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Please help with Christmas gift


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I am pretty much done with Christmas shopping for my boys. Or so I thought but now I am second guessing myself.


In the past they got rather a lot of presents and I am trying to cut back a bit but definitely still want them happy with what they got. Budget is a bit of an issue this year but I could probably get another mid-range gift without it really being a problem.


Here is what ds (almost 10) will get:


A magazine subscription and a hand-painted (by me) box to hold the magazines. From Christkindl/Santa: a board game, a book, a lamp for his desk, a book about Legos, a book with puzzles, two books about architecture (he is kind of interested). The "big" gift is a pretty big box of art supplies and an arts & crafts book. I also got him a card game, a yoyo, some Playdough for the stocking.


We do not have any extended family so the above is pretty much it. I do think the overall number of gifts is okay and I think he will like what I've got for him as he enjoys reading and arts & crafts. However, he also still likes to play a lot and what I am worried about is that there aren't really any toys among the presents. Mostly, because we already have SO much: huge amounts of Legos, Playmobil, marble run pieces, dress up clothes, Playdough sets etc.


On his wish list were a bunch of stuffed animals but I don't think there were any he really loved. Also, he has so many already that there is barely any space in his bed for him to lie in. He also wished for walkie talkies (but we have since found our old ones) and a bunch of Dragons stuff (lots of which either doesn't exist or is too expensive). He also wanted a light saber (already has one though). His biggest wish was a Furby but I don't really like those and they are quite expensive so don't want to get that.


He also put a Playmobil set on his list and I am debating getting that. It is kind of expensive and we already have so much though...


What do you think? Should I still get a "real" toy (everything else is pretty much either books or arts and crafts)? Any good ideas for a "toy" he might enjoy?

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Six books plus a magazine subscription seems like a lot of books at one time.  That’s great if he is an avid reader and wanted lots of new books.  Not so great if he is expecting toys.


I would get something from his wish list and hold back a couple of the books for another occasion.   If the wishlist items are too expensive, Lego Contraptions (Klutz) is fun and fairly inexpensive. Or add some Mixels to his stocking. My feeling is that play should be encouraged as long as possible. 

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It sounds fine to me, but I know when my kids make a wish list, I do try to get at least some of it.

So, he isn't getting anything at all from his list?


Well, not much. He is getting a book that he put on the list. Also, the card game he is getting features the Dragon characters. He really likes those and has about five or six items on his list. I don't think he knows about the card game which is why he didn't put it on. I will probably get him the calendar for his birthday early in January. Some of the items he put on don't exist/aren't available so I can't really get them.


The problem is that he writes his wish list by looking through a catalogue and writing down those items he likes. So it isn't like these are things he has been wanting for a while/wishing for (with the possible exception of the Furby but that is a bit too expensive).

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Six books plus a magazine subscription seems like a lot of books at one time.  That’s great if he is an avid reader and wanted lots of new books.  Not so great if he is expecting toys.


I would get something from his wish list and hold back a couple of the books for another occasion.   If the wishlist items are too expensive, Lego Contraptions (Klutz) is fun and fairly inexpensive. Or add some Mixels to his stocking. My feeling is that play should be encouraged as long as possible. 


I guess that is what I am worried about. He does like to read a lot and the "reading" book was on his list. One of the other books has Lego instructions. As we have so many Legos I was hoping it would inspire more play with them. The other books are on architecture (he thinks he wants to be an architect), crafts etc.


I guess I would like to get him a toy still but not sure what. We really just have SO much and I don't think the items on his wish list are really things he wants desperately (then I would get them) but more something he came up with for the list.

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It sounds fine to me! I know my kids make wish lists for the month of December, and usually by Christmas it's completely different from when they started. I also know that they get sucked in to all the shined packaging and promises of good times and ask for ALL THE TOYS. However, years and years of toys being cast aside after the initial 24 hours has taught me not to waste my money.

I've been very frank with them this year and told them my observations. Half of the things my dd6 asked for this year are similar to things she asked for last year and didn't play with. 😒 We have too much 'stuff'. Too many trendy toys that they've asked for but have positively no play value past the first impression. We have Legos, wood blocks, pretend things, ect. What I HAVE noticed them doing is (dd9) reading and (dd6) crafting. So that's what my focus is this year.

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It sounds fine to me! I know my kids make wish lists for the month of December, and usually by Christmas it's completely different from when they started. I also know that they get sucked in to all the shined packaging and promises of good times and ask for ALL THE TOYS. However, years and years of toys being cast aside after the initial 24 hours has taught me not to waste my money.

I've been very frank with them this year and told them my observations. Half of the things my dd6 asked for this year are similar to things she asked for last year and didn't play with. 😒 We have too much 'stuff'. Too many trendy toys that they've asked for but have positively no play value past the first impression. We have Legos, wood blocks, pretend things, ect. What I HAVE noticed them doing is (dd9) reading and (dd6) crafting. So that's what my focus is this year.


That is pretty much how I feel. I am pretty sure he will like the presents he is getting but still think he might be a bit disappointed if there isn't anything to "play" with. Just can't figure out what would make sense to get him (and isn't again a game/book etc.).

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Does he actually play with the Playmobil he has? If he does, then I can see getting him the set he wants because he'll use it. If he doesn't play with it, I'd skip it and just keep what you have already.


He does play with it to some extent. I think he would play more with it if either his brother or I also enjoyed playing with it... I do think he would play with the new set (and I am seriously thinking of getting it) but then won't play as much with the sets we already have (as there is limited time to play). And we already have so much: Roman colosseum, almost the entire Egypt line, farm, at least two complete castles, lots of Western stuff, animals, loads of pirate and police stuff (he mostly only plays with pirate/police). Not sure he really needs another police car...

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I found these neat things in the Rainbow Resource catalog (also at Hobby Lobby) called Toobs. They are tubes of small, good quality play figures. Based on what you listed above as his likes, I think several could be of interest. They only cost around $10 each. My DS6 wants the presidents toob and the American revolution toob. My DS9 wants the Wild West toob. Anyway, just a small, inexpensive toy idea. :)

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Thanks for all the ideas. I think I will get him at least some small toy. I will look into the Toobs though I am not sure we need more small pieces lying around. I am not crazy about the Playmobil set he chose as I think it is rather expensive for what you get. I will talk to him again to see if he really, really wants that one or if a smaller one would be fine as well.


If anyone has more ideas for small, inexpensive toys (he would love something kind of unique) that would be great as well.

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I could have written your post.  :)  10 year old DS here, with lots of fun stuff already purchased, I could easily be done - he will love it all.  But he's got a small wish list (3 items), and on it was a Playmobil set that looks like a lot of fun.  I wanted him to have a toy, so I added that on, just yesterday.  His other gifts are fun, but not necessarily what he'll consider a toy.  


My thinking is that this may be the last year he asks for Playmobil.  He's growing up.  And I'm all for play.  (Just an FYI, I did get the other 2 items on his list, but they were pretty small).  


So, yes, in your shoes, I'd choose something from his list and add it in (or save back some of the other items, to preserve the budget).  If the playmobil pieces get lots of play, and it won't break the bank, go with that.  



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I'd find a way to spring for the Playmobile since it is on his list, and at that age a toy is still expected/wanted.


We have had Furbys....after the initial novelty wears off, it is ignored.  Playmobile will get more use....and will still "work" if kept for grandkids someday!


Oh - this reminds me of how we gave dd her Furby on her b'day one year.  Before she came downstairs we turned it on, and set it on the coffee table under an empty Duplo bucket.  Waited until Furby was done chirping etc. and was quiet before let DD enter the room to open presents.  When she lifted the bucket, the movement woke up Furby and he started  chirping etc. and she SCREAMED!  That was fun!

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Can you take him to a toy store and see what he seems to gravitate toward?


I think the things you bought sound fine, but that you are too light on the toys. Honestly, if budget is an issue, I would return a few of the books and spend the money on the toys he wants.


As Spryte already mentioned, he is getting older and soon he won't want many toys, and speaking as a mom whose ds is 14 now, I would love to go back to the fun years of buying toys for my son and watching his face as he opened them. So what if you already have too many toys? To me, Christmas is about fun and joy, and a stack of books -- even really good ones -- isn't enough to make it special for a kid who likes toys.


I feel the same way about the stuffed animals -- if he still loves them, I think you should get at least one for under the Christmas tree. He will sleep with it every night and that is priceless. Again, it would be best to let him connect with one he really wants at a store so you can be sure you get his favorite.


About the Furby -- has he seen them in the stores to know that he really likes them? Has he played with them at friends' houses? Is it something he really wants and talks about?  If you go to a store, you can have him compare the Furby with the Playmobil and Lego sets and decide which he likes better.

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Thanks so much for all the feedback. Yes, I also feel the gifts are a bit lacking in the toy factor (hence this post). Honest though, he loves arts and crafts. His favorite activity at family camp was the arts & crafts room, especially the rubber loom stuff. One of the books is on his wish list (and he mentions it frequently). I think he will also really like the Lego book.


It isn't that I am absolutely set against buying another stuffed pet/more Playmobil - if I thought there was something he really really liked I would get it. But that isn't really the sense I get for most of the things on his list. They are just the items he liked best in the catalogue. An exception is a How to draw book for the people in How to tame a dragon which he wants way much but as far as I can tell that book doesn't even exist. He has the one for dragons and spends hours drawing them. He has never played with a Furby and while he really likes them in the store I don't think he would play that much with it. Anyway, it is more than I still want to spend, especially as I have about an equal number/value of gifts for both boys and adding in a big ticket item would mess that up.


Cat, I would absolutely get him another stuffed friend if he saw one he loved. I bought one I really didn't like last year because he was crazy about it. I bought one for his older brother who saw it in a store and really, really liked it. But the ones on the wishlist don't seem like that. We are going into the city next week so maybe will stop in a toy store. Hopefully, he will really like something other than the Furby...

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I'd get more toys. Def a stuffy & a playmobile or a lego set or something.  I think the thing with lego & playmobile is that there's not such thing as "too much" or even "enough" for a kid who enjoys those toys.

Stuffies are something I picked each year. We have lots of African animals etc. I got most of mine from this little Japanese shop which had unique & very soft, plush stuffies. Owls, frogs, deer, elephants, tigers, seals etc.  My kids would never have asked for one of those because they wouldn't have known it even existed, kwim?

oh & that reminded me - the same shop carries origami kits. Maybe he'd enjoy that? It's sort of a toy, sort of a craft.  Or a balsa plane/glider kit? They're not expensive & fun.  Anyway, if you have somewhere a little shop that carries Hello Kitty etc pop in because behind all the pink sparkly stuff are usually awesome stuffies & cool room decor stuff.  Zoos & aquarium gift shops also often have neat stuffies.

ps - my 16yo ds cleaned out part of his room yesterday & I helped him a bit. At one point there was a pile of stuffies parked in a laundry basket while he dove around the bed looking for all the stray books. I said "so, do you want these stuffies to go downstairs? (that's our toy purgatory where they sit while everyone comes to terms with passing them on to charity) & he looked at me like I'd grown two heads. He then vacuumed them all with the dusting attachment & put them all back on the shelf by the bed. He's 6'4" and spent last weekend playing paintball. But he's not giving up his stuffies LOL  (or his lego for that matter ...)

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I would probably wrap the Lego book with a few mini figures or specialty bricks. My boys look through Lego catalogs and tend to gravitate toward a specialty piece that is part of an expensive set. I can usually find those pieces on eBay for a few dollars.


The architecture books could be wrapped with a scale ruler, graph paper, etc.


I always try to get my kids something that is on their wish list. I do have a tendency to help guide their wishes early in the season if there is something I really want to get for them.


A few times their wishes have been for a item that I knew wouldn't be played with for long, like Furby. Occasionally, these items will show up under our tree. I try to view the cost of these items as an experience, rather than a waste of money.

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If you keep your eye on Amazon's lightening deals, they've been having Furby Booms for ~$23 or so. A couple of years ago my kids all got Furbys for Christmas. They still play with them. One of my son sleeps all night with his (and we know when he rolls over because he wakes the Furby). They are younger, though. But last summer, Furbys were the bit of the neighborhood. All of the kids (ages 5-12) took them out to play and had massive Furby parties.

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I'd get more toys. Def a stuffy & a playmobile or a lego set or something.  I think the thing with lego & playmobile is that there's not such thing as "too much" or even "enough" for a kid who enjoys those toys.


Stuffies are something I picked each year. We have lots of African animals etc. I got most of mine from this little Japanese shop which had unique & very soft, plush stuffies. Owls, frogs, deer, elephants, tigers, seals etc.  My kids would never have asked for one of those because they wouldn't have known it even existed, kwim?


oh & that reminded me - the same shop carries origami kits. Maybe he'd enjoy that? It's sort of a toy, sort of a craft.  Or a balsa plane/glider kit? They're not expensive & fun.  Anyway, if you have somewhere a little shop that carries Hello Kitty etc pop in because behind all the pink sparkly stuff are usually awesome stuffies & cool room decor stuff.  Zoos & aquarium gift shops also often have neat stuffies.



ps - my 16yo ds cleaned out part of his room yesterday & I helped him a bit. At one point there was a pile of stuffies parked in a laundry basket while he dove around the bed looking for all the stray books. I said "so, do you want these stuffies to go downstairs? (that's our toy purgatory where they sit while everyone comes to terms with passing them on to charity) & he looked at me like I'd grown two heads. He then vacuumed them all with the dusting attachment & put them all back on the shelf by the bed. He's 6'4" and spent last weekend playing paintball. But he's not giving up his stuffies LOL  (or his lego for that matter ...)


I guess I don't want that many more stuffies because he already has a hard time deciding which one to cuddle with etc. But I would probably get one if there was one he just fell in love with. We'll see - maybe when we are in town next week. They had some on sale here last week and older brother really liked the monkey one so I did get that for my older son. My little one also liked them but wasn't all crazy about them so I didn't get him one (though they were cute). However, they also had a book with looming instructions younger ds has been talking about nonstop and I did get that for him (he will get it for St. Nick on Saturday).


And honestly, I do think we have too much Lego/Playmobil. I bought a lot of stuff used on ebay and we have several large boxes of Legos in the basement because we not only don't have space for them upstairs but also the huge amount is so overwhelming that it actually keeps them from playing with the stuff (not just my opinion but the kids agree). Same with Playmobil - many, many boxes downstairs. I wouldn't mind buying another Playmobil set if I had the impression my son really, really liked it but that isn't really the case. He put it on the list but hasn't mentioned it since. I really wish we didn't already have so much...


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I would probably wrap the Lego book with a few mini figures or specialty bricks. My boys look through Lego catalogs and tend to gravitate toward a specialty piece that is part of an expensive set. I can usually find those pieces on eBay for a few dollars.


The architecture books could be wrapped with a scale ruler, graph paper, etc.


I always try to get my kids something that is on their wish list. I do have a tendency to help guide their wishes early in the season if there is something I really want to get for them.


A few times their wishes have been for a item that I knew wouldn't be played with for long, like Furby. Occasionally, these items will show up under our tree. I try to view the cost of these items as an experience, rather than a waste of money.


He got architecture stuff (scale ruler, graph paper etc.) last year for his birthday and liked it a lot (he really does get plenty even if it doesn't sound like it). That's why I thought he would like the architecture books to go with it (and the Lego book which features building a small town/neighborhood).


Not sure about the specialty pieces. We already have so much (including almost all Harry Potter Lego, lots of Star Wars, etc.). We have literally hundreds of mini figures. It just seems silly to spend more money on it if there is so much in the basement...


I also want to get stuff from the wish list and older brother is getting more than half of his wishes. Not even because I like his wishes better but because with him I get the impression he really really wants the things he listed. I bought older ds the new Pokemon game even though I want him to cut down on screen time and would rather have gotten something else. But I know he wants it badly and will probably play with it quite a bit. With my younger son half the list are not toys (so don't help with my current problem). I don't think any of the rest are really things he longs for so it is much more difficult to buy something I don't care for if I think he won't even enjoy it much.

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If you keep your eye on Amazon's lightening deals, they've been having Furby Booms for ~$23 or so. A couple of years ago my kids all got Furbys for Christmas. They still play with them. One of my son sleeps all night with his (and we know when he rolls over because he wakes the Furby). They are younger, though. But last summer, Furbys were the bit of the neighborhood. All of the kids (ages 5-12) took them out to play and had massive Furby parties.


That's interesting. We live overseas and Furbys really are pretty expensive. They start at around $75 and the one he wants is $95. That is not only quite a bit over budget but would also throw the balance off as far as sibling gifts are concerned (they don't have to get exactly the same but a bit of parity would be nice). But I will try to see if there are possibly some deals. If I could get one for less than $50 I would probably do so.

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Thanks so much for all the feedback. Yes, I also feel the gifts are a bit lacking in the toy factor (hence this post). Honest though, he loves arts and crafts. His favorite activity at family camp was the arts & crafts room, especially the rubber loom stuff. One of the books is on his wish list (and he mentions it frequently). I think he will also really like the Lego book.


It isn't that I am absolutely set against buying another stuffed pet/more Playmobil - if I thought there was something he really really liked I would get it. But that isn't really the sense I get for most of the things on his list. They are just the items he liked best in the catalogue. An exception is a How to draw book for the people in How to tame a dragon which he wants way much but as far as I can tell that book doesn't even exist. He has the one for dragons and spends hours drawing them. He has never played with a Furby and while he really likes them in the store I don't think he would play that much with it. Anyway, it is more than I still want to spend, especially as I have about an equal number/value of gifts for both boys and adding in a big ticket item would mess that up.


Cat, I would absolutely get him another stuffed friend if he saw one he loved. I bought one I really didn't like last year because he was crazy about it. I bought one for his older brother who saw it in a store and really, really liked it. But the ones on the wishlist don't seem like that. We are going into the city next week so maybe will stop in a toy store. Hopefully, he will really like something other than the Furby...


Did you mean How to Train Your Dragon? Because Amazon DOES sell one.



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Did you mean How to Train Your Dragon? Because Amazon DOES sell one.




Thanks, but we got that one and ds loves it. However, it mostly teaches you how to draw the dragons in the movie and he thinks there should be another book to teach how to draw the other characters... Unfortunately, I haven't found one yet. I know he would LOVE it so if anyone knows of one please let me know..


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I completely understand where you are coming from. My 7 yo always has a wishlist full of stuff that looks cool but I know he doesn't really WANT and won't play with. I always buy my other kids things from their wishlists because I know they really want them...but 7yo just doesn't care for stuff in the same way...he rarely plays with the things he asks for. I hate buying him things I know won't be used.


So far I have gotten him some books he asked for and thats about it. I did get him one small toy from his wishlist that he has asked repeatedly for...although I know it will be ignored after the first week.


The only thing that makes his eyes light up and gets constant use is Wii games and Skylander figures. I don't mind buying him those but I feel bad that the others get lots of toys and he doesn't.


Usually I just settle for buying him similar stuff to what the 5 yo asks for so they can play together. If he ends up abandoning it at least I know his brother will adopt them and play with them.


I'd probably go with the Playmobil since that has more play value then a Furby. I'm a sucker for Playmobil though...I just bought my kids three large sets to share for Christmas.

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I completely understand where you are coming from. My 7 yo always has a wishlist full of stuff that looks cool but I know he doesn't really WANT and won't play with. I always buy my other kids things from their wishlists because I know they really want them...but 7yo just doesn't care for stuff in the same way...he rarely plays with the things he asks for. I hate buying him things I know won't be used.


So far I have gotten him some books he asked for and thats about it. I did get him one small toy from his wishlist that he has asked repeatedly for...although I know it will be ignored after the first week.


The only thing that makes his eyes light up and gets constant use is Wii games and Skylander figures. I don't mind buying him those but I feel bad that the others get lots of toys and he doesn't.


Usually I just settle for buying him similar stuff to what the 5 yo asks for so they can play together. If he ends up abandoning it at least I know his brother will adopt them and play with them.


I'd probably go with the Playmobil since that has more play value then a Furby. I'm a sucker for Playmobil though...I just bought my kids three large sets to share for Christmas.


Exactly - I would love to get stuff from the wishlist but for the most part don't think he would like it that much. Now my younger son does play with toys quite a bit (older ds not so much) but there really isn't much time and we have already so much stuff. I guess I am considering the Furby (if I could get one for a reasonable price) or another stuffed toy as he does love those. Playmobil would be okay too but it doesn't seem like he is that excited about the set he put on - he hasn't mentioned it at all since writing his list. It would be within budget but isn't cheap either so not sure...


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