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Migraine sufferers, I have a question


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Do you ever get a fever with your headache?

I'm on day 3 of the worst migraine I've ever had. Maybe I'm in the hangover phase. But I thought that's where I was yesterday, and it came back full force in the afternoon. I figured it was worse because it's my monthly, hormone-induced headache on top of a sinus infection that I'm recovering from.

Last night, dh was out late, and I went to bed early. I piled up the blankets to get warm, and when he finally came in, he told me I had a fever and took my temp. It was low--maybe 101, but I nearly had a panic attack. I was on Excedrin and didn't think a fever should be possible. I stayed up to see where the fever was going and it came down on its own after an hour or two. now my temp is in the normal range (99F)

Should I be concerned or are low fevers common with migraines?

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I'm pretty sure it's a migraine. It's behind my eyes--makes it painful to turn my eyes. I'm also sensitive to light and sound. I'm feeling it at the base if my skull too. But I've been on my back for over 48 hours, and that tends to make a person unfcomfortable.

Urgent care is a good idea. Less intimidating than the ER at 1am

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I am no medical expert, but I think trauma and pain can cause a fever. I ran a fever when I was in the Labor From Hell with my first baby, and every mom knows that no matter what the ped says, teething babies can run fevers. So anecdotally, my experience is that the trauma to your body can, all by itself, cause a temporary fever. I am also pretty sure I had a short-term fever when I sprained my ankle really, really badly a few months ago. And this advice is worth exactly what you paid for it! But I hope you feel better soon.

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I have never had, nor heard of, a fever with a migraine.

you mentioned you are getting over a sinus infection. that can cause a fever.

I've been on Augmentin for 4 days, so if it's bacterial that should be gone. Of course, if I admit what my real concerns are, I'm showing the signs of a viral infection--a bacterial infection would be much worse.
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A little. Not more than I'd expect from being in bed all day. I can touch my chin to my chest, with only a stretching sensation.

Geez, my panic is rising again. :P

Oh, Bonnie, I don't mean to make your panic rise.

I get worried easily over health issues, even other people's on the Internet!
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Oh, Bonnie, I don't mean to make your panic rise.

I get worried easily over health issues, even other people's on the Internet!

No it's ok. I think I'm trying to convince myself that I'm feeling better. I'm filing books back onto their shelves now and trying to convince dd4 to put markers away. I don't think I could do that if I had a major illness.

My best friend's dd died from bacterial meningitis a few years ago. I have been super paranoid about headaches and fevers ever since. My paranoia is better in the daylight. 1am with a house full of sleeping people was awful.
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Go to urgent care and get a shot for that migraine! No need to suffer for days. I had a Toradol injection for migraine a couple of years ago--I seriously hugged the nurse. It was amazing relief.

Plus they can rule out any crazy fever issues.

Feel better!

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Go to urgent care and get a shot for that migraine! No need to suffer for days. I had a Toradol injection for migraine a couple of years ago--I seriously hugged the nurse. It was amazing relief.

Plus they can rule out any crazy fever issues.

Feel better!

Is that one of the pain relievers that knocks you out? It's a short drive to the urgent care, and I would rather go myself, but I'm wondering if I should make dh take me in case I can't drive home.
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Is that one of the pain relievers that knocks you out? It's a short drive to the urgent care, and I would rather go myself, but I'm wondering if I should make dh take me in case I can't drive home.


It wouldn't hurt to have him take you, or even drop off/pick up.


I had a shot of Toradol for something else recently (colitis) but the kicker was that I was at the tail end of one of those 4 day migraines.  The Toradol knocked the migraine right out.  Loved it.


So it could be worth the inconvenience, plus you'd have the worry of the fever checked out, too.


Hope you feel better soon!

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I've not ever had a fever with migraines.  Do you take meds such as Imitrex?  If I take my Imitrex, the migraine goes away within about 30 minutes to an hour, and I am left with the "hangover headache", which is what most people would describe as the worst headache ever and go to bed but does not compare to the pain of an unmedicated migraine for me.

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I started having migraines when I was in my early teens and now I am 2137 years old and I still get new migraines. Last year, I had one with ringing, temporary-partial loss of hearing and low fever. Nothing surprises me any more with migraines. However, I would recommend too that you go to a doctor/urgent care to put your mind at ease. 

Good luck!


PS thank you to all that posted about Toradol, I didn't know about it and it's nice to have it in mind next time I get a big one.

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First-there is no reason to suffer that. Urgent care and a follow up for regular migraine meds. I have occasionally been very hot with a migraine and then freezing but that went with the whole throwing up party. I'm concerned it's in the back of your head rather than a hemispheric sort of thing. Even if you think you're better I'd get a Rx for the next time. It'll change your life.

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I have chronic migraines 3-5 per week.  I have never had a migraine with a fever unless something else was going on.  Sinus infection, flu etc.

I do know it is very possible to be taking medication such as Tylenol or Excedrin and still run a fever.  My youngest had seizures w/fever and no matter what meds he took he still ran a fever to the point of 104.  I think you should get checked out to see if you have some type of infection.  Especially with this weather lots of things are lingering as well as people are getting sick and catching new things back to back.

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My daughter has chronic migraines but has never had a fever.  Maybe you are getting a bug that it also happening to coincide with your migraine?  I don't get migraines myself, but I get killer headaches when I have the flu.

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So I went in to urgent care. She told me I had to go in to the ER since free-standing diagnostic centers are all closed on the weekend.

I got right in at the ER, and they started me on an IV with their migraine cocktail and did a cat scan. Everything looked normal. Migraine mess helped some. They gave me Toradol too. It helped a little more. But I still drove home with a headache. :glare: I hate being in the ER, so I didn't feel like waiting to see if they had anything else to give me. Their best guess is that the Augmentin is causing this headache. I'll follow up with my doctor tomorrow...

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I get cold chills. If you were under a ton of blankets you could have been too warm. I have a sinus infection and a migraine today too. The worst. Get better soon.

I think that must be what happened. You get better too. :)
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Oy, that sounds awful. I've had migraines many years (now on topiramate to manage) and can't remember having a fever with them apart from having some other infection. I can think of times when I've had a killer sinus infection and gotten a migraine on top of that and it was horrid. I hope you're feeling better soon!

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