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Anyone else working on taxes?

Jean in Newcastle

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I had some trouble because this is my first year doing them alone.  Some of the paperwork I needed was going to dh's work email that I don't have access to so I had to have someone help me find the info.  But, I did get it all into TurboTax.  That was 1am this morning though, and I wanted to look it over again, when I was actually awake, to make sure everything was ok.  I'm going to try and finish it up this evening.

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Yep!  For some odd reason I've got rawhide lyrics running through my head as I work away on turbo tax.  And better yet, the Blue Brothers dancing in the background. We are in the midst of a business audit for 2011/2012 so filing an extension. However, since we have to pay what think is owed in order to avoid paying penalties and interest, slogging away to get the total.

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Yes, we are exactly the same as paceofnature! EVERY year we say we should get an accountant, but we think of it too late (they are all quite busy this time of year for some reason!). Our taxes are getting kind of complicated and we really should have found someone to look them over. Hopefully TurboTax knows what it is doing.

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I am.  I'm at the "where did I file those receipts"/"why didn't I just start a folder at the beginning of the year" stage.  I think I've found everything except one receipt and the list of mileage I was keeping (should have kept it digitally, but didn't).

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Ours are done for federal, but I just found out that because I work remotely PT for a nonprofit in New Mexico, I have to file there too.  Bleh.  I love the fact that FL does not have state income taxes…but I still have to do a state return.  No fair!

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Oy, I haven't started yet! :svengo:  :svengo:  :svengo:  :svengo:


Never have I let it go this late.  But I'm pretty sure we owe money this year, hence the procrastination.  I think I can get it done...but we do have a couple sets of self employment forms to fill out.  


This is the first free weekend in months, and actually I don't think I'll mind hanging out in my robe with serial cups of tea…as long as it's done by Monday.  Umsami, you just made me realize I may have to file in another state for independent contractor income, unless it was below their minimum.  Fingers crossed!


Where's the bag-over-my-head emoticon when I need it?



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Mailed today. Wish we could e-file, but there's an attachment we have to include for clergy relating to parsonage allowance that prevents us from doing that. We use the H&R Block software, but there seemed to be more instances this year where it said "Go figure this out yourself and come back," so I had to go read IRS Pubs or instructions. Lots of lovely language to wade through and decipher.


Erica in OR

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I am going to begin working on my U.S. tax return, hopefully this week.  I will file that and pay whatever I need to pay, in June. I need to have that done, before working on my Colombian tax return, which is a TOTAL nightmare to me, in comparison. I use the TaxAct program and do my own U.S. taxes with that. For my Colombian tax return, thank God, I have a true "expert" (not a word I apply to many people) to do that for me. There are about 18 pages filed for that one...

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