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Abnormal Pap Smear, how many of you have had this?

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I had my first Pap Smear in about 10 years last week. Today the office called to tell me that I needed to come in to discuss the results. I scheduled an appt a week from tomorrow.


I asked if I needed to spend the week in a panic. The office girl said no, it wasn't cancer. The results were abnormal (with my cervix maybe?) though and I needed to come in to discuss it...15 minute appointment. :001_unsure:


I might call the physician's assistant that I saw/will see for the appointment, just to see if, to use board-speak, chatting/deBriefing is okay...and hope she'll tell me something. But I thought I'd come to you all first...

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I have had this a few times. What you could do is ask specifically what the lab stated was the abnormality. You can then do your own research. Try not to panic, because this truly is not uncommon. Sometimes a doctor will wait it out and pap you again in a few months to see if the problem resolves itself. Doc may also request a colposcopy, which is a viewing of the cervix w/ a microscope along w/ biopsies of the suspicious areas. I pray you will not worry too much.





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first, they asked you to come in and that itself would be a concern...then again it could be an office worried about liability.


abnormal readings happen if you have any kind of inflammation going on. I had one abnormal when I had a UTI at the same time but they made me have them every 3 months until I had a year of normal ones. liability.


I had another one and they had no idea why but again, every 3 months of pap smears and all was fine and that was it.


most likely they will do another pap smear to compare the results.


if it is certain kinds of cells they may recommend an office procedure to scrap the bad stuff out. I worked in a gyn office for years but my children sucked the brains out of me and every important word I need right now is escaping me.


I know the nurses here can help out ....


but I wouldn't worry yet. have the second one done and do feel free to ask the dr to call you before the appt!!!

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I had an abnormal pap about 15 years ago. I had to have a laser procedure done. Retested. Still abnormal. Relasered. Normal. No problem since then. Mine wasn't cancer either, just abnormal cells. I think it's a pretty common thing to have happen and pretty easy to treat.


My dil just had an abnormal one as well and was scheduled to have it treated next week. This week she had two positive home pregnancy tests. I'm sure the doc won't treat it now!


Best wishes to you!



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My results are usually abnormal with the regular test. I'm supposed to get the Thin Prep. (That reminds me, I'm overdue for an appointment.)


So far, it hasn't been a big deal, but I am supposed to be having 6-month paps, rather than 12-months. Early detection and all that.


I just ask for Thin Prep right from the get go, I've heard it's a better test.

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I had this happen 3 times in a row. I finally made an appt with a different doctor in the group and went in for the 4th time (insurance and myself paying for each of these). While I was there, I had the opportunity to grab my chart while in private and read through the last 3 test results. the abnormal finding was due to too much blood on the slide. I had wondered why it was painful when they were taken. Now I know. gyn wasn't very good at doing a pap. #4 didn't hurt. Results were fine. Never went back to the other dr. Still mad that I was charge 3 times for a doctor's error.

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okay, I agree with a pp - ask what the abnormality was. Otherwise my time is just as valuable as theirs and I'm not wasting it to get a sitter and drive in just for a "discussion" that could just as easily be done in 2 minutes on the phone. If it is serious they shoudl be upfront about it so you can bring your dh with you, imo.


I had to have some non-cancerous abnoralities dealt with via freezing off in the office about 11 years ago.

It was no big deal.


so don't worry until you know you have something to worry about!:grouphug:

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I had my first Pap Smear in about 10 years last week. Today the office called to tell me that I needed to come in to discuss the results. I scheduled an appt a week from tomorrow.


I asked if I needed to spend the week in a panic. The office girl said no, it wasn't cancer. The results were abnormal (with my cervix maybe?) though and I needed to come in to discuss it...15 minute appointment. :001_unsure:


I might call the physician's assistant that I saw/will see for the appointment, just to see if, to use board-speak, chatting/deBriefing is okay...and hope she'll tell me something. But I thought I'd come to you all first...



I know I already told ya... but we are praying for you Lee... I hope the week goes by fast!


Love ya, Lisa

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I've had abnormal results come back at least 3 times and at one point had cryosurgery to remove the abnormal cells. Sometimes you have abnormal cells that may eventually turn into cancer if left for years and years, so my Dr. froze them off. So you may have abnormal cells that aren't necessarily cancerous. Try not worry, waiting always makes me imagine the worst so I feel your pain.:grouphug:

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Thank you all so much! I actually am feeling calm about the whole thing this evening. Dh agreed that I should call PA (it is a gyn office) and ask for specific abnormality name, do they plan to do another pap smear, should we abstain for the week, should he be present at the visit... Now if I could just get alone for 5 minutes during business hours, I'd make the call! :lol:

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The subject of the Pastor's sermon was "Worry."


"It isn't productive to spend your time worrying. It drains your energy, and 95% of the time, what you're worrying about never happens anyway!"


As he paused to let this sink in, someone in the back piped up with:


"SEE??!! It works!!!"




I hope everything works out okay. :)

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Just wanted to update those of you who prayed/thought of me this week. I had an amazingly calm week. Busy, but I felt completely unstressed! :) My PA went on vacation before I called back, so I just waited until my appt today -- I have mild dysplasia and usually the body heals itself. So retest in 3 months, just like so many of you said. Oh, and the office uses the Thin Prep for everyone.


Thanks again!

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Just wanted to update those of you who prayed/thought of me this week. I had an amazingly calm week. Busy, but I felt completely unstressed! :) My PA went on vacation before I called back, so I just waited until my appt today -- I have mild dysplasia and usually the body heals itself. So retest in 3 months, just like so many of you said. Oh, and the office uses the Thin Prep for everyone.


Thanks again!



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Just wanted to update those of you who prayed/thought of me this week. I had an amazingly calm week. Busy, but I felt completely unstressed! :) My PA went on vacation before I called back, so I just waited until my appt today -- I have mild dysplasia and usually the body heals itself. So retest in 3 months, just like so many of you said. Oh, and the office uses the Thin Prep for everyone.


Thanks again!


Thanks for the update! :)

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I read only read page one of responses so if this is mentioned on pages 2 & 3, please forgive me.


I had an abnormal pap one year ago and just found out about it at my last visit. The way it was explained to me, an abnormal pap is ok as long as the HPV screen is negative (which mine was.) The 'abnormal' part is explained as human error - the eyes of the lab tech are seeing something slightly different and there are a bunch of reasons for that. The HPV screen is the important thing b/c this is a proven cause of cervical cancer. So you need to find out if that screen was done and what the results were. Then, you can go from there.



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Just wanted to update those of you who prayed/thought of me this week. I had an amazingly calm week. Busy, but I felt completely unstressed! :) My PA went on vacation before I called back, so I just waited until my appt today -- I have mild dysplasia and usually the body heals itself. So retest in 3 months, just like so many of you said. Oh, and the office uses the Thin Prep for everyone.


Thanks again!


Make sure you keep the 3 month appointment - if you do need follow-up treatment at that stage it's usually very easy and cures the problem completely.


Best wishes



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This happened to me for the first time this year. More sample were taken from right there in the office and it was a non issue. I had to wait 2 weeks to get in for the 2nd appt, then another week for the results. I kept myself busy and it passed quickly. Having kids around 24/7 certainly helps not focus on my own personal worries.

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