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Aren't there any other cat-dislikers here?

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The "Let's Talk About Cats" thread is four pages long and so far the only anti-catite is moi. Surely I can't be the only person here who has no use for the feline fun? The OP asked "Do you love them or hate them?" Well "hate" is a strong word. But I do not like them very much. And they can always tell that and so they seek me out. Every. Single. Time. They also know that I am allergic to them.


I'm lonely over there, come on!

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The "Let's Talk About Cats" thread is four pages long and so far the only anti-catite is moi. Surely I can't be the only person here who has no use for the feline fun? The OP asked "Do you love them or hate them?" Well "hate" is a strong word. But I do not like them very much. And they can always tell that and so they seek me out. Every. Single. Time. They also know that I am allergic to them.


I'm lonely over there, come on!


Cat hater here. They're creepy. They shed. They make me sneeze. They poop in the sand in my backyard. :glare:

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I don't hate them but I really don't like them. Okay, maybe I don't have a problem with cats as much as with their owners. It ticks me off that people ignore laws and let their cats run all over the neighborhood, pooping in yards other then their own.

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Oh, I love cats.

I love them when they belong to *someone else*.

I love them when they use *someone else's garden* as a litter box.

I love them when they stand on *someone else's fence* and hiss at *someone else* who is minding her own business in her own yard.



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I don't hate 'em, but of all the cats I've met in my lifetime, I've liked two. That's all. I actually am a little afraid of them, because they seem to turn on you quickly, for no apparent reason, sometimes. They make me verrry nervous.:001_unsure:


All three kiddos are allergic, so at least I have a better reason than "They scare me!" to say we can't have one.

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The "Let's Talk About Cats" thread is four pages long and so far the only anti-catite is moi. Surely I can't be the only person here who has no use for the feline fun? The OP asked "Do you love them or hate them?" Well "hate" is a strong word. But I do not like them very much. And they can always tell that and so they seek me out. Every. Single. Time. They also know that I am allergic to them.


I'm lonely over there, come on!


Haha. I just CONVERTED one of YOUR kind! :D While in California I was in dire need of a housesitter/petsitter. I have one dog and 4 cats. (They ALL shed, btw. The dog worse than the cats.) So my wonderful nephew and his new wife came to stay at my house. They had agreed between them that HE would take care of ther cats and SHE would take care of the dog.


She hated cats, and was afraid of cats as well. She said she loved dogs but hated cats because dogs had lots of personality and cats had one.


Four weeks later she is toting my kitties around like her babies and talking about getting a kitten! Now she is just amazed at how much personality they each have!


:lol: I love it!

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I am one- a cat-disliker. Last summer we had about 10 strays that would have a daily meeting in my backyard. They used it as there litter box and my poor kids couldn't even go out there. I tried all kinds of onlie 'cat repellents' which , by the way, didn't work. The only thing I didn't try was dh 'peeing' around the yard to mark our territory. That might have worked but he refused:lol:.


So I called Animal Control. They came and set traps and caught about 3 of them, 4 'possums and a skunk. Apparently, there is a sweet little old lady who just lost her husband who is feeding them and so they are multiplying. Anyway, this year we have less of a problem. Few are still around, but apparently only come to my yard now at night because I never see them during the day.



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Ewww that close up is just creepy!!


I can't say that I hate cats, I just don't have any patience with them. Unlike a dog, the word loyal isn't in their vocabulary. I do like this site though http://www.catsthatlooklikehitler.com/cgi-bin/seigmiaow.pl


I am going against the grain, allergies, I can understand. Its not fun being miserable.


But, loyalty, you have not found the right cat, Burmese are the best most loyal, dare I say doglike cat there are. They are not your normal selfish cat.


Sorry, Burmese cat lover,



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