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For fun: where did you have "the talk" (birds & bees) with your kids?


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I mean the one where they actually realized what s*x is.


I just had the talk (unplanned) while driving my kids to dance.  We covered body parts, periods, sex, pregnancy, birth control, VD, adoption, and sexual morality all with them looking at the back of my head.  :P


And then I dropped them off to contemplate all of that during dance, gymnastics, and the Christmas horse parade.


No, this was not how I always visualized it, but I must say I'm glad I took the plunge.

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There were lots of little talks leading up to it, but I guess the "big" talk was just sitting around the dining room table, after eating.  When it was our oldest children, the younger children were off playing.  When it was our younger children, our older kids were there too so they could add their input.  :)

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ours is an ongoing talk. Although last week I realized that my oldest still thought babies were made by kissing. I told him that wasn't quite right and he got really confused. He wasn't sure how else a couple would get the sp*rm to the egg. Time for more information. But again, it will just be a constant conversation where more gets added to what he knows. The same as everything else in his life, I just build onto what he already knows.

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I took my oldest to her riding lesson and we took the scenic route back home and had the talk. I think the car is a good place, simply because she was in the back and could ask me questions without feeling embarrassed. As it turned out, the only question she had after my (imo) talk was how many feet were in a mile. Lol

Oh! I just remembered, she learned about sperm and eggs at Barnes and noble lol. I was sitting by the train table with my littlest and she brought me an anatomy book and asked me to read it. So we did, and she learned that then, just not HOW it happens.

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Ongoing conversation. I guess the big ball rolling one started in the living after ds was no longer satisfied with babies come from mommy's uterus. He wanted to know how it got there. Out came my copy of "where did I come from" and we have been talking ever since. A lot of it happens in the car or at bedtime. It is easier to have hars conversation when someone has to be keeping an eye on the road or in the dark.

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I sort of subscribed to the 200 Small Talks approach.  There were a couple that were pretty pointed, at about age 10 and 12.  


My dh says he had The Talk with our son when the boy was 6 months old.  DH says DS took it like a man.  Doesn't understand what the big deal is.  




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He came out and asked at dinner one night when he was five, "How does the sperm actually get in...?"

I said, "Oh, we have a book about that. I'll read it to you later." And we did, on the couch.


I already had the book because a year and a half before, he had asked, loudly and in a public place of course, about anatomy. So I bought the beginner boys-and-girls-have-different-parts type of book, and while I was at it, I bought It's So Amazing because we'd need it sooner or later. There are still sections we haven't talked about much, but he's got the main idea.


I love books.

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Well, dd is almost 5 so I plan on having many more talks, but we recently had a VERY involved one one the dining room floor under the table:)

This is where I found her reading an extremely detailed book I had purchased for us to read together. I am pregnant, so it is of course very interesting to her at the moment. We had previously had lots of talks and books on animal reproduction, and she knew that mom's eggs must be fertilized by dad in order to actually grow into an embryo...but we had this far not discussed in detail just HOW that happened. And I am not honestly sure I would have gone into that much detail. One of the few drawbacks of having a child who can read whatever she wants AND insists on knowing right now, lol.


The second half of the discussion was centered around having these types of discussions only at home...I have horrible visions of her sharing her knowledge at her part-time preschool!

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The car is a great place for lots of big talks.  We never had one big talk but many over the course of time.  I do think though that kids often feel safer asking questions in the car as it isn't a face to face, make eye contact type of place.




We actually covered the basics during a human body study. We studied the reproductive system right along with other body systems. But each of my boys has only remembered what they were ready for at that time, so we've had several talks in the car, initiated by me or by one of the boys.




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