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Aging parent


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Add me to this club - though right now, more with in-laws than my parents unless I add in my dad (who I don't contact often).


I've become convinced I don't care to live to be old if there are mental or significant health issues.


My grandmother tried to warn me that getting old stinks (but even she didn't use stinks).  I was too young to understand her at that time.  I understand fully now.



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:grouphug: :grouphug:   Must be so hard.  I'm not there yet, though my parents are both very elderly!  88.  They are in great health and travel and cook and help ME out a lot.  But I know those times are coming -- probably soon, and every time I'm with them now I just want to hug them.

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I'm not dealing with parents but grandparents. I don't think it's quite the same emotionally, but the day to day care is hard.


My grandmother's dementia is advancing, but she laughs so much, and that somehow makes it more bearable. She was always sweet but I think I like her more than I ever have because doesn't care about being a proper lady anymore. It sure makes things interesting.

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