, but I suspect that will also go away soon as the numbness and color in the hand are also getting significantly better. (The hand was also rather blueish in places... I might not have mentioned that before.)


My option is really only Urgent Care and I just don't think they are going to do anything worthwhile to be honest.  They might say it's related to the CT.  If so, all is ok.  They might want me to check out more "in depth" stuff.  If so, right before Christmas and on a weekend it's difficult to have that happen, nor do I particularly care to try to have that happen.  Then I get the bill for that advice.  (Truthfully, money is not a concern other than I don't care to pay for the obvious.)


So, all things considered (and I'm putting this there in case anyone want to give me more to think about - not 100% JAWM - but I NEED reasoning), my plan now is to let it finish getting better.  In Jan, when I meet with the CT surgeon, I will mention these things to him just in case he feels they matter.  If any more occur between now and then (and the timing is convenient), I'll give my PCP a call a little earlier in the incident (like yesterday with this one) - but I seriously don't expect wonders there to be honest - esp if it's in a spot that isn't as easy to point to and say "there - this is what I'm talking about."  Nonetheless, time will tell.


And should this one get worse (unlikely based upon the others), Urgent Care is open tomorrow too.

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I actually do a fair bit of the basic vet work with our ponies and some fix-it stuff with myself, so I'm pretty confident I can avoid the bulk of problems... ;)


This one is just different.  I'm pretty sure it's the third incident of its type based upon how it feels, but it's the first one where I've been able to literally see (and feel) the vein affected.


So, I've been on the fence with it since it happened (Wed night).  If it weren't getting better or if I hadn't been at school today I probably would have given in to get it looked at.  But I was at school (I'm not changing that for a "maybe" problem!) and it is getting better now to where it's difficult to see.  It can still be felt, but I suspect that will also go away soon as the numbness and color in the hand are also getting significantly better. (The hand was also rather blueish in places... I might not have mentioned that before.)


My option is really only Urgent Care and I just don't think they are going to do anything worthwhile to be honest.  They might say it's related to the CT.  If so, all is ok.  They might want me to check out more "in depth" stuff.  If so, right before Christmas and on a weekend it's difficult to have that happen, nor do I particularly care to try to have that happen.  Then I get the bill for that advice.  (Truthfully, money is not a concern other than I don't care to pay for the obvious.)


So, all things considered (and I'm putting this there in case anyone want to give me more to think about - not 100% JAWM - but I NEED reasoning), my plan now is to let it finish getting better.  In Jan, when I meet with the CT surgeon, I will mention these things to him just in case he feels they matter.  If any more occur between now and then (and the timing is convenient), I'll give my PCP a call a little earlier in the incident (like yesterday with this one) - but I seriously don't expect wonders there to be honest - esp if it's in a spot that isn't as easy to point to and say "there - this is what I'm talking about."  Nonetheless, time will tell.


And should this one get worse (unlikely based upon the others), Urgent Care is open tomorrow too.

I'm as unconventional as anyone in the area of medicine and self-treatment.    I stayed home three days with a burst appendix (mistake, but I thought I had the flu).


I gave birth at home with no problems.  I'm always in favor of home treatment over a hospital, when possible. 


But a blood clot in a vein is nothing to mess around with and I think you need to go to the ER, not an Urgent Care.  You are right; they can't do anything there. 

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But a blood clot in a vein is nothing to mess around with and I think you need to go to the ER, not an Urgent Care.  You are right; they can't do anything there. 


I'll keep that in mind if another one comes up and my PCP isn't around/open/whatever.  And remember, I'm not sure it's a clot - it's just what came to my mind.  The Anatomy teacher only could tell that something was impeding blood flow (not stopping it totally, but slowing it down).  He didn't know for sure that it was a clot either and offered a few other suggestions that could push on it.  Since he used anatomy terms  :glare:  I can't really type them accurately.


I can also add with this one that heat has been good, but cold sure isn't!  (The things one finds out when trying to hold a cold bottle of water.   ;) )  It's still not as bad as it was though.  It might get there if I kept holding the water - or tried ice.  I don't plan to try either.

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I'm glad that you've signed up for surgery.


This is kind of leading me toward thinking it's a correct decision IF it's connected.  I've been really unsure - as have been the physical therapists, but they refused to give me their official thoughts telling me they could get in trouble if they did, so I really don't know which side of the fence they would be on if it were themselves.


I really dislike parts of our medical system (those parts that could get them in trouble for voicing their opinions especially).  I prefer a ton of info (pro/con/whatever) when things aren't an open and shut case.


But that may be an entirely different issue.  Who knows?


Hmm, I just noticed the cold makes this thing a little bit visible again.  Interesting.  That's definitely not the way to go about fixing it!  It does have me wondering if a nerve is the culprit...

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I'll keep that in mind if another one comes up and my PCP isn't around/open/whatever.  And remember, I'm not sure it's a clot - it's just what came to my mind.  The Anatomy teacher only could tell that something was impeding blood flow (not stopping it totally, but slowing it down).  He didn't know for sure that it was a clot either and offered a few other suggestions that could push on it.  Since he used anatomy terms  :glare:  I can't really type them accurately.


I can also add with this one that heat has been good, but cold sure isn't!  (The things one finds out when trying to hold a cold bottle of water.   ;) )  It's still not as bad as it was though.  It might get there if I kept holding the water - or tried ice.  I don't plan to try either.

All right, I feel compelled to try again, and then I will stop.

If your BLOOD FLOW is being "impeded" by a clot in your vein, that clot could break off and kill you.  It's not that you have a lump under the skin, if I am reading you correctly. 


You should go to the ER and verify. 

You also seem somewhat disoriented in your responses here, but maybe I'm just not reading them correctly.  Last time:  I think you should have a possible vein clot checked out asap. 

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Creek, doctors have done years of extra specialized study and have passed a test on that for the state that allows them to actually diagnose things.  PT's expertise and knowledge base, while certainly worthwhile, is not the same and does not allow them the same latitude for your (and my) safety.  


You asked for the opinion of those who fix medical issues at home.  I do - but only when it is a diagnosed issue.  I may look up alternative ways of supplementing medical treatment and sometimes if it is something that modern medicine can't really address, then I look up alternative ways to actually treat it.  You're making guesses.  You're asking for guesses from an anatomy teacher (who doesn't have the expertise to diagnose things) and are asking anonymous people who can't diagnose medical problems and can't see you for advice.  You're asking the wrong people for a diagnosis.

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You're making guesses.  You're asking for guesses from an anatomy teacher (who doesn't have the expertise to diagnose things) and are asking anonymous people who can't diagnose medical problems and can't see you for advice.  You're asking the wrong people for a diagnosis.


This thread has gone farther than I wanted it to go... but to be fair to the anatomy teacher - he went through school to be a PA before he discovered he liked teaching better, so his knowledge about the body is a bit more in depth than many who just teach.


This morning I was mainly irritated at how my hand was feeling and the impulse was there to do something about it.  When it comes down to having someone else do something about it, my impulse isn't quite there.  It is one of my character flaws.  I'll admit that.

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Are you saying that the work conditions are so poor where you are they would expect you to die on the job. If you need unexpected medical attention you tell whoever is the person above you and go and get medical attention. You don't mess about trying to fit it into free periods etc.

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Are you saying that the work conditions are so poor where you are they would expect you to die on the job. 


No, I'm DEFINITELY not saying that.  Everyone in my school would be nothing but supportive of anyone who felt the need to leave for medical reasons - or even basic family reasons.  The reason I ended up filling in for a 9th grade science class was for a friend who went home early because her daughter was sick.


As stated before, this particular part of the issue is related to my character and could be considered a flaw.


Could it be a ganglion cyst?  Does it hurt at all when you poke at it?


Definitely not one of those.  I had one once eons ago.  


This issue used to hurt more, esp along the vein.  It really is getting better I believe.  Color-wise it matches the other hand now.  I can still feel the vein (and pulse in it + pain around it), but it's much better and the numbness is back to normal levels too.  It's possible it's due to sitting vs being up and about at school I suppose, but... I don't plan to be more active tonight either.


If it's still around tomorrow when I get up and active, then I'll consider doing something - pending how bad it feels/gets.

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And this would be why my relatives only get chosen bits of info.   ;)


6 months ago my mil had a cold/virus.  No big deal.  She didn't feel like eating. Okay.  Wasn't too crazy about drinking anything either. But was trying.  Had a little loose stools, in between some constipation. Sure.  Went on for about 10 days.  Her blood sugar got a little wonky and she went in for some blood work with her pcp.  Blood work came back inconclusive but the pcp wanted her to get some fluids.  He asked her to go to the ER for an I.V.  


She called her eldest son and told him she just didn't want to do that.  He said, sure, mom.  Whatever you feel like doing.


She called her youngest (my dh) and told him the same thing.  He said, sure, mom. Whatever you want to do. 


I was in the room during that call and I about hit the roof.


I called her back and said:  I'll be there in 10 minutes.  You can either go in the clothes you're wearing or you can put something on that the public would find acceptable.  Don't make me drag you kicking and screaming into the car and then kick you out at the ER.  


She said: Okay.  See you in 10 minutes.


I'll save you the blow by blow at the ER - but in the end SHE WAS IN A-FIB.  A life threatening issue.  She would have died from a stroke especially given her history.  She spent a week in the hospital.


So contrary to what you might think, relatives like me don't hinder your life.  We actually CARE that you are around for the grandkids whether or not you annoy the absolute pee out me.  ;)

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I called her back and said:  I'll be there in 10 minutes.  You can either go in the clothes you're wearing or you can put something on that the public would find acceptable.  Don't make me drag you kicking and screaming into the car and then kick you out at the ER.  




So contrary to what you might think, relatives like me don't hinder your life.  We actually CARE that you are around for the grandkids whether or not you annoy the absolute pee out me.  ;)


And this would be why you don't know where I live.  ;)


I do get the last part.  Like I said before, it's more or less a character flaw I suppose.  I've seen enough doctors and done enough things this past year.  I've got CT surgery scheduled for Jan and March.  I just ended a 4 week physical therapy session that was 3x per week.  I'll end up with another MRI + appt in June from my other major issue.  And who knows what else is coming... I am not interested in a week - or night - or even a few hours - in the hospital right now if the body even remotely has a chance to fix itself as it should.  If there's a next time, I might be more ready to deal with it then.  In general, I don't want to deal with another problem.


If "I" could fix something, I would.  I'm not that interested in seeing someone else to fix it (or even to see if it needs fixing).  I'm taking the info in (more or less).  I'll process it.  Then I'll see about following through (maybe) if there's a next time, or if it's still bugging me (enough), maybe tomorrow.


For now I'm settling for not irritating it and giving the body a chance to deal with it since it seems like it might.

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FWIW, I would not go anywhere this evening.  If it worsens overnight, I would go somewhere tomorrow and have it looked at.  Otherwise, I would likely sit on it until Monday.  I don't know if that is the right thing to do or not.  Everyone has a different tolerance for medical issues and for needing to know or to receive advice or treatment.

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FWIW, I would not go anywhere this evening.  If it worsens overnight, I would go somewhere tomorrow and have it looked at.  Otherwise, I would likely sit on it until Monday.  I don't know if that is the right thing to do or not.  Everyone has a different tolerance for medical issues and for needing to know or to receive advice or treatment.


Have I ever told you I loved you?   :lol:


And... this is just affecting a small section on one hand at the moment.  I can feel the pulse and vein for about an inch and a half.  The affected part around it is probably just silver dollar in size now that the numbness and color are back to otherwise normal levels.  It doesn't really seem like ER material.  I could easily see someone looking at it and telling me it'll be fine and sending me home (with a bill to come later - though paying for it isn't an issue in $$ - just $$ for "nothing.").  


Maybe (probably) they'd have been concerned earlier with the numbness and blueishness.  I probably would have to endure another chewing out as to why I didn't come see them yesterday.  But now?  Now it's just a bit better.  Lancing it wouldn't even hit my radar now.  It just doesn't hurt as badly as it did.


I'll see how it ends up tomorrow when I get up and active again.  If it's like the others, it'll be less - or completely gone.

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I thought you might like to hear that.  It is the truth, though!  It's really what I would do, right or wrong.  I am able to be persuaded by the Hive, though.  I got a tetanus shot because of you people, after all.  Paid out of pocket and everything.  ;)


My tetanus vacc is up to date.  It's always up to date since we live on a farm.  Do I get any brownie points for that?


Even prior to this past year when I'd only been to the doctor four times in 26 years (NOT including pregnancies), updating my tetanus shot was one of those times!  (And my ob/gyn took care of it during one of my pregnancies due to a dog bite, so it was kept up then too.)


There's quite a bit of stuff I don't do - last truly complete physical was back in my AF days, well prior to having kids (getting a work one - the type that merely proves I'm alive - was another of the four visits).  But tetanus is worth keeping up IMO.


I'll admit starting to add flu shots to my routine based upon Hive reasoning.  This is my second year to have gotten one of those.


And I have tried to be good with the other stuff going on.  I didn't cancel any appts.  I did what I was supposed to do - well, mostly.  I'm continuing to follow through with it all as suggested by the doctors.  Pretty much all numbers from various tests (blood and otherwise) have come back fine, so I don't really have concerns with that.


There just comes a breaking point.


I figure I've done enough in the last year and what's already set up for this coming year to be good for another 26 years.  I may have to change my mind at some point, of course, but I can live with the fantasy a little bit longer (I think).  If my body prods me (enough) into thinking otherwise then I'll see... but it's got to be more major than this at this point.

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Yes, you get brownie points for a tetanus shot, as do I.  :D


A few years back I was going through a lot of medical testing and I found that once I exited that stage that I felt so very done with doctors for a long, long time.  And my experiences were not negative, but they were time-consuming and fruitless.  In the end, every one of them shook their heads and said, "I dunno".  But a lot of bad stuff was ruled out so there is that.



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I'm heading off to bed now.  For anyone concerned that it's way too early to be tired... by my schedule, no, it's not.  I get up about 4am and am often in bed by 8:30 or 9pm so I'm actually a little later than normal.


I'll see how things go tomorrow.  As of heading to bed - no change from the recent improvements - but it hasn't been all that long time-wise either.  If it's still there tomorrow I'll use it a bit more (be more active as at school) and see what happens.  If it gets like it was... I'll see.

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Just to add an update...


As yesterday, things were better this morning when I got up, then reverted back to as it was last night without much change.  So, I caved in to peer pressure and figured I'd get it looked at though not at the ER, but instead where I've been for orthopedics since there was a possibility it's associated with the carpal tunnel.


AND... the doctor more or less thought I was crazy to be in there over something so minor.  Yes, he could see and feel the vein/pulse, etc, but said we have blood vessels all over our body and occasionally some will do things like that, but we've no idea why.  It's not at all caused by carpal, and in general, he saw no need to do any imaging or anything else of the kind.  Use it as I want - forget about it and it should go away, but it could also return at various times.  He saw nothing of concern about it and wondered (out loud) why I was there.  When I mentioned others being concerned, he asked "who?"  Then he offered to call anyone if it would make them feel better, so if you want to know who he is, send me a pm.


SO... once in a while, our instincts are correct.  ;)  This is something "I" wouldn't mind doing something about as it's annoying, esp when it gets more painful, but there's no need for "anyone else" to do anything about it.  And it should get better on its own given enough time.


To be fair to the rest of y'all, I did go by and saw the school nurse yesterday and she agreed with the majority of you - I just didn't put that on here as there was no need to add fuel to the fire.  ;)  She had the "advantage" of seeing the hand with its pale and blueish color before things started getting better and today's dr did not (though I did tell him about it).  Therefore, I'm not really placing "blame" on anyone with their thoughts and suggestions.  I'm just giving the conclusion and mentioning that once in a while we're not all that far off base when we use our judgment on what's worthy of a visit or not.


No clue what this cost me yet (other than feelings of being foolish at giving in to peer pressure).  The bill will be in the mail.  It won't set our budget back (esp since I didn't do the ER), so no biggie.

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Guest submarines

I would have zero trust in orthopedist diagnosing (especially in such an unprofessional way!) a vascular condition. He hasn't seen anything but bones for years. I'd trust a family doctor more, as at least they see all kind of things and have to keep their general knowledge and instincts up to date.


I hope you feel better soon.

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To be fair to those who advised you to have it looked at, remember that your instinct was originally to cut open your vein.


Agreed.  That was rather dumb, no?  Or can I use the word stupid?


I guess it kind of shows what a "morning brain" can do with an annoying pain.  One should NEVER act in a rush in the morning... or at least, I shouldn't!

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I would have zero trust in orthopedist diagnosing (especially in such an unprofessional way!) a vascular condition. He hasn't seen anything but bones for years. I'd trust a family doctor more, as at least they see all kind of things and have to keep their general knowledge and instincts up to date.


I hope you feel better soon.


You have far more trust in my family doctor than I do.  He's dismissed essentially all of the concerns I've ever had (not that I've been with him for long - just the past year and a couple of months).  I also have to keep reminding him of the things Hopkins wants HIM to keep track of blood-test wise.  In order to even get the CT diagnosis I went from Hopkins (getting referrals) as they at least believed me in that something was wrong worthy of checking into.  Things get muddy there (somewhat) as the symptoms aren't terribly typical of CT, but I'm told that's what the tests showed and supposedly the tests can't lead to anything else, so have reluctantly agreed to the surgeries to see if they prove to be correct.


I consider him worthy of keeping track of diabetes numbers (not diabetic yet, but I also don't care to get there) and I need him in order to get the blood tests done I'm supposed to keep on as our medical system doesn't believe we minions can do such things ourselves, but that's about it.  He's also good at reminding me I ought to lose about 40 lbs.  (We don't disagree about that fact.)  To him, that's the most important issue in my life.  To me it's a "yeah, I need to" issue, but not the most important.

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Guest submarines

You have far more trust in my family doctor than I do.  He's dismissed essentially all of the concerns I've ever had (not that I've been with him for long - just the past year and a couple of months).  I also have to keep reminding him of the things Hopkins wants HIM to keep track of blood-test wise.  In order to even get the CT diagnosis I went from Hopkins (getting referrals) as they at least believed me in that something was wrong worthy of checking into.  Things get muddy there (somewhat) as the symptoms aren't terribly typical of CT, but I'm told that's what the tests showed and supposedly the tests can't lead to anything else, so have reluctantly agreed to the surgeries to see if they prove to be correct.


I consider him worthy of keeping track of diabetes numbers (not diabetic yet, but I also don't care to get there) and I need him in order to get the blood tests done I'm supposed to keep on as our medical system doesn't believe we minions can do such things ourselves, but that's about it.  He's also good at reminding me I ought to lose about 40 lbs.  (We don't disagree about that fact.)  To him, that's the most important issue in my life.  To me it's a "yeah, I need to" issue, but not the most important.


This sounds horrible. I'm sorry you have to deal with this. :grouphug:


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AND... the doctor more or less thought I was crazy to be in there over something so minor.  Yes, he could see and feel the vein/pulse, etc, but said we have blood vessels all over our body and occasionally some will do things like that, but we've no idea why.  It's not at all caused by carpal, and in general, he saw no need to do any imaging or anything else of the kind.  Use it as I want - forget about it and it should go away, but it could also return at various times.  He saw nothing of concern about it and wondered (out loud) why I was there.   




This doctor showed very poor judgment, imo. Not by telling you it's nothing to worry about - I'm willing to assume he knows what he's talking about - but by visibly and verbally wondering why a patient would come in and get it checked out. 


In this case, it was apparently nothing to be worried about. However, it's certainly not typical or common for "something" to impinge upon a vein and cause throbbing, numbness, and so on. It's something that certainly should be checked out (at bare minimum with a phone call) for anyone. Your first thought was "blood clot" and it's something you are at risk for, so he should not have been so dismissive. 


If you had waited and it wound up causing problems, he would have been the first one to ask why on earth you didn't come in earlier!! 

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I'm sorry the doctor was dismissive and made you feel silly for being there.  Doctors should never do that.  I've had it happen on occasion, as well.


I have had clients come into my therapy office who thought they had serious mental health issues or that there was something very wrong with their children, but I never asked them why the heck they were there!  The reason people come to a professional for advice and help is that they don't know what to do themselves.  I have had clients I saw once and then dismissed, having allayed their fears.  That is a valuable use of a professional, as is going to a doctor when you wonder if something is wrong with you and you are not yourself a doctor so you don't have the expertise to diagnose it.


Being made to feel silly is a barrier in some people's minds to seeking help of any sort so doctors should not do that because it only lessens the chance that those folks will get help in the future when they may really need it.

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