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Rant/Vent I suppose. social media judging memes


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I used to be the rude person on your Facebook feed that posted the "Grammar Nazi" posts.  I was the rude person that openly corrected your they, their, they're's... 


I have been humbled by my daughters' because they struggle with dyslexia. I have began to see things in a new light and now I just cringe when I see others saying such hurtful things.


There is a semi-political meme floating around my feed today showing an incorrectly spelled sign and the caption says something to the same effect that this was made by a person who thinks they deserve 15 an hour. 


It breaks my heart. For one, I know I would have shared that very meme a few years ago. I was blind and ignorant. Secondly, that poor person that wrote that note: what if they were dyslexic? Your worth and intelligence is NOT defined by your capability to spell all words correctly.


It just saddens me and then angers me at the rudeness of others who make assumptions that it is just a "dumb person" and they obviously deserve so little in their eyes. What happened to compassion? I'm not stating my opinion on the minimum wage debate. I just hate to see someone's intelligence determined by something so trivial as their spelling of one word.

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Okay, so I do not think your spelling ability equals your intelligence. But I do think it shows a lack of intelligence to have a misspelled sign. They could have easily asked someone to check their spelling, or look it up, etc. I had to have someone double check my work today. I too am a bad speller. I get it.

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Okay, so I do not think your spelling ability equals your intelligence. But I do think it shows a lack of intelligence to have a misspelled sign. They could have easily asked someone to check their spelling, or look it up, etc. I had to have someone double check my work today. I too am a bad speller. I get it.


Or it could have been photoshopped.


A lot of people are suckers when it comes to a nasty point they want to make.



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Okay, so I do not think your spelling ability equals your intelligence. But I do think it shows a lack of intelligence to have a misspelled sign. They could have easily asked someone to check their spelling, or look it up, etc. I had to have someone double check my work today. I too am a bad speller. I get it.


completely contradictory statements. Pretty sure people can make a careless mistake and it not be an indication of their intelligence.

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I saw the same post and was bothered by the idea that you don't deserve a living wage unless you meet certain qualifications. Work is work--some requires more academic skills, some more manual. Difficulty with spelling or grammar does not mean you shouldn't be fairly compensated for your work--unless that is an important part of your job (drives me crazy to see the errors in documents written by teachers and school administrators). I would argue that it's not an important part of a fast-food job. And I'm not necessarily in the pro-$15 minimum wage camp; I just don't like the argument that you downgrade some people based on one particular skill.

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I saw the same post and was bothered by the idea that you don't deserve a living wage unless you meet certain qualifications. Work is work--some requires more academic skills, some more manual. Difficulty with spelling or grammar does not mean you shouldn't be fairly compensated for your work--unless that is an important part of your job (drives me crazy to see the errors in documents written by teachers and school administrators). I would argue that it's not an important part of a fast-food job. And I'm not necessarily in the pro-$15 minimum wage camp; I just don't like the argument that you downgrade some people based on one particular skill.



It is a good point that low value is placed on blue collar work. Much of it is terribly difficult and back breaking. 

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I saw the same post and was bothered by the idea that you don't deserve a living wage unless you meet certain qualifications. Work is work--some requires more academic skills, some more manual. Difficulty with spelling or grammar does not mean you shouldn't be fairly compensated for your work--unless that is an important part of your job (drives me crazy to see the errors in documents written by teachers and school administrators). I would argue that it's not an important part of a fast-food job. And I'm not necessarily in the pro-$15 minimum wage camp; I just don't like the argument that you downgrade some people based on one particular skill.

FWIW, I have a first grade teacher friend who apparently cannot spell her way out of a paper bag. She still gets paid.

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I've seen complaints about this meme in a couple of different places, I think, but I haven't seen it. I wonder if I've finally managed to hide all of the jerks from my feed or if they are afraid to post certain things now due to being called out, lol.


I pretty much have most people blocked from my news feed that actually know me and I mostly see the random blog page or my Outlander fan pages.. these people, other than my BROTHER :/, are older individuals that I used to attend church with. I do like to see what is new in their life and like to think they are interested in mine. Perhaps not and I should just delete fb. I am not interested in reading other peoples highly flamed opinions. At this rate, I will have all people that I know off my newsfeed and only seeing strangers' posts, haha

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I pretty much have most people blocked from my news feed that actually know me and I mostly see the random blog page or my Outlander fan pages.. these people, other than my BROTHER :/, are older individuals that I used to attend church with. I do like to see what is new in their life and like to think they are interested in mine. Perhaps not and I should just delete fb. I am not interested in reading other peoples highly flamed opinions. At this rate, I will have all people that I know off my newsfeed and only seeing strangers' posts, haha



I have a lot of (mostly older) extended family members who post crazy things. By hiding them from my newsfeed, I don't see their idiotic meme of the day, but they can still see pictures I post of the kids. It works okay on both sides.

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It is a good point that low value is placed on blue collar work. Much of it is terribly difficult and back breaking. 


I've always thought that was wrong.  Someone who blacktops a Texas road in the middle of the summer deserves a living wage.  It is irrelevant if that person can spell.  The willingness and ability to work hard like that should be compensated accordingly.

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I'm not touching the living wage thing with a ten foot pole, but I do firmly believe if you're going to write things on a sign it is highly useful to sketch a mockup on a piece of paper first, to verify the sizing of letters, potential spelling issues, and whether it is a half decent sign or something pithier is needed.


- someone who has held up banners and political signs and doesn't want to be made into a meme.


well, in this scenario, the employee had to write and attach a quick note, notifying drive-through customers that there were no fries. They unfortunately spelled fries as "frise" If anything, they would have spelled it "frys" if they didn't know the correct way to make fry plural. They had the correct letters there, just reversed. It was a quick jot down and tape before everyone in the drive ordered fries. I think it is slightly different than holding up banners and political signs. 

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OP, I'm glad to hear that you are humbled about the spelling/grammar righteousness. 


I have always told my children (and others) that not every one was fortunate enough to have a good education.  I am shocked that most (intelligent) people don't realize that, rather they automatically assume some one with poor spelling or grammar is not smart. 

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My DD is not a good speller, and she is very aware and sensitive about it.


She would -- and has -- panicked if someone asks her to make a "quick sign" or to take notes or make a list.


She gets paralyzed with self doubt and she questions whether she is spelling even the simplest of words correctly.


I could totally see her spelling fries * frise* or really any variation.

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My DD is not a good speller, and she is very aware and sensitive about it.


She would -- and has -- panicked if someone asks her to make a "quick sign" or to take notes or make a list.


She gets paralyzed with self doubt and she questions whether she is spelling even the simplest of words correctly.


I could totally see her spelling fries * frise* or really any variation.


I have been texting my girls on their tablet messenger app lately (google hangouts) and sadly, I even get excited with misspelled words if I can see they were pondering and actually trying to apply a phonetic rule. 


Even the typos cause me to grin at times. I suppose any one else looking in would think I was nuts!

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I hate those memes. My husband and 2 of my 4 kids are horrible spellers.  Honest-to-goodness, absolutely horrible spellers. The 3 of them also have "mild" dyslexia, so letters are mixed-up, added-in, you name it. It's a nightmare for them. They all are well-read, well-educated (thankyouverymuch :tongue_smilie: ), and I used to place an ENORMOUS amount of importance on spelling during our school days with dd#1. A few years ago, I just gave up. When I notice a word that is missed more than once, we review it. She jots things down. She uses spell-check a LOT (her grammar skills are strong, so thankfully she is able to use spell-check without making goofy mistakes with it). And, as she has gotten older, and WORKED at it, she's gotten better - but it's been a long road and is does not come naturally at all. My youngest son is the same, but still very young. I'm not doing spelling tests, etc with him because I've learned from dd#1 and we're using a different approach that I hope will be of more help to him.


My other 2 kids & I are natural-born spellers. If we see/read a word, we generally remember it forever (there are many exceptions, of course!! lol). So easy for us. So hard for the other half of our family.


So - I hate those memes. They make me sad for my dh and my kids, who are super smart (and interestingly enough, those 3 are the math/science half of our family) and lovely, lovely people to boot.



PS Weird Al's Word Crimes video was hilarious - even my bad spellers thought so. Not sure why that didn't bother us - and the memes do. hmmm.... :laugh:

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PS Weird Al's Word Crimes video was hilarious - even my bad spellers thought so. Not sure why that didn't bother us - and the memes do. hmmm.... :laugh:


I think because most of the errors he complains about in the video are not typical dyslexic errors. Maybe syntax and homophones but not really the others so much.  Dyslexia is different for many different people, not even all of them have issues with spelling but other problems. I can write in mirror image,  I avoid it  since it confuses things. I still need a moment to tell my left from my right. 


Not to mention the spirit of it all, the memes are not intended to be funny in a way to make people smile but just plain meanness.

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I think because most of the errors he complains about in the video are not typical dyslexic errors. Maybe syntax and homophones but not really the others so much. I don't have an issue with syntax but I do have issues with homophones. Dyslexia is different for many different people, not even all of them have issues with spelling but other problems. I can write in mirror image,  I avoid it  since it confuses things. I still need a moment to tell my left from my right. 


Not to mention the spirit of it all, the memes are not intended to be funny in a way to make people smile but just plain meanness.


Yes, that's it - the memes are mean and meant to be mean spirited. :crying:


I can write, and often think "words", in mirror image. When I am tired, especially, I will start to do it without noticing. Maybe my genes even further complicated the brains of my non-spellers! lol The youngest son will often spell half the word forwards, then the other half with the letters in reverse. When you look at it, it makes no sense whatsoever - not a phonetic misspelling - just bizarre! I shudder to think of the memes that could be created from some of his efforts! Oye! He's improving as he gets older and we keep at it, but it's nothing you can put a finger on. He reads beautifully though, with no problems at all... so it's just interesting.

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Yes, that's it - the memes are mean and meant to be mean spirited. :crying:


I can write, and often think "words", in mirror image. When I am tired, especially, I will start to do it without noticing. Maybe my genes even further complicated the brains of my non-spellers! lol The youngest son will often spell half the word forwards, then the other half with the letters in reverse. When you look at it, it makes no sense whatsoever - not a phonetic misspelling - just bizarre! I shudder to think of the memes that could be created from some of his efforts! Oye! He's improving as he gets older and we keep at it, but it's nothing you can put a finger on. He reads beautifully though, with no problems at all... so it's just interesting.



I had eye therapy when I was younger, it did help.


After eye therapy I did not have issues reading, my reading was always above my grade level and I still read a great deal. I did and do have issues writing.

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I am currently working with a number of people who speak English as a second or  third language.  Brilliant people, with doctorates etc., from their home countries. The emails and notes I get are filled with spelling errors that simply make sense. There are many newly -arrived educated immigrants who are working in the fast food industry, janitorial etc. I always wonder how in the hell I would manage if I had to take a job cleaning toilets and leaving notes for my boss or clients in a country whose language I was learning. Piss poor comes to mind.


Let's cut each other some slack. And let's stop fretting about accents. For crimminies sake, who cares? You're 30 and learning a new language, of course you're going to have an accent. Big whoop. I don't know a single person from India or China who doesn't have an accent when they speak pretty decent  grammatical English. So what the hell?


Not to mention earning to write in a new language is incredibly difficult.


And in the end, I am severely dyslexic. I have had to work harder my whole life. I've had tutoring, but it's still a constant battle;  not one I think non-dyslexics can come close to understanding unless they truly imagine being the driver of the car with the  GPS repeatedly telling you to turn left,  and you, end up taking a right because you have never truly solidified/trusted your knowledge of left from right,  and so must do the opposite of what your brain is telling you to do. Even after all the 'coping mechanisms' you learned from your tutor.  I can't count the times I've heard "Recalculating'.   ;) Be kind people. Be kind.

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I completely understand what you're saying. I got highly irritated by spelling and grammar errors in the past. But now I have a daughter who is dyslexic, and she has had to struggle mightily to read, write, and spell. She will never be able to do those things as well as the average person. It has made me much more understanding of many people that I've come in contact with. I don't understand what other people are dealing with, so I try to cut them some slack and show kindness where I might not have before.

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Do you know that one of the smartest and best read homeschooling mothers I am friends with can't spell her way out of a paper bag? She uses primarily Charlotte Mason as her framework for educating her children and all but one are solid spellers. One of her sons, a very bright and mathy student, has her spelling issues.


No dyslexia. Excellent grades. Loves to read and is highly competent.


He just cannot spell. And she uses spellcheck for everything. She knows all the spelling rules and has taught phonics successfully to three students now, but she simply cannot internalize and regurgitate them for her own use.


I want to encourage poor spellers that much of it does seem to be natural/genetic, though skill can be gained through targeted practice (in the same way much of dyslexia can be managed through specific practice in phonics, tracking, etc). She is a wonderful person, extremely bright and well spoken, and was a good student to boot. She just can't spell and neither can one of her kids (and it isn't for lack of effort).

And it could also be organic. My DD "loses" a lot of stuff she knows after a bad seizure. She has to relearn things.


Her music teachers (guitar and piano) both said they've never experienced anything like it. And had they not seen and known DD, they would find it hard to believe. :-(

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Let's cut each other some slack. And let's stop fretting about accents. For crimminies sake, who cares? You're 30 and learning a new language, of course you're going to have an accent. Big whoop. I don't know a single person from India or China who doesn't have an accent when they speak pretty decent, or (nearly) perfect grammatical English. So what the hell?



I don't particularly care if someone has an accent -- until that person is taking customer service calls, and I can't understand that person over the phone. It annoys me greatly to have my time wasted because I'm speaking to someone I can't understand. Otherwise, so what?

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I have a theory about this which I've shared before. I think many dyslexics go into psychology or education because they were  miserable in school as children & struggled, told they were lazy and worse, and so as adults  want to spare other children their suffering. They get it, they understand, they have learned to compensate.  While I know that SAT results show that teachers often had lower scores than other professionals, there could be a 'good' reason for that. Of course,  it could be that some really are not intelligent,  but it could also be that many are quite intelligent but have learning differences which make testing well difficult.  I think its possible to be a bad speller but a good teacher, as long as you confront the issue and do your 'homework'.  I think being a teacher today means you probably really care about children, and really wanted to teach.  It's a thankless job in this society.


OTOH, if you are a teacher with dyslexia, get an editor. Send nothing home, put nothing on a school blog until you have had a  trusted person (without dyslexia) read it. Twice.



FWIW, I have a first grade teacher friend who apparently cannot spell her way out of a paper bag. She still gets paid.


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I'm not into mocking and humiliation, but I do have a serious problem with businesses, ads, newspapers and the like having misspelled words, incorrect grammar, etc.


I purchased a shirt for my grandson from Carter's because it had different mustaches on it. The word was pluralized with an apostrophe. I didn't realize it until I was taking off the tags to wash it. I honestly cannot believe someone put out hundreds of thousands of shirts with a blatant grammatical error. The fact that most people incorrectly assume they should pluralize with an apostrophe does drive me crazy.

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I'm not into mocking and humiliation, but I do have a serious problem with businesses, ads, newspapers and the like having misspelled words, incorrect grammar, etc.


I purchased a shirt for my grandson from Carter's because it had different mustaches on it. The word was pluralized with an apostrophe. I didn't realize it until I was taking off the tags to wash it. I honestly cannot believe someone put out hundreds of thousands of shirts with a blatant grammatical error. The fact that most people incorrectly assume they should pluralize with an apostrophe does drive me crazy.



Did you return it?

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completely contradictory statements. Pretty sure people can make a careless mistake and it not be an indication of their intelligence.

It does show a lack of intelligence to not check for a careless mistake. I am not talking about misspellings on a note or text. I am talking about a sign, banner, flyer, professional letter, etc. An intelligent person would check for mistakes and have others check it before putting it out there for all to see.

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Hmmm...I suppose people posting that meme have NEVER misspelled anything in their entire life? Never once had to right-click on a red squiggle? Because if they HAVE, then wow, they totally deserve to work for peanuts, and live in a crappy motel and eat nothing but ramen.




Judgey people make me judge.

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