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Misheard lyrics


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My dd is hilarious with her interpretations of lyrics. The most recent was when I heard her sing the Curious George theme song...apparently he is a 'bi-curious' monkey!


Based on what I've seen of monkeys in captivity and on the Discovery channel, I think that has a good chance of being accurate, if not the correct lyrics.

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Taylor Swift's new song, Blank Space, has a line that says

"Got a long list of ex-lovers, they'll tell you I'm insane"


For days I thought she was saying

"Got to love those Starbucks lovers, they'll tell you I'm insane"


I still hear my version, no matter how many times I hear the song played.

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In Summertime Sadness, Lana del Rey says, "Telephone wires above are sizzling like a snare," but I always hear it as "sizzling like a snail." In Sister Christian, it always sounded like "Motorhead, what's your price for blithe?" to me, which makes about as much sense as the actual lyrics, which I don't remember and don't care enough about to look up.

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Ds told me the other night that he only recently found out about lyrics he had wrong. In Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire" there's a line that goes, "Trouble in the Suez", and he thought it went "Trouble in the sewers". 


He knows the song is about historical events and wondered if there was some kind of sewer issue in the sixties that he didn't learn about. 

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One of my toddlers once sang "Angels we have heard on high" as "Angels we have heard online."


A true child of the 21st century.



My dd sang the lyrics "all the broken hearts in the world still beat" as "all the Pokemon in the hospital". Now, every time this song is on the radio, which is often, that is all I can sing.



I keep hearing "All the broken hearts in the western beat" even though I know the correct lyrics.

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Apparently, a LOT of people are hearing the 'Starbucks lovers' line!  I thought she said something about Starbucks, too!  And a friend posted about it on FB with a link to an article about it.


I said this same thing  earlier this thread.  I think Starbucks lovers is a better line, honestly. And knowing how seriously that singer takes social media, I wouldn't be surprised if she changed it in concert!

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I was singing along with Blinded by the Light the other day.  I noticed my DD15 looking at me funny. I asked what was wrong. She laughed and said I was singing the part with the "bad word." First of all, it's deuce not douche, and, second, douche is NOT a bad word!


Everyone (myself included) was singing "wrapped up like a douche" back when the song first came out. Well, a lot of people were. So much so that it was noticeable

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When Ds was three he wanted to know one night what Dh was listening to on his headphones. Headphones were not allowed to Ds so they were mystical and obviously you heard all the secrets of the world. Well, Dh was listening to The Bestie Boys. Not exactly appropriate. However Ds was too young to understand any of the references, so Dh let him hear the song Paul Revere. It is very much so not Raffi!


At one point the song speaks of robbing a store. The line says something like pulled out a my jammy, aimed it at the sky, yelled stick 'em up, and letting two fly.


Dh constructed this whole elaborate story about what was happening changing all the negative things into three year old versions. In the above example, the guy pulls out his jammies (as in PJs) yells throw them up (as in the air) and let's them fly. For years a gleeful naked wet toddler would run from the bathroom directly out of the bathtub screaming this line throwing his jammies in the air. It was a before bedtime ritual.

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Everyone (myself included) was singing "wrapped up like a douche" back when the song first came out. Well, a lot of people were. So much so that it was noticeable.

I always thought it was "douche". Last year, after hearing it in a store. I decided to finally look it up.


Only the Lonely = Only Baloney

In Enter Sandman, I always hear "Exit, Light" as " Amstel Lite". I think there were a lot of Amstel Lite commercials then.

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My DH was trying to tell a coworker that the coworker was sure to have heard some American folk songs but the coworker kept insisting he didnt know any.


DH was like, "what about Erie Canal?"


"Oh, yeah! I know that one."


DH: "and Old Dan Tucker?"


"yeah, I know that one, too." And the coworker started to sing: "Old Dan Tucker, bam-ba-lam. Old Dan Tucker, bam-ba-lam! He really gets me high, bam-ba-lam."


DH said he was LOLing so hard he had to sit down.

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My son thought the Toto song says "I guess it rains down in Africa..." (I bless the rains.) I love the image of a shrugging lyricist half-heartedly thinking about African weather.


I used to think that too  :tongue_smilie:




Laughing my head off at some of these  :lol:

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My SIL when she was a child used to sing, "Up from the gravy he a roast" at church.


The correct words are "Up from the grave he arose"

As a kid, my mom thought something similar: "Lo in the gravy lay Jesus my Savior" (Lo in the grave He lay, Jesus my Savior. . .)


My cousin once asked her dad to sing "the strong bones song." Turns out she meant "76 Trombones in the old parade. . ."

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