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I have to make dinner. I don't want to make dinner. I have to make dinner.

Jenny in Florida

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My husband will be home in an hour or so. This is the first Friday in a few weeks that both of us have been home for dinner. I've been home all day today. I should have food ready.


I am utterly free of inspiration or enthusiasm for this project.


I'd ask you all to help me figure out what to make, but between the vegan thing, the low glycemic thing, the budget thing, etc., I really think it's too much to ask of you. So, I guess I should just ask for sympathy.

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I don't want to make dinner either.  I think there might be some fish in the freezer (costco) so that will be the plan - it cooks fast.  And somewhere I have already-cooked brown-rice-in-a-bowl for dh.  Buttered pasta for the kids.  Vegetable...hmm.  Carrots again or frozen peas.


What if the fish isn't in there.


I miss the days when dh didn't eat eggs all the time and I could get away with making them for dinner.  If I'm really desperate, I make bacon for dinner (2 lbs for the 8 of us - costco, again).

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I hate to cook. I avoid it when I can. But, these are easy & vegan ideas that I can manage....


I just made bean/veggie soup the other night & used up all the various odds & ends from the fridge. Use a big pot. I think this batch had: 1 1/2 onions (sauteed in the pot with a little olive oil before adding the remaining ingredients), 1 butternut squash (not even peeled, just cut, removed seeds, chopped up & tossed in), 1 zucchini (diced), 1/2 a bag of frozen corn, 1/2 a bag frozen kale, 1/2 a bag frozen peas, a few pieces of cauliflower & 1/2 a cucumber (diced) left in the fridge, 1 jar stewed tomatoes, 4 cubes veggie bullion (premixed/dissolved in warm water, then added to pot), a few black beans left in the fridge, can of kidney beans, can of white Northern beans, can of pinto beans, spicy liquid left from some pico de gallo I had finished eating earlier in the day, cayenne pepper, black pepper, Italian seasoning, water. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer for 15 to 30 minutes. Taste test while cooking & add more water or spices as needed. Yum! This makes quite a bit of soup, so we always have plenty leftover for other meals too.


Serve with a side salad &/or a small side of brown rice or quinoa.


Other ideas:


Sliced avocado, sliced tomatoes, drizzled with a little bit of olive or flaxseed oil, sprinkled with hemp seeds &/or chia seeds.


My lunch today: Steamed squash sprinkled with cinnamon, along w/ craisins (just a few) & walnuts, served with 1/4 cup quinoa (cooked in coconut milk instead of water, with coconut flakes & cinnamon added to the pot too). Can add some kale to the steamer too, if you want that. Can also add a few blueberries or blackberries to the steamer the last minute of steaming to warm them/release their juices. Serve all the steamer items over the quinoa.


Salad with a veggie patty/black bean burger on top.

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Thanks, all.


I think my desperation this evening was born of multiple factors: all the stuff I mentioned above, plus the fact that with only two of us home most of the time and working different schedules, I rarely actually cook dinner anymore. I don't especially like to cook. So, now that I'm out of the routine of doing so every night, it always comes as a nasty surprise when I am expected to put a meal on the table. 


Also, Fridays have become kind of yucky for me since my son moved into the dorm. I work outside the house Monday through Thursday and have my husband and sometimes my son around on Saturday and Sunday. I keep Fridays free because, on the weekends my son does come home, that's when I go collect him from campus.  But on the Fridays when he isn't coming home, I'm by myself all day. And about every other week, my husband goes directly from work to gaming with friends, meaning I'm on my own even longer. Since I often work on Thursday until after he goes to bed and he leaves for work on Friday before I get up, this means I can, in theory, go 36 hours or longer on my own.


I'm an introvert. I actually love time by myself. But since the kids moved out, Friday is the day on which I have nothing to distract me from the fact that they don't live here anymore. And it gets me every time.


In a couple of weeks, I'll be starting a volunteer job that will keep me busy on Friday mornings, which I think will be better. But in the meantime, Friday afternoons are often kind of bleak for me. And being confronted with the need to prepare food is the final insult.


Anyway, we've decided to do something Mexican-ish. I've got black beans simmering with some onion and salsa and a few bowls of veggies and a bag of tortilla chips. We won't starve.


Thanks again.

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I'm an introvert. I actually love time by myself. But since the kids moved out, Friday is the day on which I have nothing to distract me from the fact that they don't live here anymore. And it gets me every time.


In a couple of weeks, I'll be starting a volunteer job that will keep me busy on Friday mornings, which I think will be better. But in the meantime, Friday afternoons are often kind of bleak for me. And being confronted with the need to prepare food is the final insult.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Here's a pintrest link with more ideas for the future.

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Jenny, I don't have an idea for you tonight (you've probably eaten already anyway), but here are a couple of ideas for other Fridays:


* Cook something ahead, so that you can just pull it out and reheat but still have a good, homemade meal. Maybe make a big batch of soup one weekend and freeze it in two-person portions. Then you just pull it out in the morning, add a salad or bread (if you can eat that), and you can have a nice meal without much work.


* For the Fridays when you are feeling blue about being alone, do something fun for yourself that your husband would not really want to do anyway. Maybe a craft project. I would love to have a day free to do some scrapbooking, for example. Or do some early holiday shopping. Or go to a chick flick, either with a friend or alone. I know that some people dislike going to the movies alone, but I do it all the time and enjoy it a lot. It's a little treat just for me.


These idea are probably obvious ones, but I thought I'd share them anyway.

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