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Grown sibling woes Update my brother unhinged


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I would call and let them know you are a family member and concerned for his and the safety of others.    It's too bad his wife isn't open to helping him and your (his) mother isn't able, but you are still closely related.


You are not alone dealing with this and the clinic has worked with him and others experiencing these kinds of medical / mental conditions.  


They may or may not be able to directly discuss things with you, but they will be able to offer information and direction.  



I don't want to ask mom. She isn't hearing from hm. I asked her today.

I know the clinic he has gone to in the past. I could call up there but they can't tell me he is a patient right so how would I know who to talk to? I guess I could just say I want to talk to the counselor who would be interested in hearing about my brother ( give brothers name).


Would your sister-in-law be open to letting you know if he is taking his medication as prescribed?  Also taking other over the counter or scripts can cause some manic episodes.  My family member had that and it didn't end well.  You can pm me if you want to discuss specifics.

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Thank you that would be great.


I called DH in between clients this afternoon. At first he was confused and thought that I was telling him about one of my family members and he freaked out and told me to call the FBI. Then I fixed the miscommunication and let him know I was asking about someone from the homeschooling boards and he calmed down, and said his advice would be for you to call the FBI. They won't be tight with the local police and they won't rush out and do anything, but it'd be good for them to know that someone with a severe mental illness is having paranoid delusions and has access to weapons. HTH

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Would your sister-in-law be open to letting you know if he is taking his medication as prescribed? Also taking other over the counter or scripts can cause some manic episodes. My family member had that and it didn't end well. You can pm me if you want to discuss specifics.

My feeling is that if Scarlett asks her SIL, the SIL will immediately go straight to Scarlett's brother and rat her out. If the SIL is still living with him, perhaps she shares his views and would see Scarlett as the enemy, and then Scarlett would be in a bad position because her brother would be very angry with her and she would lose all communication with him. And you couldn't really blame the guy, because if someone goes to your spouse and asks if you're off your meds, it's going to sound like they think you're crazy, right?

Edited by Catwoman
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My feeling is that if Scarlett asks her SIL, the SIL will immediately go straight to Scarlett's brother and rat her out. If the SIL is still living with him, perhaps she shares his views and would see Scarlett as the enemy, and then Scarlett would be in a bad position because her brother would be very angry with her and she would lose all communication with him. And you couldn't really blame the guy, because if someone goes to your spouse and asks if you're off your meds, it's going to sound like they think you're crazy, right?

This is making a lot of assumptions about SIL. She may be very much aware of her husband's irrationality and grateful to have someone else showing interest and concern.

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This is making a lot of assumptions about SIL. She may be very much aware of her husband's irrationality and grateful to have someone else showing interest and concern.

I may be remembering incorrectly, but I thought Scarlett had mentioned at some point that her SIL agreed with her brother. I hope Scarlett will correct me if I'm wrong (which may very well be the case.)

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I may be remembering incorrectly, but I thought Scarlett had mentioned at some point that her SIL agreed with her brother. I hope Scarlett will correct me if I'm wrong (which may very well be the case.)

I believe I read the same thing, that his wife agrees with him and would be of no assistance.

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Scarlett, I have not posted prior bc well what a mess, right?


After all you've stated, I would call the FBI and his doctors as a just in case CYA step. I don't *think* it will hurt him or you if someone with the abikity to monitor something like weapon purchases takes a look.


What if his delusions get dignificantly worse it is goes beyond thinking he can protect his family from terrorist by hiding in a bunker to the best protection of his family would be for him to go take care of them himself? What if it isn't a gradual decent to that but a trigger of come kind sends him over the edge?


You can call anon I think. Well not really to the FBI, bc hello tracking and tracing, but you can state that you don't want your name/relation/identity made known for your own safety.


So sorry you are dealing with this. I'm not sure what I'd do either. There's no win in this, just less damage done possible.

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I may be remembering incorrectly, but I thought Scarlett had mentioned at some point that her SIL agreed with her brother. I hope Scarlett will correct me if I'm wrong (which may very well be the case.)

Correct, She will not be of any help. I think if she ever suddenly realized he is mentally ill she would reach out to me. But at the moment she and my brother are teamed up and fighting the good fight....ISIS, my religion ( which neither of them ever actually joined), gun control, etc.


You know the couple in CA? How they fed each other's crazy? Yeah it is like that.

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I broke down and talked to my mom. She has met his therapist before and is trying to remember/ track down her name. If I do anything at this point it will be to contact his therapist. My mom had a friend who used this same therapist and mom went on an apt with her once. My mom told the therapist, hi I am <brothers> mom. The therapist seemed very nice.


I don't want to fuel my brothers delusions by contacting the FBI, have them bust down his door, remove my nephew.....ugh.

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I broke down and talked to my mom. She has met his therapist before and is trying to remember/ track down her name. If I do anything at this point it will be to contact his therapist. My mom had a friend who used this same therapist and mom went on an apt with her once. My mom told the therapist, hi I am <brothers> mom. The therapist seemed very nice.


I don't want to fuel my brothers delusions by contacting the FBI, have them bust down his door, remove my nephew.....ugh.


I can tell you FOR SURE that the FBI won't be breaking down any doors or removing your nephew unless they have irrefutable evidence he's planning to attack someone immediately.  The FBI is very good at determining who is just a blowhard but is unlikely to act and who is actually a threat.  Much more so than you or a chat board of people who don't know him.  


They'll take a look at the texts you provide and decide if they think it rises to the level of a threat and needs more investigation, or if he just seems like a mentally ill person who's been listening to too much right wing radio and is venting to family.


If they think it needs more investigation, they'll get a subpoena for his phone records and comb through them.  What are his other messages?  Who's he been calling?  Has he been pinging off of any towers outside what he thinks is an ISIS camp and therefore is an imminent threat?  They can't interfere unless and until a crime is being committed.  And at that point you want them to intervene before he hurts someone or gets himself killed.


Chances are it's nothing and they'll know that.  But if it's not nothing, you don't want to be the person who didn't call because you were too scared to.  At least two of us now with family in law enforcement have told you to contact the FBI.  They are the appropriate agency for this.  I wouldn't even bother contacting a therapist because personally I wouldn't trust a therapist not to confront him with what he's been texting you, which will make it obvious who called her.  You don't have a right to privacy with his therapist because you aren't the patient.


The safest thing to do for everyone involved is to call the FBI tip line.


This is the link to the FBI Guidelines as to when to contact them.   This could potentially fall under either or both of terrorism <or> racial, hate, or other civil rights crimes, depending on what, if anything, he's planning.

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I can tell you FOR SURE that the FBI won't be breaking down any doors or removing your nephew unless they have irrefutable evidence he's planning to attack someone immediately. The FBI is very good at determining who is just a blowhard but is unlikely to act and who is actually a threat. Much more so than you or a chat board of people who don't know him.


They'll take a look at the texts you provide and decide if they think it rises to the level of a threat and needs more investigation, or if he just seems like a mentally ill person who's been listening to too much right wing radio and is venting to family.


If they think it needs more investigation, they'll get a subpoena for his phone records and comb through them. What are his other messages? Who's he been calling? Has he been pinging off of any towers outside what he thinks is an ISIS camp and therefore is an imminent threat? They can't interfere unless and until a crime is being committed. And at that point you want them to intervene before he hurts someone or gets himself killed.


Chances are it's nothing and they'll know that. But if it's not nothing, you don't want to be the person who didn't call because you were too scared to. At least two of us now with family in law enforcement have told you to contact the FBI. They are the appropriate agency for this. I wouldn't even bother contacting a therapist because personally I wouldn't trust a therapist not to confront him with what he's been texting you, which will make it obvious who called her. You don't have a right to privacy with his therapist because you aren't the patient.


The safest thing to do for everyone involved is to call the FBI tip line.


This is the link to the FBI Guidelines as to when to contact them. This could potentially fall under either or both of terrorism <or> racial, hate, or other civil rights crimes, depending on what, if anything, he's planning.

I am about to,burst in to tears. The thought of calling the FBI is freaking me out. I will check out the link.


But how can I trust the FBI to not tell him where the info came from?

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I am about to,burst in to tears. The thought of calling the FBI is freaking me out. I will check out the link.


But how can I trust the FBI to not tell him where the info came from?


Because they are smart enough to understand that to identify you would be to possibly make you be a victim, and they do not want to do that.

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Because they are smart enough to understand that to identify you would be to possibly make you be a victim, and they do not want to do that.

Katy I am not discounting your opinion. Or Amanda's Dh. But can you (both) please tell me what specifically he said that you saw as him planning something or being a threat?

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This morning he brought up my friend again. More pictures. More discussion about what she did. I started to ignore but instead just said ok. I would like to keep the lines of communication open without engaging him.


Why on earth does he have pictures of your friend?? That seems so weird to me...is he stalking her or something??


ETA: Everyone else has said what I would say so at this point I don't have anything else to add :)

Edited by ajfries
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Katy I am not discounting your opinion. Or Amanda's Dh. But can you (both) please tell me what specifically he said that you saw as him planning something or being a threat?


It's been so many hours I couldn't quote it if I wanted to.  I'm sorry.  I do remember thinking like Amanda's DH.


Your level of general panic, and wanting to call police or a therapist but being afraid to is enough without quoting from the things you deleted.

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I am about to,burst in to tears. The thought of calling the FBI is freaking me out. I will check out the link.


But how can I trust the FBI to not tell him where the info came from?

Honestly and kindly stated:


Any therapist worth a damn can't even tell you he is her patient due to patient privacy laws.


If his therapist is talking to you about him, then obviously she can't hold a confidence and then you are better off trusting the FBI.


Just my .02

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Why on earth does he have pictures of your friend?? That seems so weird to me...is he stalking her or something??


ETA: Everyone else has said what I would say so at this point I don't have anything else to add :)

No he isn't stalking her. He actually quite likes her....has known her for many years. What she did was published in the local newspaper and put on Facebook. He seems obsessed with it,

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Katy I am not discounting your opinion. Or Amanda's Dh. But can you (both) please tell me what specifically he said that you saw as him planning something or being a threat?

What does your dh think? Does he think your brother is plotting anything or that he is capable of violence?

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I get it.


Calling the FBI feels like betraying family to you and it would to me too.


You aren't. You are trying to make sure something awful doesn't happen to innocent people. Not your mentally ill brother. Not anyone that could become a causality of his mental illness.


It's scary and it's heart breaking.


It's still the right thing, really the only thing to do.


I'd be a crying wreck if it wasn't even family bc what kind of awful person would be to be hunky dory okay with doing that to anyone?


Make the call.


They will investigate and go from there and God-willing find that he just needs to be strongly pushed to take his meds and enjoy his private bunker. But if it is more than that, you'll never forgive yourself for not making the call.


Have you spoken to your friend about what he is saying? What do they feel needs to be done? How upset is your mother about all this?

Edited by Murphy101
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I can tell you FOR SURE that the FBI won't be breaking down any doors or removing your nephew unless they have irrefutable evidence he's planning to attack someone immediately. The FBI is very good at determining who is just a blowhard but is unlikely to act and who is actually a threat. Much more so than you or a chat board of people who don't know him.


They'll take a look at the texts you provide and decide if they think it rises to the level of a threat and needs more investigation, or if he just seems like a mentally ill person who's been listening to too much right wing radio and is venting to family.


If they think it needs more investigation, they'll get a subpoena for his phone records and comb through them. What are his other messages? Who's he been calling? Has he been pinging off of any towers outside what he thinks is an ISIS camp and therefore is an imminent threat? They can't interfere unless and until a crime is being committed. And at that point you want them to intervene before he hurts someone or gets himself killed.


Chances are it's nothing and they'll know that. But if it's not nothing, you don't want to be the person who didn't call because you were too scared to. At least two of us now with family in law enforcement have told you to contact the FBI. They are the appropriate agency for this. I wouldn't even bother contacting a therapist because personally I wouldn't trust a therapist not to confront him with what he's been texting you, which will make it obvious who called her. You don't have a right to privacy with his therapist because you aren't the patient.


The safest thing to do for everyone involved is to call the FBI tip line.


This is the link to the FBI Guidelines as to when to contact them. This could potentially fall under either or both of terrorism <or> racial, hate, or other civil rights crimes, depending on what, if anything, he's planning.

This is it. 100% agree with everything Katy is saying, here. I don't really understand the hesitation to contact the FBI. The agency is not made up of blabby bowling alley waitresses. They will surely know whether this is a real threat or a manic guy who has gotten wound up by news or whatever. seriously...if he did act -- surely you know what I mean when I say there are always those tv interviews..."well, he was a quirky guy, but I didn't think he would actually..."

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I get it.


Calling the FBI feels like betraying family to you and it would to me too.


You aren't. You are trying to make sure something awful doesn't happen to innocent people. Not your mentally ill brother. Not anyone that could become a causality of his mental illness.


It's scary and it's heart breaking.


It's still the right thing, really the only thing to do.


I'd be a crying wreck if it wasn't even family bc what kind of awful person would be to be hunky dory okay with doing that to anyone?


Make the call.


They will investigate and go from there and God-willing find that he just needs to be strongly pushed to take his meds and enjoy his private bunker. But if it is more than that, you'll never forgive yourself for not making the call.


Have you spoken to your friend about what he is saying? What do they feel needs to be done? How upset is your mother about all this?

My mom is less upset than me, although she hasn't read all the texts. Or any. She said I could send them to her and I told her I didn't want to. She said ok.


I have not told my friend about how insane he is acting over her mistake, I did tell her the info came from him.

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To me, the most important thing you said before you removed the text content was that he said it was he and "his friends." Who are these freakin "friends?" Unless I misunderstood or read that wrong, but I thought you said there were others who were scouting out and trying to uncover the camps. This factor seems more scary to me than if he was just ranting by himself.

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Yes I have. He knows I am up on his mental illness.


I just texted him that I love him and I hope he is ok.

In that case, I think it's fine that you ask him. You could say you're worried about him because he seems so stressed, and you want to make sure he is ok. You could also thank him for being so concerned about your welfare.

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To me, the most important thing you said before you removed the text content was that he said it was he and "his friends." Who are these freakin "friends?" Unless I misunderstood or read that wrong, but I thought you said there were others who were scouting out and trying to uncover the camps. This factor seems more scary to me than if he was just ranting by himself.

A bunch of rednecks looking for terrorist training camps. The locals he is friends with don't worry me too much. As hard as it is to belive my brother is very very intelligent. His friends look up to him and think he is so smart...but the fact is my brother is not a leader. And he likes his comforts. I can't see him planning and doing anything.


I caN however see him reacting to a real or imagined threat....like me calling the FBI.

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A bunch of rednecks looking for terrorist training camps. The locals he is friends with don't worry me too much. As hard as it is to belive my brother is very very intelligent. His friends look up to him and think he is so smart...but the fact is my brother is not a leader. And he likes his comforts. I can't see him planning and doing anything.


I caN however see him reacting to a real or imagined threat....like me calling the FBI.

Well, he trusts you and if he thinks you called the FBI on him, I can understand why he would be hurt and angry. He might never forgive you, and you could lose your entire relationship with him.


I'm not saying that to convince you not to make the call. At some point, it might be necessary. But it worries me that you love your brother and I know you would feel very guilty about betraying him, even if he never found out it was you that reported him.


I think that is a huge consideration, and one that some other people may not be weighting as heavily as I am.

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In that case, I think it's fine that you ask him. You could say you're worried about him because he seems so stressed, and you want to make sure he is ok. You could also thank him for being so concerned about your welfare.

I tried to pm you. Sigh.


His concern about me is the hardest thing. He didn't say a word about my son or husband or our mother. Just me. My mom said she believes he wants me with him. He has always loved me so much. That breaks my heart.

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I tried to pm you. Sigh.


His concern about me is the hardest thing. He didn't say a word about my son or husband or our mother. Just me. My mom said she believes he wants me with him. He has always loved me so much. That breaks my heart.

Give me a minute to make room in my PM box. I didn't realize it was full.

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My mom has been, naturally, focused on his betrayal of our religion. I told her tonight it is so far past that. Honestly what he says about my religion means so little to me. He sounds like a toddler screaming to me about that subject. What worries me is his entire overall mental state.

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My mom has been, naturally, focused on his betrayal of our religion. I told her tonight it is so far past that. Honestly what he says about my religion means so little to me. He sounds like a toddler screaming to me about that subject. What worries me is his entire overall mental state.

Could you say that to him, only phrase it like you are worried that he is under too much stress or something?

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I think that was a good question to ask. Remember that you don't need all the answers immediately. If you get too intense with your questions, your brother might start to back away from you.

He gave me a big long winded explanation about how he is a smoker.,... I gave him a smiley face...and asked him if he was smoking again. ( last he admitted he had quit) he gave me another big long explanation admitting he is smoking.....I gave him a smiley face and ask him is he is ok...and does he think he is in a manic phase.

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He responded and said I don't have enough contact with him to ask such a question. I said that gobsmacked me.....that I can tell when he is off the charts. He responded that he guessed I know him well. And he is doing as well as can be expected for someone whose dad died 3 months ago. That he is feeling a bit emotional.

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Do you think that could be a big part of it? Could he be trying to control things in his life because he couldn't control what happened to his dad? Or could he be worried that something could happen to him, so he wants to make sure his family is safe and protected?

Probably. He talked a lot about dad dying. The months leading up to it. I feel better this morning but who knows.

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