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What qualifies as a dental "emergency"?


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My dentist's office referred me out for a root canal (to an endodontist). I was supposed to see him late last week. The appointment was pushed back to this upcoming Tuesday. The tooth in question had a filling put in, and then oops - the dentist discovered it needed a root canal. It is KILLING me. His office wasn't open on Friday for me to call and ask for a refill on the low dose pain pills he gave me (I'm juggling them and advil - my GP doesn't want me taking ibuprofen around the clock, so I'm taking advil a few times during the day, and then taking one or two pain pills through the night/overnight, to give myself a break from the advil).


I'm out of pain pills. It hurts. Bad. I don't want to bother my dentist over the weekend, though. His answering machine says "if you're a patient of record, with a dental emergency, please leave a message with the answering service and the doctor will call you back".


It hurts like a son-of-a-beaver (especially if I dare eat anything), but I'm not sure that it qualifies as an emergency. Outside of high fevers with the children, I've never had to call a doctor's emergency line, and never a dentist's, so I'm worried about bothering him over something as trivial as pain.

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Pain, especially dental pain, is NOT trivial.  Leave an accurate message about what's happening.  Probably all he needs to do is call in a scrip for you somewhere.  If he can't do that, he's useless and you should find someone else.

My dentist's office referred me out for a root canal (to an endodontist). I was supposed to see him late last week. The appointment was pushed back to this upcoming Tuesday. The tooth in question had a filling put in, and then oops - the dentist discovered it needed a root canal. It is KILLING me. His office wasn't open on Friday for me to call and ask for a refill on the low dose pain pills he gave me (I'm juggling them and advil - my GP doesn't want me taking ibuprofen around the clock, so I'm taking advil a few times during the day, and then taking one or two pain pills through the night/overnight, to give myself a break from the advil).


I'm out of pain pills. It hurts. Bad. I don't want to bother my dentist over the weekend, though. His answering machine says "if you're a patient of record, with a dental emergency, please leave a message with the answering service and the doctor will call you back".


It hurts like a son-of-a-beaver (especially if I dare eat anything), but I'm not sure that it qualifies as an emergency. Outside of high fevers with the children, I've never had to call a doctor's emergency line, and never a dentist's, so I'm worried about bothering him over something as trivial as pain.


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I feel bad doing it. He prescribes small numbers of the pills, and has already refilled them twice (their fault, though - miscommunication on their end with the endo's office about what needed to be done, and quickly, the appointment wasn't scheduled even for over a week after the filling frenzy). I still feel like a whimp, though.

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I feel bad doing it. He prescribes small numbers of the pills, and has already refilled them twice (their fault, though - miscommunication on their end with the endo's office about what needed to be done, and quickly, the appointment wasn't scheduled even for over a week after the filling frenzy). I still feel like a whimp, though.


Dental pain is excruciating and if your dentist doesn't get that then too bad for him.

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That counts as an emergency for sure. My dentist had the same thing happen this week..thought it would be a filling but it needs a root canal at the endodontist. I wasn't even in pain, but because it was a holiday weekend she scripted out vicodin just in case, and antibiotics. If it hurts you really need the antibiotics too. Call for sure. 

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He's already had me on antibiotics.

He called back and will not refill the pain pills - he said that narcotic addiction is worse than a toothache? I looked at the back of my bottle just to make sure that my count is right, and sure enough, I'm taking no more than 1 or two daily, rotating it with advil. Meh.

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He's already had me on antibiotics.

He called back and will not refill the pain pills - he said that narcotic addiction is worse than a toothache? I looked at the back of my bottle just to make sure that my count is right, and sure enough, I'm taking no more than 1 or two daily, rotating it with advil. Meh.

I would find a new dentist, now. It is ridiculous to claim you are in danger of a pain pill addiction while taking them as directed, short-term for an issue that causes serious amounts of pain.


eta: You could also try calling the end's office, since they are the ones who pushed your appointment?


In the meantime, you could try taking tylenol and ibuprofen together?

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I would find a new dentist, now. It is ridiculous to claim you are in danger of a pain pill addiction while taking them as directed, short-term for an issue that causes serious amounts of pain.

Well, it has been a few weeks, but I'm taking far fewer than directed actually. It says to take one every 4 hours as needed - I'm averaging one or two a day, tops.

I'll probably look into a new dentist beginning of the week. This is now the second time he has insisted a tooth needs only a filling, does the filling, and then it ends up needing a root canal.

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He's already had me on antibiotics.

He called back and will not refill the pain pills - he said that narcotic addiction is worse than a toothache? I looked at the back of my bottle just to make sure that my count is right, and sure enough, I'm taking no more than 1 or two daily, rotating it with advil. Meh.


Yep.  Time for a new dentist.  I would call him back and remind him you've only taken "x" amount, I would remind him that it's his office's fault you're in this position.


I'd be very, very, very angry.

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The endo's office didn't push my appointment - I did. Funny now, though it wasn't then - I woke up around 5 am the morning of my root canal, it was too close to driving time to take a pain pill, so I reached for what I thought was ibuprofen. Turns out it was my husband's max strength acid reflux pills. I popped 4. By the time I realized it, it was already done. Lesson learned - just because the bottles are the same, and the pills are the exact same shape and color, check the label. Tony called poison control (you're only supposed to take one of the acid pills daily), and they said I would be nauseous, which was an understatement. I called and asked for the appointment to be rescheduled (for as soon as humanly possible). The amount of time it took to the get the appointment in the first place I'm not sure if the fault was theirs or my dentist's office.

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I'll probably look into a new dentist beginning of the week. This is now the second time he has insisted a tooth needs only a filling, does the filling, and then it ends up needing a root canal.


Is he charging you for these fillings?


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I agree, 100%. 


Sunday night you are unlikely to get any help anywhere.  For pain, clove oil and ice are your best bets, along with ibuprofen.


First thing tomorrow morning start calling dentist offices, tell them your situation.  It probably won't take many calls.  Dentists (sane ones) understand dental pain and are accustomed to taking people in your situation.



Yeah, I would look for a new dentist. It sounds like he's both a jerk and incompetent.


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I agree, 100%. 


Sunday night you are unlikely to get any help anywhere.  For pain, clove oil and ice are your best bets, along with ibuprofen.


First thing tomorrow morning start calling dentist offices, tell them your situation.  It probably won't take many calls.  Dentists (sane ones) understand dental pain and are accustomed to taking people in your situation.




I'm not going to tell them about this situation - I'm just going to call for a general dentist, since I'm seeing the endo on Tuesday anyway. He's a specialist (I have implants), so I kind of have to stick with him for THAT, but I can secure a different general dentist for normal things - like fillings, lol. Now I feel like a fool who is obviously addicted and didn't realize it. <okay, that was sarcasm, I am very sure that under-dosing myself with the prescribed pain medication did not turn me into an addict, but I *am* downright humiliated that I even called>


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You could also try a heating pad or cold pack, which ever feels better.


Also, orajel.


I'm sorry, dear.


Brrr. Orajel is cold going on. Anything the least bit warm, or the least bit cool, makes me want to shrivel up and die right now.

Oddly enough, the tooth was barely bothering me at all until he drilled it.


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I'm not going to tell them about this situation - I'm just going to call for a general dentist, since I'm seeing the endo on Tuesday anyway. He's a specialist (I have implants), so I kind of have to stick with him for THAT, but I can secure a different general dentist for normal things - like fillings, lol. Now I feel like a fool who is obviously addicted and didn't realize it. <okay, that was sarcasm, I am very sure that under-dosing myself with the prescribed pain medication did not turn me into an addict, but I *am* downright humiliated that I even called>


Don't be humiliated because your dentist is a jerk.



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I wouldn't use heat. It might spread the infection.


Could it possibly be infected? I'm about to head into round two of antibiotics.

My concern is that I may be becoming immune to the antibiotics. Over spring break, when this happened with the OTHER tooth he insisted only needed a filling, I was on several rounds of antibiotics. Now the antibiotics, this time, aren't helping the pain.

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Clove oil helped a lot with my dental pain. It's a horrible kind of pain and you are NOT a wimp because you want some relief. I also agree with the posters who said it sounds like your dentist is not competant and you need a new one! You need enough pain meds or clove oil or whatever it takes, to get you through this time until the problem can be fixed.


When I had a wisdom tooth pulled years ago I ended up with a dry socket. Horrendous pain!! The doc met me on a Sunday morning when the office was closed, so that he could pack my socket. He used a packing material soaked in clove oil. REALLY helped.


So yes, dental pain is an emergency. I hope you find relief very soon.

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Pain is an emergency since it could mean infection. When I had a similar situation I was given both pain meds and an antibiotic to manage things until I could be treated. Make the necessary phone calls.

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Could it possibly be infected? I'm about to head into round two of antibiotics.

My concern is that I may be becoming immune to the antibiotics. Over spring break, when this happened with the OTHER tooth he insisted only needed a filling, I was on several rounds of antibiotics. Now the antibiotics, this time, aren't helping the pain.


Yes, it is an infection! The nerve is dying/died and the pain is from the infection.


I didn't read all the replies but when is your root canal appointment? Sometimes it takes a few days for the antibiotic to work especially with that much infection. You want the infection to be under control with antibiotics otherwise the anesthetic will not work as well.


Hopefully, the antibiotic is working and your root canal will be uneventful.


JFYI sometimes a tooth can be damaged from previous decay, trauma, occlusion, etc. If a filling is needed it can be 'the straw that broke the camel's back'. :(

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Yes, it is an infection! The nerve is dying/died and the pain is from the infection.


I didn't read all the replies but when is your root canal appointment? Sometimes it takes a few days for the antibiotic to work especially with that much infection. You want the infection to be under control with antibiotics otherwise the anesthetic will not work as well.


Hopefully, the antibiotic is working and your root canal will be uneventful.


JFYI sometimes a tooth can be damaged from previous decay, trauma, occlusion, etc. If a filling is needed it can be 'the straw that broke the camel's back'. :(


The weird thing about this filling is that he commented on how nice it looked and that it wasn't nearly as bad as it looked. A week or so later I'm in his office again, in a ton of pain, he x-rays it and there's an infection at the root.


My root canal appt is on Tuesday. I'm going on my second round of antibiotics in about 3 weeks time?

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The weird thing about this filling is that he commented on how nice it looked and that it wasn't nearly as bad as it looked. A week or so later I'm in his office again, in a ton of pain, he x-rays it and there's an infection at the root.


My root canal appt is on Tuesday. I'm going on my second round of antibiotics in about 3 weeks time?


Check up bitewings do not show the ends of the roots.  If the tooth were not bothering you prior to the filling, it was not indicated to do a periapical xray.  It may or may not have shown infection before the filling.  It is absolutely impossible to predict which teeth will respond poorly to the filling.  It is the most conservative thing to do.  Teeth unfortunately can flare up after the filling and usually do fairly quickly after if they are going to.


I would not immediately assume the dentist is at fault.


You mentioned he is a specialist.  Really, he is a general dentist who specializes in implants most likely.  All dentists know how to manage implants even if they choose to not place them.  They really are commonplace.


I'm sorry you are in pain. :(

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Wow, my dentist got me in same-day with an endo when I was in pain, and I wasn't in pain as bad as you are.  Definitely make some calls and see what they can do for you.  Maybe another practice would have an opening? 


I needed a root canal and was in an incredible amount of pain. It was Thanksgiving weekend and my dentist called in a large-ish prescription of tylenol with codeine and an antibiotic over the phone. They got me into the endodontist the following Monday. At no time did anyone make me feel like a drug addict! I'm sorry for your pain, I know what it feels like and it's terrible. I made it through labor unmedicated, didn't use anything but advil after my emergency c section and the tooth pain made all of that feel like a walk in the park! 


Feel better soon and I hope they're able to get you in for an emergency appointment tomorrow.

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Check up bitewings do not show the ends of the roots.  If the tooth were not bothering you prior to the filling, it was not indicated to do a periapical xray.  It may or may not have shown infection before the filling.  It is absolutely impossible to predict which teeth will respond poorly to the filling.  It is the most conservative thing to do.  Teeth unfortunately can flare up after the filling and usually do fairly quickly after if they are going to.


I would not immediately assume the dentist is at fault.


You mentioned he is a specialist.  Really, he is a general dentist who specializes in implants most likely.  All dentists know how to manage implants even if they choose to not place them.  They really are commonplace.


I'm sorry you are in pain. :(


He's a prosthodontist who can do general dentistry? I think that's what he said, lol.


I'm not sure that I blame him, per se, or that I'm in pain and annoyed. The tooth WAS bothering me beforehand, though (just to note), but not nearly as badly as it is now (more annoying, but very minor compared to this). I do understand why he didn't do another x-ray, though.

For whatever reason, now that I've vented and forced down some food, my tooth feels a bit better :D


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My dentist is also a good friend and he would never ever let a patient be in any kind of pain. He has seen me twice on weekends, after hours and immediately done a root canal and pulled one tooth so that I was not infected or in pain. He never hesitates to meet patients after hours if they are in pain. He has told me that no dentist should allow that so I would look for a new one with the same outlook!!

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He's already had me on antibiotics.

He called back and will not refill the pain pills - he said that narcotic addiction is worse than a toothache? I looked at the back of my bottle just to make sure that my count is right, and sure enough, I'm taking no more than 1 or two daily, rotating it with advil. Meh.


No one should be in that much pain. Just for comparison --


I once had a 'call me if you're in pain' type of dentist who obviously thought I was one step away from being an an addict. Naturally, pain stated at midnight Saturday evening…. Later, I switched to a dentist who believed that people should have medicine for acute pain -- codeine, with Percodan (percoset? whatever) as a back up. 

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