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I cannot believe you people didn't warn me...

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I. am. obsessed. with. LOST! We started about a month ago orderind episodes from Netflix. We figured out this weekend that we can watch them online. So, Darren hooked up a big monitor to his laptop and we're watching 3 and 4 episodes a night! We just finished season 2. I can't believe you didn't warn me. One of my favorite things are the nicknames Sawyer comes up with. What would he call you? Go here to find out...I'm Huckleberry Pinhead.

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I. am. obsessed. with. LOST! We started about a month ago orderind episodes from Netflix. We figured out this weekend that we can watch them online. So, Darren hooked up a big monitor to his laptop and we're watching 3 and 4 episodes a night! We just finished season 2. I can't believe you didn't warn me. One of my favorite things are the nicknames Sawyer comes up with. What would he call you? Go here to find out...I'm Huckleberry Pinhead.


See, I am scared to start because this happens to everyone who starts watching! I know I would become obsessed.

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Pace yourself! Make up a schedule so that you finish up season 4 a couple of weeks before the new season starts. Otherwise, you'll get nothing else done with your life until you're all caught up. Trust me--I know! (and I only had two seasons to catch up on!)

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Prepare to be completely addicted! Did you know that you can watch the HiDef ones on ABC.com, but I'm sure the DVD's will be pretty good too. No bandwith issues.


Anyway, yes, the next season should be at the first of the year. WooHoo. I think that the next season would be Season 5

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Prepare to be completely addicted! Did you know that you can watch the HiDef ones on ABC.com, but I'm sure the DVD's will be pretty good too. No bandwith issues.


Anyway, yes, the next season should be at the first of the year. WooHoo. I think that the next season would be Season 5



My plan is to try to get things done too. I need to be able to put it on my DVD player in the family room so I can fold laundry and work in the kitchen (kitchen is connected to family room) if needed. I think dh would be :001_huh: if I glued my rear to the computer chair for the next couple of weeks. :D

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I can't believe you didn't warn me.


Well why the heck did you think we were so stinking passionate about talking about the episodes every Thursday night?!?! It is good beyond belief.


And Megsmachine, just start with Season 1 and go through Season 3. Season 4 has not yet been released on DVD (probably will be around Christmas time), but it seems like you can watch them online. Prepare to become completely addicted.


My Sawyer nickname is Einstein. :lol:

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New Losties--

What's really fun is to go to http://www.humpys.net and look at the Easter Egg section. Easter Eggs, for those who don't know, are little hidden "jokes" and references that are just sort of tucked into the episodes. For example, you will find tons of references to the sequence of numbers (the Fibonacci sequence, if you must know!) There's an Easter Egg of the numbers on a row of police cars in a parking lot in one scene, for example!


Also, http://www.darkufo.com has a lot of Lost stuff--theories, character connections (Humpy does this better, actually), recaps, etc.


It's so fun!!

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New Losties--

What's really fun is to go to www.humpys.net and look at the Easter Egg section. Easter Eggs, for those who don't know, are little hidden "jokes" and references that are just sort of tucked into the episodes. For example, you will find tons of references to the sequence of numbers (the Fibonacci sequence, if you must know!) There's an Easter Egg of the numbers on a row of police cars in a parking lot in one scene, for example!


Also, www.darkufo.com has a lot of Lost stuff--theories, character connections (Humpy does this better, actually), recaps, etc.


It's so fun!!


I see this is going to become a mini-project this LOST watching, isn't it? :001_huh: I am going to subscribe to this thread......

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I guess we must be similar. I wonder what Michelle put in to get the nickname Quickie. :001_huh: :lol:


:lol: I figured they must have somehow been able to see my hair in the mornings. :lol:


I'm guessing Michelle's brain is impulsive... :D

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I guess we must be similar. I wonder what Michelle put in to get the nickname Quickie. :001_huh: :lol:


I think it's because I put that I was smart (rather than slow) and impulsive (rather than thoughtful). That's my best guess because the questions did not veer to the other "quickie" train of thought I can assure you!

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Pace yourself! Make up a schedule so that you finish up season 4 a couple of weeks before the new season starts. Otherwise, you'll get nothing else done with your life until you're all caught up. Trust me--I know! (and I only had two seasons to catch up on!)


I suggest you first make a year-at-a-glance schedule where you can record holidays, appointments, special dinners, etc., important projects with the kids - things that you know will be coming up. Possibly start at Season One again. Sometimes it's good to go back to the basics to make sure you have covered everything, just so you can catch those areas where your knowledge of events or people, etc needs review. You could also begin a timeline to make sure the sequence of events sticks in your head. :tongue_smilie:


Then perhaps make a monthly or even weekly schedule, and yes, pace yourself! Absolutely put in your schedule time to sleep, otherwise you may find yourself falling asleep as you watch future LOST episodes. :sleep:


You will also need to make time to join a LOST forum if you haven't already. What an enriching experience to glean from others, especially those veteran LOST addicts...umm...fans that have gone before you and have walked the path just a little longer.


Well, Sawyer has nicknamed me Professor ~ I guess it could be worse! :lol:


BTW, I like to be ready in season and out of season with





May we await that blessed day in January :grouphug: together.

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Oh just wait until you start Season 3!!! It's the bestest :D


dd and I forced dh to watch Season 1. By the middle of Season 2, he was hooked. We're now in Season 3, and he -- like you -- is addicted. :lol:


He refuses to watch more than one episode at a time, though. dd and I stayed up all night watching "just one more" last summer. LOL (she had been trying to get me hooked forever)


Welcome to the club of LOSTIES. YOU ALL EVERYBODY!!! :D

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