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So my friend's dh died a couple of weeks ago...


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And I have an odd question. My youngest has the same name as her dh. It now feels very awkward to say youngest's name to her or mention the name in email. I just sent her a message and I actually referred to youngest kid as "youngest kid" because I was afraid to say the name. I guess that sounds dumb, but I don't want to say (dsname) because it might be jarring to her. Can I say the name when I'm not talking about her dh? Should I avoid that for a while or is avoiding that weird too.

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I wouldn't avoid the name, either when referring to your child or referring to her husband. Don't be afraid to remind her of her husband or her grief, trying to avoid any mention is more isolating than just acknowledging the reality and celebrating the deceased persons life.

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I think it will make her feel worse if you act different. People grieving want to feel normal. Yes she may cry when she hears her dh's name but that is normal. It will probably make her feel worse if she can tell you are avoiding using your son's name. I would just act normal. Hugs to your and your friend. I think it is wonderful you are trying to be so considerate.

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I think you are right that it might be jarring, but it's also awkward to be obviously tip-toe-ing.


In your shoes, I think I'd say habitually, "My little (name)" in sort of a pet way. That removes the jar, the "Wait, what about him? Oh, she means her child of course." moment is lessened because there are two words to tell her that you are already talking about one of your kids before the name is said. It's less awkward than leaving the name unsaid, but not quite so out-of-the-blue.

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It is sweet that you are trying to protect her, but honestly there is likely not a second in the day that she isn't thinking of him.  You saying his name, isn't going to remind her of her husband, because she is already thinking about him anyways.  


Carry on like normal.  Don't tiptoe around. Make her feel loved and her husband remembered and respected. 

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I would talk to her about it- actually I would email her.  It gets it out there that you're trying not to hurt her and don't know how to navigate this little issue. 


A dear friend of mine lost her young grandson when he committed suicide. She and I worked side by side as cake decorators and his name was a common one.  The first time someone asked her to write the name on a cake I took it from her and did it. But we talked about it the next day and she said she'd like to work through it and she would let me know if she needed me to jump in and help her. (sometimes she had no trouble but other times I did the orders with his name on them)  She said she was constantly thinking of him and that hearing his name wasn't really a big issue. As a matter of fact she found other things much more difficult- things I never thought about.   


So maybe talk to her. I'm sure she'll appreciate that you're trying to be sensitive to her feelings. 

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My dad was killed in a hit and run accident almost 2 years ago. I have a cousin who is named after him, and I didn't find it awkward or sad to hear my dad's name said at all during that time and I don't believe my mom did either. I think, if I were your friend, I would prefer that you just came out and asked me if I were uncomfortable hearing the name spoken. That's the only way you won't hurt her unintentionally.


I'm sorry for your friend's loss, and I'm sure you are a comfort to her.

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I'd just go ahead and use it normally.

Funny, because that person (I knew him, too) came up in conversation today.


They seem like an amazing family, and I think she'll not give it a thought that you should refrain from the name. I don't think it will hurt her.

But bless you for being so kind.

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I second just bringing it up.  Once you've said something like, "I feel so weird referring to my Johnny and saying his name around you when you've so recently lost your husband.  It's probably unavoidable and I may just be being silly, but I didn't want to cause you pain to hear his name."  Then I think it will probably clear the air.  She'll almost certainly tell you it's okay, she doesn't mind or hardly thinks of it that way or it makes her think of her dh, but it's a nice reminder that people have his name, or she knows she just has to hear it sometimes.  Or, hey, maybe she'll say it does cause her pain and you'll say, well then I'm just going to call him "my youngest" when we speak for now, and that will be that.

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When one of my good friends lost a child, he said that one of the strangest things he had to deal with was people who were afraid to bring up the girl at all.  He said he felt very weird around people who acted like she never existed at all, but he realized they were just trying to spare his feelings, not like that worked.


She knows your son has the same name.  It's okay to bring it up.  It's even okay to talk about her husband.

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I think it seems more odd to tiptoe around and avoid mentioning the name.  It may jar, it may not.  But it will in all likelihood not hurt her or remind her of a gaping hole she is already carrying.  You are kind to be so tender toward her. 




ETA: Usually, mentioning the person who died, memories of them, including them as part of the lives that they touched it healing rather than hurting. 

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