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Other John are you out there?


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People, don't you realize that you need to schedule your protest/request during regular business hours? Weekend protests are ill-timed and are too easy to ignore. Re-group and start again Monday morning EST. (I'm totally with you. Visible likes warm the cockles of my heart).

An excellent point. I shall resume my sign carrying tomorrow morning.


In the meantime I'd just like to say how excited I am that a thread I started now has over 50 posts. I don't think that has ever happened before!

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We don't need no edjoocation--but we need our LIKES!!!!


Or something.  


:::slinks back to nice little conservative quiet introvert hole:::


Hip hip hurrah! :hurray:


Here's my lame cheer:


Two bits

Four bits

Six bits a dollar

All for visible likes

Stand up and holler!!  *squee*


The visible likes feature was one of the few things I liked about this new board format.  I hope they come back. :sad:

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Thanks for posting!  I was away this weekend and used dh's laptop to check in.  I noticed the likes were gone and I wondered if it was just me on dh's laptop.  Other weird things happened too, like ads.  Lots of ads.  The ads are gone now that I'm back on my own laptop, but the likes are still missing.  :crying: At least I know it's not just me.


Were you signed in on his laptop? 


A few months back, it was announced that ads would be displayed only to nonmembers, or those not signed in. 

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Hip hip hurrah! :hurray:


Here's my lame cheer:


Two bits

Four bits

Six bits a dollar

All for visible likes

Stand up and holler!! *squee*


The visible likes feature was one of the few things I liked about this new board format. I hope they come back. :sad:

Rats. I forgot 2-4-6-8. :::pout:::

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People, don't you realize that you need to schedule your protest/request during regular business hours? Weekend protests are ill-timed and are too easy to ignore. Re-group and start again Monday morning EST. (I'm totally with you. Visible likes warm the cockles of my heart).


How many continents have EST?

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It's Monday! Rise and shine with the likes! 

Or give me a good reason (aka "some people abuse the like function" isn't going to cut it for me) for the cloak of invisibility.


Like! I'm PST and ready to plead for visible likes!

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True sci fi. As in actual *science* fiction, not fantasy, which is an entirely separate genre. From the days before Babyman when I had a science fiction book review blog and people would send me stuff about elves and dragons and then get mad and tell me off when I said it wasn't sci fi. I may still be a bit annoyed about that.


Great huge like!!!!!  I want to talk science fiction with you, I also like science fiction and don't like fantasy much. My creds are that I started reading sf when I was 9 with Heinlein's Podkayne of Mars. So I grew up reading all the grand masters. i prefer "hard" science fiction, but also enjoy space operas, and Ursula Le Guin psychological dramas. I want to start reading more sf again, but don't know where to begin. Do  you know if/which sf magazine is publishing good hard sf writing these days? My son is a also an sf fan and has read some Asimov including the Foundation series so I am looking for more ideas for him. I liked Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy, but not some of his other books. Ditto for Neal Stephenson's Diamond Age (fabulous) but not the Baroque series (what little I read of it).


Oh, what is the current "PC" abbreviation for science fiction? I seem to remember some controversy about that.

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People, don't you realize that you need to schedule your protest/request during regular business hours? Weekend protests are ill-timed and are too easy to ignore. Re-group and start again Monday morning EST. (I'm totally with you. Visible likes warm the cockles of my heart).


Except that we're a long way away from EST - the changeover from EDT doesn't take place until Nov. 2nd this year. 


Sorry, I couldn't resist   :leaving:

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I'm back to join the protest/movement to bring back visible 'likes' - it must be Monday morning somewhere by now.


One really practical problem with the invisible likes is that there is no way of telling exactly which post received a 'like' if I have more than one post in a specific thread. Maybe my posts are vastly different and I've done a "Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde" and I don't know which post a person liked? Or more likely, the discussion has evolved in the thread, and I still don't know exactly what post was appreciated by the person.


Bring back the visible likes! Please!!

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I'm back to join the protest/movement to bring back visible 'likes' - it must be Monday morning somewhere by now.


One really practical problem with the invisible likes is that there is no way of telling exactly which post received a 'like' if I have more than one post in a specific thread. Maybe my posts are vastly different and I've done a "Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde" and I don't know which post a person liked? Or more likely, the discussion has evolved in the thread, and I still don't know exactly what post was appreciated by the person.


Bring back the visible likes! Please!!)


Yes! This is another point I was going to make. You did it better than I can.(In the past, I could have just liked your post.)

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One really practical problem with the invisible likes is that there is no way of telling exactly which post received a 'like' if I have more than one post in a specific thread. Maybe my posts are vastly different and I've done a "Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde" and I don't know which post a person liked? Or more likely, the discussion has evolved in the thread, and I still don't know exactly what post was appreciated by the person.

When I click on "post you made" it takes me right to the exact post that was liked. Did it with visible likes, still does it with invisible likes.


To the powers that be, some of us like invisible likes and would even prefer for likes to go away altogether. Maybe we could put it to a vote? Pretty sure my side would lose, LOL, but I for one would love to see the numbers.

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When I click on "post you made" it takes me right to the exact post that was liked. Did it with visible likes, still does it with invisible likes.



This does not work for me. Clicking on a like just takes you to the thread. I will go try again to see if this has changed.

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Nope absolutely does not work! Clicking on a like takes me to the first post in the thread. Is there a setting to be changed? It used to work for me when we had visible likes, I haven't changed anything. Alte Veste, I will like your last post - could you check again to see if it really takes you to post #79 How is this working for everyone else?

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Nope absolutely does not work! Clicking on a like takes me to the first post in the thread. Is there a setting to be changed? It used to work for me when we had visible likes, I haven't changed anything. Alte Veste, I will like your last post - could you check again to see if it really takes you to post #79 How is this working for everyone else?

I'm almost always on my phone, so likes are never visible for me. When I look at a like in my notifications I can click on the person who liked my post, "post you made" or the name of the thread. They all take me different places.

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Nope absolutely does not work! Clicking on a like takes me to the first post in the thread. Is there a setting to be changed? It used to work for me when we had visible likes, I haven't changed anything. Alte Veste, I will like your last post - could you check again to see if it really takes you to post #79 How is this working for everyone else?

Yes, it took me right to that post. I have learned that you have to wait for that page/post to fully load (can't open it unseen in another tab, migrate to another tab while it opens, etc.) or it will just leave me at the top of the thread's page. But if I click and wait, it always takes me to the specific post. I have never seen settings for this, so I don't know how to change it if it doesn't work.

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When I click on "post you made" it takes me right to the exact post that was liked. Did it with visible likes, still does it with invisible likes.



Doesn't work for me. It just brings me to the start of the thread. If I click on the person who 'liked' my post, it brings me to their personal page thingy.


I wouldn't really mind if the 'likes' disappeared altogether. They should NOT be changed to "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" under any circumstances!

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Great huge like!!!!!  I want to talk science fiction with you, I also like science fiction and don't like fantasy much. My creds are that I started reading sf when I was 9 with Heinlein's Podkayne of Mars. So I grew up reading all the grand masters. i prefer "hard" science fiction, but also enjoy space operas, and Ursula Le Guin psychological dramas. I want to start reading more sf again, but don't know where to begin. Do  you know if/which sf magazine is publishing good hard sf writing these days? My son is a also an sf fan and has read some Asimov including the Foundation series so I am looking for more ideas for him. I liked Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy, but not some of his other books. Ditto for Neal Stephenson's Diamond Age (fabulous) but not the Baroque series (what little I read of it).


Oh, what is the current "PC" abbreviation for science fiction? I seem to remember some controversy about that.


Warning - this post is completely OT (unless you desire to see how many people like it and can't :tongue_smilie: )


I've been enjoying Octavia Butler lately. And John Scalzi. He's probably my favorite current sci fi author. Old Man's War is amazing. Iain M Banks (the same guy writes non sci fi under Iain Banks) has some Arthur C Clark-esque hard sci fi. His plots are sometimes a bit thin but the world building is extravagant. Ben Bova also does hard sci fi, though personally I think he's a better publisher than author. *All of these have some adult themes/content, so you should probably preread before sharing with your son.*


In terms of magazines, I don't know of any that are still strictly sci fi. Most advertise themselves as sci fi and fantasy, and some just say speculative fiction. They still have some good stuff though. Analog is still around and is probably the closest to pure sci fi. I like Strange Horizons a lot, though they are definitely more in the spec fic category. Clarkesworld is another good one. I think they are all available online now too.


And I chose a while back to stick with sci fi and not worry about it being pc or not. I refuse to try to retrain myself, lol.

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There is just no way our generous hosts would take away our visible likes without a post that begins, "After careful consideration, and with a heavy heart we have decided..." This must be a glitch. The site has been goofy for awhile. Viruses seem to plague the site and when I click on new content it does not work. Does New Content work for everyone else?

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At this point I would even settle for knowing it was intentional, and not just a fluke.

If the powers that be decided on a change, that is something we will all have to adjust to I guess:)

But I just have to KNOOOWW:)



In other news.......


I introduced my kids to grumpy cat today. That counts as educational, right?

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There is just no way our generous hosts would take away our visible likes without a post that begins, "After careful consideration, and with a heavy heart we have decided..." This must be a glitch. The site has been goofy for awhile. Viruses seem to plague the site and when I click on new content it does not work. Does New Content work for everyone else?

No, "my content" has been fitful for me from the get go.


It would be nice to know what the deal is, glitch, change, social experiment, other John on a power trip........



I jest , I jest.......please other John.....know that you are our FAVORITE!

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Cultural studies.



We also cover "common social experiences" by having my sister come over every few weeks shake the kids down for money, insult their drawings, and sit on them.


I would hate for my kids to be unsocialized! :P

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In other news.......


I introduced my kids to grumpy cat today. That counts as educational, right?


I suspected that admitting to grumpy cat curriculum would not go over very well among certain classical hs death star circles so I went to give you five stars just in case.  Sadly, tenth voter or twitchy fingers got there before me and you are down to four.  



Attention Rebel Alliance: time for the next battle in the star wars.  We need to get BLA5 back up to five stars.  

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BLA5 is back to five stars. Mission accomplished.


We need like a red Batphone to OtherJohn. When can this be accomplished, do you think?

Yes on the Batphone........


Or some awesome signal we could hit that would flash across the top of the screen.


(Now I have a mental image of the Toy Story aliens going "Oooo. Aaaah.")


And hugs, likes and 5 stars all around!


Thanks for fixing my profile. I was assuming someone fat fingered. Although it is entirely possible that someone hates cupcakes. Or hugs. Or grumpy cat. Or socializing children..........

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