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Who's going to tackle Monday with me?

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morning walk

Drop ds16 off at buss stop at 6:20 am

morning schoolwork with ds10, dd14

2 loads laundry washed and hanging under veranda roof

afternoon schoolwork

receive a strange phone call from FIL telling me to go easy on DH when he comes home????? I am now wondering what he has done??

plant some freesia bulbs

have a 1 hour nap

Cook steak and salad for dinner and sago for desert



DH is in the plane coming home and will be here tomorrow evening :hurray: :hurray:



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Trying to reestablish some sort of a routine:


--give dd her HG assignment for the day (discussion group is Thurs this week)

--one last read-through of the syllabus

--submit syllabus for approval

--water veggies


--uncover blueberries, pick last fruits

--cover blackberries (the birds are beginning to eye them :lol:)

--decide what we're eating this week (need to check for rain)

--write grocery list for anything we need (butter...)

--exercise: walking 4ish miles plus some Pilates


Good to start :)

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Errands - Bank, library, dollar store - Bank and library done

Read! - Done - yay!!

Vacuum/dust - math planning instead

Take my son to swimming lessons at 5:00.My husband took him and I did more math planning

Check homeschool group emails (I am in charge of fielding all new inquiries this summer) - Done - another new Mom!

Write down everything I eat and pay attention to it before I eat it!!! - Done - ate too much but wrote it all down, so yay me!


Melissa - what is sago??


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Good morning!


Back to a normal sort of busy here. Am practice this morning, drop kids off at various places, home for a bit, take ds3 in for lesson, and then chill for a bit at my mother's house, pm practice, and track. Whew!


To do:

school/sports administration

general clean up

stop at bank

pet supplies




Have a great day!


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Lay out food for dinner

Work with DS on a list of chores for Boy Scouts

Do my hair

DON'T have a baby today

Make lesson plans


That's it.  Most of my day revolves around sitting on the couch and not moving.  It's actually my goal for the week and it could just kill me.

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Today is a day of getting annoying tasks completed where I have to talk to a lot of people!


-call mechanic to set appointment for car

-bring car to mechanic

-pray that there are no expensive repairs recommended so we can sell it quickly and get the most money out of it

-find a place that will detail the car and set up appointment

-figure out if dh's ex wife is still on the title of the car (can't find the title so hopefully dmv will tell dh.  He really doesn't want to have to deal with having her sign the title away)

-call insurance company and figure out why our insurance was dropped and how we can change that!!!  Its nice being pregnant and hearing you magically have no insurance anymore.

-pet sit this morning, early evening, and late tonight

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I'm not leaving the house today :)

- dishes- done

- laundry- In baskets to be folded

- tidy house- done for now

- have dd1 clean her room- done

- school planning

- read/crochet- well I finished one I started yesterday and did a whole one (pot scrubber and a hook holder because my bag developed a hole)

- dinner- eaten

- bedtime routine

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I was going to start school today, but realized although today isn't scheduled, the rest of the week is busy. And I need to recover from yesterday's trip to see MIL. So, today is resting. I need to do a few things though.


Wash diapers



Read with little DS


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This is my first day of summer vacation. All kids are gone for the week.  I'm setting alarms. I work on my book for 45 minutes and then clean like crazy for 15 minutes.  We'll see how it goes.


Ask me about my book?  PLEASE!!  I need to know there is a market for it. :-)


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Feeling accomplished this am :party:


--give dd her HG assignment for the day (discussion group is Thurs this week)

--one last read-through of the syllabus

--submit syllabus for approval

--water veggies


--uncover blueberries, pick last fruits

--cover blackberries (the birds are beginning to eye them :lol:)

--decide what we're eating this week (need to check for rain)

--write grocery list for anything we need (butter...)

--exercise: walking 4ish miles plus some Pilates


Plus I talked dd19 through setting up her online bank access, and listened to her ramble on about life plans :)

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So, tell us about your book, ChemMommy!~  


I'm working for Veritas Press and there are some seriously game-changing plans for science coming in Fall 2016 for high school science!  I'm thrilled with the plans. They are academically-rigorous, scientifically accurate, and trivium-oriented.  Salivating yet?  I am! (Okay, I'm panicking a bit, too.  Obviously, I'm writing the chemistry part, but I'm also the series co-editor. What have I gotten myself into???)

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I think I'll join you ladies this week :)


This is my annual de-clutter the house week.  It's kind of a re-boot of our house for the next school year. 


My goals for today:


DD's math lesson

Go through, sort, and pack away materials from outside classes that I taught this past year

Freeze and package four quarts of berries

Move out of season items into the attic

Check pantry for expired food and straighten

Check refrigerator for any expired items and deep clean

Begin packing list for vacation


Errands this afternoon:



Gym for workout

Dry Cleaners

Drop Recycling at Convenience Center



Off to work now.  See you all later!


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Just found out dh's ex wife is on the title but it says her name or my dh's name so that means we can sell it without her signature!  this saves a lot of time and annoyance since she lives MANY states away and dh hasn't talk to her in over 7 years.  Avoiding uncomfortable conversations is always a plus!  


Now to wait and see what the mechanic says about the condition of the vehicle in question.

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Morning, all!  Tammy, missed you last week...glad you're back. 



ds to and from water polo practice


bills paid

Lowes for bug spray, carpet cleaner

sprayed outside of house


To do:

gather paperwork for shredding

work on online class

load up on water

sign up for trial yoga class

work with dd on math, reading

ds has geography, history tests to complete

assemble carpet cleaner, take it for a test drive

baseball game with dh



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Swim lessons-done

Have kids clean their rooms-done

try out new recipe at lunch-done

Clean kitchen-half done

do two loads of laundry-still to do

Park Meet-up with other homeschoolers-to hot (100+ degrees we hid in our house with the ac on)

cast on for second knit sock of a pair.-done

Dinner out with family-On our way out the door

workout for 45mins.-who am I kidding that ain't happening today!


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Two kitchen drawers cleaned and organized

Lunch cooked

Four 45-minute sessions on book done

nap done

headache....making a significant appearance!! UGH!


I'm amazed at all you guys are accomplishing! You inspire me to be more diligent.

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I weeded the fruit garden, uncovered three blueberry bushes (they're done fruiting), ate two handfuls of blueberries while standing in the sunshine :D, used that netting to cover up the ripening blackberries. I think the remaining blueberries will be done this week. Hopefully the uncovered blackberries will stay un-bothered :lol:


Soooooo hot and sweaty now! Walking will take place after dinner tonight, closely followed by a cool shower :eek:

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I think we may officially be on vacation now

Laundry done and put away

Kitchen cleaned

House has stayed relatively clean today

Made a grocery trip

Finished my coke and #2 and I went for  a bike ride ;)

Supper??  Debating sub sandwiches or hamburgers--I'm leaning towards subs

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Good afternoon!


I stayed at my sister's last night and got back in town just in time for ds' ortho appt. He only needs space maintainers on top and insurance will cover it at 100%!


I've made calls about the coverage as well as the appointment to have it done.


1 load is done in the washer and needs to go in the dryer


Dh took dd to play practice, and ds is riding to swim with our neighbor.


I'll post as I get stuff done while they are gone.

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I have had a fairly productive day so far:

Dd15 to music day camp

Water plants

Laundry into dryer

CLEARED PANTRY FLOOR! And swept and mopped. Organized one food section of shelving and canning jars.

Found biology book

Made list of books to look for at used bookstore

Picked up dd

Dinner started


I think I am done with the pantry today and will get to the books tomorrow. For tonight I will fold and hang laundry.


Lunch - burritos and bananas

Dinner - beef with broccoli and cabbage, salad

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Wow, everyone was so productive today!


I'll chime in, in case there are any other slackers out there. I did very little on my list. Though I did make dinner and picked up my new sunglasses.


I chatted with friends at swim team.


I am now having a beer and idly wondering when dh and dd1 will be home.


Have a great evening!

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MysteryJen, I wasn't a slacker but I am joining you with a beer.  :laugh:


Dh got home too late to go to the game.  We are having an evening cocktail on the patio, instead.  The crockpot rice and beans have been turned into enchiladas for the guys; dd will just have a cheese quesadilla. 


I didn't work on my online class but ds did turn in two tests, almost done with another.  We worked hard around the house this weekend and donated eight bags of clothing to Goodwill.  We helped dd purge all of her clothing and made a list of what she needs. 


Hope everyone has a great evening! 

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