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Girls Weekend - Need Movie Suggestions!!


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DH & the boys are going away for the weekend. The girls & I are making plans to never leave the house, eat plenty of ice cream, and watch all the girly/romantic/non-action movies we can possibly squeeze in while the boys are gone because we never get to see them when they're here. ;)


But I am drawing a blank and need suggestions - I know there are movies much more recent than what's on my list. My brain is going back to when I was a teen and movies I fell in love with, haha!! So far I have to choose from:


Dirty Dancing

Forrest Gump

Pride & Prejudice (probably the Keira Knightly version because it's shorter)

When Harry Met Sally


Pitch Perfect






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Do you go for older things like

Dial M for Murder

To Catch a Thief





Life with Father

Where Angels go trouble follows

Cheaper by the Dozen




More Jane Austen:



Emma (version with Gwyneth Paltrow)

Of Wives and Daughters

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I think most of our modern favorites have been mentioned - I am leaving off any miniseries as they are longish, though I think that North and South would win for best romantic thing we have ever seen on TV!!


We have particularly enjoyed anything with Cary Grant - some particular favorites are


Mr. Blandings Build His Dream House

The Philadelphia Story


Penny Serenade



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Sometimes I remember movies for their good parts and basic story lines, and forget they may have some scenes that I don't want dd seeing--or messages I don't want to send (or may need to discuss later). So I'd just gently caution you to maybe wiki the movies you remember just to screen for things you may have forgotten.


Just a thought.

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I'm probably weird, but I love the Die Hard movies.  They are so funny and ridiculous that it's total stress relief for me.  Also, Battleship.  The first 10 minutes of that movie are absolutely priceless. I laugh so hard it hurts.

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Thank you!! So many good suggestions here!!


A sidenote- we watch a lot of girl power, funny, action movies but dh and little brothers usually watch those too. We're specifically going for movies that dh wouldn't voluntarily sit through happily, or that we inappropriate for younger brothers to see, or movies where they can swoon over the romantic stuff without dad sighing and rolling his eyes dramatically. ;)


Adding many of these suggestions to our list to choose from!! Anything PG13 and most R in this genre are okay for my girls to watch with me. :)


The long version of Emma is my very favorite ever! Trying to determine if we want to get involved in the BBC collection I have here at the house or not. Or plan another weekend just for those!! ;)

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The Holiday is a wonderful romantic comedy. My favorite story line involves Kate Winslet's character and Jack Black and the elderly gentleman who lives next door. Jude Law is adorable and even though there is sex-outside-of-marriage with Cameron Diaz, the story has the best, happiest resolution. My 14 year old daughter and I love it.

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A Walk in the Clouds is about as gushy chick-flicky as they come.


Mean Girls  - I watched it for the first time last week, some parts were hilarious, decent message, preview for a few scenes. 


Adventures in Babysitting

OMG Elegant Lion. You can't just tell people to watch Mean Girls. You can't sit with us!

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A Walk in the Clouds is about as gushy chick-flicky as they come.



OMG Elegant Lion. You can't just tell people to watch Mean Girls. You can't sit with us!


I'm going to make ds watch, to see what he's missing out in by not attending public high school. 

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