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Worried about taking a medication...


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I hesitantly saw a doctor today about a nasty tick bite. She said without a doubt it had all indications of heading toward Lyme's but is too early for tests to confirm it. She gave me a prescription for a bottle of Doxycyline. Of course I ran home and looked up side effects and I don't want to take it. Am I just being stupid? I hardly ever even take an aspirin. Yuck. Not happy!

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We very rarely use abx. DH had Lyme like symptoms with no visible bite, buy sudden onset, and we live in an area that is notoriously bad for lyme. We did the abx and would not hesitate to do it again. Iv had Dh take a lot of probiotics. I can count on one hand with fingers left the number of times our family of five has taken abx in the last decade. Lyme can be so devastating. What I saw with Dh scared me.

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Take the antibiotics. My dh has chronic Neuro Lyme (undiagnosed for 30 years) and is currently disabled and just had a line put in for iv antibiotics. It is a horrible disease that if left untreated will ruin your life.

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What did she mean indicating it was heading towards Lyme?  Are you having any symptoms?  Do you have a bull's eye rash?  If either of those things were going on, I would take it without hesitation.  However, I had several years of gut issues due to abx use with chronic sinus infections (I eventually had surgery).  So I don't take abx lightly, and if I really thought this doc was being too aggressive I might talk to someone else.


FWIW, my DH is a outdoorsman in a high tick/high lyme area.  He is part of a very large orienteering club. I know like about 15 who've been treated for Lyme, none have had long term affects and got over it with the standard abx treatment.  We pull ticks off each other all the time (especially DH), and he's never been treated for Lyme and has no issue.  I think it's good to be cautious, but not to panic.  I do think some docs are too aggressive with abx.   

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Thank you all. Yes, I have a lovely, very painful bulls-eye rash that has grown 4 times the original size in 2 weeks. She said I could wait a while longer to be accurately tested but in her opinion, based on all symptoms,  I would test positive and I would need the medicine anyway, and it would be wiser to start treatment earlier than later. I guess I'll put my big girl panties on and start taking it tomorrow. I don't know much about Lyme's but I don't want it and I am so sorry for those here who have seen it occur in loved ones. I appreciate your support! Boo to ticks!

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Glad you caught it early!  :grouphug:   I'd maybe add probiotics to your life for the next few months to head off any problems.  Maybe watch your sugar intake as well.   The doctors who prescribe for ANY and EVERY tick bite freak me out a bit.

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Glad you caught it early!  :grouphug:   I'd maybe add probiotics to your life for the next few months to head off any problems.  Maybe watch your sugar intake as well.   The doctors who prescribe for ANY and EVERY tick bite freak me out a bit.


I always felt that way until we went through it with DH.  We have had ticks on all of us too many times to count (sadly), grew up in a lyme endemic area, live in a lyme endemic area now.  Never had an issue, until we did.  Only then did we realize how difficult it can be to get + confirmation via bloodwork, the limitations of testing, and the fact that if you do abx early, you may never get a +.  Add in that only about half of people ever see a bull's eye.  We never had any issues at all until Dh had rapid onset of lyme like symptoms that were rather debilitating and scary.  He never technically tested +, but did test + for two common coinfections.


When we lived in NC we had neighbors who did abx for every tick bite after having a friend's child die from Rocky Mtn. Spotted Fever.  I thought they were crazy.  Now, I'm not so sure.  I am kind of scared this year, because we find ticks every single year on each child in the family.


I get where you are coming from and thought the same way until a year ago or so.  I detest the overuse of antibiotics, but testing early is really unreliable (not enough chance for the body to mount an immune response), the testing has plenty of limitations besides that, and you can't rely on the bull's eye at all.  So that leaves you with few options other than treat early after a bite, or waiting it out when it might be much more difficult to treat.  I don't know what the answer is.

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I always felt that way until we went through it with DH.  We have had ticks on all of us too many times to count (sadly), grew up in a lyme endemic area, live in a lyme endemic area now.  Never had an issue, until we did.  Only then did we realize how difficult it can be to get + confirmation via bloodwork, the limitations of testing, and the fact that if you do abx early, you may never get a +.  Add in that only about half of people ever see a bull's eye.  We never had any issues at all until Dh had rapid onset of lyme like symptoms that were rather debilitating and scary.  He never technically tested +, but did test + for two common coinfections.


When we lived in NC we had neighbors who did abx for every tick bite after having a friend's child die from Rocky Mtn. Spotted Fever.  I thought they were crazy.  Now, I'm not so sure.  I am kind of scared this year, because we find ticks every single year on each child in the family.


I get where you are coming from and thought the same way until a year ago or so.  I detest the overuse of antibiotics, but testing early is really unreliable (not enough chance for the body to mount an immune response), the testing has plenty of limitations besides that, and you can't rely on the bull's eye at all.  So that leaves you with few options other than treat early after a bite, or waiting it out when it might be much more difficult to treat.  I don't know what the answer is.


Well I lost like 40 lbs, could hardly eat anything for a year, and went through tons of invasive and inconclusive testing with my gut issues, so I think abx issues are way underplayed too. It's a hard balance.  If I had any suspicion Lyme is something we were dealing with, we'd absolutely be on the abx. 


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Mine was caught early--tick bite followed by rash. This was ages ago--in the early days of Lyme knowledge. I was given doxy even though my tests came back negative. I learned later that my tests were probably done too early to get an accurate result. My only caution is to take it with food--it's strong stuff. My meds came with no cautions on the label so a couple days I took it without food and was very nauseated. When I asked the doc he said, Of course you should take it with food. Thanks, doc. :glare:



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This is a no brainer. Yes - take the medicine - Lyme's disease is very serious and can cause permeant disabilities (including cognitive functions). I highly recommend you educate yourself on Lyme's now in case you need to advocate for yourself in the future. 



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One of my good friends has lived with Lyme for ten years because it wasn't caught early. She didn't have a rash, and the first signs were neurological instead of joint-related.


It has dramatically changed the quality of her life, including many months off of work, inability to travel, expensive treatments, seizures, etc.



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Take the meds. A bulls eye is definitive for Lyme. Be grateful for that rash, and that you are catching this early. Push for 28 days of doxy minimum, to cover the life cycle of the spirochete. If that seems long, read Thomas Grier's microbiology tutorial to understand why you need to treat that long. Reading that will make you again feel grateful for the rash.


Take excellent probiotics two hours apart from your abx. Also take S. Boulardii.


Stay hydrated.


Get familiar with the symptoms of co-infections, and watch for them. A tick that transmits Lyme often transmits other pathogens and not all will be treated by doxy.


...a note from your crazy WTM tick lady, who will never be the same after years of undiagnosed Lyme and co-infections. :)

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Take the antibiotics. My dh has chronic Neuro Lyme (undiagnosed for 30 years) and is currently disabled and just had a line put in for iv antibiotics. It is a horrible disease that if left untreated will ruin your life.

I hope he feels better soon. With minimal herxing.


To give you hope, my DH could have written your post about me, 9 years ago. It was bad. :( ...but with a great LLMD and excellent care, I am much better. No longer disabled, but not 100%. Some things will never be the same. But it's all manageable now. I hope your DH has a good outcome, too!

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I'll add my agreement with all the others.  I'm as "non" medical as one can get with only 4 Dr appts in 25 years of marriage up until recently (not counting pregnancy), but a tick bite and the potential for Lyme was one of those four.  Lyme is not worth it.  Prevent it at all costs.

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Ginger please, please take it. I am begging you.  No side effect could ever be worse than having Lyme.

Doxy can be hard on your system, but not taking it isn't worth the hell your life could be if you get full blown Lyme. 

Don't take it on an empty stomach, and avoid dairy for at least two hours before and after.

Take it with a full glass of water and don't lie down for an hour following.

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Take the antibiotics. My dh has chronic Neuro Lyme (undiagnosed for 30 years) and is currently disabled and just had a line put in for iv antibiotics. It is a horrible disease that if left untreated will ruin your life.


:grouphug: :grouphug: .  Hope the iv meds help your dh.  Eldest just got her port in yesterday.

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Thank you all again. I've done lots of reading this morning and have learned a lot. No, I most definitely do not want to run the risk of Lyme and all its possible complications. I will heed all your warnings like staying out of the sun, taking with food, staying upright after taking, avoiding dairy...going to find some S. Boulardii today...so I will be taking the first capsule this morning with my breakfast. Gulp. I am embarrassed being such a baby.  :nopity:

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Doxy is a powerful antibiotic and may indeed have side effects, but the alternative is much, much worse.


Ten years ago a family member did months of IV antibiotics plus cipro (also a strong antibiotic) for a surgical infection, and managing the side effects was indeed tough.  I had them take probiotics before every meal plus a quality brand of yogurt twice a day.  They still take probiotics and yogurt to this day, but not in the large amounts we did then.


Bottom line, they got much, much better and are still functioning and able to get around.

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I agree with what Lizzie said...don't take it on an empty stomach. It's harsh on the stomach.  It can also be hard to swallow and often feels "stuck" in the throat.  The way around this is to take some sips of water before you take the pill so the throat is moist, then swallow it with a full glass of water.  This has worked for me. 


And you are not a baby--never hurts to exercise caution and get some feedback!  Hope it resolves completely. 

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I've been following this thread and didn't have anything helpful to comment. I just wanted you to know I am very sympathetic about the hesitancy to take medication and the anxiety of taking anything new. 


I was on an antibiotic that gave me unpleasant side effects. It also carried the risk of permanent nerve damage with extended use, and I had to take it for weeks at a time and for more than one round of it. It really wasn't fun. I dreaded everyday but I got through that time. Now, as I look back, those weeks are just a tiny memory. 


My mom and dh have both taken doxy for Lyme risk without any side effects and both can be sensitive to meds. Hopefully, you will have no problems with it at all.


FWIW, doxy is not among the top AB's known to contribute to cdiff. So that's one less thing to worry about. Keep taking the probies and you'll be fine.

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I don't think you are being a baby at all. Antibiotics totally mess up my system. It is a legitimate concern IMO. I cannot eat dairy so I have to get all the fancy dairy free yogurts and probiotics thingies to help me from being wrecked by them.


I have seen quite a few posts around the internet regarding lyme and the issues they had due to lyme. I want no part of that. :lol:

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Y'all have been super helpful and very encouraging! I have taken both pills today, with breakfast and again with supper. I took a probiotic after lunch. I have a system. :) 1 day down, 20 to go! I ordered some of that fancy S Boulardii. I've had a ton of water, have had no sugar or dairy and eaten lots of yummy paleo goodness, and only went outside for 15 minutes to pull a few garden weeds in the shade. I am feeling tired but not queasy. I am trying not to worry, just dealing with my nasty rash and my aggravating mother who is certainly giving me other things to ponder besides my medicine! Thank you all so very much for sharing with me your heartfelt experiences and wonderful advice, and helping me get my balance.

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