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Daylight Savings Time

Night Elf

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Everybody always says you get an extra hour of sleep in the fall, and I always wonder what universe they're living in.


My children were all up at their regular, non-adjusted time (which is way too early for me to begin with, but I digress) this morning, and last night they went to bed when they usually do, so as far as I can tell, I actually lost an hour of sleep. Not cool.

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I got an extra hour of sleep and it was lovely.  I fell asleep at 9:30 last night which is the new 8:30.  I always wake up at 6:30 naturally if there is no alarm.  And that's exactly when I woke up this morning.  Husband, kids, and dog are still sound asleep.  I'm always the first one up on weekends.

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I love it when DST ends (and when it starts, but I'll save that post for next April).  We switched last week and my son hasn't been going to school in the dark, I've gotten up earlier all week and gone to bed earlier, and it makes me feel like winter is coming when it gets dark earlier which I love.  I didn't really get an extra hour of sleep last Sunday because I can't sleep in any more, but the extra hour Sunday morning was lovely. I am always happy when I get to live in a country where they switch back and forth.

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I forgot the time change was last night and woke up feeling pleased with myself for sleeping to almost daylight. Then I remembered the time change and checked my phone which I knew would automatically adjust and sure enough it was only 4:00 a.m. This has been a frequent wake-up time lately and apparently the time change doesn't have much effect on that.

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I unfortunately needed to get up early and set the alarm for 7:00. After very grumpily getting up, when I looked at the computer five minutes ago and realized it was only 6:30 I got really happy. I accidentally got up at 6:00 and have a whole other hour to get things ready before we have people over today! That's the first time I have forgotten for quite a few years.

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My dogs woke me at 5:15 and now I'm wide awake. I hope it doesn't take us long to get into the swing of the new time shift. I hate being awake so early.

Yep! Who needs an alarm clock when you have hungry critters? We even gave our dogs an extra snack last night before going to bed, hoping that would buy us some extra sleep, but at exactly 5:00, they were up in the bed demanding breakfast. *sigh* So much for that "extra hour!"

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