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first holiday with both parents gone


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:grouphug:   I was there five years ago.  mom died 10 days before christmas (my father died in 75.) - I'd hardly done any christmas shopping because I was busy trying to meet her health needs for over two months.  One night i just needed to get out - and splurged on valet parking at the mall.:P


my moods were up and down.  happy with my children, but missing mom. it's weird being the "oldest" generation.  I don't feel like I"m old enough to not have a living parent.  mil is still alive and kicking. (she's 10 years older than mom.) 


it gets better.


give yourself permission to remove yourself from a celebrating group.  sometimes, the emotions were overwhelming and I had to go somewhere private for a while.  especially people talking about getting together with their parents for the holidays . . . (i'm not one to go around annoucing "oh, my mom just died . . . " and put on a damper on what should be a happy time for those who are only aquaintences. not even the guy in the elevator in the hospital wanting me to hear his joy in his loved one's recovery - when I was on my way to turn off mom's life support . . . such is life.)

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Daddy died almost 3 years ago.  Mother died 2 months ago.  It is an odd feeling with both parents gone and the holidays approaching.....


Super hugs to you and yours.


It is a weird and sad and kind of lonely feeling. Hang in there. Remember the happy times. Keep a tissue box handy. Laugh as much as possible. Feel the grief when appropriate. Be KIND to yourself.


It was recommended to me when both my parents were gone to do something DIFFERENT for the holidays that first year or two. I don't know that it particularly helped, but we survived so that's something.


You will survive....

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