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Ridding of books


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I know..I said the nasty thing. But fact is, for books for under kinder age basically, I have baskets in most rooms as well as on shelves and spilling over to the floor. I want to give the children some new books for Christmas, but feel bad about how many I have now, many which do not get read. Like, we never read the Golden Books. It is just when there are so many, and you can only read so much in one day, the books at the bottom of the piles get missed, always. 


And as far as the older kids go...I have books none of my children so far have touched. I am starting to think I should just let them go too. Like Box Car Children and Frog and Toad. Those have never interested any of my children. 


Any advice or anything on cleaning out books? I feel awful about it, but I have so much clutter!

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For kids books, ask your local doctor's office if they would like them for the waiting room.  We have done that with lots of kids books that mine outgrew.  We did keep a few special more classic kids books (not really literature, just their favorites) but the rest we passed on for others to enjoy.

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Is there a school library that would like to add them to their collection? Or, a local public library? Or, for their book sales? We gave some books to the 2 brick and mortar schools DD attended, for their libraries.  Once, I received 2 copies of some books I ordered from Amazon and I couldn't afford to ship them to Amazon in the states and i donated the duplicate copies (with Amazon's blessing) to the library of the public university in Cali.

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I always go through and cull out the ones that aren't being read or looked at. I keep anything that has been loved or read or has usefulness in schoolwork. Frog and Toad would be kept here because I assign to emergent readers for school. If your kids are past that, though, by all means pass them on!

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The first big culling was the most painful, and after that we just steadily moved books out that weren't being read, and moved books in that were. We kept favorites, kids Christmas books, and books that had some significant sentimental value. Very occasionally I'd wish for something back again, but that's easy enough to do in this day and age.

I sold some bigger sets on ebay and some misc at garage sales, but most went to the library book sales. We found so many inexpensive books there that I was always glad to donate back.

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We buy a TON of books, and most are "Read once". They're taken back to the local used book store for credit there (which is turned into more books) and anything the used bookstore doesn't take goes to the Friends of the Library book sale (where we buy TONS of books every year, but they're really cheap). Except for E-books, I don't do library checkout much anymore because I found it was cheaper to buy used books than it was to pay library fines.



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We cleaned out about a thousand last year and it was SO GOOD. There's just not a need for some of them that I used to want - particularly old reference ones and junky novels no one will ever read again.


My questions for keeping were basically... will we want this for schooling one day? is it special to me as the reader? is it a classic or an especially nice edition? And then, on the flip side, is it falling apart? is it something that is readily available online? is it completely outdated?

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