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I hate panic disorder!


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So, I was sitting at my desk doing lots of fun planning for school when it came out of nowhere. My chest hurt so bad. Fingers on my left hand tingling. Palms clammy. The left side of my face feeling hot and tingly. Lightheadedness. And other symptoms.


Bless my dh's heart. He tried to talk me down. I finally asked him to take me to the ER just to sit in the parking lot until I felt better. He did it without question. :)


We sat there for a while and talked. I hadn't had lunch so he suggested just getting a bean burrito and going back to sit in the er parking lot.


I finally felt like I could go home under the condition he would take me back if I wanted to go. He quickly agreed. :)


I take daily meds for this and even took my ativan as my breakthrough medicine and it still escalated out of control.


I hate this condition. I hope I don't drag dh back to the er tonight!


(((Hugs))) to anyone else who suffer from this.

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:grouphug: I suffered from them for years before i knew what was wrong. I was embarrassed to keep going to ER because I'm sure they thought I was a drug seeker. I went anyway because I was so scared. I wish more doctors (especially ER docs) knew a panic attack when they saw one. As scary as they are, at least knowing that it's a panic attack and that you're not actually about to die is helpful. 


I too keep ativan on hand, but fortunately haven't needed it for a long time. I hope yours gets to the point that the attacks are rare. 



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Thank you for all of the hugs, sympathy and commiseration.


I had my first attack a little over 5 years ago. I seriously thought I was dying. From there, they were coming a few times per week. I became afraid to leave the house and wouldn't let my family leave me alone with my little guy who was 3 at the time.


I had an ativan prescription from my dr but they were still coming so frequently. I was prescribed a tiny 25mg per day of zoloft to start with and it basically wiped them out! All of the drs I've seen have told me that that little amount shouldn't do anything but it has for me.


I keep my ativan for the times when the panic breaks through. I can go several months without needing it and almost forget I have this issue. Then, it will come out of what seems like nowhere and I will struggle with anxiety and panic for a few days in a row and then it goes quiet again.


I started struggling when I left with my daughter to take her to college two weeks ago. I had to take the ativan three times while I was traveling. Then, yesterday, the full blown attack just came in a matter of seconds. I hadn't even been feeling anxious. Just wham!


Ususally, I can count on the ativan helping within 20 minutes like clock work. But, I wasn't feeling better after that time and it's when I kind of started freaking out. It was a quiet freak out but still a freak out. :p


I have often wanted to go sit in the parking lot at the er but I've never asked dh to take me before. This attack was just so strong. It helped knowing that if I wanted to, I could just walk the few feet and go inside. But, I could sit in the parking lot feeling pretty secure for free. :)


I hate that any of you even know what I'm talking about! But, being able to talk it through with those who understand makes a huge difference.


Thank you!  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Has your medication ever been adjusted in those 5 years?  Peoples' bodies can become habituated to Zoloft, and a slightly higher dose can bring things back to normal.


((hugs))  Panic attacks hurt.  I am so sorry you have to deal with that.

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Has your medication ever been adjusted in those 5 years?  Peoples' bodies can become habituated to Zoloft, and a slightly higher dose can bring things back to normal.


((hugs))  Panic attacks hurt.  I am so sorry you have to deal with that.


No. It hasn't. I'm going to talk to my dr about it at my next appointment. Thanks for bringing that up! :)

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